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MARCH 2025

Russian Military Police Patrol Came Under Fire From Turkish-backed Forces In Northeastern Syria (Video)

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On October 29, a patrol of the Russian Military Police embedded with local forces came under fire from Turkish-backed militant groups. The incident happened in the village of Darbasiyah, east of the Turkish-controlled town of Ras al-Ayn.

According to pro-Kurdish sources, at least 8 people, including 2 Russians, were injured in the attack. UPDATED: Pro-government sources deny any casualties.

The situation is developing.


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Ceasar Polar

Let the fun start, and clean those turkish-backed-terrorists. SU57, please time to demonstrate.

Friend of Russia

It will never happen


too expensive


Money is not a question at all. Russia support to Turkey is the key element.

Ceasar Polar

You will see the Russian remote control, to stir ErdoCunt in x direction!


Not way my friend, Putin is pleasing Turkey (NATO member) because of $$$$. Let us see later, maybe Turkey (NATO memeber) makes a big mistake that allow Russia to stop Putin pleasing Erdogan.

Ceasar Polar

That is the surface, and what you see. But the facts is Putin has now a remote control on ErdoCunt. Now erdocunt is going too far, i think the next Russian move towards Turkey will be interesting to see.

klove and light

Simon said…….. wow this new Agreement between putin and erdogan is working fantastic…….Idlib 2.0

seems like all These fantastic Agreements are making the syrian arab republic free again..lol….

North syria is now to 80% controlled and occupied by TAF with their jihadi proxies from Isis,al-nusra etc.. east syria is controlled and occupied by the treacherous kurds under the umbrella of US airpower south syria is occupied by US Forces and their jihadi Proxy force west syria is occupied by Zionist satanic israel

way to go!!!-sarcasm out


Like cold soar nobody wanted, how the weather in Tel Aviv.

Luke Hemmming

We are talking mere days into an agreement here. I think your kinda jumping the gun here. Come back in 3 months and see where it’s at then. The naysayers were calling a total collapse of Syria 4 years ago…yup that really happened!!! NOT!


trool zionist no more comment dissident 2;0!! pathetic:!!

Julian Clegg

“Embedded with local forces” is a bit vague. Does “local forces” mean the Syrian Arab Army or something else?

Mustafa Mehmet

information from Pro kurdi forces? OK no more comment


Turkish Terrorist Criminals in bed with ISIS


I don’t think homosexuality is a big thing in ISIS


They’re all faggots and paedos mate

Mustafa Mehmet

In bed with your mama

Harry Smith

Yep. The Russian officer says it was a thunderflash. Just a stupid provocation.

Ceasar Polar

Why Turkey hiring ex-daeshi, isis, alqaida. Cant deny this. Erdogan was training them for years, now arming them, supporting them, providing intel to them, and unleashing them on Syria’s territory. Don’t you think one second that you can “control” a terrorists. Those scums have no moral or ethics, they can even turn against their masters (just look at the US, taliban, isis, alqaida). The question now: Why did Erdogan use those terrorists ? Why not use only the “mighty” turkish army ? Why use terrorist proxies to do his dirty work in syria ? Now the Kurds are Syrian. They rejoined the SAA, and Damascus. Right now pro-kurdish means pro-Syrian, pro-SAA. There is no more kurdish threat for Turkey, time to pack your terrorists and your army and leave Syria!

Mustafa Mehmet

so assad forgive kurdi traitor that’s your prop. sdf all syrian they fighting for their freedom for there country they. suffer enough under dictator assad..

Ceasar Polar

Assad is better than Tkfiri-terrorists-scums and better than zionazi-scum plan of forming one Kurdistan which is dangerous for both Turkey and Syria. Assad is there to stay, get over it. He is the good guy in the story. And erdogan is painting himself as a terrorist-supporter. “Muslim brotherhood” is a freemasonic organization, the muslim faction of freemasons, which make their goal Zionists in nature. So by erdogan helping the takfiri terrorists he is aiding indirectly, the zionist plan for Syria. Remember this: Nothing excuses any leader to ally with Takfiri/daeshi/isis/alqaida/Chechen/afghani/pakistani terrorists.

Erdogan must leave Syria. And understand that the Kurdish threat is no more. They are with Assad now. Are you ready to fight the SAA? If yes, then say good bye to your S400 missiles, mig35, su35, su57. If erdogan wants to fight Assad, he will need to find someone to sell weapons to him, since EU-fags stopped selling weapons and US stopped the F35 order. Gotta know what you want, annexe Syria and suffer catastrophic consequences. Or leave Syria and grow strong with your new Russian ally.

Again Assad is better than Erdogan’s terrorists. Like a million time better.

