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MARCH 2025

Russian Military Releases Photos Showing Destructions In Raqqa Caused By US-led Coalition

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On April 7, the Russian Defense Ministry released photos showing destructions in the city of Raqqa caused by the US-led coalition (source):

The Russian Ministry of Defence has published aerial photos that prove catastrophic destructions in the city of Raqqa caused by bombing of the international coalition. Most dwellings, hospitals, mosques, schools and critical infrastructure have been destroyed.

Humanitarian situation in Raqqa remain extremely difficult, humanitarian missions can hardly reach the city. Most of those who return to city are either wounded or killed because of UXO. In the period of October, 2017 till March 2018, there have been 658 cases of injures by UXO, and 130 people have been killed. Each week there are 25-30 explosions with civilian casualties.

Earlier, the UN Special Envoy for Syria, Jan Egeland announced that UN representatives, who had visited Raqqa, confirmed serious destructions – more devastating than those in Aleppo and Homs, liberated by the SAA with support of the Russian Aerospace Force. The UN mission says that 70% of buildings in Raqqa have been destructed.

As a result of the coalition’s bombardment, there are thousands of dead bodies left under the rubbles of collapsed buildings that decompose and contaminate aquifers.

Water and electricity supply systems are not functioning in the city, there are a lot of UXOs left, and there are no hospitals, chemistries and shops in Raqqa. People are not provided with safe conditions for returning back, and those who have returned to the city are in danger.

According to Jan Egeland, there are some 1,000 refugees with nothing to live in, to eat and drink under a constant threat of explosions and epidemics.

One can see a completely different situation in Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor and suburbs of Damascus in the Eastern Ghouta, which had been liberated by the SAA with support of the Russian Aerospace Forces. People received humanitarian aid, engineer clear up the territory, water supply system have been recovered, and drinking water is delivered to the settlements. State authorities are functioning, and hospital, shops and schools are being reconstructed. As a result more than 55,000 people have returned to the settlements in the Eastern Ghouta recently.

Russian Military Releases Photos Showing Destructions In Raqqa Caused By US-led Coalition

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Russian Military Releases Photos Showing Destructions In Raqqa Caused By US-led Coalition

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Russian Military Releases Photos Showing Destructions In Raqqa Caused By US-led Coalition

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I’m sure the zionists are delighted with their handy work, and they never cared about the civilians that survived their genocidal bombing, no aid,or help whatsoever. Warmongering zionist scumbags.

Real Anti-Racist Action

This is a scratch compared to what these same Zionist forces did to Dresden and all the rest of the indigenous tribal peoples cities back in the 40’s. http://ihr.org/


I can not say that I’m sorry about what they did to the Germans, because the Germans did the same to my people. I can say that I am strongly hating the Germans for the genocide they committed against my people, especially for the shooting of over 300 pupils who had been taken from school booths and taken to shoot. I can freely say that I would not even blink over any tragedy that would hit them.


Don’t feel sorry for the Germans back then. War is nasty, bad things happen in war and they did a lot of bad things in that war. But don’t hate modern day Germany for that. They have gone above and beyond to apologize and atone for what Germany did back then. Maybe too much overboard, considering they let in a million migrants to prove to themselves and the world how much better they have become.

The Japanese on the other hand still pretend they did nothing wrong and how they were such poor victims for being nuked.

HighLord Gaz

The Japs were given a free-pass on their war crimes. All we did was hang a few senior figure-heads and gave the majority a pardon as long as they supported the new Murican-controlled puppet regime with its newly cucked “Emperor”

They exonerated the biological warfare unit operating in China, and then tested out the Japanese techniques in Korea (like the attempts to introduce bubonic plague into the North by air-dropping infected fleas).

HighLord Gaz

“300 pupils who had been taken from school booths and taken to shoot”

where… when… evidence pls.

Not saying the Nazis were not a bunch of bastards who are guilty of crimes, but they aren’t guilty of everything that people claim.


Kragujevac massacre. And do not read about it on the English version of Wikipedia because the data is incorrect. You can find accurate and comprehensive information at: https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spomen-park_Kragujevački_oktobar or personally visit the memorial park where all the names of the victims were painted on the monuments.


Would you care to give details?, or is it a Spielberg movie you are referring to, if so which movie?


Зашто подругљиво “Спилбергов филм”? Твој коментар само показује колико си арогантан и охол према било коме ко се не уклапа у твоје норме размишљања и понашања.

Feudalism Victory

Destroying these cities is one of the goals in the plan

HighLord Gaz

Take away peoples ploughs and give them begging bowls… the tactics of tyrants throughout history.

If karma is a real force in the Universe, the seppos and their Zio-scum Masters are doomed…

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