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Russian Military Reporter On How To End War In Ukraine

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Vladlen Tatarsky is military reporter from the Donbass. In 2014 he joined the People’s Militia in Gorlovka, served in the Vityaz regiment of the LPR. Today, Vladlen Tatarsky is back on the front line, as a special military correspondent. On January 8th, he released new video sharing his opinion on how to end war in Ukraine.

The most common question: When will the war end? It will not end for a long time, because the war is not only about victories at the front, but also the work in the rear. The Ukraine’s rear is not in Ukraine, but in Europe. In Europe, the United States is setting up  factories that produce Soviet-style artillery shells. Equipment is being repaired there, Ukrainian soldiers are trained there, and wounded Ukrainian soldiers are being treated. Western and American weapons from countries such as Romania, Poland, Slovakia enter Ukraine. We cannot strike at these countries, we do not want to wage a nuclear war, so we have to “tinker” with Ukraine.

But there is a scenario in which we win! This is of course strikes on  bridges. Strikes on bridges are a effective and asymmetric response to all the actions of the West. Our task is that Western weapons, ammunition, replenishment do not reach the left bank of Ukraine, where the front is now, and remaine on the right bank, which means we need to destroy bridges. Someone will say that this is impossible, but we see that the Ukrainian army in open battle failed to drive us from  the Kherson bridgehead, so it carried out asymmetric actions, such as: destruction of bridges, strikes on crossings, the threat of strikes on the dam. This forced us to simply leave settlements and cities, almost the entire Kherson region, without a fight. This is an example when, if it is impossible to break through the front line ,strikes on bridges can be  effective, in this case forcing us to withdraw from Kherson City

Russia has more potential, it can strike anywhere along  the Dnieper, there are bridges that do not function as a result of summer shelling, because they have not yet been restored. Someone thinks it’s ineffective, but it’s the only way we can make it harder to move troops across to the left bank. If the transfer of troops, replenishment, ammunition is difficult across the Dnieper,  this will affect the situation at the front.

When we started the war, we did not think that we would have to fight   the West, we thought only with Ukraine. Therefore, we need to apply such asymmetric responses and then everything will move faster. I am sure that destruction of bridges is the only chance to rectify the situation at the front.

We know that the Wagner PMC is advancing and  its efforts have thwarted the winter plans of the Ukrainian command. But this is still not enough, because the Ukrainian command is still preparing reserves, they are sent equipment, they have many soldiers and they can still mobilize and arm many thousands  more soldiers at the expense of the West. Therefore, a long war lies ahead and in order to accelerate it, complete destruction of bridges is necessary. This will make crossing the Dnieper a test for them, as was the case  near Kherson.

If we mobilize ourselves, mobilize society, mobilize the economy a then the enemy will definitely be defeated, victory will be ours!

Wish you all bright and good!


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Azov Batallion called Lloyd Austin a dirty Ape

To destroy the Nazi transport routes and transport infrastructure is a very good idea.


Deixa de contar mentiras, o exército da Rússia é fraco, Putin enganou o mundo, no terreno estão sendo derrotado. Os russos são bobos, tolos, são facilmente enganado por Putin. 400 civis russos vestido de soldados morreram, os recrutados não querer ir pra guerra, são buxa de canhão, eles não querem matar inocentes, não tem corage de matar seus vizinho. O ditador paranoico Putin não tem mais credibilidade, é mentiroso, falso, traiçoeiro. Putin destruiu a Rússia, destruiu com a economia. Nesse portal de notícias não pode falar do governo, pode pegar dez anos de prisão, os russos está vivendo nunhuma ditadura.

Pedo Peter aka Big Guy

Vai tomar no cú seu filho de uma puta, sem vergonha


You don’t have to destroy them all. a few can be left, well guarded

Vald the Sissy from Rumania

tatarsky is a NAZI. You can tell that by Rune fonts on the Bandera style black flag he has always behind him. Only Nazis use Runes.

Reporters do not sit on their asses in the basement in front of NAZI black flag with Rune fonts and not blabber their opinions. If he was reporter he would be in the Front with soldiers

Last edited 1 year ago by Vald the Sissy from Rumania
Taylor Lee

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Last edited 1 year ago by Taylor Lee
Taylor Lee

Consistently made over $20,00 in income from home with the benefit of smooth playback and sticky online interest. |F330″ I actually made $18,00 with this perfect home income. Everyone can now without a doubt. … make extra money online by using—— https://apprichbaba.blogspot.com/

Last edited 1 year ago by Taylor Lee

“Nazee! Nazeeee!” Is that a bad thing? He’s with the good guys instead of Satanist EF, that is what matters.


