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MARCH 2025

Russian Military: US-led Coalition Struck Syrian Troops Conducting Operation Against ISIS Cells In Deir Ezzor PRovince

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Russian Military: US-led Coalition Struck Syrian Troops Conducting Operation Against ISIS Cells In Deir Ezzor PRovince

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Syrian government forces were conducting a military operation against ISIS cells in the area of al-Isba in the province of Deir Ezzor when they were struck by the US-led coalition’s aircraft on February 7, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on February 8.

According to the statement, the ISIS recently increased activity in the area sparking response from the government forces.

“Shelling of the positions of Syrian pro-government forces has increased during the past days near the communities of Mazloum, At-Tabiyyah and Khsham in the Deir ez-Zor Governorate [Deir Ezzor province], to where the civilian population is returning. Radio interception revealed that the Syrian troops were shelled by militants from an ISIS sleeper cell that had activated in the area,” the ministry said.

A local militia was conducting reconnaissance actions in the area to detect and eliminate the ISIS cell when it was surprisingly shelled by mortars, rocket launched and then the US-led coalition’s attack helicopters. 25 militiamen were injured as a result of the attack.

On February 7, the US-led coalition said that it had struck government troops allegedly attacking the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on the eastern bank of the Euphrates in the province of Deir Ezzor.

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I am American, I do not want my Armies to do any action not authorised by the Assad government. Does the above action against Government troops, benefit Israel?


Of course it does, but also the US. Check out how the mercenary forces it supported liberated primarily the oil fields while the Syrians primarily liberated cities, towns and villages. Shows the true American values at work.


UNITED STATES OF ISRAEL. U.S.I https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2e424a1aa911c346a247236fe3d78f740b0996536bab3d3a7fe33a4862a8abce.png


American People have a Big Problem….. and that’s their AngloZionist-Deep-State-Mossad-Government…… it has become a Gut-Shot Animal…..in it’s final throes of Death…… it’s nice to watch this happen…. the Great Empire is falling…… how Sweet……these are GRREAT Times…. I wish the American People all the Best! make wise decisions…… and it is best to let this Demon slowly Die……don’t give it the opportunity to fight Back……. Fight when they start with all your Might…..I have great respect for the Syrian People…..! And by the way the English Queen & Nato are in Neck Deep too……bloody Liarsssss with their headchopping Buddiessss


Yes, Russia’s plans are coming into view for the US and it has them quaking. Gut-shot is a good analogy…very painful, slow agonizing death…which causes writhing and panic.


Yeah…. just let it bleed……live as brothers is my dream…..

Terence Silvestre Jr.

You are a very wise man my friend, and a good one.



Jonathan Cohen

Assad deserves it for banning ABORTION! Unlike Kim Jong-un and Putin.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They were upset the SDF/YPG and the Syrian Government made a deal on the Conoco fields in exchange for the medical help and allowing the convoys through , the local “ISIS” or now US Deir ez zoir militry council objected to it. So Russia they control what flies in the skies in Syria, so they allowed the strikes to continue until there is compliance and adherence to the deal.


Armies? The U.S. Military has one Army; The U.S. Army.


Devil at work.


Well, I think if Russia is incapable to stop this disgusting aggression, better not to keep false hope of any integrity. There will only be more dead people.


And it comes at a time when the EU is launching a concerted effort to annex the rest of the Balkan countries. I bet that they are watching and that they will come to the conclusion that Russia will be of no help.

Adam Kafei

They’s be right, Russia will be of little to no real help on the ground for these countries, although they would likely protest diplomatically.

That said, in Syria their mandate isn’t to protect the state from foreign invaders whom Russia can’t match in Syria without 1: facilitating the wider war America wants and/or 2: weakening the defences at home. Both of these outcomes benefit America and harm Russian interests. This is why Russia has limited it’s mandate to assisting the Syrian army in defeating the terrorist proxies of the foreign invaders and is limiting the use of it’s high end weapon systems to the defence of it’s own forces.

Any military operations directly confronting America, Israel, Turkey and others will have to be conducted by the Syrians with Iranian backing, not Russian.


You clearly defined, that Russia is not ally of Syria.

