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MARCH 2025

Russian Military Police Arrests Looters In Southern Damascus. Security Forces Strom Illegal Markets (Photos)

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Russian Military Police Arrests Looters In Southern Damascus. Security Forces Strom Illegal Markets (Photos)

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On May 26, the Russian Military Police arrested several thieves who were looting civilian houses in the district of Babbila south of the city of Damascus and returned electronics and fortune, which had been stolen, to their owner, according to Syrian pro-government sources.

Russian Military Police Arrests Looters In Southern Damascus. Security Forces Strom Illegal Markets (Photos)

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Russian Military Police Arrests Looters In Southern Damascus. Security Forces Strom Illegal Markets (Photos)

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According to reports, the thieves were wearing uniforms of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). However, a military source told South Front that SAA soldiers are not allowed to enter Babbila. This means that these thieves were likely members of some pro-government militia.

The Russian Military Police started patrolling the districts of Beit Sahm, Babbila, Sidi Miqdad and Yelda in southern Damascus on May 13 under the reconciliation agreement, which was reached on April 13.

Meanwhile, the Syrian pro-government news outlet Syrian Reports said that Syrian security forces had stormed several illegal markets in the district of Dahiyat al-Assad northeast of Damascus. According to the source, these illegal markets are known for selling fortune and electronics that have been looted from war zones.

Russian Military Police Arrests Looters In Southern Damascus. Security Forces Strom Illegal Markets (Photos)

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Russian Military Police Arrests Looters In Southern Damascus. Security Forces Strom Illegal Markets (Photos)

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During the security operation, Syrian security forces arrested dozens of looters and confiscated all the goods in order to return them to their owners.

Local observers believe that the upcoming weeks will witness larger security campaigns against looters who took advantage of the lack of security around Damascus city during the past seven years.

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Expo Marker

Glad to see Russia and Syria fight against looters who make reconstruction of destroyed areas that much harder.

Now the opposition can no longer claim the SAA is aiding looters and criminals.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

Opposition will continue to claim the SAA is aiding looters and criminals…anyway. But that is not so important… What is really important is that LAW and ORDER returns to Syria and that people can see that Syria as country still exists…


Not aiding but turning a blind eye, that makes them accomplice to looters of syrian people, expected really if u consider how curropt the regime is


Don’t you guys ever get tired of trying to stir up shit? You must have worked with the MSM at some point, because your BS sounds just like it. Take a lie and run with it as if it’s the truth, then repeat it often. The only ones that fall for your crap already believe it and they aren’t here, just other trolls who are here to make look like you have any sort of following…which you haven’t.


I don’t care if you don’t believe me.. you’re a brainwashed and can’t be reasoned with. I may find someone with an open mind and logic to listen and have discussion but that’s not the main reason i am here, i am here to expose the tyrant assad and piss off his worshippers.


Many of these looters, are either wearing fake uniforms or belonging to some local militias who fought in their land alongside “Takfiri armed gangs” for some bucks $$ and accepted the reconciliation deal to normalize their status (when no charges of rape/execution etc, are found during the status normalization).They usually join reserve/active SAA units after that (sometimes regular SAA units refuse to serve or be in the same unit as them because of lake of trust & disgust.


I wouldn’t be surprised by that


Pro government millitias enter after the army leaves and loot the whole place to its bones

Vince Dhimos

This is good news. When the US “won” in Iraq, they let the looters go unimpeded and a museum lost priceless treasures. That was one of my first clues that the Bush admin was irresponsible and was doing more harm than good in Iraq.


Guess who have taken these treasures ??? XD.

These stupid arabs don’t know the price of priceless treasures. They exchange them for a packet of cigs.


Israeli cigarette vendors in Iraq, I never knew.


Yup, pal, can’t keep those pesky cockroaches away from any place !


Behold the Arab world, where rampant corruption and double dealing exists just below the surface. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-afrin-town/after-the-battle-aid-gunfire-and-looting-in-syrias-afrin-idUSKBN1GV2LG


You are describing America as well Smaug. A nation long plagued with Zionist Carpet Baggers.


You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about, most people from the west have no concept of the social problems effecting the Muslim world. There’s a reason that wars in Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, and others are so warped. Given the end results it should be obvious that the US/UK are several orders of magnitude better.


“You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about, most people from the west have no concept of the social problems effecting the Muslim world.”………………And YOU, you moron do ?????? “There’s a reason that wars in Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, and others are so warped.” IF THERE WAS NO ISRAEL AND NO JEWSA, THEN THERE WOULDN’T BE THOSE WARS………………THE US/UK STARTED THEM FOR THEIR MASTERS IN TEL AVIV YOU F***ING MORON !


What are you, a neo-Nazi?


I don’t have an answer to that question because I don’t have anything to compare my expertise to except the voluntary delusions of internet trolls.


The US /UK are the current tools of the Zionist killers.


