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MARCH 2025

UPDATE. Russian Ministry Of Defence: The Cruiser Moskva Sunk

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UPDATE. Russian Ministry Of Defence: The Cruiser Moskva Sunk

UPDATE at 22:45 on April 14 Moscow time:

The Russian Defence Ministry reports that when the Moskva cruiser was being towed to its destination port, the ship lost its stability due to hull damage sustained during a fire caused by the detonation of ammunition.

The ship sank in stormy sea conditions.

SF: The Russian MoD’s reference to weather conditions raises many questions. The weather in that part of the Black Sea was not stormy, neither at the time of the incident, nor at the time the cruiser was allegedly in tow.

UPDATE. Russian Ministry Of Defence: The Cruiser Moskva Sunk


The Russian Defence Ministry has explained the current situation with the cruiser Moskva.

The ship was damaged as a result of fire and detonation of ammunition, but did not sink.

The fire on the Moskva cruiser has been contained.

As of the morning of April 14, there was no open burning. Ammunition explosions have been stopped.

The cruiser Moskva remains buoyant. The main missile armament is not damaged.

The crew has been evacuated to the Black Sea Fleet ships in the area.

Measures are being taken to tow the cruiser to the port.

Causes of the fire are being established.

The Kremlin announced that Putin had been informed of the situation with the Moskva cruiser.


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Russian liars pants on fire

Another cope attempt by the Russian minister of defence. Next hour they will tell us that the towing operation is going according to plan and the ship is resting at the bottom of the sea. Who in the world would want to repair a 40 year of ship anyway? The Russian lies are just getting worse and worse

the end

As your bullshit is getting better and better. See the difference here?


Exactly as he predicted … Confirmed by defense ministry – it sink while being towed.

Ashok Varma

As a panel discussion on Zee TV said, “if Russia does not act more robustly and destroy Kiev command centres, Russian cities cities will be attacked”. US and NATO are now supplying the Kiev Nazi regime with heavy artillery, attack helicopters and ground missiles.

G2 man

You silly trolls need to get a grip on reality. On an operational level some of the Russian commanders are many astonishingly inept decisions that border on sheer incompetence. However, to be perfectly objective, Russia is fighting 30 modern NATO armies in reality and they are testing their best weaponry to bleed Russia.

As most professional military men has observed, I also find Russian velvet gloves tactics quite illogical and inviting more destruction of Russian men and material. Ukraine is being controlled by Zionist and NATO officers whose sole aim is to bleed Russia to an extent that Putin will be overthrown and a puppet government installed in Kiev and then Russia to be Balkanized on the Yugoslavian template.

I sincerely hope Russian leadership takes serious stock of its military tactics and increase the cost to the Ukrainian Nazi regime. Russia needs to destroy Kiev and set an example. On a tactical level, in the era of very accurate SSM, floating a large 13,000 ton missile cruiser next to a hostile coast in simply insanity. The Zionists also found their flagship HANIT hit by a Hezbollah C-802 SSM, unfortunately Hezbollah only had two in its inventory and the fuse was not primed properly and only damaged the Corvette. Luckily, today Hezbollah has more superior and numerous Iranian FAJR, NASR and various other lethal SSM.

The Neptune missiles that struck the Moskva is based on the Soviet Kh-35 anti-ship missile, with substantially improved range and electronics. From my observation and damage assessment, it appears that the ship is salvageable and not listing. The fires have been put out and the excellent dry docks at Sevastopol will be able to repair in good time. The Iranian frigate Sabalan suffered far greater damage during the cowardly US Preying Mantis. Sabalan was repaired in 1989 and has since been upgraded, and is still in service with the Iranian navy. The Russians will do the same and upgrade the weaponry on the Moskva as well. These incidents are part and parcel of war, but Russia needs to learn from these unfortunate events It also proves that large ships operating in hostile waters are very vulnerable to SSM attack. The US air craft carriers do not stand a chance against Russian, Chinese or Iranian SSM batteries and cruise missiles. The Iranians are very astute to have avoided large surface ships and invested in hundreds of frigates and Fast Missile Attack corvettes. In the the narrow confines of Persian Gulf or Formosa Straits, a mass SSM attack would sink any USN aircraft carrier in less than ten minutes. I am certain the PLA Is taking notes.

I hope the Russians improve their tactics and take the war to Kiev as the US criminals and NATO lapdogs are arming Ukrainian Nazis to the tune of $30 billion since 2008 and $6 billion since the start of Operation Z. The US defence contractors are making billions and are producing weapons on a war scale and Russia needs to to the same. The Chinese and Iranians should be ramping up their missile and drone attack capabilities. The DPRK is also very proactive in producing a range of missiles as a deterrent to US warmongers. The Russians should be mobilizing all their resources for a very long and brutal conflict as their survival depends on crippling the Ukrainian Nazis and their NATO masters.

Russian liars pants on fire

The copium high is massive on this specimen

Ashok Varma

Dear pathetic troll. Please post nonsense in ENGLISH at least. NAMASTE! JAI RUS, JAI PUTIN!

Pamfil Military Academy

JAI Hindu ! Jai Rus !

Pamfil Military Academy

Best (globally) event description by far. You’re right. The whole goal of the Beast and its globalist cabal from US in Ukraine is to turn russians against Kremlin and make such a chaos and manipulation that only former dismantling Yugoslavia to be the match. In fact The first goal of the satanist globalist US deep state after fall of the commie era was to kill the ‘Yugoslav economic and politic model’. Because Yugoslavia back than, in the 70’s and 80’s was some sort of nowadays China. They had a very feasible and viable socialist state with a free market economy. In that time was UNIQUE. This was the worst enemy of the khazar fake jew US economical and banking system aimed to enslave the entire world finally. That was the reason for the KOSOVO staged theater, EXACTLY same banditry manners of CIAOps like in Siria and Irak, and off course UkroReich. Next inline after UkroReich will be China for SURE; if, and only if the plans against Russia will work. Which I have 99% trust will not.