Adam Kafei

Just because Russia is unwilling and unable to openly fight the countries who back terrorists in Syria doesn’t make Russia any less Syria’s ally, it just means that Russia isn’t prepared to put it’s own existence on the line in what is at the end of the day a foreign country.

To be honest, I don’t see the Iranians openly fighting America in Syria either, for the same reason. Although an overt show of Iranian regular military capability in Syria might serve to dissuade the Saudis of the notion that war with Iran is a good idea however at the same time it’d be an escalation of the war Russia is trying to being to a diplomatic end.


it just means that Russia isn’t prepared to put it’s own existence on the line in what is at the end of the day a foreign country.

This exactly means, Russia is not ally of Syria. Look, what do americans, if somebody sgells their allies. And compare this with russians. Russia is weak and betrayed Syria. For russia is boring question, whether Syria stay united or not. For Russia is important the military base and port. For this reason for Russia is enough also Reduced Syria.

After 2 years is crystal clear, Russia is weak, wrong ally and has no power to stand to foreing militaries.

Adam Kafei

I don’t think it’s accurate to say that Russia is weak and can’t stand against foreign militaries. Russia has proven to be extremely resilient in the past and to have the capacity to overcome technological disparities in reasonably short time frames. But that’s on Russian soil where Russia is prepared to risk it’s existence.

The American military only operates where is has clear air dominance, which it does in Syria unless or until it attacks Russian positions directly. One also has to consider the difference in size between the militaries of Russia and America, in most cases America can just throw soldiers at the problem until it goes away, much like China and like the Soviet union could (and did). Russia can’t, for Russia, every soldier is a valuable resource that can’t be given freely.

Then you compare navies, the Americans again can simply arrive and impose naval dominance over any other country and still have ships to spare, Russia can’t, Russia’s navy is designed to work in conjunction with coastal anti-ship missiles and again, does not have the means to contest with America or China for that matter.

Ultimately, the ability to fight a second country in a third comes down one’s power projection and ability to trade assets, America has both, Russia has neither, that doesn’t mean that Russia is not your ally, it simply means that Russia can’t afford to put itself on the line for you.


Russia’s existence IS on the line….otherwise they would have no need to be in Syria at all. Yes, look at the US and how it treats it’s allies…ask the Kurds for the last 30 years. Too bad they have such a short memory of the view from under the bus…if they didn’t, they would have laughed at US backing. How fast did the US distance themselves from the Kurds in Afrin? Look at how the US treats it’s Iraqi friends, friendly fire incidents galore and massive civilian casualties. You, unfortunately, equate criminality and brute force, which is usually counter-productive, with being ‘strong’, ‘winning’, etc. The one thing for sure about the Russian is that they aren’t backstabbing, dishonorable thugs…which one cannot say about the US/west. If Russia is weak, how is it that they have very nearly decimated ISIS/AQ altogether, even with US interference?


Yep, the first paragraph of following article is excellent summary of what Russia faces today, and it is hardly good news:



Do you understand the difference between a formal military alliance and a client state?


Sure. Alliance is alliance. Russia is not in alliance with Syria. Moreover, not friendly. Simply entered the war, beacuse wanted to carve out for itself from Syria.


You need to do some basic research about international relations and basic state-to-state concepts, such as alliance-relationship and client-relationship. Such information will assist and expand your world view.


What do you want with client??? Client is Osetia, Podnesterkaya Republika. Aliance is something else. Putin personally told, Sria is friend, Syria is ally. AND LIED!!!


Respectfully , you said it yourself , ” Russia is not prepared to put its own existence on the line” , an ally helps a friend it does not kill itself doing so .


Those words were not mine.

BUT! Friends help also in bad situations. And allied country MUST help. But Russia is etremly weak. Therefore lies. In all fields. Russia has no money tu pay 100 planes in abroad, has not enough powr to create no fly zone in Syria. This is in big contrast with fact, how you all ruskiefans onanize on russian superiority.


