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MARCH 2025

Russian Military Reveals Details About UAV Attack On Its Bases In Syria (Photos)

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The analysis of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) involved in the January 6 attack on Russia’s bases in Syria has shown that they cannot be made in an improvised manner, Head of the Russian General Staff’s department for the development of unmanned aerial vehicles Maj. Gen. Alexander Novikov said on September 11, according to the Russian state-run media.

The creation of drones of this class is impossible in an improvised manner. Their development and usage involved specialists, who had undergone special training in the countries manufacturing and using systems with unmanned aerial vehicles,” Novikov said adding that assembly and usage of UAVs is an engineering task that demands “special training, know-how in various scientific areas and practical experience in creating these devices.”

The UAVs also cannot be used without special software and such attack requires the info about exact target location of the targets and such parameters as altitude, flight and wind speed. This information cannot be obtained from open sources according to Novikov.

The explosives from the munitions carried by the UAVs involved in the attack on Hmeymim and Tartus bases cannot be made in makeshift conditions.

“Preliminary analysis has shown that the main explosive used in the bombs was pentaerythritol tetranitrate (also known as PENT, PENTA or TEN), which has a far higher yield than hexogen. This explosive is manufactured in a number of countries, including Ukraine’s Shostka chemical agents plant. It cannot be made in makeshift conditions or extracted from other ammunition,” Novikov said.

The general added  that one of the UAVs “was equipped with a video camera and designed for controlling and adjusting the strikes if needed.”

“Drones’ weapons deserve attention. These are improvised explosive devices weighing about 400 grams, and stuffed with striking elements – ball bearings with a striking radius of up to 50 meters,” he continued.

He also noted that up until recently militants used UAVs “mainly for air reconnaissance. Only isolated incidents were fixed when they were used for attacks.” Those UAVs were mainly improvised models, made of components sold on the open market.

According to Novikov, the analysis of the captured UAVs draws conclusions that “there is a real threat of using drones for terrorist aims in any place in the world that demands certain measures on its neutralization.” This threat is not limited to Syria.

Russian Military Reveals Details About UAV Attack On Its Bases In Syria (Photos)

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Russian Military Reveals Details About UAV Attack On Its Bases In Syria (Photos)

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Russian Military Reveals Details About UAV Attack On Its Bases In Syria (Photos)

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Russian Military Reveals Details About UAV Attack On Its Bases In Syria (Photos)

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Russian Military Reveals Details About UAV Attack On Its Bases In Syria (Photos)

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Russian Military Reveals Details About UAV Attack On Its Bases In Syria (Photos)

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Russian Military Reveals Details About UAV Attack On Its Bases In Syria (Photos)

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Russian Military Reveals Details About UAV Attack On Its Bases In Syria (Photos)

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Nigel Maund

We can all guess who advised in the making of these UAV’s and their bomb loads given the nature of the chemistry of the explosives and the manufacture involved. Direction aided by a US surveillance aircraft hovering near the Letakia and Tartus bases at the time of the attack? ……. coincidence I think not!


I still think its too early to jump into conspiracy like theories. We have to assume that these guys are more smart then we are willing to give them credit about. Like I said before, just because you want to live in the 7th century doesn’t mean you’re averse to using the tools of the 21st century. And ISIS has been using improvised armed UAV’s for a long time as well. Maybe some of their techs made it to Green Daesh territory?

One thing in this article that is absolutely on the mark were the closing words:

>>According to Novikov, the analysis of the captured UAVs draws conclusions that “there is a real threat of using drones for terrorist aims in any place in the world that demands certain measures on its neutralization.” This threat is not limited to Syria.<<

These attacks warrant a lot more attention in the MSM. Just because it only happened in Syria against the Russians does not mean it cannot happen anywhere else. But hey, its only the 'Evil' Russians in Syria, so apparently, who cares?


” These attacks warrant a lot more attention in the MSM.”

And if the MSM is silent and true investigation by the West is not undertaken it infers that there is ‘ Nothing to see here move on ‘.

If a similar attack was made on a NATO base for instance it would be front page news for a month :)

Ergo , if it was an ‘in house’ terrorist designed drone and navigation system the Western nations should be very worried. As yet they do not seem to be.

Imagine such an attack on a busy city street.




Mountains’ Silly Mumbling, perhaps. ;)


Main Stream Media. CNN/BBC etc


“Using drones for terrorist aims in any place in the world ” is the other side of Obama or intel using drones for assassination . Defense becomes much more difficult and important .

Brad Isherwood


Seems like Russia has excellent technology to drop the Drones and stop the US spy planes.

Yet they don’t. …it’s just turn the next page of the Book…….I was a Victim of Empire.


They’re launched very close (not to mention their small signature in lower altitude) and you won’t want your jammers disable the search and tracking as well as air control of the airbase covering more than 400km in integrated system.

Brad Isherwood

So…..Russia can’t use its technology, ……Cuz it will knock itself out ?


That’s right. Well you’re not sounding very smart by that riling if you can’t hide my comment.