This is what happened when they controlled the USSR. The 40 minute mark is very depressing.

The US coalition of Terror ISIS/FSA/AlNusra gangs use similar methods to control civilians in Syria., Libya and many other countries destroyed by NATO in recent decades.


Neo-Nazi alert.


Simple historical facts Smaug. Please tell me of ANY false statements in that video that cannot be supported by independent accounts of the period and the aftermath.


I didn’t watch the video.


In that case it would be wiser for you NOT to comment on it surely ?


Dumb-shit alert phony.


Scum like you are proof of just how corrupt the west really is. You have no conscience, your only goal is money for your honor. Someday all your lies will catch up with you…and no one, especially your masters, will give a rats ass. That’s when you will find out just how dispensable you are, like the way western military use their men for fodder. They never want to win a damn thing, they just want it to continue. Morons like you are a dime a dozen and your value is dropping like the dollar.


……………….And Israel is run and controlled by the Kosher Nostra with Satanyahoo………….a criminal ripe for a jail sentence, as its head. Check you’re own back yard, before you stick your corpulent conk in someone else’s.

Peter Jennings

I wonder, do you pick cherries for a living?

Corruption is everywhere, no more so that in western countries, as has been demonstrated on numerous occasions. There is one arab country where your hypothesis is correct and they usually want the head too.


Corruption in USA is nothing compared to middle east countries, you just can’t imagine how bad it is because you haven’t experienced it


Yeah, right. That’s why Senator Tom Cotton got his $1m from Israel before his first month was over. Of course, that didn’t have a thing to do with him organizing the letter to Iran crap and inviting the worst terrorist in the world to speak before CONgress. Americans know how full of horse manure you are.


Have you ever seen someone disappering of the face of the earth because they pissed off some high ranking person? Have you seen an office worker making sure your necessary papers take forever just so they can extort some money from you? Have you seen the presidents cousin? Who has made BILLIONS by extorting their own people, and controling 74% of the country’s economy? There are many smaller “whales” as we call them in syria but Rami Makhlouf Assads cousin (idk how to spell it in English) is a prime example of an economic whale that extorts the merchants and industries alike and enters as a partner in every single deal wether the dealer likes it or not. I haven’t entered the political corruption and hypocrisy department yet… so yeah usa is more corrupt than syria sure

Peter Jennings

I haven’t? how presumptuous of you.

There is corruption in ME countries, of that there is no doubt. However, this corruption is very minor compared to the figures involved with US, EU, isreal and saudi corruption. The corruption applied by these aforementioned countries often exceeds the national GDP of neighbouring states.


I would think that the end results would speak for themselves.

Peter Jennings

Like the collapse of the US economy? due to attempts to save the woefully abused and soon-to-be defunct US dollar.

The US expansion into all the aforementioned countries is coming to an end. A world war is the only way out for neocons who currently run things in america. For this end, every last american will be expected to defend their despots who have not only screwed them and their families but murdered millions across the world.


As I said, you have no idea what you’re taliking about. Having spent your whole life in the wedt you have nothing to compare society to. Go back to tin foil hats and UFOs.


Very bad move. It’s not the job of Russia to make the police and arrest looters !!!

It’s the job of the syrian police.

Wise Gandalf


Real Anti-Racist Action

They are part of the Syrian governments Peace Time Policing policies. This is a very temporary arrangement. They have the authority to implement law and order according to Syrian and international laws. They do not prosecute though or convict. Only Syrian judges have this authority. In no way are the Russians replacing Syrian judicial system. They are only a helping hand on the streets.


It’s a bad move. It makes the syrian gov even weaker.

Everyone should stick doing their job.


I agree it just imbarassed the corrupt assad so i am happy, many people will sleep happy tonight knowing that assads thugs have to think about russians before acting stupid


Very bad move. It’s not the job of fools to tell Russia what it’s job is!!!

Bill Wilson

Those local militias are supposed to be the police!


Syrian police wouldn’t do anything lol these looter are part of government militias and they answer to no police man, Russians on the other hand are Vips and no one from syrian army can do anything to them..

j. jaxson

they must be the lower class carpetbaggers or scumbags pretending, after they’ve destroyed everything in sight.

j. jaxson

the looters i mean.


Well when it’s war its the fear of the war and been killed or else.But when war stops and things trying to go to normal, all stuff are coming back to normal, as it crime,robbery,murder whatever was before when they were free of war. It is normal situation after war. Many will do this.


Nah looting entire neighbourhoods daylight is not normal

Joe Dirt

White men arresting dirty mudslime Arabs, this should go well….

Joe Dirt

PR stunt


It’s a shame… Ryssian MPs carring more about civilians livelyhood and belongings more than the corrupt Syrian army… looting in liberated areas is not a new thing, and there are whole markets selling cheap stolen goods under the watch of government.. especially in damascus

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