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MARCH 2025

Russian Military Has Begun To Target Ukrainian Forces With Laser-Guided Artillery Rounds (Video)

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Russian Military Has Begun To Target Ukrainian Forces With Laser-Guided Artillery Rounds (Video)

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The Russian military have apparently begun to target Ukrainian forces with 2K25 Krasnopol precision-guided artillery rounds.

On March 10, Komsomolskaya Pravda released footage showing Russian troops loading Krasnopol rounds into a 2S3 Akatsiya 152 mm self-propelled artillery then shelling targets in an unspecified part of Ukraine.

This was the first time this weapon system has been spotted in Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in the country on February 24.

The Krasnopol, which is guided by a semi-active laser, can be fired by most 152 mm artillery guns. The artillery round has a range of 20 to 30 kilometer and can hit its targets with pinpoint accuracy.

A land-based laser designator is usually used to illuminate targets for Krasnopol rounds. However, drones equipped with designators can be also used for that task.

The Russian military and its allies have been using Krasnopol rounds in Syria for the last few years with much success. The precision-guided rounds inflicted heavy losses on militants, especially when drones were used to detect and illuminate targets.

The Krasnopol will enable the Russian military to target Ukrainian forces in urban areas with high precisions from a safe-distance and without causing any real collateral damage. The round’s high-explosive warhead weights only between 6.50 and 11 kilograms.

The KBP Instrument Design Bureau which produces the Krasnopol developed similar precision-guided rounds, like the Kitolov-2 and 2M mortar and artillery shells that can be fired from 120 and 122 guns, respectively.


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Slava Ukraini!!!

Seems that Ukrainians have lots of military vehicles now, taken from the young boys lost in the woods


Ya you Ukranians love trafficking young boys and girls. You also don’t mind using them as human shields as we’ve been witnessing.

Universal Order

Indeed, though it remains to be seen if they can operate them. I was surprised to see so many destroyed T-90s using steel cages instead of their active defenses. I guess they only existed in propaganda videos.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Skip watching Disney news network snd SBU tales network. Its bad for you ukrobots.

Universal Order

Project harder vatnik.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Truth hurts try to handle it Trollstoy 🤗


So you basically have no idea what tank is what

Maninder singh Batra

They are t-72b3 not t90s


I am also suprised, since Russians don’t even use T-90s in Ukraine.

Freddie Lumberjack

Russian columns not using T-90’s they are T-72B3’s. Are uprated T-72’s taken from tank park stocks and given upgraded computational fire control system and more horsepower. The rear quarters slat armor is the giveaway. The US National Interest strategic site refers to these as the most dangerous tanks in Ukraine, as they are hard to tell from T-72 at distance but more deadly. The DNP are likely to have older straight up T-72’s recognizable with strips of reactive box armor applique over upper half of tracks. On Ukrainian side they using variety of T-64’s, T-72’s and some T-80’s, some upgraded, and many with all manner of self applied/ ad hoc caging welded all over them. T-64 and T-80 are recognizable for the flap hanging down down at the very front of glacis plate.

Last edited 2 years ago by Freddie Lumberjack

anything with a steal cage is ukrainian! uve been getting reverse news


After having almost all of their own vehicles wiped out by Russian forces, despite the NATO welfare program, the Ukrainians need anything they can get.



Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz

How do you know when it’s bed time at the Ukrainian army barracks? When the big hand touches the little hands


so you believe the fake news media when they post the extremely rare russian losses? Do you believe the US Generals who sometimes appear on Fox news who are stating the Russians are performing better than any U.S or Western force has ever performed in history? Ive got 2 of these clips. I suppose those interviews go onto the back burner for you. Dude wake up! Ukraine has no airforce, no navy and no indigenous intel agency. If those rumours of the Ukraine delegation were true about some being Russian spies, then WTF? This is insanely easy. Keep in mind ukraine has 2 million reservists. Have u seen one map where the Russian invasion has been pushed back? Tell me which NATO country has the balls to get involved? Name one! You cant! its game over. Ukraine is either Russian land or its Russian controlled! End of story.

