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Russian Military Equipment Producer Showcases BMP-3 Vehicle With Remote Controlled Weapon Station

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On June 1, the Russian machine building company “Uralvagonzavod” released a video showing a BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle with an AU-220M BAJKAL remote controlled weapon statio.

The AU-220M is armed with BM-57 57mm automatic cannon, which can fire two types of 57 mm ammunition: 53-UBR-281U armor-piercing tracer rounds and 53-ERM-281U fragmentation tracer rounds. The weapon’s firing range is up to 12 km while the rate of fire is 120 rounds per minute.

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Daniel Miller

I wont want to be a infantry man or a APC crewman faceing one of these things…


I wouldn’t either. Unless I had something like a javelin or mortar, then I try to get in close to hit a sweet spot.

Daniel Miller

The closer you get the bigger the chance you die this thing outranges the Javelin by 8km and what are you planing on doing with a mortar? Scratch its paint? This is not a BMP-1 or BMP-2 MTLB chaccy mortars wont do jack shit to it. This thing outranges even the Hellfire on the AH 64 and AH1 variants. 8km vs 12km.


Do you want me to give you a crash course of anti-tank tactics? Range among other things can become irrelevant with the effective use of cover, concealment, terrain, surprise, ambush, and speed. Also it is not necessary to obliterate the vehicle, only disable it. And remember that a soldier is a team member, it is often necessary to take extreme risks for the good of the mission. Although it would be preferable to take this out with an A-10, which specializes in turning tank battalions into scrap metal.

Daniel Miller

“Range among other things can become irrelevant with the effective use of cover, concealment, terrain, surprise, ambush, and speed” yea that may have been the more effective back in the 90’s but modern armored vehicles are all equiped with powerful TWS’s as well as laser warning recivers the moment some smart ass with a Javelin trys to lock on for example this he will get turned into tomato soup since the Javelins laser range finder will give away his position. Mortars cant really disable vehicles (other then soft skinned ones) unless its a 120mm mortar the chances are slim (not to mention you need to actually hit it with the round witch is a very hard task in active combat). Also no putting a A10 up agains tanks battalions will just get it blown out of the sky this + other mobile air defense systems like the Panstir-S1 as well as the Tunguska-M not only can they shoot down aircraft but the missiles they fire and bombs they drop. This is no gulf war vs inbreed arabs whom have no idea what they are doing.


You’re biased and uneducated in military matters to the extreme… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/db54f05ebcae7877362a61a623de9b087c35f8611fcaff151d86ec6948c8a1a0.jpg

Daniel Miller

This is comeing from a person whom thinks the gulf wars are good representations of Russian military equipment in use? Thats like me saying the Saudis are useing all of the US equipment in a good way too :D.


They out gun everything in their class, and have raised the bar for apcs. And with Verbas, if air cover is an issue, and proper recon can be highly effective.


Military art and science is to much for a comment forum like this, suffice it to say that there is no simple way to measure the value of any weapon. You say outgun everything, but there is no equivalent to the BMP outside of Russia. It has a pretty large caliber gun for an APC but an APC is basically an armored taxi, no a MBT. The closest thing to the BMP is the Bradley, which has TOW missiles and a range of recon/communications equipment. The Bradley can be hard to classify because it was designed to be A) cost effective support for the Abrams & B) the big gun for scout companies & C) a high performing APC. The Bradley has greater performance but is more expensive.

Then you have to factor in cost limitations (so many factories can only produce a given quantity of vehicles), so that a cheaper vehicle may give more bang for the buck. So in the end, the Russians are using a different doctrine than the US because they are faced with a different range of battlefield problems. But I personally think that BMP concept is not well suited to realistic battle scenarios.


An apc is an apc. They come in all shapes and sizes. This one outguns all others with it’s 57mm auto cannon. If there’s something else even close, I’m not aware of it. There have been tests using 30mm rotary cannon, but not current production models. Why don’t you think that it would be an effective battlefield weapon?

Russian equipment is designed for the Russian military first and export second. The Russian sat net is highly advanced. An apc like this is capable of being fully integrated into it. Which enhances it’s capabilities considerably as long as the net up link is functional.

