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Russian Military Shares Details Of Militants’ Recent Attack In Southeast Idlib

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Russian Military Shares Details Of Militants’ Recent Attack In Southeast Idlib

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The Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria confirmed late on December 28 that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) had repelled two ground attacks on its newly-established positions in southeast Idlib.

The attacks, which targeted the towns of Jarjanaz and al-Tuh, were carried out by a coalition of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), al-Qaeda groups and Turkish-backed factions.

“Between 1:00 and 2:30 local time on December 28, 2019, militants of the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham terrorist group, supported by armed opposition members from the Syrian National Army, attempted two attacks on positions held by government troops near the town of Jarjanaz of the Idlib governorate … Each of the attacks involved up to 50 militants, supported by five or six pickup trucks with heavy weaponry mounted on them,” the Russian TASS news agency quoted Maj. Gen. Yuri Borenkov, chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, as saying.

The Russian commander went on to reveal that the SAA killed at least 30 of the attackers and destroyed two pick-up trucks without sustaining any casualties.

Pro-government sources revealed that two suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (SVBIEDs) were also destroyed by the army.

These failed attacks reflect the desperation of HTS and allies. The terrorist groups lost about 40 towns in southeast Idlib to the SAA over the last two weeks.

Russian Military Shares Details Of Militants’ Recent Attack In Southeast Idlib

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Great job Tigers ! 30 rats are dead and their main attack broken ! They are not far from collapsing in their combat moral completely! Keep up to the final victory!

Liberal guy



I wonder how many more terrorists were behind the two failed spearpoint attacks,waiting to consolidate any gains.


Good point! My personal opinion is similar to yours. Those were HTS special (ratts) forces that they have put forward hopping to “spearpoint attacks” and brake defenses while having many more behind waiting for their signal. Tactics was about reducing losses by not having too much troops in attack simultaneously. Terrorist problem is that they have no military discipline and organisation so they are simply not capable to mount large attack on the wider front line with discipline. They attack like cattle in stampede when they are in large numbers. And that is “party time” for good artillery !! :-))


Pffffft, that was the ‘counter-attack’? They are in trouble.


They can always go to Libya… Erdogan is offering 2000$ per month ….and 72 virgins..


I reckon most of the manuevring in Idlib is pretty small-scale – neither the SAA nor their adversaries can commit much manpower to any battle. Looks like company-scale rather than battalion scale. And since the Russians have air superiority it would be pretty stupid to put a large column of troops in harm’s way


Music to my ears, terrorists getting there asses handed to them, makes me feel all war and fuzzy ; )


idlib is a certainty – the various factions supported by the nato-countries, including turkey, are facing more and more difficulties of being resupplied and so on and the defense they can put up is crumbling by the minute – the kurds are in for a hard time since neither syria nor turkey ever will allow any kind of independence for the kurds and they are bound to be kicked into submission and even the more than stupid unhinged states of america can’t do much about it, fortunately.

the most imminent problem facing the world today is how and when the israelis are going to be kicked off the land they have stolen. it must happen soon since every second israel is allowed to exist as the illegal settlement that it is, more death and more misery is caused to the entire middle east region. thus the israelis must be evicted or be made to push up daisies since there is no peace in the middle east as long as they are allowed to continue to operate the criminal enterprise israel de facto is!


And who is suppose to execute your perfect plan? SAA? Russia? How about being realistic and take the step at the time? There are still plenty of all kinds of battles to fight for Syria before they kick out IsraHell unfortunately.

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