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MARCH 2025

Russian Military Revealed Additional Details Of IL-20 Shootdown Off Syrian Coast (Video)

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On September 23, the Russian Defense Ministry held an additional press briefing providing details on the IL-20 shootdown, which took place off Syrian coast on September 17.

Defense ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov once again conflirmed that Russia believes that “the blame for the Russian Il-20 aircraft tragedy lies entirely with the Israeli Air Force [IAF]”.

He recalled that the IL-20 military plane was shot down by Syrian air defense forces because Israeli’s F-16s were using it as a cover during the attack on Syria.

“The presented objective data testifies that the actions of the Israeli fighter pilots, which led to the loss of life of 15 Russian servicemen, either lacked professionalism or were an act of criminal negligence to say the least. Therefore, we believe that the blame for the tragedy with the Russian Ilyushin Il-20 aircraft lies entirely with the Israeli air forces and those who made the decision to carry out such actions,” Konashenkov said.

“Thus, the Israeli jets created a direct threat to any passenger or transport aircraft that could have been there at that time and could have become victims of the adventurism of the Israeli military.”

According to the provided data, the IAF gave a warning to the Russian side less than a minute before carrying out a strike. Thus the IAF gave IL-20 no time for any safety maneuvers. Konashenkov said that these actions “a clear violation of the 2015 Russian-Israeli agreements.”

Furthermore, the IAF failed to provide the location its jets or properly specify their targets, claiming they were going to attack several ‘industrial facilities’ in northern Syria. This misinformation prompted the Russian Command to order the IL-20 back to the Khmeimim air base. At the same time, the Israeli warplanes attacked the western Syrian province of Latakia.

“The misleading information provided by the Israeli officer about the area of strikes did not allow the Russian Il-20 airplane to move timely to a safe area,” Konashenkov stated.

He pointed out that Israeli actions are an example of its low commitment to the deconfliction agreement with Russia. According to Konashenkov, Russia has sent as many as 310 notifications to the IAF during operations in Syria. In turn, the IAF has notified the Russian side only 25 times while its jets have carried out more than 200 strikes against targets located in Syria over the past 18 months alone.

“This is an extremely ungrateful response to all that has been done by the Russian Federation for Israel and the Israeli people recently,” Konashenkov said.

He also revealed that a notable number of pro-Iranian forces and 24 multiple launch rocket systems were withdrawn from the Golan Heights with Russian military’s assistance thus de-escalating the situation there.

“In view of the above, the hostile actions committed by the Israeli Air Force against the Russian Ilyushin Il-20 aircraft cross the line of civilized relations,” Konashenkov emphasized.

The military spokesman added that “Russia’s retaliatory measures with regard to the Il-20 downing will be directed primarily at stepping up the security of Russian military officers in Syria and our military facilities in the Syrian Arab Republic. These will be the steps everyone will notice.”

Following the press briefing by the Russian military, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman told local Kan Bet radio that Israel is not going to cease its operations in Syria or to change its strategy in Syria.

The statement showed that Moscow and Tel Aviv have some serious contradictions in their understanding of the situation in the war-torn country.

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maybe it was revenge for the Israeli 16 shoot down back in February? Guess will have to see what Russia’s revenge will be then….

yudha bdg

An act of cowardice


Israel and US are not going to observe agreements in fullest, when it suits them they will violate them and assume a high moral ground blaming others. Russia should increase the density of their air defenses, provide S300 to Syria and institute a no fly zone in western Syria and Lebanon. If Israel considers so expedient to bomb Syria they will have to pay a price.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Cowards do not like to pay the price. They like to hide behind RF aircraft or Uncle Sam’s skirts.


F16’s are not going to have any place to hide when they come face to face with Suk 35 and 35 fighter bombers, cowards turn around and run……and Uncle Sam’s skirt is getting shorter.


Just watch nothing changed. Russia will still allow Israel to strike Syrians their ONLY ally in ME …

Hind Abyad

Just watch yourself Zio thing


Just ask the Lakota Indians, Apache and Navajo native tribes, how trustworthy the colonists were and how many agreements were broken by the invading forces and extrapolate those to the novice Israeli partners.

Val Shadowhawk

Yes!!!! I would only add, the term ‘Indian’ in reference to the indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere, is a misnomer. There is no word for ‘Indian’ in any tribal language throughout Turtle Island (The Americas). Your comment rings true however.

Tommy Jensen

Its because Americans are winners. These Indians were losers.