As a Canadian, I think a strategy to undermine the western countries is to form parallel sovereign societies within our countries. Kind of like the native reservations. I see a near future of civil war between different factions.


That’s always the plan. Divide and rule.

Pamfil Military Academy



Well having some first hand experience with Russians it is still better to be ruled by globalists than Putin. Putin managed to unite the whole EU. I used to be a big critics of EU. Now, we are stuck with it. Putin is much worse.


You must be from one of pathetic worms from those shitty vassal states in East Europe worshiping your new Yankee masters.


Putin knew about this plan. Its an old plan from the 80s. He not prepare well because he was too busy stealing from the russia people and sending his money overseas


I couldn’t have said that any better…your spot on


Hey G2 man. Good stuff again

I wish that I could simply block a troll and then I would not have to read all that garbage

Bummer about the Moskva. War. I hope that they managed to save most, if not all sailors

G2 man

I have carefully looked at over two dozen videos and it appears to be a limited ammo explosion in mid portside hull. The Moskva is still floating and has just safely docked at the large naval base in Sevastopol. Luckily, no lives were lost and the western Zionist media is making up usual nonsense. However, Russia needs to do a 360 degree review of all its military leadership, operational planning, logistic and intelligence. As a veteran with 35 years command staff experience, I find it incredulous that such a large naval vessel would be floating around without a anti-SSM picket cover or live aerial CAP cover merely 35 kms from the Odessa coast while NATO criminals are entrenched at Odessa coastline and have transported SSM and long range laser shore batteries. This is practically a 30 odd NATO criminal warmongering states at war with the Russian Federation and Russia can no longer be soft or complacent. 90% of Russian military resources should be committed to Operation z . Russian nuclear umbrella needs to be checked for operational deployment and any short comings addressed.

Russia has 2-3 million highly trained active reserves and they should be called up and deployed in Crimea and Don Bas and the buffer be extended to Dnieper River, which was the historic natural defence line. There is merely 160 kms coastline to liberate to the Transnistria, region and that should now be the priority. There is an under-strength Russian motorized division there that needs to be activated and link up with Russian forces on the coast. This is total war now and the US criminals agenda is to prolong it and let Slavs kill each other and weaken Russia. It is imperative that Russian not fall on this trap and use overwhelming force and make the cost extremely high for the Ukrainian Nazi puppet regime and its NATO masters. I am 100% certain that Russia will prevail if it uses maximum and unrestrained firepower.


Agree. I’ve been saying this since day 1, especially about focusing on Nikolaev’s direction. Also, partial mobilization is needed. Still don’t understand how Russian leadership can’t see this.


Will generate too many casualties. European populace will not tolerate too many Whites dying


90% of Russian military resources should be committed to Operation z…that’s little old lunatic joe biden is waiting for this to send in 2 choppers of seal team 6 to capture our vp. luckily people in kremlin did not agree with you on this.


It didn’t make it, how could they let it sink under tow? More incompetence.


Russia is managing this war quite well economically and politically. High internal/external PR support and getting better everyday. If they bring the slush hammer instead if tip-toeing then the internal (Russia/Ukraine) PR will go down. I think they will hold off the big guns unless they have to, but I’m sure they will use them if that’s what it takes to finish the job.

As I said before, in my opinion Russia is trying to lure as much as possible AFU into Donbass. Donbass is better battlefield for Russia than West/Central Ukraine. Away from Polish/Romanian/Slovak airbases where AFU air-force might be still hiding. In Donbass AFU is already surrounded from 3 sides. Close to Russian supply lines. Wide open planes – not many places to hide. Maybe even the whole Kiev fiasco might have been just a bone – time will tell. Russia could have easily blow up all the bridges over Dnipro if they want to stop Ukrainian reinforcement


Then again, Russia still might open new front along Polish borders with attitude: “Surrender or Evacuate. Anything left behind is legitimate target” and use the stush hammer over there. This option makes lots of sense too

Pamfil Military Academy

With 200.000 men it’s a fairy tale.

G2 man

The object of any conflict since Homo Sapiens came down the trees and developed weapons is to win by applying any means at their disposal. Russia is practically fighting a ruthless NATO criminal enterprise and being passive will only invite more aggression. The first and most legitimate action should have been to destroy all Ukrainian C31 and decapitate Kiev puppet leadership. The US had a deck of cards with the photos and names of all Iraqi leadership for their kill list. Russia should have killed Zelensky and his whole puppet regime the first day and at least shut down the propaganda machine.

Rick Jefferson

You are certainly right. Trying to talk peace and friendship to the US-NATO criminals for the past decade has been met with more and more aggression. At least Putin has finally responded. Better late than never. Unfortunately, Putin went in too soft. Now, he needs to do some Shock and Awe.

Pamfil Military Academy

Sadly, but you’re very wrong.

Pamfil Military Academy

‘Russia has 2-3 million highly trained active reserves and they should be called up and deployed in Crimea and Don Bas and the buffer be extended to Dnieper River, which was the historic natural defence line.’

Also my military academy EXACT opinion. Russian leadership is utterly fucked up.




Last edited 2 years ago by gos

yup since 2013-4. Putin can’t decide what to do with Ukraine. Half-measures, one step forward, one step back. He should have intervened back in 2014. full force.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bitcoin

He wanted the Donbas back in Ukraine to elect a Russian friendly government again, why they waited so long for Minsk to be honored.


Extra capitals helps to make things even more true than when they’re first cooked up in the addled brains of Ukrotards. Great work.


