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Russian Military Releases Details Of Operation In Southern Syria: 3,332km2 Liberated, Thousands Of Militants Neutralized

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Russian Military Releases Details Of Operation In Southern Syria: 3,332km2 Liberated, Thousands Of Militants Neutralized

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies liberated 3,332km2 from militants in southwestern Syria, the head of the Russian General Staff Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoi said during a press briefing on August 2.

According to Col. Gen. Rudskoi, government forces restored control of 146 settlements. 50 of them were liberated by peaceful means after negotiations with local armed groups.

Under the surrender deals, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other armed groups handed over 650 pieces of military hardware to the SAA. This number includes 39 battle tanks, 28 infantry fighting vehicles and armoured personnel carriers, 10 Shilka self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, 35 anti-aircraft guns, 17 multiple launch rocket systems, 60 machine guns and 23 anti-tank missile launchers.

9,652 people, including 4,297 fighters of the militant groups, withdrew from the area towards the militant-held part of the province of Idlib.

Col. Gen. Rudskoi described an SAA operation against ISIS east of the Golan Heights as “rapid” and noted that 160 ISIS members surrendered to government forces.

The col. gen. also noted that a unit of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) escorted by the Russian Military Police made its first in last six years patrol at the separation line between Syrian and Israeli forces.

According to Col. Gen. Rudskoi, the Russian Military Police established eight observation posts along in front of the UNDOF to prevent provocations.

He also adressed situation in the Idlib de-escalation where militants continue violating the ceasefire agreement targeting government troops positions and civilian areas in Aleppo, Hama and the mountain region of Latakia.

Col. Gen. Rudskoi further noted that there is a growing group of ISIS members in the areas surrounding the US-held zone of al-Tanf. From this zone, ISIS militants are carrying out attacks on targets in the provinces of al-Suwayda and Damascus as well as trying to organize raid against targets in the provinces of Homs and Deir Ezzor.

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Michał Hunicz

If according to Russian specialist of Syrian affairs Idlib city is not going to be a target of future Syrian operation, they should first pressure the US about handing over At-Tanf and at the same time local forces will start an attack on Hama, Lattakia and Aleppo fronts to weaken jihadists and make their strikes at important hubs and bases harder or impossible.

SurfshackTito (TheSecular)

Clearing the Provinces of Latakia, Hama and also securing Aleppo city should be a priority. and maybe taking back the M5 could also be useful.

Feudalism Victory

I would concentrate on areas where attacks come from. Diplomacy with turkey would help the north areas more.


I wonder why there is a ‘growing group of ISIS members in the areas surrounding the US-held zone of al-Tanf’? Are they awaiting new orders?

Feudalism Victory

Theyre looking for asylum and relocation.

I wonder why the americans would be regarded as a source of such?

Pave Way IV

Those ISIS already have their orders: 1) prevent any attempt by Iraq or Syria to rebuild the Western Pipeline from K-3/Haditha to T-4 to Tripoli/Banias, and 2) keep Syrian highways 2 (at Tanf) and 4 (al Bukamal) closed to Iraqi truck traffic (= Iranian truck traffic = ‘Shia Crescent’) that it can’t inspect or seize.

The self-styled Evil Masters of the Universe have declared that all Kurdish (and lots of Iraqi) oil must flow through the rebuilt Kirkuk-Haifa pipeline directly to Israel, and the U.S. or its merc proxies must control all border crossings between Iraq and Syria.


Fred Dozer

It’s was about pipeline from the beginning, Iraq and Afghanistan as well. Thanks for good information. Crimes against humanity created by the Kings of the “Free World”. Thugs and murders, is their true name, and a army just as guilty for following the evil doers,

Pave Way IV

Rank and file military are only guilty of believing in the conviction of their leaders and the moral integrity of the nation.

The officers and senior commanders of the U.S. military are the ones that failed everyone. Their job is to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, not to protect ‘U.S. interests’ defined by some degenerate, dual-citizen neocon politician or thier slimy oligarch pals.

If U.S. military officers are either too lazy or too dumb to understand the constitution themselves and rely totally on being spoon-fed fake enemies by degenerate, neocon, dual-citizen politicians, then those officers are useless to the U.S. and should resign and be replaced. I don’t need any officers that protect random ‘government interests’, especially those abroad – that’s not part of the Constitution.