Yes Brad, you wonder why they are holding back………………….but when you understand that they are a nation of some of the finest chess players in the world, you will understand them better. Its all in the long game Brad, and you have to look outside of Syria to see the big picture.

Brad Isherwood

The Russian chess player cliche……..getting old Why did Putin even bother going in 2015 …..Syria was overrun and partitioned already. Soon as Putin showed up….Erdogan, US and Israel were busy in earnest to secure their footholds. The Deconfliction zone agreements gave each illegal occupier legal standing to remain. Israel/IAF attack Syria 100 times in 6 years….Putin/Lavrov say nothing.

Really….why is Putin in Syria? . To test Russian weapons? . Keep anyone’s pipeline routes off the market? Erdogan slaughters Syrians …shoots down Russian Su 24,…murders Russian diplomat. Gets Turkstream pipeline, S 400 and trade deals with Russia.

If your Iran ….it’s gotta be a head scratcher


You don’t think Russia saved millions of Syrians from ISIS? Imagine Syria without Russian intervention – basically ISIS conquering everything, then SDF/FSA ‘liberating’ everything from ISIS. That was their plan, and Putin ruined it. Why do some people underestimate the Empire? It’s not just US/Israel – it’s Europe, Turkey, Canada, Australia, Japan, Saudis (and every other sunni country controlled by Saudis), basically half of the world, and you think Russia should just go to war with them? I don’t even trust China. Russia is not USSR, they cannot win that war and they know it. ‘-yes but they have nukes’ and then what?

Brad Isherwood

OK. ….so ISUS the head chopper is stopped. US occupy 1/3rd Syria. … Israhell more Stolen Golan… Erdogan the mad Sultan with a Chunk of Syria North and some TV time to say Assad is still a Terrorist.

I can accept the above as high fives outcome from Russian intervention, Sure can… Putin can pin another medal on this guy https://www.distract101.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/putin-trump-zionism-chabad.jpg


Cliche, well who cares, its my way of fathoming the Russian mind, and my wife, who is Russian sees things very differently is constant food for though. She offers me a different perspective that I don’t encounter in westerners…………. well so far. “Why did Putin even bother going in 2015 …..Syria was overrun and partitioned already.” Brad where have you been in the last 50 years ?A genocide was being carried out in that country and the world looked on and cheered, fueled by propaganda and lies.”The Deconfliction zone agreements gave each illegal occupier legal standing to remain.” Illegal, legal……Brad, these are just words, weapons decide the outcome, and the battle is far from over. “Really….why is Putin in Syria? . To test Russian weapons? . Keep anyone’s pipeline routes off the market?” Sure, all of the above , and more. Yup, you have a shed load of questions, but I can’t answer them, because I am not Putin. He is one hell of a pragmatist, and I can’t help admire him for it. “If your Iran ….it’s gotta be a head scratcher”………………please translate ?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well Brad , this has to be a head scratcher for the US as to how to gauge what Putin is going to do , the US has always discounted China and what they are going to do? Seems that US is a quandary as to what to do if they get exposed, many countries are balking at the US now and even name call them.


The US spy planes CANNOT be taken out without an admitted ESCALATION. Please read a history book covering the rise of spy planes.

But Russia does take out most drones when they locate them. Only OFFICIAL American drones operating over areas Putin ALLOWS America to control in Syria are left alone.

Brad Isherwood

Why not…….the Masonic MIC game is all good. At least Soviet Russia enabled Vietnamese to kick the living you know what outta Uncle Shlomo. Over 5000 US aircrafts downed during that war.

To bad for Syria. ….they have to be partitioned ….while US gets Regime change 2.0 underway. Trump and Nikki Haley curse Iran while Iran’s Mullahs supplicate after decades Sanctions and humiliation to get Boeing airliner contract. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/10/13/boeings-8-billion-aircraft-sale-to-iran-air-still-safe-for-now.html

“When Two Tribes go to war. ….Money’s all that you can Score” [Frankie goes to Hollywood/ abridged ]


Watch the zionist trolls tell you ANYONE could have come up with the design. Like saying a person with a memory stick with a copy of the new Star Wars movie could obviously have made the movie themselves.

Note the name of the posters who purposely conflate the construction follwing a design’s instructions with the design itself. Each of those posters have revealed themselves to be a zionist troll here.


so true


Please accept this link from a known Ayatollah and Putin troll.

Aircraft design is the most basic part of these drones. There are hundreds of designs readily available on the internet, for free or for sale. All you need to do is to search for “model airplane plan”.

DO NOT try to divert attention from the other parts which requires help from technologically advanced players. In these UAVs the control and navigation system is the most important and hard to obtain part.

On a side note, aren’t you the one who always accuses and berates Russia and it’s president? Now you came here and accuse the readers who KNOW what is important of being a troll? Puhleez!

