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Russian Military, National Defense Forces Shoot Down Several Armed UAVs Near Hmeimim Airbase And Homs (Photos, Video)

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On January 6, the Russian military and the Syrian National Defense Forces (NDF) shot down several DIY armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) around Russia’s Hmeimim airbase, according to Syrian pro-government sources.

The sources said that the Russian military used several weapon systems including Panstir-S1 air defense system to shoot down the armed UAVs. The NDF assisted with heavy and light machine guns.

Some sources believe that primitive armed UAVs might were used to attack the Russian airbase on December 31. It’s interesting to note that a similar armed UAVs that were shot down around Hmeimim on January 4. However, that aircraft was not even equipped with a camera or a visible GPS antenna.

In a related development, the Russian news outlet Rusvesna.su revealed that NDF fighters shot down an armed UAV that was on its way to bomb a Russian training center near the city of Homs on January 2. The media outlet said that the target of the UAV was Russian mine experts involved in the training of Syrian soldiers. Rusvesna.su said that that the armed UAV was operated by the Ahrar al-Sham Movement.

Russian Military, National Defense Forces Shoot Down Several Armed UAVs Near Hmeimim Airbase And Homs (Photos, Video)

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Russian Military, National Defense Forces Shoot Down Several Armed UAVs Near Hmeimim Airbase And Homs (Photos, Video)

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The UAV downed in Homs shares several features with the UAVs downed near the Hmeimim airbase on January 4. The UAVs have a similar engine and a green duct tape. However, the Homs UAV had an H-tail made out of wood.

Russian Military, National Defense Forces Shoot Down Several Armed UAVs Near Hmeimim Airbase And Homs (Photos, Video)

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So far, there is not clear evidence of who is building and then using these primitive armed UAVs against the Russian forces in Syria. However, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) remains the main suspect as it has enough resources and motivation for this.

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Clearly some minor harassment to slow down ops at the airbase. But what about the area around the airbase. Did Putin pull out to many security forces just because the elections are approaching !? :(

Daniel Castro

No doubt the zionist CIA and Mossad scum are teaching the jihad scum drone and cyberwarfare technology so they can use against russians.

Are’nt you russians fed up?! It’s about time to issue a warning for every terrorist force in syria to evacuate their territories if they do’nt want to get caught on a carpet bombing campaign.

They shouldn’t waste SAA soldiers in Eastern Ghouta, they should just blow the entire region into oblivion.


Carpet bombing in WW2 sometimes required 1000+ bombers. “The famous B-17 Flying Fortress and B-24 Liberator were designed to carpet-bomb factories and cities, not take out troops on the front line. A Flying Fortress could drop up to 17,000 pounds of bombs, sending massive explosions rippling over large swaths of the ground.

Bradley designated a zone five kilometers long by two kilometer deep to the west of the city of St. Lo that he wanted the 8th Air Force to blast into oblivion.”

Daniel Castro

So, bring back the entire air group and finish the job.

Icarus Tanović

We can also use those 10,15 and 39 tones airbombs, instead. Antonov can lift those, no problem.


Using smart bombs, one does not need carpet bombing anymore.

Also, carpet bombing was used to terrorise german cities, the ultimate was the terror bombing of Dresden, an undefended non strategic city. That bombing cost anywhere between 50k and 80k civillians their lives by burning in more or less one or two days.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6WD9O8Xc9Y The Face Of Suffering: Famine, Cholera Wreak Havoc In War-Torn Yemen | NBC News

Abdur Rabu Mansur Hadi <– took power from Abdullah Saleh but Hadi was too weak to rule the Yemen therefore, the corruption was too high. Houthis start complaining and when Hadi fail to rule then Houthis took power in their own hands. So this was Yemen internal affair. Therefore, Saudi Arabia should not interfere in Yemen affair.