Russia may have so called superiority with a specific weapon system , but it is plain to see for anyone with their eyes open , that the US is the number one military power in the world . Might does not make right however . Syria being the current example . If the US used its power to benefit the nations of the world , mankind would be light years ahead of our present position . America would be loved , and not hatted . The PM of Qatar said in an interview that the US and Saudis had spent over $137 billion on “regime change” in Syria . Over 2 trillion dollars in Afghanistan. Russia , China , Iran , and the world at large is only able to play a deflection defense , on the hope that sanity might return to the powers that control America Aikido the Japanese martial art works on using ones opponents energy against them , Putin is a master , there is hope for the world .


Is this really the level of debate you want to advocate and project?


Anti-Russian troll with emotional reasoning.

Tudor Miron

Now this one was funny :) Americans standing behind their allies :D


I see the fact: America bombed the enemy of their allied kurds. Russia shut the mouth and listens.


Just because Russia is unwilling and unable to openly fight

then have to go and not primise something, what will not do. check putins speeches 1-2 monthas after beginning of russian intervention.


Syria and Israel have been in frozen war since 1967 – they never made a peace accord. The Syrian-Israeli war legacy is certainly not Russia’s responsibility in 2018, Russia is in Syria to protect its interests and stabilize its client state.


USSR sent old Assad in the war with IL. Russia was long time allied with Syria, Egypt against IL. But somply was too weak to break IL.


Russia is there to fight terrorists, not start WW3. Why is it hard to understand that it’s not about the US. Syria and Russia won’t attack American forces because that would play in their hands. Instead, focus on exterminating jihadis and after that, surround the US such as in Al-tanf and force them to leave. If Russia shot down a US jet, they would retaliate. If the US killed a russian soldier, Russia would retaliate.

Jonathan Cohen

The Balkan countries have ABORTION RIGHTS, like Russia but unlike Syria. Therefore Russia has far more reason to help the Balkans than to help Syria.


Seems those S400 are useless … for show and for sale only for big profits

andy l

The S400s are lethal they are just not being used to protect the SAA – they are solely for Russian assets which is a great shame as Syria is in need of them

John Whitehot

even if they shot down 100 US planes we would not know about it.

They would say that 100 Syrian planes have been shot down by the US Navy.


This was way out east in East Dier Ezzore Province – literally the other side of the country to location of Russian defensive infrastructure protecting Khmeimin and Tartus base facilities.


They appear useless to those that, even after 2+years, have no clue as to Russian responsibilities in Syria. To keep repeating this same old mantra only shows your ignorance.


Putin could end Israeli and American agression in Syria tomorrow. Both only operate there with Putin’s EXPLICIT permission. A FACT that too many on our side bend over backwards to ignore.

RT recently had a major editorial piece slagging off any who question jewish influence in Russia- and the impact of that influence on Russian foreign policy. But world jewry very publicly demanded the destruction of Syria- to such an extent that it would take Syria many DECADES to recover, and this is just what has happened.

Now world jewry focuses on Iran and Hezbollah in Syria, and demands their forces are constantly attacked by Israel and America, and this is just what happens.

At no moment has Putin wavered from delivering what world jewry demands.

PS was Putin ‘forced’ to vote in favour of the West’s obscene anti-N Korea sanction package? The one that punished ordinary N Koreans for having a leadership that does no more than Israel, re: weapons of self defense? NO!- but Putin voted in favour anyway, while saying at the same time he would NEVER allow sanctions against Israel for identical ‘crimes’.


‘Putin could end Israeli and American agression (sic) in Syria tomorrow.’

What ridiculous statement and disinformation. Putin is an elected head of state and accountable to his country – he cannot, nor would want to, plunge Russia headfirst into direct war with NATO and or Israel. Russia does not want to be drawn into an all out destructive confrontation that is based on timing and location of the adversary’s choosing. That is most basic of strategic principles – avoid being drawn into a conflict based on another’s terms of reference, and be extremely wary of any scenario in which an adversary seeks to force you into a predetermined and predictable reaction – that is always walking into a trap. The correct approach is analytical response and never emotional reaction – if you want your state to survive.


Oh, please…give it a rest. If the destruction of Syria was the desired end, Russia need only to sit back and watch the US/NATO finish Syria off. Explain why Russia should have gotten involved at all?

Jonathan Cohen

This despite N. Korea having ABORTION RIGHTS!


