160719-N-ZZ999-112.PACIFIC OCEAN (July 19, 2016) USS Coronado (LCS 4), an Independence-variant littoral combat ship, launches the first over-the-horizon missile engagement using a Harpoon Block 1C missile. (U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Bryce Hadley/Released)
A Russian missile strike on Odessa oblast wiped out two Harpoon anti-ship missile launchers which were recently supplied by the UK to the Ukrainian military, Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, announced on July 8.
“Sea-launched precision weapons eliminated two Harpoon coastal missile launchers in the area of the settlement of Liman in the Odessa Region delivered from Great Britain,” the spokesman said during his daily briefing on the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.
The Harpoon is a sea-skimming anti-ship missile that is equipped with a radar altimeter and a GPS-aided inertial navigation system, or INS. For terminal guidance, the missile is equipped with an active radar seeker. When launched from surface, the missile has a range of 124 to 280 kilometers depending on the version. The missile is armed with a 221 kg penetration high-explosive blast warhead.
In late May 2022, Denmark sent Harpoon launchers and missiles to Ukraine to help their war effort, and shortly after, the Netherlands sent additional missiles. Later in mid-June 2022, the US announced that they would supply Ukraine with Harpoon launchers and missiles and the UK Defence Secretary said that they also were looking into supplying Ukraine with the missiles.
On 17 June, Ukraine claimed to have sunk the Russian Navy’s tugboat Spasatel Vasily Bekh with two Harpoon missiles. These claims are yet to be confirmed.
Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov warned back in May that the Russian military is keeping a close eye on Harpoon deliveries and taking corresponding measures.
The supply of Harpoon anti-ship missiles to the Ukrainian military was justified by US officials as a way to help Ukraine “defeat Russia’s naval blockade”. However, the real purpose is to escalate the conflict in Ukraine and maximize Russia’s losses.
- In Video: Another Ukrainian S-300 Destroyed By Russian Kalashnikov Machine Gun
- Analysis Of Military-Biological Activity Of USA And Its Allies In Ukraine And Other Regions – Russian Defence Ministry
Ukrainian forces wiped out all the Putin cockroaches from Snake Island. Now it’s just Putin terrorists launching more terrorist attacks against a peaceful city like Odessa. Just like they destroyed Mariupol and now nobody can live in it. The more terrorist attacks the Putin terrorists commit the more they’ll try to pretend that they’re something other than real terrorists. But they are what they are. Terrorists never see themselves as terrorists. They just find deranged excuses to murder innocent people.
Take a look at russian ,,himars” hahahahahah
Pedo Prophet how much you received from Pedos !?
Shit-eater,you cant even wipe out neptune let alone harpoon.Keep eating steaming shit from putins rectum with borsch soup.
what the f are you doing here little cockroach didn’t tired of speaking, we gave you the most of our modern weapons, we send you fighters, we gave you moneys, we send you homosexuals, gays and satanic worshipers, we and you cant f*** stop an army who fought with soviet made weapons. f*** you you unreliable Ukropites. you didn’t even fit to be a puppet. fuck off and get over the subject.
typical russian/commie bot:
– evil west – conspiracy theory about covid – nato bad/russia good – LGTB everywhere….
US has been killing million of innocent peoples in the Middle East lol
Poor chance, with that. Muhammad is an accomplished sociopath with illusions on his magnificience. A prophet, he is not and Muhammad is a fake name. There you go, with the prophet of fake discourse.
Where is proof? another fake news to boost poor russian morale? just like fake russian proapganda and claim that they destroyed himars and captured Caesar ? I dont know who will win this war and what win means in that case but russia already lost battle when it comes to propaganda and infuence :D poor orcs, himars and western artilers destroy russian ammo depots and oil depots on daily basis. today us source claim that next himars will arrive in ukraine in next weeks :D
Hans Pedo raus How much the nato pedos parazites payed you to take in the anus and eat bugs in your anus ????
haahahhahahahaahh hans happy, russian child rapists…….not
russian rapist have plenty of ukro pows to fuk. ukros have themselves to share in trenches eating dust with their anuses…
Russia likely keeps track of who is supplying weapons and puts these nations on the ‘unfriendly nations’ list. Consequences of being on that list are yet to be announced but it may mean losing supplies of food and energy from Russia.
Russia is a dwarf in those matters. there are no lacks of weapons to buy. What a joke. They only has their satraps and almost giving away the rest.
And UN and many of the rest actually already has put Russian as a very unfriendly regime. Things are very well confirmed by Russia also has erased Human Rights by UN for their own slaves.