Maninder singh Batra

Can you share the clips? Atleast Russia has moved very fast to neutralise the bioweapons and nuclear capability of the joint nato Ukrainian task force


My bet is that the precision is needed not against tanks but against fascists hiding amongst the population.


Didn’t the Ukraine used to have an air force? … well at least they still have a navy … oh that’s gone too …. never mind.




Start taking out the heavy equipment around residential area.

Vladimir P

Do Russians not have drones? Thousands?

Arch Bungle

Hundreds of thousands …


Millions. Russia has everything in the millions. Tanks, Drones, Howitzers, assholes …

Marcelo Rodriguez

Muy buena noticia para las fuerzas Rusas ahora se podrá atacar con mayor presicion a las agrupaciones Nacionalistas Ucranianas que se esconden detrás de los civiles en las zonas urbanas usandolas de escudos humanos. Así también el uso de los drones para la detección e iluminación de los blancos y su uso para ataques precisos a esto se debería agregar las municiones merodeadores y drones kamikases ya que son muy efectivas para este tipo de conflicto, como por ejemplo el de Nagorno Karabag. Otro de los ejemplos podría ser el uso que le dan los Hotuis a los drones junto con los misiles balisticos en la guerra de Yemen.

Universal Order

Finally, some brains from the Russian high command. They better fix the absolute mess they made with their supply lines and stop using unsecured comm channels.


Does it look like the Ukrainians have secured the Donbas and taken Crimea? Any day now, I suppose.

Universal Order

Does it look like the Russians have secured Kharkiv and surrounded Kiev? Any day now, I suppose.

Maninder singh Batra

They have neutralised the nuclear and biological capabilities and buildup in Ukraine. Imagine the casualties when the bioweapons would be activated.


about the time to show new toys

Maninder singh Batra

Likely a haphazard and abrupt decision by the high command to neutralise Ukrainian and us bioweapon labs and nuclear wmd capability. A preemptive strike. That is why conscripts still had their unsecure smart phones

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Should have been done on day one. But better late then never.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A laser guided shell a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺



Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Dont be so hard on yourself. Its not worth it.


Time for mopping up Ukrainian shitty stuff.


As one of the authors at Saker pointed out, if the Ukraine puppet government was doing so great why within 4 days of the start of the operation they started asked for foreign mercenaries and new equipment?

In 2 weeks, Russia Land Forces has taken almost 1/3 of Ukraine territory, about 200,000 sq km, and the eastern half of Ukraine where more of the forces were concentrated there anticipating Russian action.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan


north korea

1/3 of ukraine is bigger than little britain.


I don’t think so. 1/3 is way too high till now. But they will do that if needed. Dniper river geography is waiting ….


Well it looks like Russia is starting to tire of playing games with Ukraine. Guess we can assume they didn’t want to use their real weapons on an inferior opponent but they decided to compromise on that policy, in the interest of ending the conflict sooner.


No, they were giving a chance for Ukranian military who wanted to surrender a chance to lay down weapons and return home or leave. The remaining fighters will now be wiped out. Fewer casualties. They followed the same surround strategy in Syria. The opposite of shock and awe.


Initial desires to destroy only what was necessary… plus weather (till Thursday there was low cloud cover over most the country, most of the time, lasers (relatively low powered ones) don’t play nice with low thick clouds), last day or so is I think the first time they’ve had some clear skies for any period of time in most places for more than 10 days.


Mariupol says they’ve buried 1200 people so far, mostly in mass graves. You can imagine prolly less than 100 are civilians. Azov battalion is in a bad place. No wonder they’ve started false flags on ”children’s hospitals”.


Omg the MSM propaganda machines here are churning out the false flag stories like clockwork. I had to turn to another channel at my workplaces tv in the lunchroom because I am sick of hearing the BS stories.