You are completely wrong. Tatarsky is an Orthodox man, deeply religious one. The symbols and inscriptions on his background are some of the basic symbols of Orthodoxy and mean, as it is written there, – “I believe in the Resurrection of the Dead and the Life of the Next Age Amen”. There is not a single rune there. You are either utterly illiterate or a provocateur

two arm guy

You know.. there’s a bunch of bridges, like a dozen and 2 hydro dams, with roads on top that would facilitate cross for the AFU. Maybe it’s possible to just hit the road beds on the dams without breaking them I guess, but even so some of the bridges might require quite a few hits. Also, what if they just start using barges to cross the river? It might be enough for supplying AFU if they have enough.

Probably better to just bring down the rail bridges of which there’s like just 3, and see if you need to go further from there.


All bridges are easy to being destroyed if are used large aviation bombs like into ww2 and not thin rockets like today fashion. For dams is need to be used light rockets with high brizants explozives (but small charges) like into Nova Kharkova. All damage can be repaired, but means time and resources. OBS Bridges yet exist also over Dnister Laguna and over Bug….

two arm guy

And being a bomber in ww2 was one of the highest casualty jobs. It’s no easier today. They have to use missiles.

Fred Mc

Reminds me: my Dad, who was in the RAF, gave me a de-classified aerial photograph of the Bridge on the River Kwai (Kwae) that the Brits had just bombed in WWII.

Tuck Carlson Fan

youtube.com/watch?v=Hl0myzExUaY The sacred war 2.0


So we won. WTF, not yet?! Jesus, are we waiting for christmas or what?


When we started the war, we did not think that we would have to fight the West, we thought only with Ukraine. Are we stupid or what?

Proud Ukronazi Azov

You didnt start the war. Monkeypox Homo niggas like you can’t start anything serious, much less a war.


When we started the war, we did not think that we would have to fight the West, we thought only with Ukraine. Therefore, we are stupid. Definitely.

John Deer

Underground garages in Kharkov is where the Western-donated tank-armored brigades popped-out from early september 2022. All these locations remain unscathed, which is 2nd priority having demolished the electric infrastructure feeding train-loads 1st off. Still, road and off-road avenues may gradually supplant those underground grouping-stages with sufficient aggregate forces to break through Russian lines vs. Belgorod, Kursk and Voronezh.


for 1 year the Russians are being demolished in Ukraine. the Russian generals are completely overwhelmed and it is a journalist who will find the solution for us. Russia will not win. the west will do everything to make the war last as long as possible, the ukrainians are fighting for the west. the goal is to weaken Russia militarily and it works perfectly well, the West is rubbing its hands. Russia militarily will not last another year. too much loss of men and material.


No, no, we will win, for sure. Just wait until next Christmas. Or the next one. Or…well…next one.

Ralph Zaretsky

Bridges are actually MUCH harder to target and destroy than most people think. Successfully destroyed bridges tend to happen when combat engineers on the ground apply cutting charges at the appropriate places on the bridge, blow it, then retreat. Destroying a bridge by aerial bombs or missiles is EXTREMELY difficult. Witness the Ludindorf Bridge at Remagan, the US attempts to bomb the Bridge on Highway 1 in Vietnam in 1968, and recently the inability of the Ukrainian Himars missiles to take out the bridge at Kherson.

Dick Von D'Astard

Destroying the dams is a better option first.


I can speak from experience that it is the case. Bridges are hard to destroy from the air, its easier and more effective to do it with some engineers.


How many bridges cross the Dniper? I don’t know, but I think Russia has the weapons to destroy them from a distance. The problem is that the Dniper is very long, so they should monitor it completely, because it is useless to destroy the bridges if the engineers rebuild them, or use pontoons, which allow the passage of vehicles, troops and supplies. There must be some important reason because if not, the Russians should have done it a long time ago


Agree…BUT we can use some Deep State “magic”. 2 airplanes?? took down 3 buildings (WTC 1& 2) and WTC 7 within hours of impact. Bridges should be easy peasy considering WTC 1 & 2 designed to withstand 747 impact and were tallest buildings in the World.

Mexican Beaner 🇲🇽

No magic. You are just illiterate. So Civil Engineering and Structural Fire Engineering are magyc and deep state for ya.

Planes were used as huge fuel bombs. That much fuel burns for a long time at high temperatures so the structural carcass of the skyscraper fails.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mexican Beaner 🇲🇽

You don’t have to destroy them. Ukraine never destroyed the ones in Kherson but they did enough damage to make the unsafe to use. This is with HIMARS. Russia has for more powerful missiles then can use than these.