The US created Isis and Nusra giving them weapons, financing and logistics. It had very simple goals (simple minds always do) in the region, to destroy the multicultural civilization of Syria while partitioning it’s land and to subsequently destroy Iran using it’s terrorist head-chopping knuckle-draggers; it hopes to put in power in Syria. This is why the US acts as the air force of the terrorists in the region with it’s actions always betraying it’s rhetoric. How many times now has the terrorist’s air force targeted the Syrian people now and always with a bevy of lies as to the reason for? Are the European peoples tired of terrorism in Europe? Maybe it’s time for the European Union to say ‘enough is enough, we will not support terrorists regardless of whether it’s the US or Israel supporting them’

Lloyd Yona

Wind-up twat u s did not create isil no nusra..That the way some peoples mind tike`s offer.


@ Lloyd Yona : Given that you might be Welsh , your lack of knowledge of the creation of Al Qaeda and its off-shoots Al Nusra and ISIS by the US might be forgiven . Repeating American and British propaganda is not helpful , educate yourself if you claim to be from Wales .


Dude, if he still believes that tripe, there is no hope of him educating himself. By now, anyone with half a brain cell should know who and what the ‘players’ are and who backs them. Anyone who doesn’t, doesn’t want to.


Not really. In Europe very little is said about Syria and what really happens. It took me a lot of reaserch and follow up to understand what and why is happening. No real info is found in domestic media.


And if it does get mentioned they always talk about the Jihadis as ‘rebels’. No mention is ever mentioned of Al Qaida or the other Jihadi headchopper groups.


The situation is no different in the US or the rest of the world. Still, if one uses the MSM for his information, regardless of where they live, they are simply helping TPTB further their aims. Awareness of being lied to is the first step, then finding reliable sources is next…which I would assume is the reason people are here in the first place. The BS from western media is the same everywhere and is not a good excuse for ignorance. Yona is here and still proffering propaganda, others are here and being educated.


Don’t listen or watch domestic media….. it’s all bullocks…… gotta search & educate yourself…… because they don’t benefit from educating you they want to breed Retards…. retards are easy to control….and yeah it takes years


There are some very smart cookies in Wales. There must be to be able to speak your language.

Hide Behind

There is no excuse for ignorance, in todays interconnected world. Deliberate ignorance is one thing, at least maybe they know truth but prefer not to face it, lack of maturity, cannot nor dare not do anything of own volition. Gramps told me think for yourself, but do so by first looking at options your words may csuse, and there is no need to lie by an honest man. Get an education, not indoctrination, and look for facts before speaking. Foundation of ISIS, Al’Q facts are known to most rational people, you should try researching, learning, and reasoning instead of mindless repeating of dogma,


Take the reality pill on US actions in Syria – if you can handle it:



Mo Richard

Keep scrolling…Just another foolish fool.


The European Union is in the whole Scam too! Only Lies here in Holland on TV, Newspapers everywhere!! For Decades!! Bilderberg is in Holland…..WHY????…… Holland, Germany, France, Italy….. All of’m….. they were very succesful in keeping peoples misinformed…. by just simply LIE to them from the very moment they were Born! For at least 80 years but it can also be 2000 years….. who knows…


My scumbag genocidal government in action again. The US is rotting from the inside out from all the corruption, lies and outright murder. The empire is ending. I just wish it would happen faster so we could give the rest of the world a break!


As scary as that will be for US citizens, I wish for the same thing. The world cannot endure these Zionist criminals much longer and the longer it takes to happen, the worse it will be. I can’t think of one person in our government that should not get the Il Duce treatment. There are no honorable politicians, just blackmailed compromised assets…and it all revolves around one group of international criminals…as always.

Harry Smith

Did you ever read the 2nd amendment? What is the objective of a well armed militia?

Hide Behind

FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC ENEMIES. 2nd AMENDMENT is no longer in effect; 2nd Amendment is Bill of Rights. Gun owners now need Federal permission to buy and to carry outside of home, no longer a Right A Constitutional Representative Gov is no longer in effect. And those dumb as Rock gun otters do not realy know F’n difference between A Right and a Permission slip. Almost all are universal and dogmatic to point of worship towards military and warfare, and do not give a fly’n pig about Constitution. Identity politics has them bought and sold. Never realizing that if they vociferously oppose gov imbued personalities actions those permission slips will be worthless. They got their toys and f rest of peoples.