Hind Abyad

Stupid comment.


The Russians have had a few unpleasant experiences with Bigly Winner Ubermenschen and knew how to deal with them successfully. I don’t think that they will follow in the footsteps of Native Americans ( or according to you, Indian Loosers).

Pablo Howitt

Your comments are pretty juvenile.

Tommy Jensen

Russia can do whatever they want, install more silly S-400, fly more Awacs, II-20 planes, radars, whatever……………………….LOL. It doesnt change the fact that Israel has to protect itself. Israel will continue to shoot down everybody who are in the way for Israel´s security, and fight for our freedom to act and protect Israel and Jerusalem our capitol. Russia pessed and dont like it? Your problem man, not ours……………………………..LOL.


lol stop pretending you are from israel

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Israel has no right to “protect itself” by attacking other countries. Civilised countries talk to each other instead of starting wars. Perhaps, India, my own birth country, can mediate between Iran and Israel? Modi seems to have good relationships with both.


How does one ‘mediate’ with a terrorist organization masquerading as a country…

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Easy, by grabbing their balls and squeezing hard till they talk. That is why RF needs to reply to these deaths or no-one will listen to them.


The reply will be not what they expect. Jim Beam above posted a link to an article. I sure hope it’s a fact and not bs. We shall see.

hope springs eternal.

Modi negotiate? That worthless p.of s. As a fellow Indian please think better. Yes i agree civilised countries talk to each other, but Israel is neither a country nor are they civilised. Therefore Russia has to act on its own to salvage the loss of its highly trained personnel and salvage some pride. Note in the Russian General’s presentation, he stressed the Israelis have “repeatedly” broken the agreement.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Whether you like Modi or not is immaterial. He is the Indian PM, so get over it. The crucial issue is, who exactly will bring Iran and Israel to the negotiating table? The US/EU/NATO countries are pure gangsters. It is about time the Indians got off their arses and work for peace around the world. Or would you prefer to become toast in a nuclear war? Oh yes, I would also suggest that India and Pakistan also seek mediation before they also start a nuclear war. It seems that the Indian and Pakistani elite are still unable to complete the 1947 partition of British India. Perhaps, they only have regard for British Imperial authority, like good old slave states?. Then I am sure the Queen would be persuaded to appoint me as the new viceroy? (I would come cheap at £1,000,000 per year, just think of the savings from a nuclear fallout! And the Presidential place in New Delhi would be nice, as well) India and Pakistan better grow up as nations and solve their petty disputes or they will both end up as arse-lickers to the Evil US Empire.

hope springs eternal.

The ideologies of Iran and Israel/USA are quite different. Frankly I don’t see them making peace. Civilised societies and people should not have to keep weapons and live by the gun. The Iran deal was the only decent foreign policy thing Obama did. And that too has been upturned now. India is under “orders” from the zio’s to keep Pak engaged, because they are the only Muslim Nuclear powered nation that can hit Israel. On a personal note, I would welcome you as the Governor general of India at the Presidential palace as a peace maker! (btw. i had served as Dy Military Secy to the President while in service).


Little Russia? Compared to Israel, Russia is 10′ tall.

If Russia doesn’t like it, that is a problem for Israel–a big problem!

Jim Bim

Russia is already acting. 2 Israeli F-16 where on Saturday intercepted over Lebanon airspace by 2 Russian Su-34 and forced to fly back to Israel. http://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news/world-news/3184-israeli-f-16-s-intercepted-by-russian-war-planes-over-lebanon-forced-back-to-israel

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

This is the best news I’ve heard all week, if true. About time!!!

Ha Lim Ha Lim

Russia must act to shoots at israel jets .


Interception of unannounced jets should be their norm.

Tommy Jensen

This is first time in history any Russian airfighter EVER intercepted an Israeli Airfighter. THIS IS SO HUGE MAN.


The best news I’ve heard so far. Hopefully, what I read in the update becomes reality. Since Russia is patrolling the Golan Heights and at the briefing, cited that no Iranian heavy weapons were in the region, there’s absolutely no reason for Israeli jets in Syrian or Lebanese skies. I especially liked that the Lebanese have given the Syrians permission to shoot down Israeli planes over Lebanese territory.

Muriel Kuri

Oh yes! What good news indeed – especially after Lieberman’s blunt statement that Israel would continue flying over Syria, even though Iran has moved all it’s equipment and soldiers out of the area disputed by Israel. Now let’s see what happens, since you know they’ll try it again.