Graeme Rymill

OK these claims of US involvement are simple to prove if true. The Russians simply show the advanced military GPS circuitry that made this all allegedly possible. The Russians surely have no reason to hide it. If the allegations are true the Americans know the Russians have now this US produced circuitry in their possession, taken from the shot down or hacked into drones. Let’s see some evidence instead of just these photos of model airplanes.

Less talk – let’s see the evidence!!!!

Cindy Myer

Like everyone here is a military grade circuit board expert. A circuit board looks like most other circuit boards whether it is military grade or a simple DVD player. It’s the information held inside chips that makes the difference. So showing a circuit board isn’t going to prove anything! Stop been so sceptical and see it for what it was, it was obviously a coordinated attempt to attack Russian military assets with the US overseeing the operation and monitoring how the Russians reacted and controlled the situation. You can bet your bottom dollar the Poseidon has gathered enough intelligence it could to come to the conclusion that 1.another attempt like this would be futile, 2. to take a different strategy or 3.to modify another attempt like this. And no where in the report did it say that these were military UAV’s, but were constructed in a way that no on-the-ground person could have constructed these, but the person/s who did construct these obviously needed some scientific smarts.

Graeme Rymill

I don’t have to identify it!!! The Russians do!!!! They have to say “yes this is a military grade GPS receiver we found on the drones”…. let’s see how the evidence stacks up then. There are plenty of people out there (not me and not other Southfront commentators) who can make this assessment.

Graeme Rymill

It is quite possible that with air to air refueling P-8 Poseidons based at the Naval Air Station Sigonella in Sicily maintain a 24/7 surveillance of Syria. As this is the only place in the world that Russian combat aircraft and Russian air defences are currently operating in a war environment. Alternatively the P-8s may share surveillance tasks over Syria with RC-135 Joint Rivet – “USAF’s standard airborne SIGINT platform.” Both types of aircraft have been tracked at times near the Syrian coast when they had their civilian air traffic control tracking beacons on.

P-8 squadron VP-45 deployed for 7 months to Sigonella in late 2016 – early 2017 with seven P-8s. P-8 squadron VP-16 replaced it. I can’t discover what the current P-8 squadron based in Sicily is.

Amazing coincidence that a P-8 was off the Syrian coast? Or just routine surveillance?

Cindy Myer

Well you were the one asking for the evidence not anyone else. Likewise they don’t have to prove TO YOU that there was a military grade GPS receiver. Not once in the article does it mention a “Military grade GPS receiver”. If it does say so please point to it in the article. I read it and re-read it 3 times and I don’t recall seeing that sentence. I also used Firefox word match and it didn’t find those words in the article either, so, could you please kindly point out that sentence containing those words?

I think the Russians are in a better position to determine the make-up of these drones and what they are capable of doing and not doing than you or I Graeme or anyone else for that fact. Otherwise this is all just academic speculation on our part isn’t it? I think the photos are evidence enough to show that it wasn’t a group of kebab eating Jihad Joe’s sticky taping on some bombs to a wing of a drone and using their Iphone’s to navigate it to a military airbase. Any lame-man can see that there is a degree of sophistication to the construction of these drones. Coincide that with the Poseidon been in the vicinity I would say it is pretty clear what was going on here.

Graeme Rymill

The Russians don’t have to prove anything of course. All they have to do is spout propaganda bullshit and provide zero evidence… fine by me! Let the rest of the world make the judgement….

Let’s re-cap:

On the initial SouthFront report I said that civilian GPS was accurate enough to target the Russian air base flight line. As usual, and unlike virtually all the “experts” who argue with me on this site I provided some links showing just how accurate the civilian GPS actually is. The Assad and Putin fanboys stated in response that this level of accuracy was only possible with military GPS with the US being accused of supplying it. As usual no evidence was presented to support this. These “experts” just feel it in their guts.

Now I am asking for some direct evidence that these drones had the specialised circuitry/motherboards/microprocessors needed to receive military grade encrypted GPS. The response from the commentators now flips back to saying there was no military navigation/targeting stuff on the drone it – is all specialised civilian hardware/software.

“Russians are in a better position to determine the make-up of these drones”

So shut up and just accept what the Russians say? That will be the day!!!! :-0


‘The UAVs also cannot be used without special software and such attack requires the info about exact target location of the targets and such parameters as altitude, flight and wind speed. This information cannot be obtained from open sources according to Novikov.’

“Preliminary analysis has shown that the main explosive used in the bombs was pentaerythritol tetranitrate (also known as PENT, PENTA or TEN), which has a far higher yield than hexogen. This explosive is manufactured in a number of countries, including Ukraine’s Shostka chemical agents plant. It cannot be made in makeshift conditions or extracted from other ammunition,” Novikov said.’

The GPS system can be from open market but someone needs to reprogram them to do so. Not to mention acquiring data for precision strikes. There’s also the matter with the munitions it carry. There’s going to be more expert speaking about this either by pay or by concerns. We’ll just see what else Russian find out later.

Graeme Rymill

Pentaerythritol tetranitrate seems to be the explosive of choice for terrorists. Its presence says nothing about who is behind the drone attack.