Someone with a brain on here. However I must disagree with the “velvet gloves” thing and the reason is written in your post, where you write “controlled by Zionist and NATO”. Russia has the big problem that they cannot alienate the population even more. They need to show the ukrainians who the real monster is and who is the saviour. Yes it will cost. But it is a cost that will diluted over time. It would be more difficult to rule over a country where half the population hates you.

The problems with the russian military are well known. Sadly they have grown complacent after the fall of the USSR and corruption has reached every place, from civilian society to government to the military. And this is a good time to smoke out the corrupt, the incompetent, the ones ready to sell their mothers for a quick buck.

And yes, Russia isn’t fighting Ukraine, by the combined armies of NATO, as shown by the number of western cockroaches embedded into the nazi battalions. As an example, on pro-russian Telegram channels an american passport is being shown, belonging to an us soldier killed in battle.

Pamfil Military Academy

Nope, you’re wrong. The psychologically profile of the 8 years brainwashed ukraineans will not change by using soft gloves ever ! They will have them inside in any case. So, it’s a gross misjudgement of russian Psi department.


Well, Russia is not fighting NATO armies. Because NATO power is mainly in Airforce and special forces which are not present in Ukraine. There might be few specialist there but very few. Regarding overthrowing Putin, that would be fully understandable. Putin also tries very hard to undermine western governments. It is a part of game. So what? We are back to cold war reality and we have to accept that. I’m personally very happy that I’m on the right side of iron curtain this time. I’m so happy that I don’t mind spend on something useful for Ukraine.


NATO Special Forces are absolutely present in the Ukraine. The number one US stooge, Canada, deployed JTF2 in January to the Ukraine while withdrawing the other Canadian forces to Poland or the Baltics.

Rick Jefferson

You got it backwards. It is the US Government that wants to destroy Russia. It is the USG that wants to rule the world, not Russia. The good news is that Russia , China, and their many allies are not going to lick US boots. This is the beginning of the end of the American empire.


Russia should make a big statement that actually ALL of the NATO nations are at war with Russia, using Ukrainian territory and so, at the moment, NATO is at war with Russia, mainly on Ukrainian territory but also on bordering Russian land. It is poor Ukraine who is is paying heavily for their friendship with NATO. Putin needs to bring in all of the NATO nations, speak to them separately and privately ask them if they want to be at war with Russia. Then perhaps they can all meet up together. Just how is Germany being threatened by the US? The UK and US are gung ho. Putin needs to address the American people too! He also needs to address the Europeans and the Warmongering pirates of nations, the UK. He should also try to explain how he is selling to China, Hungary and India because they are nice customers.


Well said, I am kind of surprised to how patient the Russians are with an army whose only objective is to destroy you by any mean, how can the Russian military and administration be so patient is beyond me. 1- Gaz is still flowing to Europe, to even Ukraine, while Europe is sanctioning Russia with everything it gets. 2- Letting NATO to continue deliver weapons at will to Ukraine. 3- Knew before hands that Ukraine will try to attack Russian territory, yet failed to secure every inch of border with Ukraine which resulted into Ukraine helicopters bombing a nearby Russian town. 4-Why does Ukraine still have any of such weapons left is beyond me.

I hope the Russian administration knows that the west’s goal is to bleed Russia militarily and economically so that they can attack Russia. The longer this war keeps going, the more chance of Russia getting attacked directly by NATO.

Last edited 2 years ago by I&me&myself
Ashok Varma

Russia is lacking decisive leadership and capability as Indian military has been saying all along. NATO is arming Ukraine to the hilt and Russian border towns are already being attacked. Russia needs to destroy Kiev at least.

Pamfil Military Academy

Correct. The biggest deadly blow for NATO would be STOPPING the NordStream 1 at least temporary. The EU countries will start to boil in own juice in matter of days, dragging whole pressure on US bandits.


Nah ! It’s not that NATO wants to directly attack Russia, they just want to weaken it, and bring/bleed dry the russian milita and economy to the point where both are revolting and topple the Putler government. USA&NATO know that they cannot military invade nor occupy a country as big as russia.


Ahahahahah , bullshit and more bullshit.


If neptune missiles struck the ship they weren’t fired blindly as theUkrainians didn’t have the targeting systems to track the ship.

eg: they were targeted either by the Nato team that had recently moved into Odessa or were targeted by the planes and drones near the ship .Or some other type of stealthier Nato missile was used.

Either way Nato has briefly entered the conflict and sank a Russian Flagship does Russia ignore this or respond in some way.

SF hiding Russian losses

Stop fooling yourself. Ukraine only gets semi-support of the West. If Nato really joined the war against Russia, you guys would not stand a chance. This war has only made Russia look weak. Should have taken Ukraine within a week.. but didn’t/couldn’t. Now u need to come up with all kinda lies and phatic propaganda about Jewish nazis (this kinda crap only makes sense on SF)


Yes, exactly ! Putin, Dugin, Berel Lazar, Abramowitch, they are all cockroaches. They do not give shit about russians, or anybody but themselves, Nazis or not. They don t care. It’a all lies. The above all are just selfish robbers, liars and thieves inside of the remnants of that judeo-communist UDSSR state, today called Russian Federation. Never trust any of them. Btw. same way, never trust the Americans or the EU as they too are controlled and directed by the basically same filth, just with another face on, but bottom line is both sides are controlled by jewish rulers behind the scene. But SF will never admit that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bibo
Pamfil Military Academy

‘On an operational level some of the Russian commanders are many astonishingly inept decisions that border on sheer incompetence’ 200% agreed.