Entire Israel is disputed because it is on stollen land.

You can call me Al


Tommy Jensen

The IAF officer also told Russia to stay away Syrian airspace with II-20 planes, Awacs and similar early warning defences.

hope springs eternal.

Looks like the gloves are coming off!

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

So Israel believe its in a position in wich it can dictate wether or not a sovereign country is allowed to defend its own airspace?

Israel is in fact ordering Syria to give a carte blanche to IAF?

You can call me Al

I know, the arrogance beggars belief.

Jim Bim

I hope so too :-)

Muriel Kuri

Thanks for the good news in your link!



Jim Bim

Your Welcome :-)

Tommy Jensen

I am also SO happy happy happy today, I cant take my hands down, its so wonderful.

Its victory, finally the Resistance got the finger out, Everybody in Syria will party today, wine, steaks, dancing girls.

Russia intercepted 2 Israeli Airfighters……………….THIS IS HUGE HUGE HUGE!!! BREAKING!! BRWAKING!! SMOKE THE HERBS MAN!!


Did you see this update Jim :)

“Russia has just announced that when they complete their “military live-fire exercises” in the waters off the Syria Coast, they are CLOSING THE AIRSPACE Over Syrian Territorial waters along the entire coastline. NO UNAUTHORIZED AIRCRAFT will be permitted to enter air space over Syrian Territorial Waters. Violators risk being shot down without warning.

This now means the only area Israel can use to attack Syria is Lebanese airspace but . . . .

**** The Syrian army now has permission from Lebanon to fire at Israeli planes that are in Lebanese airspace. **** “

Jim Bim

Yes Florian :-) i posted a link to a site with the article. I hope it is true.

Val Shadowhawk


Cyric Vigilius

I am surprised they need permission. I am so surprised Lebanon has zero air defence. They do have an army do they not?

Feudalism Victory

Not one that seems useful

Hind Abyad

They have an army. “The Hawker Hunters have not flown any combat sorties since September 17, 1983.” Lebanese army gets two A-29 light-attack aircraft from U.S. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-lebanon-usa-army/lebanese-army-gets-two-a-29-light-attack-aircraft-from-u-s-idUSKBN1D02BV


From that Reuters article… were they laughing when they stated significant combat capability? These 2 man propeller planes look more like they belong to the ww2 era.

Hind Abyad

Lebanese army is only defensive it never invades


The Lebanese forces only have a handful of prop aircraft supplied by the US as well as a few old US armoured vehicles.

Without Hezbollah the Lebanon would now be an Israeli colony and the water from the Litani River would be stolen by the Israelis.


Lebanon’s legislature has a lot of Hezbollah influence, but the presidency is controlled by Saudi Arabia (an Israeli friendly stooge). As you can imagine, little gets done there defense wise save for what Hezbollah can manage.

Gregory Casey

Nope ….. not the Presidency. It is the Prime Minister’s Office that is under the control of the Wahhabi State. The Presidency is Christian and the Legislature controlled by Hezbollah.


My bad. Could have sworn it was the Pres. that fled to SA earlier. Gotta get some more omega3s in the diet

Hind Abyad

Do you have the link about Lebanese permission?


Sorry, I do not .

Tommy Jensen

Israel can still shoot from OUTSIDE that zone. French subs can also shoot for OUTSIDE that zone. ANY Tomahawk missile can shoot from OUTSIDE that zone. I dont understand the sheeple´s happy applause over this legal triffle.


It is symbolic as well as being practical. The Israeli missiles will also have further to travel.

Monte George Jr

The Syrian AD has already shown that it can defeat a large volley of ship-launched missiles from the Mediterranean Sea. The bombs and missiles that have successfully attacked Syrian targets have all been short-range airborne attacks from Lebanon, Golan Heights and Al Tanaf. Excluding IDF aircraft from these regions will secure Syria from these sneak attacks.

This is yet another nail in the coffin of the Oded Yinon Plan. Kudos, Mr Putin; a grateful world thanks you!

Tommy Jensen

Sure Syria can defend staged missiles agreed beforehand.

About your Yinon plan it is half finished. Syria is now divided in two along the Euphrat, USA occupy East. The Yinon only lack to kick Assad out, then Israel has free acess to fullfill the prepared area for Israel……….thanks to Putin´s leadership.