‘ “If you can lay your hands on a reliable source, it would be the explosive of choice,” said Hans Michels, an explosives expert at Imperial College, London. ‘ Explosive of choice not in Syria. Who else supplied them from factory?

Graeme Rymill

“Pentaerythritol is a simple alcohol. Nitric acid is also a common reagent. But together they form a powerful explosive,” https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/explosives-nitrate-petn.htm

“it can also be made from chemicals available over the counter” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/nov/01/cargo-bomb-plot-petn-explosive


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erythritol_tetranitrate This is homemade. PETN is factory manufactured.

Graeme Rymill

“PETN is factory manufactured.”

says who?

Harry Smith

Come on guys! Keep calm. Let’s look what facts we have for sure: 1. It was a swarm UAV attack, which is a quite complicated to organize. 2. Attack felt and some drones were captured. 3. Yesterday Putin said he already knows who organized this attack. All other PETN, GPS and etc stuff is nothing but our guess. Remember we are in the middle of the informational war, so I’d suggest for all of us do not make any conclusions while the Russia’s reaction strikes back.

Graeme Rymill

Your “facts” about a swarm attack are just bald assertions.

There is zero evidence for a complicated swarm attack. A proper swarm would require communication between the drones. Where is the communication hardware on display that provides evidence of this?

Putin says he knows who did it? Let him say so then! What is stopping him?

Harry Smith

You are right about “swarm attack”. No evidence presented, so it’s 50/50 veritable. As for Putin, I think it’s only in low budget Hollywood movies everyone describes plans and targets to his/her counterpart. Let’s wait for response. PS Please calm your anger. It interferes the process of digging the truth. It is normal we have different point of view of guiltiness in this conflict, because we are on opposite sides. Peace, man!

Graeme Rymill

So Putin isn’t saying exactly who is responsible because he is preparing a military response? Ninety nine percent of the commentators here on SouthFront think the US is behind these attacks. Do you agree Harry? And if so do you truly believe that Putin would retaliate against the US for an attack that utterly failed?

Harry Smith

I do not know who is behind the attack. The most evident suspect is USA, but for me there are no enough objective facts for full support of this version. It could be Israel or Turkey as well. I do not know. As for the Putin’s response, there are many indirect ways to attack the USA personnel (military, CIA and etc). In case if the USA is behind it. BTW Russian MoD said that the swarm attack was organized with the preliminarily calculated routes for each UAV. So there is a chance that UAVs not needed any intercommunication. Just remember everyone has his right on his own opinion even if the opinion is completely stupid, from your point of view. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e64083881215f93d586c60edca45603650aced95327ee61f1901061bd51c237d.jpg

Graeme Rymill

Unfortunately I haven’t managed to silence anyone who comments here so I wouldn’t worry too much about that if I were you! :-)

“Russian MoD said that the swarm attack was organized with preliminarily calculated routes for each UAV.”

So really that just means a bunch of civilian drones with preset GPS coordinates for the target…a capability many civilian drones have out of the box….not really a “swarm” attack at all is it?

Harry Smith

A massive drones attack with preset GPS routes when they moves close enough to each other, need a very sophisticated calculations for mass navigation. I think the probability that terrorist could did it by themselves is very low. But who knows? Maybe they have such personnel, but I never met the facts, that supported this version. If you have such facts: please present it!

Graeme Rymill

“A massive drones attack with preset GPS routes when they moves close enough to each other, need a very sophisticated calculations for mass navigation”

Your theories are speculative (just as mine are). The difference is that you present them as if they are facts rather than just your opinion. Where is the evidence to support this need for “very sophisticated calculations”. Most sources say that civilian GPS is accurate to within 10 metres. So navigating to the air base flight line that is 280 metres long and 60 metres wide shouldn’t be problem.

Worried about collisions over the target area? Stagger the launch times or give each drone a coordinate separated by 20 metres.

Given the limited known facts the possibility that the drone attack was carried out unaided by jihadists/FSA cannot be excluded. The Russian Ministry of Defence statements cannot be taken at face value just as you wouldn’t accept US Department of Defense at face value. Both these countries are involved in a propaganda war with each other.

Harry Smith

Of course it’s just our private opinion. But I didn’t read any other official statements that it wasn’t the swarm attack, so I take this fact as objective. And in my, very subjective opinion, it is a complicated task to make the routes for 13 UAV in swarm attack. Just my opinion, not the absolute truth.

Graeme Rymill

“The most evident suspect is USA….It could be Israel or Turkey as well” What about the possibility that the jihadists alone were responsible for the attack? Why do you completely rule that out?

Harry Smith

The terrorists had to obtain very exact coordinates of the bases and had to do a very complicated navigator’s work. Those UAV are not quadro-copters managed by smart-phone with a handy on it.