Hans Richardt

The destruction of BRIDGES over the Diepnr river is obvious. Destructions of airfields close to the fronts is a urgent priority, especially Poltava. There are so many bridges, that it will be a hell of a operation to destroy all.

Hans Richardt

The question is, why is the Russian military operational carpet knights not doing anything about the Diepnr river crossings?

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Of course the entire Ukronazy transport infrastructure must be destroyed and never allowed to be repaired. The military hardware seen on Ukrainian teritory must be destroyed. Trains, trucks, anything. Ukropistan must be reduced to ruble. Anyone who kills or cripple Ukronazy officials or their families should be given a retirement fund and land in Russia.

Ukraine is a war crime and must be dealt as such.

Last edited 1 year ago by USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

just leave few bridges intact, to entice enemy congregating in smaller areas if they want to come to fight, and then carpet bomb them into hells.


I’m still surprised they haven’t bomb the crap out of them. A few FOAB’s would do the trick.


It is possible the Russians withdrew from Cherson because of the threat that the dam would be breached and isolate Russian troops on west bank, rather than the bridges being too weak.

Cuban Mike

It is so obvious that there must be some good reason for not doing so. I don’t know, perhaps the possibility for the Russian army to advance into western Ukraine, but in that case the Ukranian would destroy the bridges. Another possibility is that the Russians want the Ukranians and their foreign advisors keep coming, to stablish the killing ground closer to their frontiers. Anyway, it is very strange they haven’t destroyed those bridges.

Mexican Beaner 🇲🇽

Those fucking basement crotch reporters should shut their pieholes and their assholes. They are all 5th Columnists trying to conjure up reality as their master oligarkhs tell them from the West.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mexican Beaner 🇲🇽
Mexican American 🇲🇽

Hey troll use a different name bitch.


It seems really so


you are right

Last edited 1 year ago by Darius
Peppe il Sicario

Bingo!! If you read between the lines of his remarks, he’s making the West seem more powerful than it actually is…an attempt at nuanced propaganda in favor of his Western masters. Russia will bring the hurt and destroy European and Western cities and centers of power long before NATOstan attempts to drive Russia into a war of endless attrition. Europe and the West don’t have the numbers, resources and public support to carry it out.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peppe il Sicario

With all due respect for this man and as a war vet myself have to disagree with him !! Bridges are the easiest thing to take out as is the power infrastructure which should have been destroyed completely at the very start, all media centers, command centers and communication !! Taking out a tank is fine but another is replaced very quickly !! Total destruction of all infrastructure that is used by military is a must !!

William White

Been saying it since last February, Bridges, roads, air strips, railroads the works. Start in the thinly populated sections, Paratroop in to bomb the supports, helicopter them out with fighter jets protecting them. Timers to detonate when the troops are away.


I would say blow up all major roads leading into Poland and Moldovia. Turn it into a big heap of rubble, this will restrict the high volume of weapons going into Ukraine.

Sionist Slaves of America

The Tabqa Dam in Syria was on a no hit list, NATO bombarded it any way. Hitting every bridge on the Dnieper River would take too long. Since there already is precedent of a super power bombarding a Dam then an attuck on a Dum upstream the Duenipur Ruver wuold take out every Brudge downstream.

Ed Theman

Russia needs to completely destroy Ukraine 100% to end the war, if Ukraine is allowed to live on in the West and behind the river, they will keep fighting and using insurgents to cause damage.

Eventually they will send a nuke into Russia or something like that.

Who cares at this point if the bridges are up when you need to send troops into the west eventually to completely control the country. Then you can cut off any supplies coming in from the west.


I think the bankers are sending 2000 tanks to the front.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

The entire industrial might of the West is geared against Russia. All they have built and stored since 1950 is sent on the Eastern front and all is built to be offered to Zaluzhny to use as he pleases.

The entire free and not so free world should help Russia otherwise the planet will be tyrannically ruled from Wall Street.

Mexican Beaner 🇲🇽

1950s industrial might old junk that is rusted through. They don’t have heavy industries any more. After they run out of it, they will send Sherman tanks stored since the D-day.


Ruled from Wall Street. Good homes, nice countries, nice people, nice cars – fine by me to be ruled from WS… as for being ruled from moscow…

Dick Von D'Astard

Destruction of Odessa and NPP’s (one-by-one) in western Ukraine also would considerably reduce the appetite of the U.S./UK led Nato bloc.

The reconstruction finance for Washington-London controlled Ukraine is apparently $750 – $800 billions. If the damage is greater then it’s credit line is lost.

I’d start however with destroying the Dneiper dams and hydro plants.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dick Von D'Astard
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