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MARCH 2025

Russian Military Media Releases New Footage Of S-300 System Delivery To Syria

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The Russian Defense Ministry’s Zvezda TV channel released a fresh video showing the dlivery of components of the S-300 air defense system to Syria. The equipment was brought to Khmeimim Air Base via an AN-26 plane.

More about the S-300 delivery and its impact on the Syrian conflict:

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Val Shadowhawk


Wolfgang Wolf



ukrainian toy

Manuel Flores Escobar

Made in Soviet Union Ulyanovsk plant in Russia…


the whole plane industry was in ukraine. therefore ruskies are lost with civil plane production.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Almost 80% of An 124 were made in Russia…thats why Russia have around 40 An 124 while Ukraine have 5


the cheapest parts were made in russia. the engines not.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Klimov a Russian company made also the Ivchenko progress engines..during Soviet Union and nowdays!…engines for An 124, yak 42/40,An 74,Beriev,An 24/26…

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Hopefully next footage is not of them in use. Glad Russia have finally taken control of the skies tho, Idlib is gonna be messy, and SDF will have to be quick and probably will be brutal

Promitheas Apollonious

why not?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

because it will be another BS chemical attack and if Russian defenses get attacked they will respond. And the whole of Syrian skies now falls under Russian command. Everybody been told, an attack by israeli fighter jets on syria, cruise or tomahawk missiles will be viewed as a direct attack on Russian defenses. All aircraft can be tracked as far as Europe also, so Russia would have to use their jets to take down hostile craft. And if Russia get attacked they have given every indication this will happen. We see thes-300’s in use and its a massive escalation. (good for oil prices tho, so worth a few quid on a quick spike)

Promitheas Apollonious

So your suggestion is Syrian and Russians, to keep not defending themselves against what ever attack them because then war is going to be escalate…… What part are you missing of what is happening around the world ?

They need to be teach a lesson of what happens in a full scale war and Syria is the place they learn that lesson. keep allowing this morons thinking that they can do what ever they been doing with immunity will bring what you scared off.

As for massive escalation, is long due to happen this is not ending peacefully not with trying to reason with west. So stop been pathetic and thinking turning the other cheek as they teach you works only to enslave you even more.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

no suggestion is, Israel shouldnt push their luck. Why because i do not want to see an escalation in hostilities towards WW3 do you think my default position is for Russia to roll over?

Promitheas Apollonious

if I did think that will not have asked the question now would I? No I was just wanted to understand the line of your thinking and now I have.

base on global events happening as we speak and knowing that the outcome of this events where it leads, WW3 is already happening just have not yet reach the level of a total open global war yet, but there is not much doubt in my mind is getting there faster than many think .

Like you I dont wish for it, but then again none of us is in position to stop global events that are causing it so is best top be ready and be wrong than not.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

yeah, as i said, lets hope the next footage of S-300’s in Syria are not them being used, i would rather see no footage of them at all, knowing Russia are protecting Syrian skies

Promitheas Apollonious

Russia have not and is not protecting Syrian skies, but now syrians are and they will. What you should been hoping if you was thinking straight is the israelis to back down and stop bombing syria. Uncross your wires

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Incorrect, ALL of Syrian airspace is under one central command now. Which means the Russians

Promitheas Apollonious

kid you showing your colors. According to you the syrians must not use the S300 and let the israelis bomb them at will. Yes the central command is under the russians meaning the radars, but who ever is in command does not alter the fact what you wishing for. And that is israelis to be left to bomb at will. Now take a walk and think again

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

You obviously havent read my answers. you moron.

Promitheas Apollonious

I did single digit. Now bend over and do what you good at.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

read through your comments and discussions, always the same theme. you are a troll. get a life, stop repeating the same answers to everything

Promitheas Apollonious

follow your own advice mentally challenged thing. And your suggestions.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes


Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

listen you complete retard, that is exactly what i said, you are the one who claims i want Israel to bomb Syria. You are obviously just a troll, or so fking stupid you troll so you get informed responses to your dullard reasoning

Promitheas Apollonious

Retard kid is you who are not aware what you keep parroting. And your low mentality shows with the way you answering with insults rather than connect your brain with your fingers and be aware what you implying.

