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MARCH 2025

Russian Military Leadership Responded To Wagner PMC’s Warlord

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Russian Military Leadership Responded To Wagner PMC's Warlord

Russian Defence Ministry headquarters

The Russian Defense Ministry commented on the problems of ammunition supplies to the Wagner units deployed in the Bakhmut region. Within the Russian special military operation, the command of the joint Group of Forces pays special, constant and priority attention to providing volunteers and military personnel of assault units with all necessary ammunition, according to the Russian Defence Ministry.

Over the past two days alone, the overall advance of assault units in the area of the city of Artemovsk (also known as Bakhmut) to the heavily shelled defensive positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to more than two and a half kilometers. Successful military operations would have been impossible without full fire support of the offensive by artillery, armored vehicles and other fire means of the grouping “Yug” (South). Despite the difficult weather conditions in the area of the city of Artemovsk, over the past few days, 18 attack aircraft sorties have been carried out to support the offensive of assault detachments. Therefore, all the statements made allegedly on behalf of the assault units about the lack of ammunition are absolutely untrue.

So, only for two days from February 18 to 20, 2023, the volunteers of the assault detachments were supplied with:

  • 1,660 rockets for multiple launch rocket systems;
  • 1,0171 ammunition for large-caliber barrel artillery and mortars;
  • 980 ammunition for tanks.

All requests for the supply of ammunition for assault units are carried out as soon as possible. So it was and so it will be.

In the next few days, all requests for ammunition submitted for February will be fully fulfilled and the ammunition will be supplied to the assault units. From February 25, deliveries of ammunition will already begin in accordance with the submitted application for March. In total, over the past year, the needs of assault detachments for ammunition were provided for 140 percent of the applications received. This is our priority.

We would like to emphasize once again that the volunteers, as well as the servicemen of the assault units of the grouping, courageously and selflessly carry out the most difficult combat tasks to liberate Donbass from the militants of the Kiev regime. Attempts to sow discord within in the close mechanism of interaction and support between the units of the Russian grouping are counterproductive and only benefit the enemy.

Russian Military Leadership Responded To Wagner PMC's Warlord

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In his turn, head of Wagner Yevgeny Prigozhin responded to the Defense Ministry:

I have been informed that the Ministry of Defense was disseminating information that it was allegedly supplying ammunition to a volunteer unit in the Artemovsk direction (Bakhmut). Once again, I would like to emphasize that since we have gone to public correspondence with the Ministry of Defense, the PMC Wagner is under-receiving 80% of the ammunition required to perform combat tasks.

So the statements of the Defense Ministry is nothing but a mere spit towards the Wagner PMCs in an attempt to hide their crimes committed in the face of those fighters, who are today performing heroic deeds near Bakhmut. As for other volunteer units, there are none in the area of Bakhmut, there is only the Wagner PMC.

There are no ammunition. As you may know, gentlemen from the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, sapper spades have not been supplied yet.

If you are going to give us ammunition, then do it, rather than telling tales in the media to the Russian people.

Denouncing the Ministry of Defense and its statements, I am ready to submit all documents, including our requisitions and the actual quantities of ammunition and equipment that we received, to the Military Prosecutor’s Office or the Military Counterintelligence Service at your choice. I am ready to do this immediately upon the first request.


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Perhaps it ended up elsewher, my postman does it all of the time, he is half blind.


Probably dropped a box with a few thousand artillery shells in front of a house where some parcel snatcher found it! :)


Another day, another diarrhea from the prison faggot 😆

V for victory

This is not good, let’s say so. Someone between Wagner and MoD is plain wrong, i’d say. BTW, why russian regular army is not fightning in Bakhmut? And where the ammunition went if not to Wagner?


For some it looks like treason!


Prigozhin wanted Bakhmut to himself and tried to ridicule all the other fighters, especially Muslim Chechens. He now tries to find scapegoats for his own failures.

William White

Oh horse shit!

Tommy Lee

What failures? The only significant setback that Wagner has experienced was in Vugledar, and it wasn’t even that bad.


That wasn’t wagner in Ugledar. And also, it was literally just a few days ago when people on this website were dismissing the ammo concerns as ukro propaganda, despite there having been talks about this issue for quite some time among the Russians. This website is completely unironically full of the Macgregor and Ritter crowd isn’t it?

Last edited 2 years ago by Sunny
Where is Clyde?

Mostly amercicans, good number of europeans, some nazis, good number of commies, some butthurt serbs, the indian crowd apparently left in embarassment with the ruskie performance. The common denominator they are all dimwits sheep, dumbest crowd in the internet that also believe in pizza gates earth is flat and %G nanorobts in vaccines

Where is Clyde?

I am obviously excluding the majority of russian payed shills from the st petersburg low life trolls farm. Too obvious


There is no Wagner in Vugledar, in Vugledar the marines of the pacific region are fighting.


Russia Ministry of Defense is run by cowards and incompetent people. Why would the Wagner Yevgeny Prigozhin and his solders lie. Putin better clean the swamp in Ministry of Defense, otherwise Putin and his Generals will be force to take weapons’ and take the post, when Wagner will have enough of the swamp and will leave the front line


Prigozhin is the best and most successful strategist Russia has in this area. If the supply continues to stall the heads of the responsible persons in the military will roll. Prigozhin might just call the President and get what he needs without the commissioning office of the Russian military.

The Saint

It’s ridiculous that this spat continues and now in public.

The Russian mod should not have made their recent statement, there are too many people in that building who live in the past and are jealous of Wagner.

William White

Ask any military man what he thinks of The QM? The answer is Universally “Not Much”!