Joe Dirt

US Marines are about to be equipment with the new Switchblade drone making these vehicles obsolete.


Not quite obsolete, I mean the tanks remains useful even after bazookas and armor piercing rounds got invented. The Switchblade shouldn’t be underestimated and it does allow for some interesting tactics, though.

Joe Dirt

Bazookas where limited in every aspect. The Switchblade will be in every Marines backpack. I don’t think tanks will be obsolete anytime soon, but with technology advancing far faster than the military imagined who know what the next modern War will look like….drones, drones, or robots Terminator style…


The army has had them since 2012 and they can be taken down with Pantsirs.

Joe Dirt

how many switchblades have been shot down?


A lot. Do an internet search and take your pick.

Joe Dirt

The internet says ZERO!!!


You’re either lying or an idiot, I’d say both:

“The SAA and SSNP downed and captured seven Switchblade drones at the Al-Qalaa castle area east of the newly liberated Zuluf Dam.”

– Syrian Army shoots down seven US-manufactured drones –


– SAA shot down 6 US made Switchblade UAVs in northern Lattakia –


“The three Switchblade drones were shot down by border soldiers of the SAA’s 144th Brigade at the town of Kessab on Sunday.”

– Syrian Army shoots down three US drones over northern Latakia –



I never really agreed with the BMP design, because that cannon isn’t big enough to take out anything major and makes thing cramped for the soldiers inside. It’s inefficient, but it does hold to the old Soviet doctrine that every vehicle do their own security instead of making use of escorts (the Russians even have armed cargo planes).


The 57MM cannon would shred Bradleys and Strikers every day, BMP 3 also is available with a 100MM cannon that can serve as a ATGM launcher and a 30MM cannon that can can take care of everything except heavy MBT. BMP3 also comes equipped with dual launchers of Chrysantenum supersonic missiles that would shred M1A2 every day.


You say shred when you mean pierce. Upgrading the BMP to carry a TOW copycat would be a major improvement but keep in mind that would basically turn this into a Bradley minus the hodgepodge of electronics.

Daniel Miller

TOW copycat? What? The ataka is a heavy ATGM its only made to be mounted on aircraft and some armored vheichels unlike a TOW witch is a man portable system. Also the basic BMP3 already has a ATGM launcher (its gun) as well as 100mm HE F sheels and a 30mm auto cannon. And by no means dose the BMP 3 have less electronics then the Bradly all BMP 3’s (includeing the ones in service) have or will have new FCS installed.


Well, good point. I should have said Russian version of a TOW. As for the other bit, the Bradley is also intended for recon and/or support of tank companies. There isn’t time for the technical details but much Russia tech is still trying to catch up from Soviet junk (Russia’s geography causes chronic budget issues). The disparity can be shown by the Kuwaiti War.


Yea, how long ago was the Kuwati war? The Hollywood script always glorifies the past and refuses to acknowledge present day realities.


You wish.

Daniel Miller

…..you are showing your ignorance. 1.they Russians are not “rying to catch up from Soviet junk” since they surpassed the US a long time ago the BMP-3 kicked the shit out of the Bradley in the UAE competition for a IFV (even fired its ATGM on the move) the BMP-3 is simply the better IFV it has better autocannon protection and far superior fire power to any Bradly variant.




Syrian war seems the modern version of Spanish civil war – with foreign powers fighting by proxy learning lessons in new tactic and hardware. Both Russia and US seem to be falling for some original Syrian solutions that were result of both experience and desperation – like mounting obsolete 57mm cannons on trucks and APCs for direct artillery support…Oh ,and did I mention that most of the lessons of Spanish war then super powers got – wrong?!

Manuel Flores Escobar

Spanish civil war was very similar..then there were also formed isolated pockets in diferent parts until they were rendered!


The German army in particular mounted weapons on captured and obsolete vehicles.


It’s a mobile, anti-technical system imho. I don’t think it will be widely deployed or developed. It can probably shred things like the Bradley and Hummers. It has a place if properly used. A good day to all.


This is a great combination. It provides an acp with some much needed long and short range punch that will outgun anything in it’s class.