Hind Abyad

Zionist arrogance https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9a38aff01bfe64eb777e261d38f70010e3b29aea06351c88040265ba6057a88d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1e7e685685f9cb11eda2364e599a1cfbc3c6a3766dbdc7f6fba4bb6ee311ecae.jpg

Gregory Casey

Agreed. Meanwhile Tommy’s adherence to the Yinon plan pushes him East of Euphrates: THAT is FAR from Home for a Viking and despite those Yankees hanging about the place, the populace is extremely restless with Kurds contemplating another ‘betrayal’ and facing War with Turkey now that Putin has agreed to open territories to Turkish backed Forces north and north-east of Aleppo.


Arm chair warriors are so funny on here! Tommy did you ever serve in the military I have? Were you ever in combat or just some dip stick talking shit!

Gregory Casey

Moreover the deploying S-300 in Syria will cover all or almost all of Lebanese air-space


And also with the agreement of the Lebanese government. :)

Hind Abyad

Russian MoD shows how Israeli F-16 hid behind IL-20 https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/russian-mod-shows-how-israeli-f-16-hid-behind-il-20-video/?utm_medium=ppc&utm_source=push&utm_c


Israeli terrorists will attack Russian military bases and forces in Syria but Russian military has no permission to shoot down Israeli planes. Israelis are stooges of UK and US. That is why Israelis are anti Russian.

Hind Abyad

UK and US are stooges of Israel. .


The British regime have done fraud with Palestinians. They told Palestinians that we freed Palestine but in reality it is still under British occupation and now they are holding them as hostage there.

Hind Abyad

You mean Britizh Rothschild? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/93a2c1f065f4629a024e30d836ce565bb6fad59c397031eec7fe21bbd8d09f03.jpg

Hind Abyad

Dear Rob..then they’re exterminating the hostages


This is true.

Dean IS

You will see nothing except our blades and stabbing from youth who refused the kuffar. This era of ISLAM is only in the beginning https://youtu.be/lpnp65A1G3k?t=9m21s


Oh yes, Russia is acting …they firstly declared no-fly zone over Syria and Libanon and then ESCORTED 2 Israeli jets without scratch from this “no fly” zone. It is laughable. Russia is acting the same way as before. Firstly proclaiming something and then acting totally opposite. I bet 1000:1 that Israel will continue with airstrakes, ignoring Russia. Putin is so weak….

Tudor Miron

Your obvious desire for global war is burning does it?

Ricky Miller

He’s clearly an American who can’t wait for his children and loved ones to get a brief up close look at Russia’s Yars and Bulava missiles. An up close view for about one eight-hundredth of a second. Some Americans are literally begging for it, walking around arrogant and overconfident. They believe that only American weapons can kill and that no consequence will ever come around to home, to their own communities and loved ones.

Tudor Miron

He’s obviously infuriated that someone acts in contradiction to his desire for more human blood spilled.

Ricky Miller

Yes. Because it must mean weakness if you intercept aircraft and pressure them out of the airspace but you don’t use your weaponry to kill anyone. Who does that? Because here in America we fire off more missiles trying to kill people before 9am than everyone else does all day. Strength means big body counts and things blowing up.

Ricky Miller

If Putin is so weak why is Crimea now Russian? How is it that Abkhazia and South Ossetia are free from Georgian rule? Importantly, and to wit, how is President Assad alive and still in power? I mean, Osama dead. Mullah Mohammad Omar, deposed. Saddam Hussein captured, tormented and executed by Americans and their puppet Iraqi government. Several of Saddam’s children, dead and their corpses displayed on television, in violation of International conventions. Moammar Qaddifi is dead, killed in yet another American led regime change operation. Brutally killed, on video no less. Manuel Noriega rots in an American prison, John -Bertrand Aristide was kidnapped by American agents and smuggled out of Haiti to South Africa. And so on. America doesn’t mess around. Yet President Assad sleeps at the untouched Presidential palace. He drives in his own car to visit his soldiers and accompanies his wife to the clinic for her chemotherapy. His children all live and his armies have rolled back all the Jihadi street gangs hell bent with American weapons and cash to kill him and replace him. There’s a difference this time, if only I could put my finger on it. Whatever could it be. Give you one guess, ace?


Why is big part of Syria still in hands of illegal proxies? Why Idlib offensive was stopped ? Why Russian planes are only ones to be shot down? Why Israel and France attacks in the heart of Russian zone without any retaliation ?