Jean Paul France

You failed in your assessment of the damage to the ship, the Russian propaganda minimizing it was extremely contradictory and not very credible. (I am pro-Russian, but such is information warfare). It seems incredible to me to have that ship within range of a coastal missile or boats with combat divers, (we still don’t know). I am afraid that tens or hundreds of Russian sailors have died on that ship (attacked at night and with ammunition explosions). And Russia cannot ignore that NATO has been a NECESSARY COLLABORATOR, (intelligence), in the destruction of the RUSSIAN FLAGSHIP SHIP AND PART OF ITS CREW. In any other war, this would cause a wild escalation. I agree with you on one thing, Russia can only win this war (without suffering unacceptable losses) by employing ALL its available weapons (especially those that its enemy lacks) WITHIN the Ukrainian territory.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jean Paul France
Russia Parade in Kiev

Odessa missed the smelly smell of burning cockroaches for 8 years. Now the sea brings back the smelly smell…


you do realize you are a nazi?


You will be sent to a camp and reeducated

Yamil Perez Dead

He’ll be sent to cesspool under mental asylum, where turds like him belong.

Pamfil Military Academy

That kind of feral pigs can’t be reeducated. Only a 7.62mm medicine will cure that disease.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
eat shit and die

Shiteating shemaIe whore, no one miss that ‘smelly smell’/disgusting reek of your cockroach mouth full of rotten manure mixed with Zelensky and Bidens sperm.

Miki Miric

Fasisto imate teške gubitke,gubite rat i napadate ruske pogranične gradove ne bi li sebi digli moral.

John Tosh

Please shut up. You are irritating.

Yamil Perez Dead

It’s not his fault actually: he is just one sick, half-dead degenerate loser freak stinking in his basement and his wheelchair all day long, eating turds from his diapers and spamming crap here in desperate need of attention while waiting to die. It’s Southfront incompetence they allow one mentally sick moron to spam hundreds of retarded comments here every day.


I think there are two of them or perhaps they are organized. I mean that lunatic troll is always here, absolutely always, day or night, every day.

Ashok Varma

Dear troll chappy, this is was an accident and no lives were lost. The ship has already sailed into Sevastopol for refit. But hell is follow on the racist Ukrainian Nazis.


Crying little ukrop troll? Also don’t put the Russian MOD on the same level of your bullshit mass producers in Lvov.


göbbels … ÅÅÅÅni är så söta tillsammans bara ett kärleks bråk …. ( youtube) cute moments with Han solo and leia organa in the empire strikes back 4:07 …..

Last edited 2 years ago by capitol

Meanwhile, the strategic and compelling real news:


Your crap diversions won’t make this reality all just magically go away.

NATO bitches!


Even the pentagon is calling BS on the Ukrainian regimes narrative 😂


Cruiser Moskva came to Sevastopol using its own engines. Not towed.

Anatolio Mamontow

Russian liars pants on fire……….Oh, do you prefer believe in american lies. Do you prefer to love Empire of Lies? Or Empire of Evil supporting a nazi regime? Or a Bankrupted States of America? (…instead of United States of America?). KKKKKKK

Russian liars pants on fire

You all muppets


Ok, let’s compare how morally kosher the Zelensky junta is:


(via twitter poster vanessa_p_831)

How criminal is it that some subset band of puppets within NATO is supporting and endorsing these terrorists?


Russians have to be the dumbest soldiers on the planet, who in their right mind would bring their largest flagship within NATO SSM range? Russia is looking worse than Arabs.

G2 man

All this idiotic trolling by cowards who can’t distinguish a rifle butt from their own and sitting in western basements aside, the real picture is that the Moskva is a victim of either mishandling of unstable Soviet era ammunition stored in a insecure hull or a Neptune missile guided by US AWACS and targeting, similar to what the Saudis are doing in Yemen. The damaged Moskva was being towed to Sevastopol in very rough spring weather in the Black Sea and apparently took on water and sank. The towing procedure without inflatable aids or on a large barge also brings into question Russian naval competence. In any case it is a great loss, and Russia really has to take more robust action.

Ukraine officially claimed responsibility for sinking the Moskva, saying the Soviet-era flagship of Russia’s Black Sea fleet was struck by one of its missiles. The vessel sank late on Thursday as it was being towed to port, Russia’s defence ministry said.

Over 500 crew aboard the missile cruiser were evacuated after ammunition on board exploded, the ministry said, without acknowledging an attack. Ukraine says it hit the warship with a locally made Neptune anti-ship missile.

An even more dangerous and ominous development is taking shape as US and NATO are now openly conducting the war against Russia and senile Biden had talks with 8 major US weapons manufacturers to produce weapons to a maximum capacity on war footing. The US and NATO has already supplied Ukraine with over $20 billion in most modern weaponry since February 24th Operation Z. That is four times more than what Israel and Egyptian puppet regimes receive in one year. US and NATO officers are now openly executing all of puppet Kiev regimes operation.

The US is now supplying 155/175mm long range artillery, long range ground missiles, 105mm mobile howitzers, tanks, APC, rocket systems and artillery locating radar systems along with helicopters, 30,000 ATGM and 7,000 manpads and medium range SAM systems. Over half a million body armor and communications gear is also being provided.

Russia is mostly on its own and its military leadership and tactics are very weak and quite baffling as I have previously noted. US and UK aim in particular is to hit Russian cities and cause domestic unrest in Russia and create conditions for a break-up of Russia and collapse of Putin government.