In Yemen war now US provides weapons and intelligence support to Saudi-led coalition forces, which reportedly include assistance in military targeting in Yemen. It indicates that America using Saudi Arabia to attack Yemen because Trump tells to Saudi Arabia that which area Saudi Arab collation should have to target in Yemen. That is why Saudi led collation air forces targeting funerals, Mosques, schools, hospitals, markets etc.

All world leaders should have to support Yemen and end this human rights violations at least for the small kids that have no food, medicines and shelters. —————————————————————————————————


A disturbing video, and the last sentence: A SHAME UPON HUMANITY To think Saudi Arabia has been given a seat at the UNHRC, it just makes me want to fommit. Lift the blockade on N Yemen, you Saudi ass holes !!!

John Mason

One can blame all of the UNSC permanent members why Yemen is never discussed and actions taken against the perpetrators. Why Russia/China do not hold an emergency meeting and remains quiet is a mystery.

Icarus Tanović

This is shame! I think China/Russia should do something about this. This is the face of Wahabie terror, combined with Zionistic and Us imperialistic one. Why no one post these on tv channels and asks for help and donations? These images reminds me to Vietnamese girl running away from napalm attack. Thaose pictures changes course of the War. This is clear indication that Saudis/Wahabies are loosing this bloody War.

You can call me Al

I agree, but that is exactly what the Yankers want. Another year or so and all hell will break lose when China and Russia should be ready.


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Nigel Maund

Rob, excellent post! So, why one may ask do the so called “Bastions of Democracy” and “Human Rights”, the USA and UK and of course the EU say so little about this human catastrophe brought about by the criminal Kingdon of Saudi Arabia and their Anglo – Zionist (Israel and checkbook Zionist) backers?? Or is Democracy (Western Style) = Hypocrisy?? Clearly, humanity means nothing to these people and. moreover, they are cloaked in a mass of “Double Standards” that render any justifications they may advance invalid.

Nigel Maund

One may also ask where are the voices of the world’s religions in all of this??? Muslim, Catholic, Christian, Hindu and so on? Are their leaders dumb, stupid or corrupt? I know where the Catholic Church stands in all this as they’re part of the evil New World Order and never raise so much as a whimper about the actions of the Anglo Zionist Cabal as though they do not know what is going on? The Pope is not a man of God!

Solomon Krupacek

bob, in yemen died people for hunger for long time. now is worsened the situation. but yemenis eat kat and shit on work, that is the problem. this problem was present also in the 80´s.


Qat is one of their main imports.

Lazy Gamer

why did they resort to this mode of attack when the previous one was effective? Judging from the pictures at its assumed best it wouldnt be able to cause precise and considerable damage. Maybe a psyop.

Solomon Krupacek

The sources said that the Russian military used several weapon systems including Panstir-S1 air defense system to shoot down the armed UAVs.

huh! i assume, lot of people will here laugh to russians. expensive missiles against cheap toys. like israelis. ;)

Daniel Castro

Pantsir-s1 is not nearly as expensive as what the israeli use.

And indeed, better to use a few thousand dollars ground to air missile to shoot these drones than to lose several millions worth of airplanes.

And I would say R&D and deployment of advisors to help ISIS/Al-nusra making such drones must be very expensive for CIA, murican taxpayer is paying for thsi terrorism much higher than the value of a pantsir-s1 missile.

Solomon Krupacek

i knew, that somebody comes with this fake argument. but so fast! :DDD

first, this is not the question of costs. use brutally more expensive weapon. while the clever syrians machine guns. :P

second, for russia is much much more expensive the pantsir than for israel or usa their missile. relative costs. compare eith military budget and gdp. relatively is much more expesive the russian weapon for russia.


But not so fast, your English seems rather fast and accurate today. Is this Solomon or someone else on his keyboard ? :D

Solomon Krupacek

happy new year, dear pzivj!

look here, not tigers, but siberian eagles for you:


Icarus Tanović

He ia just a common misleading troll here, and ypu shouldn’t pay attention to what he says.