Why are you riling yourself up responding to this? People here embrace ignorance and they are not going to let things like facts and logic get in the way. The fact is there was nothing complicated about this assault that could not be solved with stepper motors, GPS chips and other off the shelf components. This was not overly-difficult to do. Also, people (rational people) need to keep handy the fact that IS started out with 500 million in hard cold US currency when they overran Mosul and that that kind of money is more than enough to fund extensive R&D. In fact, we’ve already seen the results in some of the recaptured areas of a complete custom ordinance manufacturing operation. These are not stupid people. They can pull off this kind of operation without anybody’s help.

Graeme Rymill

Here’s the New York Times from 1996!:

” The material is not especially difficult for anyone familiar with chemical synthesis to make. PETN and materials that incorporate it are readily available for about $20 a pound to anyone with a blasting license — quarry workers and builders, for instance, who are not convicted felons. Plastic explosives containing PETN can be stolen from storage magazines at blasting sites or extracted from weapons at munitions depots.” http://www.nytimes.com/1996/08/23/nyregion/readily-available-petn-is-easily-molded-and-hidden.html


That’s not PETN itself more to it’s homemade variant. PETN that’s manufactured in factory have at least 3 times of concentration of it’s homemade variant which is not possible to be made using what you can find at home due to the chemical become too unstable in the ‘cooking’. Homemade variant would yield less and much more unstable than it’s factory manufactured. There’s no reason they’d explicitly say it was only possible to be made in factory if what was found is the unimpressive variant.

Graeme Rymill

Who explicitly said “it was only possible to be made in factory”??? No one !!!!


They’re called PETN just because similar composition. In reality it’s vastly different which you can get from homemade product which is factory based. They’re just called PETN for convenience sake.

Graeme Rymill

You didn’t answer my question. : Who explicitly said “it was only possible to be made in factory”??? I am beginning to think you are just making stuff up to suit your argument. Please prove me wrong.


No it’s PETN by composition. If you read more about them the PETN that’s mentioned to be homemade aren’t the same PETN from factory. Only by primary composition. PETN only misappropriatedly used by press to refer nitrate polyol based explosives after it’s been used in a series of high profile terrorism. Makeshift substance are less stable and less powerful than what’s possible from factory manufactured. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erythritol_tetranitrate To name a few this one of the makeshift PETN.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

I used to think that it was easy based on model planes also and it’s not as easy as one would think since this was a swarm sprint and not a bunch of amateur plane modelers. The problem what everyone overlooks is their design looks simplistic yet is extremely complicated design in retrospect and delivery way beyond modelers ability , since it takes years to get to that point in construction and design.

The fact one single camera was used shows that there was only one real controller the others were bots controlled by the main brain , which DARPA has been well developing this technology for military applications, with using various swarm tactics that rely on a military satellite to help control the navigation and precision delivery. The fact the Poseidon 8 was in the air was acting as the conduit to the brain facilitating the operation.

If you are blown away by these aspects you can research “drone swarms” “DARPA” there is a myriad of videos on the testing. Just to add this technology is still not licensed and not available on the open market as such and many countries are not that advanced in these aspects of drone technology.


That’s right, but by “design” I merely mean the airframe. I have another comment on this page which more or less says the same thing as you do, please take a look at it and tell me what you think. Thanks.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You should research DARPA and Drone Swarms, there are some interesting YouTube videos showing it in use and it’s control and tactics developed interesting stuff. The plane would have been only for a connection to the Satellite and nothing more.

Cindy Myer

Yes YES YES! I read that article and I saw the animated video they did. Very interesting it was.


Russia has been talking about this alot lately which leads me to believe they lost alot of soldiers in these bases in this surprise attacks


It only seems to me that Russia is showing the reality of the drones that the Western MSM is not doing.Nothing more than that Mountains.

If and when you have evidence to support your guess, please show is.

chris chuba

No. Countries protest when they feel threatened, not necessarily after suffering loss. Look at the show Nikki put on at the UN over a single missile fired into Saudi Arabia that didn’t cause any casualties. Some in the U.S. are still caterwauling over the Russians not letting the U.S. fly over Syrian territory to do some more bombing … https://www.opslens.com/2018/01/10/russian-military-syria-putins-new-axis-evil/


More DRIBBLE. The DESIGN is the miracle, not the ability to follow the design’s instructions and make more. Russia is pointing out that now this design has hit the wild, drone terror will spread across the planet- especially in Africa and Asia and East Europe. Do you think that is a GOOD THING?

francisco torres

Those staf is done in Ukraine!!!!


It could be anywhere that has the advanced cability to create a drone that seems crudely made BUT is a deadly and accurate weapon with a range of circa 50km.

Rui Lagarto

Uma besta da PIDE a escrever ingles a preto.Filho de uma vaca mal parida.

francisco torres

O lagartixa seus cornos são genéticos, G…F….P….!!!..Tens menos neurónios que uma galinha com acentuado atraso mental!!!..E para teu descanso lagartixa, já capei touros com os cornos maiores!!!!

Rui Lagarto

Chico cornudo,es um pobre diabo, criador de vacas,sempre a tentares dar a palmada em quem te ajuda.Conheco-te bem porco,sei onde moras e para teu bem foge daqui.Amanha pode ser tarde.