If Russia does not take a more robust approach in the next few days, its border regions will come under increased attacks. The Ukrainian Nazis are openly on the move in armor without any serious Russian air attacks. It also begs the question about the capability of Russian airforce in flying adequate number of sorties. The US destructive savages and NATO lapdogs conducted 4,300 daily sorties with over 2,500 aircraft on Iraq in the first day and basically destroyed Iran and killed a million civilians. Russia can barely launch 100 sorties, including rotary in a day. The Iranians on September 21, 1980 despite being under total US and western arms embargo, quickly managed to launch over 400 air raids of Iraq, breaking the back of Saddam’s military and even attacked oil refineries and Osirak nuclear station. Russia on the other hand seems to doing very little in terms of airpower. Let’s hope Russia quickly addresses these setbacks and unleashes all the firepower it can muster. Without the quick destruction of Kiev C3I, the NATO agenda of an endless Slavic fratricide will become a reality and the war will come to Russian soil.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man
Jean Paul France

It seems incredible to me to have that ship within range of a coastal missile or boats with combat divers, (we still don’t know). I am afraid that tens or hundreds of Russian sailors have died on that ship (attacked at night and with ammunition explosions). And Russia cannot ignore that NATO has been a NECESSARY COLLABORATOR, (intelligence), in the destruction of the RUSSIAN FLAGSHIP SHIP AND PART OF ITS CREW. In any other war, this would cause a wild escalation. I agree with you on one thing, Russia can only win this war (without suffering unacceptable losses) by employing ALL its available weapons (especially those that its enemy lacks) WITHIN the Ukrainian territory.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jean Paul France

Yes, and now Russians will realize who won the World War 2 for them. It was the american war machine. Russians gave the humans, yes, but the military capacities came from the USA. Without that support Russian would have being wiped out by the Wehrmacht in 1942 already. Now with USA and EU against them, it will be impossible for Russia to conquer Ukraine without bleeding dry. The onlyy gamechanger would be China going gung ho and switch to full war economy. If Chinas military output is adjusted and switched to full-capacity and production then the USA is outnumbered immidiately. But, and that most people don t get. It’a all bullshit, as all of them USA the EU, Putlin-Russia and China all controlled by the very same NWO/JWO filth. They clandestinely work together in order to kick loose World War 3 and implement NWO/JWO and thereby world dictatorship. Very thing else is just theater for the masses.

Pamfil Military Academy

Yep, SSSR never could win against germans in ww2 without US lend-lease. Never. Why ? Because of the same situation as today Russia: Stalin incompetence and idiocy believing that signing treaty with Germany they will be somehow spared. Exactly what Russia was doing for the last 30 years with NATO and EU. But also, US never could win that same war without the russians. It’s fact. If SSSR might have been captured in 1942, they would have had atomic bomb at least 1 year before US and that was a game changer.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

im late to the party but i was the first one to announce the incoming copium due to the moskva exploding LOL your all welcome

G2 man

That is true and factual statement. It is damaged and not listing as I noted earlier. The repair facilities and dry docks at the home port of Sevastopol are excellent. After studying several photos and videos, the damage in mid-port side is not extensive and looks like an localized explosion, rather than a SSM hit. The hull damage in upwards, indicating a internal ammo explosion.

As a well wisher of Russia and its noble operation Z to cleanse the Nazi scum, I highly recommend that Russians improve their tactical and operational capabilities and leadership. In the era of high precision GPS guided SSM and drones floating a large 13,000 ton cruiser barely 30 kms off the hostile coast in complete incompetence. They also need to neutralize Odessa.

On an operational level some of the Russian commanders are many astonishingly inept decisions that border on sheer incompetence. However, to be perfectly objective, Russia is fighting 30 modern NATO armies in reality and they are testing their best weaponry to bleed Russia.

As most professional military men has observed, I also find Russian velvet gloves tactics quite illogical and inviting more destruction of Russian men and material. Ukraine is being controlled by Zionist and NATO officers whose sole aim is to bleed Russia to an extent that Putin will be overthrown and a puppet government installed in Kiev and then Russia to be Balkanized on the Yugoslavian template.

I sincerely hope Russian leadership takes serious stock of its military tactics and increase the cost to the Ukrainian Nazi regime. Russia needs to destroy Kiev and set an example. On a tactical level, in the era of very accurate SSM, floating a large 13,000 ton missile cruiser next to a hostile coast in simply insanity. The Zionists also found their flagship HANIT hit by a Hezbollah C-802 SSM, unfortunately Hezbollah only had two in its inventory and the fuse was not primed properly and only damaged the Corvette. Luckily, today Hezbollah has more superior and numerous Iranian FAJR, NASR and various other lethal SSM.

The Neptune missiles that struck the Moskva is based on the Soviet Kh-35 anti-ship missile, with substantially improved range and electronics. From my observation and damage assessment, it appears that the ship is salvageable and not listing. The fires have been put out and the excellent dry docks at Sevastopol will be able to repair in good time. The Iranian frigate Sabalan suffered far greater damage during the cowardly US Preying Mantis. Sabalan was repaired in 1989 and has since been upgraded, and is still in service with the Iranian navy. The Russians will do the same and upgrade the weaponry on the Moskva as well. These incidents are part and parcel of war, but Russia needs to learn from these unfortunate events It also proves that large ships operating in hostile waters are very vulnerable to SSM attack. The US air craft carriers do not stand a chance against Russian, Chinese or Iranian SSM batteries and cruise missiles. The Iranians are very astute to have avoided large surface ships and invested in hundreds of frigates and Fast Missile Attack corvettes. In the the narrow confines of Persian Gulf or Formosa Straits, a mass SSM attack would sink any USN aircraft carrier in less than ten minutes. I am certain the PLA Is taking notes.