Why western “partners” can shot Russian planes or make cruise missiles attacks on Russian allies with impunity ? Why Assad and his regime is still in grave danger because of Israel and the USA military actions? Why Russia didn’t allowed Syrian Army having S300 missiles ? Why are nearly all post-soviet allies controlled by West ? Why were so many pro-russian diplomats and politics assasinated lately ? What Putin really wants ? Good relationship with West by sweet talking and not doing anything? Does he want to get totally encircled and hated? When will he already start to fight back ? Will he allow US military presence on all his border, including Ukraine ? Will he risk 1st nuclear strike on Moscow ? There are too many questions there. What I see here is that he is not able show any power to West and West is more and more daring. Israel just shot down Russian plane and nothing happened. They’ll shot down another one soon, you can bet on it.

Ricky Miller

You see a glass half empty. I see one half full. But my half is bigger than yours. Two thirds of Syrian territory is in government hands and three fourths of Syria’s population. That includes all the big cities and the coast. All the other enclaves are landlocked and surrounded. Except Idlib which will likely become a restored Ottoman province. While I agree with you that more dramatic Russian pushback might be satisfying it would also be dangerous. And the Russian electorate in opinion survey after survey have stated that they do not want Russia’s involvement in Syria to escalate into a wider war.

As far as Russia’s wider geopolitical position especially with regards to the European states it’s clear that the post cold war West enjoys something of a fad popularity. Despite the fact that it’s fault lines are showing and the masses are restless, many outsiders are still on the receiving end of awesome and deceptive Western PR. As the American singer -songwriter Don Henley wrote and sang: “There’s millions of people with their noses to the glass. They’ve seen it in the TV and they want it pretty fast… “But there are victories in the mix. China and Mongolia just joined Russia for military exercises. The Caspian states just signed an agreement including Russia that no outside forces can station military bases or forces in the region .Belarus is still an ally and Ukraine is a mess. Both Turkey and Bulgaria are on the outer fringe of NATO and both intend better relations with Moscow. Russia’s position is far stronger than it appears.

Tommy Jensen

You cannot keep us Americans down. We are creeping in everywhere.

At the moment we get Armenia and soon we occupy a piece of Caspian and later we take over Caspian Sea. Because its a Sea you guys cannot do anything…………………….LOL.

Ricky Miller

Armenia doesn’t border the Caspian Sea and is not a party to the agreement. Also it’s extremely doubtful that Armenia’s voters go along with anything like stationing American forces there to Russia’s detriment. And America is creeping in everywhere on our grandchildren’s money. America’s public and private institutions are sitting on top of huge debt bubbles ready to pop. We don’t have staying power anywhere. Exhibit A: Afghanistan, where the Taliban control some half of the country after seventeen years of American waged war, more at any time since 2001.

Hind Abyad

“..us Americans..”???? ;-))

Ricky Miller

I’m American, unfortunately. I have a t-shirt that says “i wish I’d been born in Magnitogorsk.” But no matter how many times I click my heels together and wish to be “home” I still wake up each morning in this war pig hillbilly stars and stripes paradise. My apologies to all. I’ve voted, spoke out and contributed money to candidates but I can’t control the Washington D.C.monsters. I’m ashamed.


No need to be ashamed Ricky. You now know Yanki Doodle Dandi Elections are but a window dressing, ‘a masque’ on reality. There are many more awaking from this nightmare after a relentless propagandised slumber. People are now acknowledging the fact that their Democracy has been Stolen, not just in the USA but all over the so-called West, FUKUS +++++++ all other neutered states. “The shadow of a starless night was thrown. Over the world in which I moved Alone. Yet ne’re found I one not false to me……” PBS. Time to feel Proud of yourself Ricky. You have bucked their enforced Dream

Tudor Miron

No point to be ashamed Ricky. What you do here is an act of courage and honesty that very few are capable of.

Feudalism Victory

No takers? Lots of people eager to fight to the last russian and angry if they dont launch ww3 to defend syria.


Russians killed plenty of US army personel when hitting ISIL command post with kaliber cruise missiles and other strikes. What was US Army response? I did not hear about any.


Russia never hit any US army personel just mercenaries from Black Water etc… Tell me when Russia starts bombing Al Tanf or other ILLEGAL US military bases in Syria. May be in next century… or if Putin is replaced.


Russians did hit also US militarry personal, especialy the officers from secret services that are/were serving as ISIS commanders.

Tommy Jensen

Didnt you see all these diplomats been shown the door?


US used different excuse for those ones….