I would halfway agree withh Russia on this. The required level of engeneering is beyond vocational level and would require college level engeneering skills.

However, many have those skills.

Acquiring specialised propulsion fluids is a bit more tricky but not too difficult in Turkey I would imagine.


How are your model making skills Dutch ? Holland is renown for innovative engineering.


Your reply is DRIBBLE. Following a design, and creating a design are two COMPLETELY different things. Artisans are TRAINED to follow designs- but the people who perfect designs in the first place are at an entirely different skill level.

Example- the nazi rocket scientist grab after WW2 wasn’t cos Russia nor America lacked engineerers who could build things. America could make all the materials and craft all the parts. What it lacked was a working DESIGN. Curious how so many trolls here claim not to know this principle.

Hide Behind

The brain drain upon world, and especially within US with an unlimited budget, uses science from many nations especially when it comes to Puter software, high energy ecplosives etc. India’s excess of brilliant minds easily get employed in US Defence ministries. OF THE HUNDS OF MILLIONS. BILLIONS IN YEARS, THAT ARE ALLOCATED AS DEPT OF EDUCATION FUNDS, actually sees 85% going into military, pharma, research projects. Admin gets to enlarge and big checks but only student aid is to undergraduates from all over world who do actual physical and mental problem solving. Israeli schools have very good courses in mathematics, outer science. Nuclear, space tech. And they have fingers and access to any and all programs within US. They are censors and directors of college administration, paid by US. Damn I would like to see actual and talk to builders. Problem in US Inel development it is compartmentalized, work is sometimes done while not knowing what finished project is.


” work is sometimes done while not knowing what finished project is.”

Like the F35 perhaps :)

Kilgore Trout

If it was up to me, you’d be hearing about these in the MSM as they were used in downtown nyc or washing town. And have the Russians…..oh really??? the tech is available on line, can’t trust those terrorists.


Russians revealed some details but it seems they kept the more important parts.

What’s the UAVs control system? Did they use direct radio control? Was it done using cell phone network? Because 50 KM is awfully long distance for an improvised drone. If they used direct radio control, they needed powerful transmitters which can be easily located.

It also doesn’t mention anything about the propulsion. From the pics it is clear they used model piston engines, diesel or gasoline (which requires ignition, therefore heavy batteries). What’s the volume of propellant tank and so on. There’s one picture which clearly shows the ignition wire on top of engine.

There’s another interesting point in the article: Some of the drones equipped with cameras. This brings two important questions:

1- A video feed from a drone camera requires a transmitter on-board, powerful enough (which means heavy and power hungry) to send the feed to 50 KM.

2- Are those with camera It is mentioned that the UAVs are all GPS-assisted. The presence of camera raises this question: Are they equipped with a software to control the swarm? Such software is not child’s play.

There’s nothing fancy about the planes. Crudely built model planes using the usual and available materials, Balsa wood, styrofoam, tape, small propeller engines and so on. Their navigation and control system plus weapons are.


Radio control in my opinion. While they can empower both cellphone and radio signal radio are more reliable in general and less complicated. So it should fit the idea that they were low tech.


Out of a million PAPER AIRCRAFT you can build, only a handful of DESIGNS flu well. So you dribble that when you see the winning ones, ANYONE could have made it cos it is just a PIECE OF PAPER?

So many trolls telling us the DESIGN is of no significance, because once GIVEN the design’s instructions, most skilled people could build one.

John Whitehot

I think the questions you are asking are answered in more detailed reports and not in press releases. The information could be available, or even secreted, but the point is that you aren’t going to find it on the medias.

The subject could be sensible in the sense that they would not want to give other terrorists hints or details on how to construct other units.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Good almost there , but you forgot to point out the brain needed to operate the system which was relayed through the spy plane to the military satellite , this is technology the US is working on expanding on the old concept of Japanese RC tanks of WW1 making them bots of war! The new age of the military no more spending money on training pilots and soldiers having a conscience, these guys just go home and later realize your a mass murderer while letting machines do the deed.

The US is working on building a Terminator army and these bots serving a brain or leader aka the hive mind are part of that work at DARPA .Why the level of sophistication this only at engineering levels in software and design and those with money to burn to develop it.The reason why they control the Media and want absolute control on all types of Medias.

John Whitehot

“Japanese RC tanks of WW1 ”

No please. You can’t.. lololloololololl

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

It’s true , but only used it to illustrate a point that the military in all govts have been playing with this type of technology for over a century. What was being described was developing and using swarm tactics by using a brain control, sorry you can’t keep up with the thought process.

John Whitehot

i wasn’t sarcastic nor critic, i was sincerely loling at the idea without any malice because that thought has made me laugh that’s all

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well it is funny but wasn’t intended that way, and didn’t mean to sound critical. Scary to think they were playing with those ideas and no wonder they were always talking about mechanical robots and beings in Japan always.