Yes and they honestly believe that the NRA is on their side and not a Zionist tool. You are right, these are the first to back up the military and the Zionist police, not fully understanding exactly who will be coming for their guns. Hint: it won’t be the tooth fairy. Sometimes they bitch about the constitution, but not when it concerns unarmed people being shot dead by Israeli trained pigs. They are collaborators and don’t have the brains to see it.


Last time I looked was Syria invading the US? Oh that’s right I live in a democracy, land of the free and all that. I’m surveilled 24/7 by my own government. Sweet land of liberty. If your rich.

Harry Smith

Well, if you are surveilled by your own govt 24/7 can you call your state free?


Killing more people isn’t the answer.

Jonathan Cohen

Killing ABORTION BANNERS like Assad is!, unlike Kim Jong un and Putin.


I was going to read it, but someone already wiped with it.


…AND what will be the Russian and Syrian response be…….why, they’ll complain about it and maybe even call the U.S. actions names which should REALLY HURT the Americans, at least long enough to stop them from laughing……….. for a few minutes.


I’m sure that Syria and Russia are doing as much as they can without escalating this into something much worse then it already is. Whatever is done you will never hear about it. Propaganda is in full swing. China could down a US carrier and you would never know.


I agree. Russia rarely does not reply in kind, so to speak. I’m surprised that Freespirit does not recall the Russian response to the accidental attack on the SAA in Deir Ezzor. The 30+ US and Israelis and who ever else the west had in their cave command post west of Aleppo were mightily surprised…and dead. People seem to expect the Russians to act like the US. If they did, would they be any better? The US tends to do whatever it can to cause turmoil, the Russians are patient and exact real pain upon their adversaries…and usually leave no room for retaliation. They do this and still do not give the west the excuse they are looking for. Their use of the Turks is a good example. If Russia wanted Turkey out of Syria, they would be gone tomorrow. They are putting the hurt on US plans, degrading their Kurdish asset in the west and if the Kurds keep sending re-inforcements from the east, the US will be hurt by the lack of manpower. To expect the Russians to act overtly and act rashly is to seriously underestimate the Russians…which is why the west is losing and the Russian/Iranian/Turkish/Syrian block is winning. The US hasn’t been laughing since the Russians started bombing their assets 2 years ago.

John Whitehot

because Russians don’t lose sight of their objectives when others get into feud wars because some jew made a provocation attack.


Exactly. This should be obvious after 2 years of success…even with the west’s futile interference.

Jonathan Cohen

I wrote as much, the SDF reinforcements to Afrin drove into a trap. SAA let them in but probably won’t let them out, so they are permanently lost to the coalition in the East. That was a big mistake on the part of SDF.


I guess I should tell you now, that since you are VERY new to DISQUS, at least under the “Name” “so” you use and when I check your account you are hiding “so” thus I can only conclude you are more than likely a TROLL.

Conseqently I have no time for discussion with “so”, but

thanks for stopping by

John Whitehot

Americans aren’t laughing at all, since they and their israeli masters have been mauled like never before in this Syrian war.

Since you live in a world of jewish controlled medias and you aren’t able to even spell the name after tomorrow, you probably will keep blabbering that “Syria and Russia never take revenge on the US” and that kind of BS.

They don’t need to do anything else than finishing to win the war the US has started, and avoid falling into provocations.


“they and their israeli masters have been mauled” no they haven’t–SYRIA got mauled. The forces of Zion won’t get everything they’d like, but as long as the getting-mauled part is borne by easily replaced jihadist proxies, on the whole business isn’t bad.


…until they run out of terrorists.

Jonathan Cohen

Running out of terrorists is not a problem.

John Whitehot

“SYRIA got mauled”

Certainly. Yet it defended itself successfully.

“Zionists” could still try several things – their only achievement would be to prolong the war and the suffering of the Syrians, something that will be written on the final bill.