Jim Bim

Hold on your horses cowboy, READ!!!! the update on the link. Russia has just announced that when they complete their “military live-fire exercises” in the waters off the Syria Coast, they are CLOSING THE AIRSPACE Over Syrian Territorial waters along the entire coastline. NO UNAUTHORIZED AIRCRAFT will be permitted to enter air space over Syrian Territorial Waters. Violators risk being shot down without warning.

The exercise ends on September 26, in the meantime, just like on Saturday, they will intercept intruders. That`s how i read the Russian statement. lets see what happens after the 26.

Tommy Jensen

This way Israel is forced to warn Russia in advance, so Russia next time get enough time to run away when 4 Israeli Airfighters arrive at the scene………………………………………..LOL.


Jim Bim

If the incident over Lebanon airspace on Saturday is correct, the Russians did not run away.

Tommy Jensen

Yes they did. In the minute Israel warned Russia, the Russian command asked II-20 to immediately return home…………………….LOL.

Jim Bim

You don`t make any sense, maybe you should read the article in my link. The Israeli jets where intercepted by Su-34 over Lebanon airspace…not II-20.

Hind Abyad

Easy on the Caps Lock so you wanted Russians to die? “LOL. THIS IS HUGE, THIS IS HUGE!”

You lost the War in 2006. “Libanon Hezbullah was not so eazy as unarmed Palestinian’s” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWXXMj05l6M

Tudor Miron

Tommy, this last joint was a bit too much for you.


Putin isn’t weak. Thank goodness he’s Russia’s leader and not you!

neil barron

The statement by Defense Minister Lieberman was off point it was not about operations and strategy, it was about the agreement on deconfliciton. I saw that and with the Russians giving out more info than needed it seems the Israeli’s haven’t been as forth coming.

paul ( original )

I thought the meaning in this statement was very clear. Despite Russia going to great lengths to accommodate and co-operate with the Israelis, they on the other hand treat Russia with contempt and indifference. I think what was explained is as near a truthful explanation as we are likely to get. I could not detect if there was anger and outrage beneath the statements or not. The tone was rather neutral .


Mmm the tone might have been neutral or professional, but if you go back and listen to Major General Igor Konashenkov, he definitely didn’t feel neutral. He is obviously very upset but professionalism wins the day. Thank god for that!!

Tommy Jensen

I was the one who told everybody Russia should provide S-300 to Assad 3 years ago! Nobody listened. Alternative media remained silent, Lavrov and Putin and TheSaker and you guys were mumbling bla bla bla, but today everybody can see I was the one who was right!!

Ricky Miller

Oh yes. This is all about you.

Brother Thomas

Very informative press conference with clear messages.


Russia reaps what she sowed…. No ally allows it’s ally being attacked no matter who the attacker is.

In fact Syria is fighting a Russian economic war …. and died for it.


True. This is what Russia really wants: a) prevent gas pipe from Qatar to Turkey b) test some new weapons and tactics c) export those weapons anywhere, just if they got paid (S400 to Saudi Arabia, S300 to Turkey, for example) d) If they will be able to keep Assad alive in the process and not trigger big reaction from the West, it is a small benefit. But Russia don’t want to liberate Syria and their people. Putin just showed himself. He is just another example of global politics. He doesn’t want to win this war. He doesn’t want to restore integrity of Syria. He just wants limited war abroad to save money and gain some extra time to increase his own power. Sad.

Michael Apanian

Russia should once and for all realize they have no friend in the Zipnist regime of Israeli fake jews aka Zionistan, which according to the satanic anti Christian and ani human Babylonian talmud all people excluding them are cattle..likewise Russia and the rest of the world should also treat them as cattle

Manuel Flores Escobar

More or less Russian military are saying that its a clearly provocation againts them….Putin can say that it was a “chain of tragic circunstances”…Netanyahu..” we blame Syria for Il 20 downed”….Putin are now trapped between its relations with Russian jews Oligarchs and the state of Israel for one hand…and the Russian military staff which want a military respond to save prestige….

Tudor Miron

Thinking that Putin is as simple as you is a common mistake that I often see. What amuses me is that many people show extremely short memory span. Inability to learn from the past is a dangerous habbit.


I agree Tudor. The battlefields ,old and new, are always littered with dead chest thumping and ignorant fools.


Sad to see Russia just want to share rule over “some inferiour”nation like Syria.

