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Russian Military Is Deploying Troops, Equipment To Tell Tamir Battle Zone (Video)

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A Russian military convoy consisting of several vehicles has moved to the Tel Tamir battle zone in northeastern Syria. Over the past weeks, villages north of Tell Tamir have been the area of an intense fighting between the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces supported by the Syrian Army and Turkish-led forces. The deployment of the Russian personnel in the area is aimed at de-escalating the situation there.


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There is a definite need to de-escalate north of Tal Tamr. And move the SDF away from the front lines there. Question is, will NSA trash cooperate and stop trying to push forward?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No the NSA trash won’t cooperate and stop trying to push forward, and I say that because they’ve never ever cooperated with the SAA in Idib before, so why would they start here. And since the new Russian/Turkish MOU actually stipulates they’re allowed to liberate these areas of YPG forces, I don’t think they feel they have to stop, they have both Russian and Turkish approval to do it, just so long as the areas falls within the 32 km boundary, and this area does. The question is why did they attack the SAA here a few days ago, the SDF forces had supposedly already left the area with only the SAA in control, what was the SNA’s excuse to open hostilities in the first place, none at all, just for the fun of it and because they could, or maybe even just to provoke a response from the SDF, pull them back into the battlezone to assist the SAA. Madmen never play by the rules, they just make them up as they go.

klove and light

spot on…… the Question is……why did Putin again after Idlib make Agreements with These pricks…..knowing full well that they will break the Agreements on the day they are signed…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I have no explanation other than madness for Putin’s constant attempts to turn Erdogan into an ally, no one else on earth would trust him as an ally now, not because of his past behaviour they wouldn’t, so only the fact Putin’s gone insane could possibly explain Putin’s persistent overtures and capitulation to Erdogan.

Yes Assad realizes the real enemy is the Muslim Brotherhood, not it’s baby offshoots Isis, Al Qaeda, the Taliban and the others, they’re just the dumb foot soldiers that die on the battlefield, the real enemy is the political arm, and people or person who leads them all, Erdogan. The MB are the biggest threat to Russia and China right now, between the Chechen and Uiger fanatics that have been training up their skills in Syria, and all the other fanatics that want to join them, both Russia and China will be in for a hard time if they can’t squash the MB here in Syria.

I’m afraid you may be mistaken when you say the Zionists control the MB, that’s definitely not the case, the MB was first formed hundreds of years ago, long before the Israelis ever even dreamed of a new homeland in Palestine, and they’ve always followed their own fanatical agenda, no one else’s. Before the Syrian war however, the MB courtesy of Erdogan’s/Turkey’s previous good relationship with Israel [and the Saudis], assisted the US [under Obama] to create the civil war in Syria, using it as a means to topple the Assad government and install a government favorable to the US/Israelis, and also agreeable to the Saudi/Qatari request to pipe oil and gas through Syria. But by June last year all parties, the Arab League, US, Israel, and the EU, had all stopped working with the MB and instead started saying Assad could remain in power. Because if the MB [Isis] took control of Egypt, Syria and Jordan, and it was looking like they could, it would’ve meant Israel would’ve been left surrounded on 3 sides by the MB [Isis], hence the change from ” Assad has to go” to ” Assad can stay”, Israel realized that wouldn’t be such a good idea. Now the MB’s back in the badbooks and Assad’s looking like the good guy that has the ability and right to stop them.

But most of the moderate rebels that Erdogan supports, as well as all the fanatical terrorists he also unofficially supports, all belong to the MB in one way or another, and the fact that Putin, who’s actually the MB arch enemy number one, actually supports the guy who practically leads the MB, is totally astounding to me and has no explanation other than Putin’s gone mad. And since Putin’s allowed Erdogan to supply the terrorists with grad rockets and their launchers, as well as heaps of drones, which the terrorists then used to attack Russian bases from Idlib for 12 months, also makes me think he’s gone mad. He encourages an alliance with the person supplying weapons to his enemies [the rebels], that says it all, insanity. Cheers.