From all I can gather from public sources, “zionists” have entered a funnel, and more or less it happened when part of the real world intervened on the side of Syria – although if you ask informed people, they were already there long before and it was only a matter of things becoming more evident.

The part the US is having in this is particularly saddening, as all the credibility they are losing today by siding with ISIS rather than telling Israel to “F**k off” they won’t regain back in decades.

Years ago I still thought they were able to form a competent generation of politicians and diplomats – in this I admit, I was severely wrong.


Thanks for stopping by


Ok. Now do something about it.

Cheryl Brandon

Imperialism of Destruction for OIL.=USA/JEWISH International Terrorism against ARABS. The Barbaric Murder of 100 Syrian Soldiers who have been defending Syria against TERRORISM since 2012, is a juncture in this Proxy War! I think all Syrian Allies need to re think an all out WAR as, murdering 100 Syrian soldiers on their own soil should have immediate retaliation attack. THIS IS ILLEGAL/BEASTLY AND UNFAIR AND UNJUST. RIP Heroes/warriors/LIBERATORS. DIE USA RATS DIE. 100 sons/brothers/husbands/nephews and fellow Syrians from all ethnic groups. ALL ARABS+Persians MUST UNITE OR PERISH UNDER the violent boots of USA+JEWS.

Cheryl Brandon



Southfront and RT DOWNPLAYING this horrific crime against Humanity like crazy. Putin licked ‘king-of-the-jews’ backside a few days back and the end result has been innocent Russians banned from the olympics again, the ‘Kremlin List’, a massive uptick in anti-Russian propaganda, and Trump proving he considers Putin to be nothing but a PAPER TIGER.

Whenever Russia crawls on its belly top Israel and KSA, the same type of events follow. Potential ‘allies’ of Russia look at Syria and just give up on the idea that Russia will ever stand up for anybody.

Again I will state loud and clear that Putin could go to the UN and order America out of Syria. No ‘veto’ can prevent such an order. It is the same legal mechanism that means Russia does not operate in nations with direct alliances with the West. And if the West gave up on this INTERNATIONAL LAW, it would have 1000% more to lose than China and Russia, for the West has a massive empire of ‘friendly’ nations that would be thusly lost, unlike China and Russia.

So why doesn’t Putin do this? The jews in Putin’s inner circle exhibit the SAME jewish power seen since the ‘revolutions’. World jewry wanted Syria destroyed,and that’s precisely what Putin allowed to happen- stepping in far too late on purpose.

Now Syria functions as a constant HUMILIATION for Russia on the world stage. No-one cares about local ‘victories’ any more- the Deep State has moved on. Instead the most public ‘ally’ of Russia is never protected from jewish or America bombings.

Team ‘The Saker’ – based in jewish dominated Florida, USA, works constantly to tell you that if Putin ordered the USA out of Syria, this would lead to a confrontation between super powers. Utter LIES. Does Russia being excluded by the growing number of NATO nations lead to confrontation? Of course not!

The UN has a simple mechanism of legally recognised national governments. And Assad’s government is such an entity. Just as a government can choose to ‘join’ NATO, so can one choose to join any form of Russian alliance. If Russia ordered America out of Syria, America would have to declare war against Russia to attempt to stay- and THAT would NEVER happen- as I said the legal status quo benefits the West 1000 times more than it ever benefits Russia- the so-called ‘NATO’ states on Russia’s border are the West’s favourite assets, and they would be at risk immediately if America declined to follow international law.

The CLUE is in Putin’s constant statements that he does not want Russia to act like the Empire Power Russia actually is. But in this world you are either a ‘BIG DOG’, properly protected by a ‘big dog’, or you exist beneath the boot of a ‘big dog’. Increasingly Putin acts to place Russia and Russia’s interests BENEATH the boot of others, and this should terrify all of us.


You are so full of utter BS it is unfathomable. As if anyone can order anyone else in the UN. Are you F’ing drunk or on meth? The US and Israel have been in violation of UN rules and international law for how long? How much difference has it made? Are you really this ignorant, or do you just have the need to show your stupidity? Now you want him to act like the US government, just do what he wants, be damned with the consequences. Your earlier posts gave a hint that you are nuts, but this one confirms it.