I hope the Russians improve their tactics and take the war to Kiev as the US criminals and NATO lapdogs are arming Ukrainian Nazis to the tune of $30 billion since 2008 and $6 billion since the start of Operation Z. The US defence contractors are making billions and are producing weapons on a war scale and Russia needs to to the same. The Chinese and Iranians should be ramping up their missile and drone attack capabilities. The DPRK is also very proactive in producing a range of missiles as a deterrent to US warmongers. The Russians should be mobilizing all their resources for a very long and brutal conflict as their survival depends on crippling the Ukrainian Nazis and their NATO masters.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

Well said. And start pouring in more resources instead of constantly running on shoestring budgeting to more rapidly conclude each of the stages of what looks like a prolonged conflict to neutralize the West’s hegemony, because the longer this delays the more time for the West to flood Ukraine with more destabilizing weapons.

G2 man

Unfortunately, Russia was lulled into a fake “partnership” delusion with NATO and the Zionists, not realizing that their insidious agenda is the destruction of Russia. The Russians ignored their military for over 30 years now, with a budget smaller than both India and Saudi Arabia. They also failed to build real military alliance with Iran, so as not to displease the Zionists. Obviously, it was a folly. Now Russia needs to work very closely with Iran and China and totally rearm. This NATO war is aimed at breaking up Russia and taking a softly softly approach will only invited more US warmongers and NATO lapdogs aggression. It is time to unleash hell on Odessa and Kiev. As a symbol of Russian resolve, all the government buildings in Kiev need to razed to the ground. Then the message that Russia means business will get through.

Pamfil Military Academy

‘Unfortunately, Russia was lulled into a fake “partnership” delusion with NATO and the Zionists,’

Perfect description. For the first time I saw that, some 32 years ago, I said the russians were stupid. You cannot be friend with the Devil.


Personally I was ashamed of our leaders. Juice diddit.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

Absolutrly agree!!!!!! So many times in this conflict i felt so much time is being wasted, especially negotiations!

G2 man

Russia really needs to pick up its game or will invite a serious threat to Russia itself. US and NATO are pouring more weapons in than the entire military aid to Egypt, Israel, Morocco in a year combined. $30 billion since 2008 and just $11 billion since last month. The whole ex-Warsaw pact Soviet weapons inventory from Poland, Romania, Baltic states, Balkans, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Czech republic has been poured into Ukraine. Poland is the conduit for terrorists and weapons, just like Pakistan was during the Afghanistan-USSR conflict. Russian lack of coherent tactics is quite baffling.


I agree with you in principle, G2 man, but with the great withdrawal of the Russian forces from Kiev, it is obvious that Putin isn’t interested in flattening the city. It is too important to him with it being an ancient city of Rus, and the same thing is true regarding Odessa. But that doesn’t mean he wont unleash the full force of his military upon some other great cities, or perhaps even hit Kiev hard after all, but only if he can spare the central parts of the city. I believe that he still wants to give his soft war in Ukraine a little more time. Putin is a patient man and can play the long game better than anybody else IMHO.


I think Russia knows that the West is about to face an economic nightmare and is starting slow. All the support and weapons for Ukraine will stop once inflation kicks into high gear and the people have lost their interest in virtue signalling about Ukraine.



Russian liars pants on fire

Pure highly refined copium – the copy paste type

Russia Parade in Kiev

Cool story, should sit near Kuznetsov forever


Seems like Russians are getting serious

. “Lviv administration has confirmed airstrikes on the Yavoriv military range. According to preliminary data, 8 missiles hit the military facility” and completely destroyed the vast complex being used as a NATO weapons transfer facility.

Last edited 2 years ago by James
Pamfil Military Academy

If Russia just get the glove of, they deserve a gold medal. With nazi vermin you cannot use silk gloves even when collateral damage is to be taken into consideration.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC



Let’s hope so! Time to whack the UkrainoNazis and their NATO enablers good. Why are the lights still on in Lemberg and Kiev? Why are the trains still running? Why are any major runways still usable? The Russians are getting absolutely no slack in the west for their “light touch” policies in the Ukraine. Compared to what Bush did to Iraq in the first 24 hours of the Gulf War, Pres. Putin is a choirboy.

Pamfil Military Academy

Correct. I was irritated by the lack of professionalism for the russian navy. Allas, I was wrong. I saw pictures and it’s clear was an internal explosion. No Neptune or Jupiter banderist shithole missile whatoever. That’s clear as broad daylight. The ship can be repaired in maximum 2 months. I’m also stunned by the level of falsehood the Kiev reich employ everyday. After ww2 never was something at this magnitude.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

Yup. So much lies and distortions coming from Ukraine

G2 man

The Anglo-Zionist media is pushing absolute racist demonization of Russia in the west and portraying Russians as the new Mongols. The western populations are largely very ignorant and easily led by fabrications. The Bilderberg media has imposed complete censorship and block any truthful or factual comment. Twitter even banned the respected Brazilian award winning journalist and author Pepe Escobar for posting truthful coverage of this conflict. Russia can not longer afford to be passive. Kiev is now an armed camp and a legitimate target and Russia should take out all the government buildings and infrastructure with airpower and missiles.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

God willing!!!!!


No missile struck the Russian vessel.


It sank



Pamfil Military Academy

Man, you’re Navalnii what would do in this context better ?

Olenko Dimiyriev

É nois Queiroiz… Brazil


No Ukrainian missiles, just an accidental explossion. The ship does have anti-missile defence that the obsolete Ukranian Anti-Ship cruise missile has a hard time defeating.

Russia Parade in Kiev

Also the little green retreated from around Kiev because of malaria.

Perpetually Curious

Which raises another question. Was Ukraine itself an accidental explosion or was it planned all along by the pyromaniacs and wannabe masters of the universe in Washington’s neocon think tanks.

If the latter, I assume it’ll now be a fight to the death and I’m not at all sure who to put my money on.

Insanity's Child

Spend your money on a good nuclear bunker now because that fight will lead to everyone’s death. That’s a guarantee.

Karl Wolfe

The Bible says that in the last days, men will seek death due to the horrors around them, but death will not be there to escape “.