Subconscious it is a bitch especially for single digits IQ’s as yours now take the advice and take a walk.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

yeah… what she said… you fool

Tudor Miron

Delivering DEFENSIVE weapons allowing to defend against unlowful attacks on sovereign country is a “massive escalation”? Talk about hypocrisy.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes


Vince Dhimos

Thank you, guys! I was struck by the fact that, while the US-Israel bloc is mentioned as being behind the Syrian war and efforts to disodge Assad, the US was conspicuously missing from the Israeli-Russian negotiations and the military actions. It is now crystal clear that while the toothless had in Washington barks a lot, it has lost its bite. And the caravan moves on.


Very nice missiles, and very nice plane!


nice,nice, .. but how effective will be they?

i wait for israeli attack :D


…..and I look forward to Syrian response :D

Zionism = EVIL

Zionists are sulking and taking swimming lessons :)

Zionism = EVIL

Shows Russia’s remarkable strategic airlift capacity with AN-26 Condor, the world’s largest airlifter. Russia should saturate Syria with S-300, Buks, Pantsir and other SAM systems and start taking down Zionist criminals and NATO losers illegal aircraft.



Tommy Jensen

and you guys thought they were real because you were hoping………………………….LOL. https://youtu.be/uZWPyy8Nfj4

stary ujo

We neednt pictures about S-300 , we need finaly result opposite agresors of Syrian country ! What doing OSN L.T.D. USA , agree with agresion ?

Tommy Jensen

Footage is not enough. The public in the Brave New World wants actions.


Perhaps footage of a burning Israeli F35 will be good for you!!


be not optimist. these are very old versions


So is your BS.


Public in the “Brave New World” want peace and stability. Idiots and assholes who don’t understand what’s at stake want action.

Tommy Jensen

The problem is they rule the world.


typical russian propaganda. from onetransport show 365 videos, one for each day of the year. ruskies, if you were men, instead of new footage would be new delivery.


If you do not like this go watch CNN.

Jens Holm

You keep Your level well. Things made by Your carrot under Your bed blanket is above gard facts.

Thats ME – or the main part from people not even knowing their own history.

Peter Bond

Nice, Trump just decided to give Israel more F35’s free of course… Thanks to Putin, from Israel.

Oh…the S-300 can be defeated, Israel know how to…good luck Syria and Iran…the Christian bear don’t think your lives are worth 1 roubles.

Tommy Jensen

1 ruble.

Peter Bond

Yeah 1 sheet money


It’s just a tactic to help the land thieving zionists feel less insecure …

Peter Bond

Hey Muzzies, you all are fked…go read about Jewish Russians and how they are in bed with Pootin. Pootin is Zionists…just sit down, relax and think this over…

If you were pootin and you had your plane blow outta the sky with a dozen dead, what would you do?

Chitchat on the phone with the person you accuse? Send a system which Israel has vigorously learnt to defeat which also means good old Trump raising the ante by pledging to supply more F-35S to Israel.

You poor muzzies are been played but you all are too stoopid to see it.

Mark my words .After the meeting between Netayahoo and Putin, the bombing begins… Poor Muslims, your Allah Putin don’t give a F about you, he just wants you subjugated and dependent on the bear teat. Have fun suckling suckers!


Anyone using the phrase ‘muzzies’ on the internet – isn’t worth listening to.

Peter Bond

You tool, read, flesh out your ignorance you moron!


I can imagine what your bookshelf looks like, dickhead.

Lots of early 2000’s bill o’rielly, coulter, hannity, and mark stein.


And you have the right to vote? Oh, my God, save us from these!


So do we know now for a fact that they are S-300 V4 or still fishing around, that was the Syria original order.


These missiles are just fab!

It would be funny if Hezbollah go behind the controls.. for a little bit of fun.

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