Befehl ist befehl? Not bloody likely.

Pave Way IV

“Befehl ist befehl? Not bloody likely.”

( = the “just following orders” Nuremburg Defense) I’m not suggesting a legal or moral defense for any obvious war crimes of a U.S. soldier here, A47. I’m explaining the motivation of common soldiers (not commanders) in context when the overall aim/result of U.S. military action is either criminal or immoral. Unless you presume every last German soldier in WWII was inherently evil, bears full responsibility for supporting (however indirectly) the crimes of the state and should have been executed as war criminals, themselves.

I, personally, have no such moral ambiguity and take full responsibility for the actions of my U.S. government and military anywhere on earth, whether they tell me about it or not. That’s a problem most people don’t have.


Hmmmm a bit of a straw man Pave; it requires your inferences to be quite a distance from Occam’s Razor.

I wouldn’t blame you for the crimes of the US state; it’s not as if the US is democratic and you put these mountebanks into office.


Afghanistan was for the Poppy-Production

That is why they needed False Flag Inside Job 911 https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZDfgpK4yze6O/





https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/15d32d7f106d3068b32890081f1e514542c5e3c97f465f5b4f73f5db53351112.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/667f272291598b9ee5ec458d384ca2a1a64747fca3a494a10c73a8733381dd9f.jpg

Fred Dozer

Yes poppy production is also at the top of the list and more criminal than the oil trade.

The Taliban’s unwillingness to accept US conditions frustrated the Americans. According to the author: “At one moment during the negotiations the US representatives told the Taliban ‘either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs’.”

It is well established that the Bush administration, and President George W Bush’s family in particular, have strong oil corporate links. Vice-president Dick Cheney was until the end of last year president of Halliburton, a company that provides services for the oil industry. National security advisor Condoleeza Rice was a manager for Chevron between 1991 and last year, while commerce secretary Donald Evans and energy secretary Stanley Abraham worked for oil giant Tom Brown.

As journalist John Pilger asserted, the Taliban were trained and supported by the CIA and SAS, Britain’s intelligence agency. Soon after their takeover of Kabul in 1996, their leaders were entertained by the executives of Unocal in Houston, Texas.

With secret US government approval, the company offered them a generous cut of the profits of the oil and gas pumped through the pipeline that the Americans wanted to build from Soviet Central Asia through Afghanistan. A US diplomat said: “The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis did.” He explained that “Afghanistan will become a US oil colony; there would be huge profits for the West, no democracy and the legal persecution of women. We can live with that.”

Although the deal fell through, it still remains an urgent priority of the Bush administration. The Caspian Basin has the greatest source of untapped fossil fuel on earth and enough, according to one estimate, to meet the US’s voracious energy needs for generations. Only if the pipeline runs through Afghanistan can the US hope to control it.

Not surprisingly US Secretary of State Colin Powell is now referring to the “moderate” Taliban, who will join a US-sponsored “loose federation” to run Afghanistan. The “war on terrorism” is a cover for this. It is a means of achieving strategic aims that lie behind the flag-waving facade.


I’m waiting for that system to Collapse….it will be a beautiful sight…they have Murdered & Destroyed more than enough… Thanks for the good information by the way…

Pave Way IV

Unocal (now part of Chevron) executives and directors might profit, Fred. But the U.S. will never see a dime of that. Example: Chevron’s 2016 U.S. taxes were -$1.7 billion. That’s a minus sign. That’s with $110 billion in sales.

The obsessive political motivation for moving gas through Afghanistan has always been the same for degenerate chickenhawk neocons: take Asian market share away from Gazprom, which is 50% state owned (= cut off more of Russia’s revenue).

The neocon plan is always the same painfully-stupid one: attempt to economically instigate enough social unrest somewhere that you can somehow exploit into a color revolution, thus resulting in another successful U.S. client state utopia. Say like Afghanistan, Libya or Ukraine – those places are awesome now. Everyone wants to move there.

Fred Dozer

Yes the US never meddles in another countries affairs.Russia is the aggressor. When you control the media, you control the minds of the population. Most anyway.