Daniel Castro

1st, israeli economy is non-existent, 2nd, pantsir-s1 is designed exactly to deal with type of threat, it is a small short range missile unlike the ones used by israeli which are huge ones.

Relatively, even russian weapons with on the same category of western ones are like a third of the value, most of the budget of USA is wasted by mantaining several hundreds military bases around the world, dozens of obsolete carriers and a vastly corrupt inteligence network, corrupt contracts for new weapons, corruption network to keep NATO “allies” complying, etc.

Russia only has to defend Russia and a military operation in Syria which has been used largely to train troops and test new weapons, USA is a crumbling empire with probably 30 trillions in debt by now.


bla bla bla Salamander, it is surely not as expensive a Russian Soldiers lives.

Icarus Tanović

They’ve used 30mm cannon, not rockets.

Solomon Krupacek

similarly as israeli, sasha. ;)

Igor Dano

jew, you killed 100 million in Russia due to Mordechaj Mose Levi (or Kal Marx). Jew, go to hell.

Solomon Krupacek


russians killed russians.


Solomon, you naughty man. Igor informed us you killed 100 million in Russia. Never do that again, please. Next time, do some arabs or so instead. Spread yourself a little.

Peter Bond

Someone with a brain finally calls out the lies spread in this news site, my hat to you Solomon


Like we laugh at the cheap whore you are?

Icarus Tanović

Hahahahahaha ? ? ?!

Solomon Krupacek

whore is your mother, you child of thousand fathers, and you should not extrapolate her picture on pthers :)))

Igor Dano

jews are ihuman killers, they killed tens of millions around the planet.

Solomon Krupacek

hello, jew!

good, that you are no russian or chinese, they murdered much more people.

Peter Bond

Lies, you are just a lying whore!


There are anti aircraft guns in Pantsir-S1 which uses low cost rounds to shoot down these shits.


There is no need for this nor does it do any good. If the Houthis surrendered tomorrow, the Sauds and their allies would have nothing to show but a hollow victory, and a promise that this insult will not go unavenged. Open the blockade for food and medicine if for nothing else.


Trump uses Israeli terrorist elements in Syria and Iraq to share CIA intelligence information with HTS, FSA and ISIS.

Russia, Syria, Iran and Lebanon must use their own intelligence organizations to identify these elements and bring them to justice.



Yemen: Breaking News. May 3, 2017 According to UN

1. The Largest Humanitarian Disaster. 2. 7 Million People Hungary. 3. Economy Collapsed During War. 4. More than 10,000 people killed. 5. More than 50,000 people wounded.

Daniel Castro

Here guys, there is a brazilian university professor who made a coletany of very interesting Marx and Engels quotes that shed some light on current russophobia in the west and irs relation with marxism.

Well, it is in portuguese but he also read them in german because some leftist scum here were saying he was inventing these quotes, I don’t know german, but with luck his german isn’t bad enough so you can understand it. Jump to 10:25 when he start quoting in german.


Cheryl Brandon

Russia and SAA soldiers are back in action after a break in Xmas;Great cause the Syrian government has said that, liberating the whole of Syria is their goal!. I hear some fake newspapers in the UK is blamining the Syrian government for targeting hospitals and schools; They know very well that is where the rats hide out and use as their offices. That is the place to attack especially if they are hiding out there. Fake news never ever talks about the regime of Israhell and Satanyahu which incacerates children/ steal Palestinian computers/ gold/ their momementos/ their furniture/ food and do not give them elecriticity???

Peter Bond

You are a disgrace, your comment stink of lies and deceit.

Cheryl Brandon

You don.t like me, do you? So get lost!!

Peter Bond

Like you? Such stupid question. Just dislike your forked lying tongue and utter BS is churns out!

Peter Bond

You reek of propaganda lies, words from your mouth it like shit from ass!


If this happened in the Palestinian area, the whole of Arab and Muslims Nations would have been crying around but now they are dumb. Hatred of the Jew, Religion and ethnicity will destroy our world

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