ISIS changed uniforms very fast …they were sdf when SAA attacked them…..SAA should wait a while for them to change uniforms again…and then attack…..


It has little to do with ISIS. They can’t cross that line. It’s US occupied territory

Gregory Louis

So how are your Al-Nusra buddies holding out in Idlib bud


US-SDF both absorbed and released many ISIS captives in Dier Ezzore – they are still there just fragmented – and in large pocket against Iraqi border.


Occupied territories should be cleared from illegal occupieres.


i wish i could disagree with you…..

Jonathan Cohen

Why attack ISIS right next to SDF and risk problems when SAA can attack ISIS on it’s own front, scores of miles away from SDF. That map still has huge black areas on it where there is no chance at all of hitting yellow by accident!


near the river in dez province there are isis fighters fighting both SAA and sdf (not very sure about that)…..so its obvious that saa has a target there…..it cant take forces to fight and clean the ‘black area’ as you say because its very difficult…its mainly desert…and there are isis scattered everywhere….so it concentrated in other fronts and lets this for later

Jonathan Cohen

I don’t buy this at all. Both SAA and SDF can move forces away from each other out into the desert to fight ISIS there with no confusion and no chance of provoking each other. It’s true that ISIS might then move in between them, but that doesn’t change their ability to fight ISIS elsewhere first.


ISIS is a constant threat….if you leave a small village or a road unprotected they will attack for sure…..they have great intelligence….plus satellite info…..(guess by whom)


“ISIS sleeper cells” = “NATO special ops”

Mahmoud Larfi

Here we go !

Manuel Flores Escobar

USA attacked SAA& Local militia in response to the attack on the FSA in Idlib capital by Russia..thats all…we know USA protect FSA terrorist and surely Manpads have been supplied from Al Tanf base to FSA in Idlib which shot down SU 25!…of course Russia could destroy FSA base in Al Tanf…but USA would look for another excuse to Attack SAA! and so on… only once terrorist have been defeated in the Syrian war…SAA will have capability to respond US aggression with the support of Russia ( supplying modern air defense system and iskander and Bastion P to use as a cruise missile)…

Jonathan Cohen

Once abortion banning terrorists are defeated, Russia will have little more reason to support abortion banning Assad, only their own basis, which abortion rights defending SDF has no reason to threaten, and which are far from Khasham anyway.


This is just open complicity with terrorism


Not to be snarky, but what else is new?


Everybody reaches a higher level of disgust in time…Baby Steps. More waking up every day!

General Surena



Let’s not lose sight of the big picture. The pocket south of Aleppo is almost eliminated. Idlib is next. This is freaking out Israel, Turkey, and the US, because this is the heartland of the remaining terrorists and their foreign advisors. Once this is gone, along with the Damascus pocket, Israel knows the nest they created next to Golan is next, and then the Syrians will get serious about negotiating re-unification with the Kurds. As that happens, the US will be forced out. All this is feasible this year.


I hope so.

al quaida

So refreshing to read a thoughtful post, instead of the reactionary (and therefore thoughtless) response of “Why isn’t Putin attacking back, he must be a coward”

Jonathan Cohen

Why “freak out” over that? unless Assad gets his ABORTION BAN! US and Israel have coexisted with Assads for decades.

John Whitehot

this explains the announcement of the US command:

They have attacked a Syrian NDF unit that was dealing with an ISIS cell, thus helping ISIS.

So they claimed that they destroyed a “Syrian Army unit of 100 men, tanks and artillery attacking their own”, because later it would become clear that they again performed a pro-ISIS operation.

Jonathan Cohen

Could be, not sure, but that is plenty of reason why SDF and SAA should stay miles apart and both fight ISIS and HTS far from the other where there is no confusion. It’s a huge desert so there is still plenty of space for that.


I love the Russian way of responding to US Coalition garbage. They give it a nod and a wink ( the stay tuned reply ), keep it low key and then hammer the Coalition when nobody is looking and only the Coalition knowing how badly the payback was. I wish well to all.


Examples? I’m just curious.