Tudor Miron

As expected, after that tragic loss of 15 servicemen, Russia haters are in full swing. Putin is weak mantra is repeated all over the place. I would not talk about those who do it intentionally to try to weaken support that Putin has – their intentions are well known. But those who buy into it… they remind me of very young children :) You should try to understand very (seemingly) simple things but it will require to look at the bigger picture, to look at overall process rather than isolated events. I will oversimplify to make it easier to comprehend: West is having certain objectives in ME and Syria in particular. According to their objectives they setup and try to control a process (to realize what kind of process one can look at Libya). Russia has it’s own objectives and according to those it sets up and control their own process. While realizing this process Russia managed to largely disrupt Western process and at the very list delay realization of their objectives. West on his part is trying to disrupt Russian process. To do that they try different provocative actions with aim that in response to those provocations Russia will take actions that will disrupt their process and prevent them from realizing their objectives. Considering the above – what should be regarded as weak and strong? Biting for hostile faints and take actions that will harm achieving set objectives for the sake of “face saving” and similar childish jerky moves? Or having capacity to maintain the steady process aiming at set objectives?


Yes, this is as regular as clockwork. The fact that Putin has done as much as he has, without a major escalation, is all but lost on these people. They will grudgingly admit his success, then the minute there is another issue, it’s Putins fault. I tire of this as well. The fact that he puts Russians in the line of fire, trying to accomplish his mission, only to be shit upon by Israel time and again only shows his determination not to be side-tracked by the buzzing of wasps. With Konashenkovs statement, the exasperation with Israel, especially after trying to return Israeli remains at the risk of Russian lives, is more than evident. Taking the bait and firing off, knee-jerk is what the west wants, do these people not see that? The idea is to get to YOUR goal, not theirs. That said, I think Israel has finally stung the Russian bear one time too many. Another sign that Russia is fed up, is his relating of Israeli communications vs. bombing events…25/200? He makes plain this is NOT a one-off for Israel, he establishes that this is SOP for Israel. The bear is out of patience. FU Israel.

Tudor Miron

Yes, many Israeli sources say that was huge mistake and that now they will be in much more restricted position. Let’s see how it unfolds.


They had a gentleman’s agreement and acted like toddlers. Now Israel will sit on the dunce stool in the corner and can’t come out at recess.

15 Airmen is a painful price to pay but compared to going off half cocked and starting WW III, could be far worse.

An assassin from WW II had a saying he would often repeat when I would complain about the fix I got myself into. “We do it to ourselves!”

But there are a lot of scores to be settled, the Israelis have kicked sand in everyone’s picnic and like the Americans and 9/11 any sympathy has long since turned into contempt. So get over the holocaust, you are well on your way to causing another one.

Tudor Miron

Not many realize that next one is already planned by Israeli’s own masters and rumors are that it will be the last one.


Intriguing remark, you wouldn’t have a reference for further enlightenment? Sorry no Russian skills.

Tudor Miron

All I have is in Russian. Sorry.


Well, it is bullshit. Putin acts weak and it has consequences . For example, in Allepo, he made 4 or 5 “ceasfire agreements” with ISIS and West proxies. After each ceasefire they regrouped, get new ammo and supplies and started fight again. In South Syria – Putin allowed ISIS to be evaucated to Idlib and they will fight and make troubles and support Erdogan against Assad there untill they will be finally crushed. They could be already crushed 3 or 4 times without big problems in encirclement but that’s how Putin likes to fight. Crush enemy and let them escape. Crush them again and let them escape again. Stupid as hell.

And Putin vs USA and Israel ? On which side is actually Putin ? Does he support his own army and generals or Jewish oligarchs, who owns big part of Russian economy ? Does he more like his own soldiers or “partners” from the USA ?

Second option is correct one. Prove me wrong.

Tudor Miron

Syrian map (compare 2014 to 2018) is proving you wrong. I’m not in the business of arguing with those who can’t comprehend or have hidden agenda. If you think that Russian general stuff acts in contrary to their supreme commander it proves nothing other than how little you know (or pretend to).


Go away you ignorant thing.


Interesting that Konashenkov says in regard to beefed up security for the Russian military that “These will be the steps everyone will notice.” What I am hoping is that perhaps what won’t be [noticed] is that in fact Russia does takes punitive actions against the State of Israel for its dastardly, criminal and unacceptable actions.


israel : yo russia , we want to bomb your ally Russia : ok , go ahead and the accident happened (why dont Russia say no to israel ? Russia can speak to syria to disband/dismantle the facility right ?)

now about s-300/400/500………..the efectiveness is not proven yet


at the end of the interview he mentions something about israelis rescued by Russian sofs in a hostile area…any ideas?what was that about?downed pilots?spies of israel operating there?