Mustafa Mehmet

why assad daddy hafiz was arming pkk against Türkiye? with out Iran.. Russia.. terrorist group hezbo.. and Asian mercenaries. assad is nothing.. let’s hope they don’t fight.. Will take real Turkish army 3 days to rich the Israeli border with no prop

Ceasar Polar

Hezbollah are not terrorists, they are the only force that truly stands against the zionists-cunts. Where ErdoCunt is working INDIRECTLY, for the zionist-scum objectives. Sowing KO in Syria, and supporting Takfiri/isis/daesh/terrorists-scums.

Dont you see it unfolding before your eyes?

Assad arming PKk ???! Does your MSM propaganda sold you these lies to excuse their attack on the SAA ? These are lies, Assad never armed the pkk, the stole weapons from him.

Mustafa Mehmet

assad dad did .help pkk

Ceasar Polar

Assad’s dad is long DEAD. Do you see your Mainstream Media propaganda ? Trying to used something a dead man did to justify getting in bed with terrorists TODAY! No excuse for hiring Takfiri/terrorists sorry!

Karen Bartlett

Turks will probably say “Oops, it was an accident”. “Trust” the Kurds to say there were casualties and then find out they lied.

Tudor Miron

“Занять позиции!” in second video it could be heard that officer is ordering his troops “Take your positions!”. Rats can’t stand but keep chopping the tree that they seat on.

Friend of Russia

Russians deserve it. They betrayed the Kurds and surrendered Syria’s sovereignty in order to please Erdogan and his Al Qaeda associates. Now Russians have been kicked in the ass. Flee Russians flee!!!


pretty good immitation of someone having their head between their legs there.

Tudor Miron

Betrayed Kurds??? Stop calling yourself a friend of Russia. Таких друзей за хер, да в музей. You think that Russians will flee? Keep hoping. If you can’t comprehend that Syria restored control of large area east of the river which was under US control (thanks to guess who – Kurdish traitors) than nothing will help you.

Luke Hemmming

Hardly an ass kicking! More like a minor skirmish. Gee drama queen much!

S Melanson

I see you are a fan of Orwell’s 1984

Friend of Russia

A brave fighter dies only once. A coward dies every day. You can judge yourself whether Russia is brave or coward.

S Melanson

Russians, like everyone else, can be cowardly, but they are not cowards. I have commented on Russian (actually Soviet Union) bravery facing the German army in WWII. The defence of Leningrad is an example of extraordinary courage by the civilian population when hundreds of thousands died of starvation and yet the city refused to surrender. Smolensk 1941 is an example of the determination of Red Army soldiers facing down superior German forces. In four years (1941 to 1945) 27,000,000 soldiers and civilians of the Soviet Union died and they died only once.

Friend of Russia

Soviet Union was a great nation with brave leadership. But it’s not the case with Russia


You do not know exactly what you are talking about. Russia has nothing to do with Kurds. It was USA who betrayed Kurds (ex-USA-Israel puppets).

World Wisdom

Total annihilation of the pro-Turkish terrorists!!!! All must be brutally killed and heads off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

World Wisdom

Turkey is a terrorist state. Idlib shall be nuked!


Russia must allow and support SAA offensive at Idlib, but this is just a dream since Putin try to please Turkey (NATO member) in many aspects, including invasion to Syria.


Take your pick which Israeli troll is going to post first toronto tonto(ie solomon kupek), klove and light, or Dane idiot Jenny Holm.

Luke Hemmming

Klove and light won the prize. Rotating roster in the tel Aviv troll farm. Klove must be on the early shift.

Derek Johnson

Kurds listen up, Russia does not need you to tell the world that they have allegedly been attacked. They can speak for themselves if this is indeed true. The only source for this “story” are Kurdish sources and you know how trustworthy and impeccable they are?


These 3 videos might prove something, but i dont know these languages: https://anfkurdi.com/rojava-sUriye/li-dirbesiye-li-qada-ku-dewriyeya-rus-le-bu-eris-hate-kirin-120231 Anyway… this “kurds are liers” stuff is annoying. You should try to get information instead.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

kick their asses russia!!!!

Icarus Tanović

Who plays with fire gets burned.

Joe Dickson

Russian troops come under attack and what do they do about it… nothing.


Numbnuts :)


Without knowing Kurdish you can get how that kurdish guy was screaming “Turks attacked the Russians”. Nice attempt to destabilize the latest deal, but geopolitics doesn’t care about screams.


Turkey’s terrorists has been attacking Russia for some years now. Who support Turkey’s terrorists ? Of course…..

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Surprise surprise, as if this wasn’t going to happen eventually, the Turkish proxies have sent drones and fired rockets at the Russians for years while in Idlib, so I don’t think anyone was expecting them to stop doing it just because they’ve changed address. In fact if the Russians decided to legally retaliate against the SNA it could work out well for the SAA, massive Russian airstrikes followed by a swift SAA ground incursions could mean some of the territory lost to Erdogan could end up back in Assad’s hands.


Of course, that was expected from terrorists supported and fed by Turkey (NATO member).

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