So beware…” this treath us not límites to Syria”. A swordbhas 2 cutting edges. Warning is given fir other places!


This is obviously stealth US or israeli technology, meant to harm innocent Russian troops.

John Whitehot


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The software for running it is US and not available on the open market as testing still resumes, :)))))))


The Iranians have the noted ability to reverse engineer lots of stuff, e.g. The TOW ATGM, the American Global Hawk UAV , the multi-barrelled Gatling gun etc These mini drones would be worthy of their talents, can you imagine a 1000 of those let loose over Israel ? Oooooooo Party time !


The DESIGN of these drones cost TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars and was perfected by the Israeli, British and American intelligence agencies. Trolls are flooding the forums stating that ‘OBVIOUSLY’ the West wasn’t involved cos you can build these drones from (uncommonly) available parts- this is true BUT irrelevant. The DESIGN (and the real-time intelligence support giving highly accurate target information) is the thing.

A person has a memory stick with a PERFECT copy of the latest Star Wars movie. Are the cells that stores the bits valuable? NO!. Can the data easily be copied- of course YES! Does this mean the person holding the memory stick could have made his own Star Wars movie? What a STUPID STUPID question.

Yet the trolls are stating that cos the terrorists can easily copy the design- the design obviouslyappeared as if by magic and has NO SIGNIFICANCE.

The DESIGN was the best the Deep State could accomplish. Its purpose- to spead the use of drone terror across the planet. The terror states of Britain and Israel are largely free from risk due to their tiny size, and orwellian police states. Terror is WELCOME in the USA for political reasons- low level terror (see Las Vegas) is fuel for the Deep State in America.

It is everywhere else on the planet that will suffer. Soft targets= any open air events, are by definition now inherently at risk. Across 50km a drone can gain such height it is IMPOSSIBLE for any defense short of world war class systems to prevent drone attacks. Planes and helicopters in the open can also be taken out- and think how expensive some of these vehicles are.

Man has always defended in a TWO DIMENSIONAL way. Attacks from the air are a terrible problem. A world war class military has the money, resources and man-power to mitigate light air attacks. The rest of a nation’s infrastructure is at dire risk.

Russia is FURIOUS that the West has elevated the risk to epic proportions. Russia is a VERY big nation, so drone attacks there are a real problem. Nothing in the scheme of things, but a constant series of ant bites (for such drones can also be used to start major fires).

However, I should say that RUSSIA used such sneak drone warfare to destroy major ammo facilities in Ukraine recently. Putin could have used a CLEAN BLOODLESS invasion to humanly split Ukraine in two along ethnic lines- but Putin’s zionist controllers ‘persuaded’ him to take the long, dirty route that has cost Russia and the people of East Ukraine so much, and will cost even more in the years to come.

Invading Ukraine (for the best) would have been the act of a benovalent Empire Power. A ‘scalpel’ cut to help heal the body. But Putin chose ‘leeches’ and ‘blood letting’ instead, And this advance in drone terror is a direct result.

Hide Behind

As to building drones, let us remember the hype that IRAq was building chemical and biological carrying drones, as a buildup to

Iraq invasion. This is quite an advanced tech but one must note Russia said they disabled majority; and to do so they must of used a form of electrical disruption. This info is important, as it means the drones were not fully shielded, which is not a sign of armature build but one of camera and remote control. US swarm tech of AI in our newer around this size would of automatically detected first radar or microwave and than shielded to auto directional mode. US swarm tech oF AI allows for unarmed or lightly arm to suicide for others. A few years ago homeland security shut down a group of young techies who had a contest to see if they could get drone from US to Cuba. SOME Cubans were trying to get theirs to fly to Florida One intelligent youth placed a 1911 colt 55 on home made drone that fired and hit target. Dumb as rock posted to you yube, and soon men in Black came knocking. Possible 10 year jail time even though he had not broken any written laws. I do not put down garage built theory, as I do not have hubris of white supremacy by intelligence.


“This is quite an advanced tech but one must note Russia said they disabled majority; and to do so they must of used a form of electrical disruption. This info is important, as it means the drones were not fully shielded, which is not a sign of armature build but one of camera and remote control. US swarm tech of AI in our newer around this size would of automatically detected first radar or microwave and than shielded to auto directional mode.”

And how do you know Russia cannot override control of “shielded” drones? Iran landed an advance American drone some years back.. And Mr Einstein how do you know that Russia hasn’t the technology to disable “US swarm tech of AI” .. People like you annoy me. They automatically assume that American technology cannot be countered by anyone..Grow the F up…

Hide Behind

Never said Russia or even an Australian aboriginal could not over come shielding. And as to your surmise that I believe Americans are somewhat exceptional, kiss off. I worked with ex Soviet Russian electrical design engineers, Czech And Russian experts in plastic chemical and extrusion of non Neutonian Physics, a whole passel of German mechanical and hydrolic specialist. And I learned their techniques came about through different mental processes. Than my American contemporaries. Even their mental processing of mathematical problemsb were different than the Japanese but they all came to the same conclusions as to statistical measuring within systemic production effeciency. The hardest point to overcome when searching for truth. Or researching in order to find or solve a problem, wether of people or processes, is to first overcome one personal biases. I suggest a good mental purge to some in here.