On a TV chanell last evening I saw a CLEARLY staged burial operation by those nazi criminals. The so-called maternity victims were buried into a deep trench but the front picture showed a unusual long black body bag with an unusual anti-anatomic shape carried by 4 or 5 peoples, clearly to MAKE a proper impression on the camera and, and NOW is coming the real deal about that HUGE FAKE Imho, 2 of the carriers/peoples just give the bag a strong kick with feet instead to use the hands…..just another staged globalist fucking propaganda in my opinion.

Yamil Perez

They just moved from the cluster bombs phase to the murder everybody phase with whatever they can. Right, Scooby?

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez
Horse Cock Putin

Suck a dick!


Sorry, continuing to back lies is the proper way to loose all remained credibility. Just like the former COVID globalist operation. Instead I highly suggest for your brainwashed empty upper shell to limit yourself to plain reality, either it support ypur anachronistic nazi faggots or not.


The pantsir is a light, mobile defense system equiped with good radar. Anybody understand why Russia is not following the Tank convoys with it to protect them from drone attacks?

Yamil Perez

If it’s so successful in Syria then why haven’t they taken Idlib with it? Aside from the surface to air capabilities capable of neutralizing the drones.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez

Remember when a handfull of turkish soldiers got killed in Idleb and Erdogan whent to Moscow to beg for more time and then Putin made him wait standing for quite a while? Now look at the maps, the Idleb area under Turkish control is shrinking quietly.

Yamil Perez

I remember when a handful of Russian soldiers got killed in Mayadin by Iranians and to this day Putin keeps sucking the Ayatollah’s dick. Why didn’t he use it on them?

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez

Idlib is a deal with Turkey. What would stop Russia taking Idlib? Ukraine is in a terrible place just for your information. We know the TVs celebrate your resistance but dude, you are done.

Yamil Perez Is A Faggot

Syria and Libya both have old Pantsir-S1 with older search/fire-control radar from early 90s. Russia uses S2 variant from early 2000s. So far UKROPS managed to capture 1. No footage of TB2 strikes against Pantsir-S2. In fact, many TB2 have been shot down by RU in Ukraine so far. But Turks are sneaking in dozens through Poland.

Maninder singh Batra

Bayraktar tb2 has a six thousand kilometre ferry range. Likely they fly from Turkey to Western Ukraine airfield or highway. Frankly the number of tb2 videos after March 2 started reducing and now very few. Yeah Turkey did officially resupply Ukraine and might have sneaked a dozen more.

Yamil Perez

That’s the problem there. The Putin cockroaches can’t even drive a tank through the snow at a one kilometer range.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez
Maninder singh Batra

Your kind of language makes you look foolish. Putin moved in to neutralise the bioweapons capabilities and secure the nuclear rbmk reactors in Ukraine and to preempt the coming world war.


Because to ask a wanker and lolita boy like you. You know nothing about geopolitics but pretend to be right. Idlib is a political PACT between Erdogan, Assad and Putin.

Yamil Perez Is A Faggot

Russian Ground Forces have 1500+ Orlan-10 with laser designators capable of guiding Krasnopol. What are you waiting for. Unleash the swarm on the UKROPS and foreign terrorist mercenaries.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan



Amazing what a change in the weather can bring.

Gorgeous George

Krasnopol a day keeps the Nazis away.


Now, that’s what we can call a PROPER counter measure for the filthy banderist nazis parking armors near apartments and civilian houses and firing from inside residential parks. It was good to use them from day 1. Now, open the Santa box and show those motha fucker criminals another ‘fairy gifts’ because they deserve such ‘christmass’. I also wait a proper clip with a target being hit by this nasty toy.

Christian J. Chuba

If I understand this article correctly, 1. you need a spotter (person or drone), 2. even after it is fired, it looks like there are fins to make some course correction while in flight. Is this correct?

Cool technology, I wonder if the U.S. has this type of system or not. Adding drones to conventional military tactics is a good idea.


1. Yes. 2. Yes.

You can think of it as a small smart bomb that is not dropped from a plane, but fired from a gun. Multiple countries have similar systems in service.

mike l hutchings

Syria was a proving ground…for weapons and tactics

Lance Ripplinger

Certainly interesting.

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