Fred Dozer

In the US, if a military plane crashes, we may hear about it , 5 years from now. It would be treason to publish accurate information on “matters of, something this important, to the enemy”. War is a matter of life and death and information is as well. Too many video games. Lets just play another game and the winner is the best , out of five.

AM Hants

Have you noticed over in the US there are a lot of accidents that conveniently have taken out the water and agricultural supplies? No mention in the media, with regards East Palestine, Ohio and the train derailment, of multiple highly toxic carriages? Plenty of other highly toxic rail carriages being derailed, over the past couple of weeks, and not forgetting the 5 metre fire at a plastic factory in Florida, same time. Now they have had a fire at an American nuclear plant. All in areas where Biden is not popular and the mainstream media says nought. Timing is so suspect, especially when the US has defaulted on their January Loan Payment.

William White

Priority attention my ass! This is the man you need to keep happy you incompetent’s fools. I hope he lives long enough to be your boss some day. You’ll be against the wall and that’s where you belong.


Incomprehensible. Sad, very sad to learn about it.

Tommy Lee

Methinks the old farts in the Russian MoD aren’t too impressed with Prigozhin stepping on their toes, especially when his organization keeps outperforming theirs, even under-equipped as they are. The question is, are they really willing to sabotage the war effort over a personal grudge?

Last edited 2 years ago by Tommy Lee

Sure but which side to believe over the other?

Player Unknown

Shoigu is a big friend of Britain, He loves Britain his whole life. He has a lot of property there(bought by the money he stole from the Russian military) . He is a big Anglophile(and Germanophile too btw). He was also a Yeltsin cadre. Gerasimov is Shoigu´s cadre , Shoigu made him the Chief of the General staff… enough to make conclusion


Nah. Germanophile is good, Anglophile? Not. Eugene Piroshki, on the other hand certainly isn’t Germanophile, that‘s why he called his group Wagner. Duh.


In a battlefield or any war, these things happen, the Russian MOD will adjust to the situation. No big deal. At least, the Wagner group is protected by the Russian artillery and Russian Air Force. If it suits the enemy this info, this enemy should read ”The art of War”. Never take has granted what comes from the other side or might seem to be true. There’s a thin line between perception and deception.


I imagine that Prigozhin has also studied Sun Tzu, and he is currently putting into practice: “Appear weak when you are strong”. He has a history of trolling the media, so that seems most likely to be the case here.

Joseph Day

No amo they say, but when the ukrops try to counter around Bahkmut they get mowed down

Ado神ちゃん #1

1. Prigozhin is complaining that he isn’t receiving the amount of ammunition required for the task.

2. MoD is responding they are sending more than the requested ammunition.

Both of these statements could be true since ammunition requests are planned in advance and take time to fulfill, and in the meantime the demand for ammunition may significantly outstrip the requested amount. I can only assume that Ukraine has allocated more assets to the area than expected so Wagner needs more ammunition to destroy them. Wagner’s amending their requests to MoD, which for one reason or another is not providing the additional ammunition, but is instead sticking to close to the original schedule.

None of this excuses the public nature of this spat.

Romanian whore

If that is not classic russian Mashkirovka than it is a clear sign of deep russian high ranking incompetence and corruption and Strelkov was RIGHT. Stalin would have shot all guilty generals day 1 and replace them with competent ones; which in reality did happen and for that reason SSSR turned the tide of war in late 1942.

Last edited 2 years ago by Romanian whore

it is more likely that Wagner and the Russian regular military just have different strategic objectives. People like Surovikin have not said anything about the need to do any assaults, whereas that is what Prigozhin does. Inevitably, Putin approves of Surovikin’s plans. Prigozhin is effective, but he isn’t in charge of the war and he is more of a tactical man, not someone with war-winning strategies

Pumpers filled academy

oopsieeeee 5 days bitch!


The Russian staff may be concerned that Wagner is advancing too fast in Bakhmut and risks ending a successful attrition battle prematurely. Wagner are all about storming positions at pace, whereas the Russian general staff are all about simply positioning forces and imposing high attrition on Ukraine. Not wanting to admit to Wagner that despite their effectiveness, they are superfluous to the plan, the Russian general staff may have instead tried to curtail the supplies to slow Wagner down and temper their objectives.


I was thinking of that..It sounds reasonable. One guess is that Putin and high command are working on a deal with the Uk men on the ground…it takes time..but it would explain the slowing down of artillery but not being able to halt Wagner that is a force of it’s own, slugging away daily… A deal, a mutiny..would be a big victory indeed..

This public debate..There must be a reason behind it also..perhaps they want to flush out some bureaucrats there in MOD

AM Hants

Or just a way to make sure you are not left out of the next despatch of ammo. They all consider their men, private mercenaries or national forces a priority, when the goodies are being despatched.

Erase my post again and again...

When you’re running out of ammo, cause you’re effective, you deserve more. Better to run low on ammo due to success, than run low on men, because you failed to use your ammo wisely. Wagner does assaults, it is ammo intensive, however, conserving ammo on assaults, will slow down your advance and allow too mamy enemy troops to fire back or escape destruction and capture. The question is this, who’s responsible for ensuring supplies before an assault is ordered? There in lies the blame, both on the troops and the commanders. So, it is more likely a truth, Wagner has lots of ammo, and this is a ruse to psyop the Ukronazis into a suicidal counter attack. We shall see.

Arch Bungle

That’s what you get for using f***g FEDEX!

Erik Nielsen

The Head of Wagner Yevgeny Prigozhin has still not understood it.

Mr. Putin has already and also recently stated to our equal partners: “we have not even started yet. Wagner shoudnt even be in that area and should not be fighting, because Russia have not even started yet in Donbass!!

Thats why you cant have any ammo, because we have not yet even started!

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