Which iraq building up chemical and biological drone?

John Whitehot

xDDD Graeme, where’s the grass?? Be a man and answer Graeme, where’s the grass??


Graeme Rymill

Damn that scab looks inflamed John! leave it be man, leave it be…. :-)


When Man conquered powered flight, the MATERIALS and ENGINEERING used to build the first successful planes had been around for decades, and used in decades of UNSUCCESSFUL designs. Guess what? It was the intellectual property we call a ‘design’ that mattered, not the materials or the skills to follow the design instructions using those materials.

The original design was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The people capable of follwing the design were paid less than 50 cents per hour and used materials available all across the West at the time.

This advance in drone warfare mirrors WW2 issues. Of course drones in WW2 were largely hopeless- relying mostly on mechanical systems since valve tech had size, weight, power and computational issues (valve electronics was used to build ANALOGUE computers).

The analogy with WW2 is not the drone side but the bomb side. These drones have limited weight capacity. So the bombs are gravity bombs, and detonate upon hitting a sufficiently hard surface after having reached a key velocity- not ideal.

Making them ‘air burst’ is thankfully very difficult at the height required, given the speed of descent. However the Deep State could have a VERY cheap ‘camera’ sensor chip designed that, combined with a velocity sensor, would give the trigger a controllable height detonation. The velocity sensor would be the fail-safe preventing the bomb makers from blowing themselves up by accident.

The current Russia focus is on how the ‘DUMB BOMBS’ were given deadly accuracy (like the dumb bombing systems used by many of Russia’s planes) with real-time computer systems calculating the precise moment to drop the bombs compensating for height, flight speed, integrated wind speeds on descent, etc. A LOT of very elaborate intelligence gathering is required to give the dumb bombs the info that turns them into virtual SMART bombs.

Here’s the thing. The spotted US Spy Plane was fully capable of transmitting the “drop the bombs NOW” signal to each drone in turn by monitoring the drone’s height, speed, and current wind conditions to be experienced by the bomb’s descent. ALL the drone needed to do was fly on an accurate VECTOR (straight line between the drone’s current position and the intended target).

So the drone can be PASSIVELY transmitting info about its current parameters. The Spy Plane can use its sensor systems to also identify the drones height, speed and bearing. And at the exact moment the US Spy Plane transmits “NOW!”.

We call this PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. The drone is traced back to Turkish wahhabi terror gangs. It is built locally from parts sourced anywhere BUT Israel, the UK or USA. However the difficult to locate parts (like the high explosives) were routed to the wahhabi terror gangs by West intelligence operations in the area.

I saw an article in the jewish mainstream media stating it had been PROVEN that Russia supported and armed ISIS cos most of ISIS wepon supplies were from the old Soviet Union, and almost none from the USA. See the trick. It has been conclusively reported that the Intelligence agencies of the West did indeed source ‘rebel’ weapon supplies mostly from East Europe- but the WEST bought these weapons and the WEST shipped them to the ‘rebels’. This isn’t even denied by the West. But the West knows that DUMB DUMBS are so THICK, they try to draw their own ‘conclusions’ from their thickie ‘brains’. So the BBC tells its dumb dumbs the ‘true’ fact that ISIS mostly used East European weapons of Soviet design, and all of a sudden Russia is to blame.

How these drones are built and operated is the same trick. The intelligent points made by the Russian military this week fly over the heads of even most people on this site.

Anyway once the first viable design for an aeroplane hit the world, engineers who could NEVER have come up with the design themselves were most certainly capable of improving on it. And this is the future of home-made terror drones now. Better and better= vastly more murderous.


Well obviously the attacker was America, the attacker has always been America, invading killing and pillaging is what America does, it’s all it does.


Looks like Russia is letting NATO and Israel off the hook by suggesting it could be Ukraine.

Langaniso Mhlobo

My advise is send back lot of this drones to Turkey and USA/NATO.Because no one will know where it comes from.Just to test and know how capable their defences are.I believe it will destroy their all their artillery and jets.

Start making deal’s with terrorist and arm the same USA and Turkey’s terrorist to attack them with same drones.Treat all the terrorist which USA have deserted ad special.Let the blond doll who look like a Shrek start scorching his blond hair.Bloody fat fuck.

Henk Poell

I would not be able to make this attack alone, even not if they would give me 5 years of preparation time and a million dollars. But with a team of twelve or so… Why not? Thinking about it: why even have a design with fuel / engine and separate bombs… One can wait for the wind going the right direction 60km away, have a balloon lift and float a glider bomb, both made of mostly transparent material, separate when the glider is for example 2km up in the air and 10km away from the target and just have it explode there. Main problem is probably keeping up a steady high-res video feed over 60km.

Graeme Rymill


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