The more that I’ve studied Bigfoots as a security issue for my remote wilderness ET/ED contact work. I’ve learned that they sometimes stalk human or animal targets with small groups of Bigfoots. I think that they may be part of the suppression procedures used against humans trying to make contact with ETs in the remote wilderness.

I think that there were at least 2 on the high plateau last summer that leads through the 800 foot high V shaped opening in the mountain top dry lake bed basin walls that I was attempting to recon that night. One was at 12:00 between myself and the basin wall opening, just outside my headlamp range at a distance of 100 to 250 feet, and the other was at about 2:00 when they started yelling. Which is why I decided to turn around and go back to my 4×4.

I dropped my 9mm pistol and .40 S&W folding carbine off at the gunsmith yesterday to have some upgrades done. Both guns are having tactical light/laser sight combinations installed and sighted in. And the 9mm is having the belt clip that has come loose repaired. The .40 S&W is having the original plastic blade light gathering front sight replaced with an improved fiber optic light gathering front sight.

I purchased 4 31 round stick magazines for the Sub 2000 and a 90 degree magazine coupler. I’m also going to purchase a straight magazine coupler to see which design that I like better.

The 9mm will have about 18 inches of penetration with penetration rounds, and the .40 S&W about twice that. Which with multiple hits should provide a credible deterrent to large dangerous game. I’m also working on my .223 and 30-06 semi auto builds.

I’m planning to buy some campsite perimeter security equipment. Such as lanterns with motion detection that turn on the light and an alarm if something gets within 35 feet of them. That I can place in a 50 to 100 foot radius perimeter around my campsite along with game cameras. So that I’ll have a heads up if wolf, cat, bear or bigfoot are approaching my base camp/research station. I’m planning to set up my camp in a clearing or treeless mountain top to make it more difficult for threats to approach undetected. And improve my ability to film them or take them down with gun fire if that becomes necessary.




Day and night vision camcorder with external shotgun mic and wide angle lens:



This is a video report about a game warden who reportedly survived an attack by two Bigoots that killed his dog and hospitalized him with 4 broken ribs, a punctured lung and over 100 stitches:



.40 S&W folding carbine with 200 lumen, 200 meter beam tactical light, and 9mm pistol:



.40 caliber 200 grain hard cast lead penetration rounds. With the increased velocity from a 16 inch barrel, the velocity will increase to around 1,200 feet per second. With about 3 foot of big game penetration at close range. These will penetrate vehicle doors and windshields and break through heavy bone and muscle:





I’m thinking about loading the 31 round Sub 2000 mags with equal numbers of both penetration and tracer .40 S&W rounds, one after the other. For improved targeting ability at night if I have to start taking down hostiles:



I’m in the process of buying a Globalstar 1700 satphone in case I run into trouble and need help:






This is what I heard on the high plateau that night:



Please RichardD, please my friend just shut up…


Why does this bother you, are you afraid to grow up and deal with reality and prefer living in your fake Jew world order paradigm? If the truth bothers you so much, there’s nobody forcing you to read it. The world is full of willfully ignorant people who don’t want to know the truth and prefer lies. If that’s what you want to do with your life, it’s your life.


I own and run ops with real weapons, including Russian designs. The left side of my face is permanently scared from a beam weapon shooting. These are real security issues that real people and real governments deal with every day. This is one of the few sites that isn’t afraid of the truth and has the courage to run this type of material.


I’ve never used it. But I’ve had other truth haters and cowards tell me that they’ve blocked my comments. If you don’t want to know the truth, that’s an option for you. Coming from someone who doesn’t want others to read their comments, your reply doesn’t surprise me.






A compact 9mm pistol loaded with hard cast lead penetration rounds will stop a Grizzly Bear with multiple shots fired by someone at close range who knows what they’re doing:



I just bought 40 rounds of 9mm+P penetration rounds. The larger western Bigfoots in the US are estimated at 9 feet tall, 1,200 pounds. Close range head and chest shots with this ammunition will probably stop them. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c40af63642c16672a8b1d6f74825aa24ff652ef5f3d786813b54ea744df779fb.png


Rabotaite bratja

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