Lena Jones

It’s jewish antigentilism and their usual arrogant overreach that caused the unnecessary death of the 15 gentile Russian airmen. Talmudic mania and mass-murder has also caused the death of over 100 million gentiles during WW1, WW2, Russian Revolution, ALL Mideast wars, etc.


You got it absolutely correct.

Tommy Jensen

Now you know how we felt it when Hitler gassed us.

Hind Abyad

Playing the victim while asking for more blood. Typical.

Lena Jones

You were personally “gassed” by hitler himself? LOL!

AG Korvin

What is the most important facet here and somehow been forgotten (intentionally) is that how come an ELINT plane could be brought down with a 40ys old SAM?

Who is to blame if the Russian servicemen are equipped with non-operable planes? And an ELIMT plane is supposedly all about ECM. And yet… jets that are 4 times faster were ‘hiding’ behind a prop plane at an entirely different altitude level – is the official reasoning.

This is for internal consumption, because it is easier to blame someone else than to man up and say: “we let our sons to fly hazardous missions on out-of-date crappy shit”.

End of.

Ricky Miller

Whatever. The thing that was different this time than all the other times this type of plane takes off on recon missions over Syria is that Israel conducted an attack on Syria, near Russian bases, and with minimal notice. The briefing pointed out that Russia has worked hard to understand and make allowance for Israeli concerns. The Israeli aircraft involved vectored in near the ordered to return recon aircraft. Disaster ensued because of Israeli disrespect and recklessness. And as pointed out today the Israeli actions violated the Israeli-Russian agreement. It’s now ball in Russian court as to what the consequences will be.

AG Korvin

Thing is that the Il-20 is NOT a recon plane, but an ELINT/ECM one. Which means that it meant to provide electronic countermeasures for own troops. Yet it failed to do so against a Flintstones-aged missile.

Ricky Miller

The Russians use it as a Recon plane. There is no information of it being used in electronics warfare, just as ASW and electronics recon. Plotting radar emissions, locating emissions sources. You are the only person I know of placing American uses and capabilities for that type of aircraft onto a Russian platform. It’s not a combat plane and it never would have been placed into jeopardy if Israel gave Russia the same respect that Russia has visited upon Israel in this conflict. That seems to be the Salient point that you’re missing from today’s show and tell. The Flinstones line was clever though.

AG Korvin

The Il-20D-36 Bizon (Coot-A) in question is an electronic intelligence collection and ECM platform, not a reconnaissance plane. Being built on an airframe first flown in 1957, and obviously lacking capacity to do something about incoming SAMs – whicj happens in wartime – it was an irresponsible act to have airmen flying on such a plane.

Whatever you think, this is what needs to be covered up by the Israeli hysteria.

Tudor Miron

Do you hope that people know nothing and buy your lies?

AG Korvin

Tudor, you misunderstood it: it was for those who know things, not for you. Cheers!


Drool much?

AG Korvin

Sorry for you then.


Errr I think the Russians thought they had agreements with the US (aka NATO), and Israel that they would inform each other of the flying missions and where their planes were going. Did you not listen to what the man said? Sheesehh!!!

Miroslav Beran

Has China some copy of S-300 system? Battle proven? No? May Syria propose battle testing of this HQ-9? Or buy this system (with some credit line). All problems solved.


Lol russia shooting down its own planes. Lol


Russia will nuke itself soon


“Therefore, we believe that the blame for the tragedy with the Russian Ilyushin Il-20 aircraft lies entirely with the Israeli air forces and those who made the decision to carry out such actions,” Konashenkov said”…This is the best evidence of the LAWLESSNESS of the ISRAHELL ZIONIST DEMONS, they attack a SOVEREIGN NATION with total impunity with the COMPLICITY OF THEIR INTERNATIONAL VASSAL, U.S, UK, FRANCE, NATO…What will be the reactions of the world if Syria attack the bases where ISRAHELL TRAIN, PROTECT AND ATTEND THEIR INJURY INTERNATIONAL MERCENARY TERRORIST?.




The Syrian long range SAM missiles need to be upgraded so that they’re effective against the IAF. And Syria’s fleet of MIG-29s brought to a level where they can provide an effective deterent to IAF patrols off the coast.

The Russian rules of engagement with the IAF should be changed to down grade the IAF’s status to adversarial.

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