I am not so sure Putin is going mad. On the contrary, it seems to me he is playing a very clever game. The big goal here is to make Turkey leave / be thrown out of NATO. Temporary concessions, in the sense of letting Erdogan’s minions occupy some towns more, serve to appall the Western public and to lure Turkey away from the West. Once that happens, Turkey will be left without partner, i.e. on the mercy of Russia providing critical technological and political support – of course, on Russia’s terms.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Erdogan’s been using Putin’s overtures to get what he wanted from the US, NATO, and the EU, so when he’s finally in the Russian camp and supposedly on Russia’s side, what’s to stop him doing do the same thing to Putin, using the US, NATO and the EU to achieve the same results he has with Putin, but next time it’ll be Putin receiving Erdogan’s blackmail threats. The past decade has seen Erdogan trash just about every single important relationship Turkey’s had with friendly countries, he places his own countries needs and concerns above everything else, often totally ignoring other countries legitimate concerns and objections, so diplomatically he’s about as pliable as a piece of wood, meaning Putin will have exactly the same problems with Erdogan that everyone else has had with him. Then we have the terrorist factor, do any of us want the terrorists on Russia’s side, do we want Russia to be partnered to groups like the FSA, NFL, and SNL, negotiating deals with them, I don’t, but that’s exactly what would happen, and the Russians have already started with he SNL in Al Hasakah, so it won’t be long before both the NFL and FSA in Idlib are also included. Then we have the political situation in Turkey, Erdogan and his party lost a lot of seats in the last election and the next one they’re predicted to lose outright, so Erdogan and his party only have 3 or 4 years of political life left, probably even less. Erdogan’s even telling the Turkish media he’s thinking about retiring so we might not even see him during the next election, he may not even run. Putin trying to woo Turkey over to his side makes sense, but Putin trying to lure Erdogan over to his side doesn’t, Erdogan is unreliable, untrustworthy, obstinate, devious and also quite possibly insane, he’s not the sort of person anyone in their right mind would want to partner up with. And most of the Turkish opposition parties that look like winning power are way more pro US than they are pro Russian, I don’t think any of them favour a military alliance with Russia, so the next election may mean Putin’s just wasted his time anyway. I think Erdogan will cause even bigger problems for Putin as an ally than he ever did as a NATO enemy, that old saying comes to mind,”with friends like this who needs enemies”, the way he treats his allies the US, NATO, and the EU, will be the same way he treats Putin when the shoes actually on the other foot. Cheers.


I belive you are absolutely right with everything. As to the prospect of the next Turkish elections bringing up a new, trustworthy and sensible government: It is this hope which saves Turkey from harsh sanctions at the present, because neither NATO nor EU want to shut the door, when three years from now the situation might be totally different

Jacob Wohl

antisemitic sore loser much? Stop being a baby and blaming US, Zionists, and Jews. Look what’s happening in Iran, the Mullah’s are raising the prices of Petrol and allocating all their money to islamic militia groups in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Lebanon. Stop being a wiener head :-]


32km was just an arbitrary number, no way in hell Syria is giving up highway M4. Perhaps new stop lines need to be worked out, if the original agreement is flawed. If not, the fight for Syrian territory will continue.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Actually I think 32 is was very best number Erdogan could use as the safezone boundary, it just about covers the whole length of the highway as I think he intended it to. The only new deal I think Assad will accept is one that says the Turks are moving out yesterday. The SAA and the SDF are going to make him fight for it, he won’t be getting it for free, no matter what the Turkish/Russian MOU says, and I don’t think the Turks/SNA can take it anyway, not if the SAA and the SDF are cooperating to stop them.

Jacob Wohl

You mean those pantsirs that were easily destroyed TWICE on two separate occasions by the IDF? Yeah, but it was only “inexperienced operators who didn’t have their radars on. THEY RAN OUT OF MISSILES” c’mon, everyone knows the IDF is the most superior force on the planet besides the US Military

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Russians have to work out a new deal if they want the MOU to succeed, because Assad’s not going to give up the highway, it’s way too vital to lose, and while the SNA and Turks keep trying to take it, I don’t think Assad’s going to stop the SDF assisting the SAA in repelling them, F–K the Russian/Turkish MOU. Cut off your right arm and give it to me or else, yeah sure you dickhead, let you and your refugees have the highway and the northern route while all the rest of Al Hasakah and Ar Raqqa get one pissy little road for the whole region, that’s just a bit too unfair. Go SAA, go SDF, keep that highway in your own hands, once the Turks get it they’ll use it to move their forces where ever they want to, and that can’t be allowed to happen.

Jacob Wohl

Meanwhile undetected F-22s and F-35s are patrolling right overhead and monitoring every russkie troop movement. Those lousy SU-27 and S-400 radars don’t see a thing :-]


Don’t ever put your car between vehicles in a military convoy. They don’t know you are not a suicide bomber and there is no guarantee nobody will shoot you just out of precaution.

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