That’s why its so important to use your Voice and your Rights, given to us all by our Creator, to speak out against evil people and their actions. In the American Declaration of Independence and Constitution, it is written that our Rights come from our Creator and are INSEPARABLE, they cannot be taken away from government because they are Natural Rights , not privileges from government or ruling parties. Inseparable: they remain WITH the Individual and are Eternal Rights from our Nature as Humans.


Maybe their mrna worm won’t die.

hans raus

russian copium at its best. southfront is like psychiatric hospital

Stephan Williams

If southfront is like a psychiatric hospital it is you and the rest of the brain dead serial liars who are the patients.

It’s not like sane people can’t see how messed up you creepy crawlers who support Zelensky and his band of murderers, thieves and liars are.

hans raus – you are most assuredly bat sh_t crazy and not in a nice way.


I doubt it was hit, if it was it’s a sign of utter incompetence and neglection, since such ships normally should have state of the art detection and interception systems. But it’s ofc possible too. It’s hard to exclude anything, including sabotage by one of the crew members.

Pamfil Military Academy

I told for the first time: no missile whatover. The UkroReich would be shared tons of video material if that was the case. But I insisted on a underwater CIA CovertOps (frogmen type using romanian Constanta port and romanian/turk submarine) if depth of the water was right there.

Florian Geyer

The crew is safe and the ship is being towed to its home port. This is good news.

Slava Rossiya.

G2 man

The ship is quite easily repairable. It will also be upgraded with modern ECM. Luckily, no lives were lost. Russia really needs to totally pulverize Odessa and make the cost to the Ukrainian Nazi drug addicts much higher.

Pamfil Military Academy

From my Military Academy perspective is a MUST now. No, more silk gloves or ‘negociations’. Just Iron Fist.

Bob McGee

‘Repairable’…’upgraded’…’no lives were lost’….ha ha ha!

Last edited 2 years ago by Bob McGee
Pamfil Military Academy

Not ‘good news’ but unbelievable good news, pal. Long Live Russia !


So it can still fire its missiles, cool. That’s all that matters. Bring Nikolay Chiker the tug to tow while Moskva fires away

G2 man

They should have been fired on Kiev instantly.


Moskva has mainly Antiship missiles, it is a aircraft carrier buster. It was there mainly for electronic warfare.

G2 man

Not a very smart tactical move. Electronic warfare is conducted by various means not exposing a large cruiser in visual range to SSM. However, I do not believe that a Neptune hit it. Most likely careless ammo storage and handling. Russia like the Chinese and Iranians should be using “fishing trawlers” as EW and surveillance ships.


She must be protected by other ships with more modern anti-missile capabilities like pantsir/tor’s. Slava has S-300 (against aircrafts) and old Osa which is really not enough. But again, if it was attacked at all.

G2 man

The normal naval tactic to avoid missiles to create layered defensive a picket screen around major ship with air defence frigates. The Moskva should not have been sailing in visual sights without air cover of escort picket. The Russian naval high command needs to be held accountable for any errors regardless, including careless handing of ammunition.


You stated previously that the vessel was hit by Ukrainian missiles.


Exactly, it has very limited defensive capabilities against this type of attack if it was attack at all. As someone said it makes sense to attack again but they didn’t.


Yeah, and then what? So many PlayStation geniuses in here know exactly what to do, criticizing everything they don’t like from the comfort of their cushy sofa at home. There is a good reason people advance in rank by abilities and experience. You geniuses are better off playing games anyway. At least there you can’t brake anything of importance beside your own ego.


You and your ridiculous Dental Pseudonym are the only PlayStation gamers here. Adults play Arma III in a PC you Moron !!

Bob McGee

Ha ha! Idiot..


Moscow is honest about it. Not like our American friends denying anything and everything. One way or another the Ukrainian NeoNazis are going down.


That is true. Always keep your eyes on your objective. That is why the others are deliberately putting out so much fakes and propaganda out there, to divert their attention.

Truth Hurts

Your “American friends”. Hint, they are not your friends lol.


The russian side says it was caused by explosion accident. Ukraine claims it was hit by their missiles. How do we know the real score?

G2 man

After examining several videos, it looks like an accident, the metal damage is confined to a small portion of the deck, which implies upward explosion, mostly like unstable ammunition storage.

Truth Hurts

No given the numerous strikes of late inside Russia and the previous ship explosion, it’s too early to assume it was a fire.


Back about ten days ago on of the Russian Defence ministry spokespersons told the world that the Ukraine navy had been obliterated, without any pushback from the Ukraine military. Now we’re expected to believe that one of their vessels miraculously escaped and has been able to sink one of the flagships of the Russian Black Sea fleet? Try again. Yet we are fed an equally implausible line from the Russians that the explosions on board the ship were just a consequence of a series of unfortunate events. Bollocks. The likeliest answer is that it was a US or NATO attack, and that it is being downplayed to try and prevent the obvious escalation that would result if such provocation became public. It’s time that Germany and France exerted a bit of control on the lunatic Stoltenberg before he turns Berlin and Paris, and obviously other locations, into modern day Hiroshimas.

Burning Russian soldier

Geez, russia just can’t get a break from getting dicked.


War is war, casualties are a given. But this war has shown what a dishonorable bunch the Western governments really are. Dwelling on lies upon lies, they are hiding their evil scheming and wicked strategies behind walls of dishonesty. The age of chivalry died long ago. What a dishonorable way to conduct a war. Napolean would have been enraged after learning about such false reporting and civil casualties. To what lows has the western alliance sunk itself? Honesty has been killed by Washington.

Last edited 2 years ago by Leviticus15

Same crap as in Syria. All the successes by Russia army and war in Syria still didn’t end


I’m surprise Ukros don’t launch everything they have to finish the job. If it was their attack at all. It looks like it’s not even in their range….