Pave Way IV

There’s a joke somewhere in there about “not much to control” in the case of Americans – like me – but I’ll resist…


Today Pro Trump militants (Israel) fired at protesters east of Abasan al-Kabra village in the southern Gaza Strip of Palestine. Please share this message.


excellentes resultat!! :)





So Southfront adopts the same ‘sanitized’ language… these people are ‘neutralized’? What does that mean? They’re converted into ‘neuters’? ‘Neuter means neither of both, so what ‘neither of both’ are they now???

Promitheas Apollonious

My understanding of war is destroying your enemy. It obviously the understanding of war the russians have, is save the enemy, to fight against you another day and this way drag it into an endless war, by relocate them.

By sending fighting terrorist units by the thousands in areas either the americans or the turks control in effect you giving them new armies, that are veterans of war and then you have to face them again and again. Something very fishy is happening in the back scenes that is not very good for Syria and her future as a whole nation and not a divided one. Not to mention that the occupation forces holding her land, is also where her natural resources mostly are.


If this is the Game… then the only thing to stop it is a Worldwide Bloody Revolution including Pitchforks & Rope to change “the Elite”…simple… Send in Your Headchopping Mercenaries Elite…!! Bring it on…!!

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont know about world wide as none of what is happening in our areas is happening every where in the world only where the nato is operating is happening and europe. So worldwide it will not happen europe it will most definite to happen in a much larger scale is happening now.

Now is only rapes and criminal activity, but soon will be open warfare much worst than what happen in ME. It is many things happening in greece and the balkan area than very little is reported by the mass media.


That is exactly what they want…if there is only War in the West it will stay controlable….in Asia they are happy with the Economic Growth & Social Credit System… Europeans are pretty defenseless by themselves…in Southern Europe they have Created Chaos… Their Populists will bring Order… People are easily Fooled into anything…

Promitheas Apollonious

yesterday is been an attack on Damascus by israeli drones and missiles how come is not mentioned here? Our info says a drone is been downed west of Damascus.

You can call me Al

It is now… – https://southfront.org/syrian-air-defense-forces-intercepted-hostile-target-near-damascus/


Great stuff. The old border is back, and the jihadi proxy force is defeated once more.

I understand the feeling that all the jihadists deserve is to die. But consider this: if they die, they may be covered in a rosy-hued glory of martyrs in some corners of the world. If instead, they are allowed to live and go back home, they will forever be defeated jihadis, and they will spread the word about all the betrayals they faced and how they became tools of western and israeli imperialism. They might become better tools against future adventures than we may imagine. Sort of once bitten, twice shy. Perhaps this is why even israel is killing the runaway jihadists finally.

Promitheas Apollonious

it is obvious, you never been exposed perosnally, to fanatics and mercenaries and you dont understand their mind set.


You’re the expert, so enlighten us. Don’t hold back, I really want to know.

Promitheas Apollonious

never claimed to be an expert kid just been to one too many wars to know reality on the ground and not some fantasy of a holyshit educated theoretician. So excuse me if I humor you and not taking you seriously.


You’re fudging. If you’ve been to wars and met mercenaries etc. you ARE an expert, whether you claim it or not. You are just refusing to share your knowledge. Not good in the present time when misinformation is rife. So stop bollocking other people for their lack of insight and start sharing yours. It is the right thing to do. So what’s stopping you. I hope it’s not cowardice that’s holding you back.

Promitheas Apollonious

Never meet mercenaries but dead ones so…………. what your point exactly? And share my expiriense here will help whom and for what reason or purpose? You want me to train you in what I know and expiriense on a site that you can not exhange more than a couple of sentences before the subject change? Seriously now.


The point: share your knowledge with others. Don’t take it to the grave. Like they say – the problem is not bad people, the problem is the good people who do nothing (that is, share their knowledge for example). It’s not that hard.

Promitheas Apollonious

A knowledge worth sharing, is shared with people you know and not strangers, you dont know how they use it and definitely not on the net.


Crush Al Tanf before Idlib, don’t let it fester.


Carpet Bomb the Whole al-Tanf Area… Only Traitors & Headchoppers to be found there Kill’m all….set them on Fire…turn them into Atmospheric Lighting in the Desert..


Russian general says everything…he mentioned next 4 actions: 1) secured Aleppo from shelling 2) nort Hama 3)north Latakia and Jisr al Shughur and 4) Al Tanf area…. Only question is which one will be first


And where is general Suheil? I didnt saw him for a while….

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