Hello EoF. Sure, look at what happened in Al-Tanf. They were taking pot shots at the SAA and Co., winding up losing the majority of the DE race to the SAA and the critical border of Syria/Iraq, that was needed to put the hurt on the SAA. If that kind of payback was taking place in full view of the public conscious, I could only imagine what has been done in the shadows. A good day to you.


Thank you.


After the US attacked the SAA in Deir Ezzor, the Russians complained and said that there would be an accounting and that it would not go unpunished. Then there was a lightly publicized event in the west of Aleppo. The Russians sent in Kaliber cruise missile at a sigint/CC complex in the caves in the mountains there. Reports of 30+ casualties came out, most not mentioning that the casualties were US/ISraeli and other NATO intel officers. When the US attacked the Syrian base over the trumped-up charges of CW use, the Russians neutered the cruise missiles the US sent. The US got the ‘wink and a nod’.


The following is from RT yesterday , 2/7/2018 Avatar ; SDF=ISIS , no knowledge if it is acurate , but it’s so detailed , chances are ?

Marine Air Corp Task Force 67 500 Marines 18th Feild Arrtillery 400 Marine Raider Support Group MASROC 2,742 11th Marines Expeditionary Group (N. Syria) 2,200 24th Marines Expeditionary Group (Al Tanaf) 2,000 75th Rangers Regt. 20th Special Forces 3,623 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Div. (Syria-Turk) 1700 3rd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Div. (Raqqa) 1000 Total 14,365


OF COURSE it’s now going to be a game where ISIS does hit-and-run attacks on the SAA from behind US air cover. You shouldn’t let good Syrian soldiers go to their deaths in operations of this sort if you’re unwilling to protect them against USAF animals.

Jonathan Cohen

SAA has hundreds of miles of pure ISIS front on which to attack ISIS, which is nowhere near SDF, where there is no room for confusion. SDF has the same. There is still lots of black or those maps that is nowhere near any yellow or red borders. It looks to me like wiley ISIS made fools of both SAA and SDF.


Wily USA has goons available which can be ISIS now and SDF an hour later, and vice versa.

Jonathan Cohen

Maybe, but SAA can still move forces away from SDF and fight ISIS in places where SDF is many miles away with no confusion.

Jonathan Cohen

Maybe, but SAA can still move forces away from SDF and fight ISIS in places where SDF is many miles away with no confusion. SDF can do the same.

General Surena


Rafik Chauhan

this was done by US thugs to divert SAA attention from idlib. and also they want SAA out of eastern deirzor Euphrates valley. SDF is full of former ISIL members in derizor . That’s why when SAA try to find and finish them US attacked SAA to justifies.himself as defensive attack to save SDF. SDF is new moderate terriost under US/Zionist/SAyudi Allainces. Russi and allies should wipe them out

Mo Richard

Calm down people of peaceful hearts who dream of living on peaceful home lands. Remember one thing, our enemy is big and mighty in strength, yet he’s not invincible. Syria/Russia can’t afford to get into a ruthless battle against the US &co. At least not at the moment. I want you to see the death of these 100 heroes as a price to pay. There are so many battle fronts where resources and man power makes it impossible for us to get into an open confrontation with the US. PUTIN is not slack or weak. He’s a ruthless tactician. Remember. One battle at a time. US will soon be served.

John Whitehot

25 wounded from NDF is the more realistic count.

Otherwise you take at face value whatever the hysterical US command in question claims.

Jonathan Cohen

I agree, ISIS and HTS first, and both still have many miles of territory to attack nowhere near SDF or SAA complexities; but after, it is ABORTION BANNING Assad who will be served, not abortion rights protectors like SDF, Russia, USA or Israel!


A plain lie. Attacking IS by shelling SDF? The lines between SDF and SAA are clear and there is an operations room. Assad is ignoring lines at his own peril.


I am not picking on you Dutch, just telling you that you are making me have a good chuckle over here. I wish well to you.


Why, thank you.

Glad to make you happy.

Jonathan Cohen

ISIS has infiltrated before and could easily have even infiltrated YPG recruits near Khasham, but SAA was still dumb to attack anywhere near SDF when there is still plenty of ISIS territory to attack scores of miles away from SDF, where there could be no confusion.

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