To my understanding, there are not that many neptune missiles yet. But it would seem they launch them as they become ready.


Nonsense. There is literally no reason why not to launch another missile or two.

Heavy Mellow

The ship attack was a nato escalation and Russia claiming it was a fire and an accident plays into nato’s hand removing justification for retaliation. Until a nato country is struck the war and it’s destruction is conveniently confined to Ukraint. The side afraid to escalate is the side that will lose and nato has escalated. Your move Vlad.

Last edited 2 years ago by Heavy Mellow
Ashok Varma

Russia is pussyfooting with the worst racist Nazi scum in history. Ukraine needs to burn and bombed to hell and back then start all over again as a legitimate part of Russian Federation. It is Russian land after all KIEVAN-Rus. JAI RUS, JAI Putin!


If this was indeed a NATO escalation then they were likely doing it as a probing attack of sorts. To see how Russia would react, and take things from there. Then again, it’s purely my opinion as I am no military man.


I agree. Also, such ship hull damages seem suspicious for a missile strike, a torpedo igniting a fire would match better.


https://youtu.be/2dgoseEqQow The actual explosion?




It turned out to be detonated norwegian ship.


Ukraine keeps lying and inverting the losses.


The Russian sailors were probably drunk

Russian liars pants on fire

We need to finally come to the conclusion that Russian seamen are worth less than Russian semen


you should know – you swallowed so much



Lee Bertin

Nato SUB?

mike l hutchings

there are losses in war….




How fanciful it is to assume that many here are far smarter than the Russians. Many are decrying the Russian tactics and believe they are inept. Well, maybe so, but I just have a suspicion that if you were to ask Syrians if they preferred the Russian tactics to save them or NATO tactics I believe you would find the Russian tactics are preferred. Of course this is just from the point of view of people in a kill zone, so WTF do they know, right? I guess the idea of creating a buffer between NATO and RF would be easier if the entire population was just slaughtered, but then again NATO would have a field day propaganda-wise and those around the world would start believing the propaganda, because it would no longer be propaganda, but the truth. Not to mention that those left would not be open to Russian overtures. That would be no big deal, I mean the rest of the world would just line up behind Russia anyway? The US ALWAYS says they are concerned with ‘winning hearts and minds’, but their tactics say different. This war is being fought the same way Syria is, objectively and calmly. Are mistakes made? Undoubtedly. Every military, in every war has made them. Are they cause to change the entire strategy? No. Because the objective IS being met. Do people really believe that the Ukrs would lay down their weapons if they knew the Russian were slaughtering everyone? Not likely. Where is the realization that the Russians ARE winning hearts and minds and do any here understand the vast importance of that? After the major campaigns are over, how badly will the population feel towards the Russians and how will they interact? Look at Iraq/Afghan and the insurgencies there. It is a direct result of kill them all and let god sort them out. Is this what Russia wants? I fucking doubt it. They want a stable state. One with infrastructure. One with a less than antagonistic population they don’t have to watch every second. The fact is that winning a war that you don’t really want, where you can bring the people to your side by risking yourself to save their lives is exceedingly dangerous. But war is dangerous. The main take-away is how do you control the people after and create a stable state that does not drain resources. The US has no clue, we have been sucked dry here at home. We have many thousands that would probably prefer to be dead than in the position they are in. How long has the US been in Iraq/Afghan and how many casualties do we have whose wounds were sustained after we supposedly won? So tell me again how the tactics many here seem to think are better, the VERY SAME tactics the US/NATO uses, are better in the long run. Russia has neither the manpower nor the economic ability to run this war and the deal with the aftermath as the US does. One also has to remember that the US controlled every aspect of the reporting in their ‘conflicts’ (illegal wars of slaughter). How many losses were hidden? Were they the result of stupidity? One doesn’t really know because the news only got the view that the Pentagram allowed. Here, we are seeing warts and all. A last thought. IF Russia conducted this war as the US does, what would be the real difference in backing one rather than the other? Would there be a difference? Everyone here decrys the west’s lies, manipulation, media control and heavy handed military actions, yet many here want the Russians to do the same? This reminds me a one of the stupidest comments I ever saw here. It stated that the Russian never were very good at strategy. My reply was; yes, that was the reason Russian’s never were good at chess. Another thing, the relentless parade of trolls means something people, it means the west is scared shitless there BS is not working and they are doing their best to sow dissention. In other words, the battle for hearts and minds. Think about that while dissing the Russian tactics. I’m confident he Russian’s will analyze issues and deal with them, unlike the west who would merely double-down.

Russian copium

Lay off that high strength copium


boring cretin stop repeating the same stupid garbage. it was stupid the first time you said it and it’s definitely stupid after 1000 repeats


Many arm-chair Alexanders post here. War is politics, and these derpsters don’t have the foggiest notions of what considerations have to be managed by the Russian state. If it was a simple matter of a military operation, it would have ended in February.


Its easy to say Russia isn’t doing a good job. But must keep in mind Russia isn’t just fighting Ukraine here, its fighting a nato proxy war and Ukraine. Plus all the other anti Russians that want to head to Ukraine to fight.


I like the comment that Ukr never document loss of their side. It is interesting to note that no loss to their side in terms of manpower and equipment.


Russia is imitating the US: The Rumsfeld Doctrine: Just Enough Troops to Lose

Islam is a scourge and a menace

Why they cannot detect a thraet from Btisih weapons systemes?


Neptune is Ukrainian missile.


Soviet missile. Upgraded somewhat


No weapon system was involved.


There might have been one involved on the ship though, ie a malfunction that caused the fire and subsequent explosion(s), we don’t know yet.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x