The RF does not care about what the UN thinks. The USA runs the UN, so fuck it. The new kids on the block now are BRICS and these are unbeatable both economically and politically. Have a bad weekend bitch.
Your right Max the USA economic group has admitted they are seriously worried about the BRICS as it will affect in the long term the US $$/petrodollar bringing to an end US hegemony.
It’s time, Jens Holm, to realise that you, Ukies, is so laughable to look at, that the world has pity on you, poor schlebs. What kind of Ukie is so dumb as to sell a $1 million piece of gear to the Russians for 100k? Only idiots and morons, do it at least twice, like you Ukies did. No wonder, you’re losing, you don’t deserve to win anything. Ain’t Karma a bitch? 😆😆😆😆😆😆
your stupidity reaches new depths—you are now qualified to train Williams nazi to clean toilets and improve his income
STFU idiot
The EU / USA are becoming increasingly irrelevant in the world. We are fucked by debt and demographics. Too many senior citizens and not enough children to support a consumer driven economy. We created inflation by printing money and sanctioning energy rich countries then created a debt bomb by raising interest rates to fight the inflation we created.
No one in the important parts of the world … the parts of the world that either makes stuff or is rich in natural resources … gives a shit about our whining about “human rights” or “democracy” now that we fucked up our consumer driven economies.
If Iran and Venezuela were selling their oil on the open market the west could have sanctioned Russian energy without causing massive inflation but since they are sanctioned Russia is actually PROFITING from the war in Ukraine and we’ve strengthened their economy and made them kingmakers. We “punished” China by imposing tariffs and China responds by choking trade causing demand inflation. We send weapons and aid to Ukraine in amounts that exceed Russia’s annual military budget and Russia still defeats Ukraine on the battlefield and makes steady territorial gains.
Outside of the western media bubble we look like fucking idiots.
And all because of who controls us.
Look up, P.n.a.c.
U.s.s. liberty
David duke
US tax payers millions of dollars literally going up in smoke… once again. Keep sending them losers. The RF will keep destroying them – or capturing them for reverse engineering.
Russia has much better missiles than this crap from ’70s
Yes.- Thats one of the few productions with succes.- Thye have a relative high standard and often are best to the price.
But those Himars actually works well.-
So what about those many Russian tanks and old artillery systems by Russia. A T72 is how new.
moron jens—expert at cleaning toilets and swallowing sperm—amusing
Old russian tanks have a very good use as decoys. Those Ukies are too dumb, to know the difference. After, they had their fun, Russia does not need to dispose those old carcasses. Free steel for the Dombass when they need steel to rebuild. Only the bad guys, are loosers.
No one cares about the shit you talk. STFU mongo.
Russia wants them. They study them for their limitations and become more proficient to eliminate them. “Know your enemy” also means know their hardware and their limitations. Any relevant observations are also transmitted to Russia’s allies. The collective West is so generous as providing this material, free of charge to study. Let them come as Russia is emptying your stocks at a rock-bottom price.
Thats decided by their parlament and Goverment. They have a budget with priorities. And its the taxpayers money made by them. If anything You contriv´bute witj nothing.
You kind of expect they in a high kapitalistic system should reward millions for doing absolutly nothing. Thats one of many good reasons for USSR collapsed.
As usual the 165 mio middleclass doing fine there dont exist because they hardly exist in Yours. It goes for the economy all over as well.
Putin try very hard to reduce the Russian childmakers. We support it. Many also are leving Russia. Thos mainly get a descent job here. They could or were not allowed to in Russia.
Wa also get in Russian wifes in. Its not so many. The seemes to be as Ours after few years. Fine and almost all vomen. They makes cjhildren here. You should wonder why – if that allowed.
halfwit moron cannot distinguish Russian from Moldovan
I bow to your expertise in absurdities, idiocies and loads of crap. I just realized, where you got your degree. Certainly at Crap school of Divination, a Scientology Affilliate.
Just a reminder, while you’re here bitching because Russia only had to use t72s to shatter the AFU, Danish women are getting fucking & impregnate by third world immigrants. And you’re just one deluded insignificant limp dick.
Russia will keep killing all NATO foreigners, and the many Fascists, with it’s good old t72. You on the other hand will also keep being in the same lame state you were.
Blah blah blah talking shit again. STFU MONGO!
No cheesy video like the alleged HIMARS destruction, so I’m apt to believe it.
I need some verification.- Its true Ukras try to advance there but its almost a stalemate.
Its very dificut to hide in the flat terrain, so they try somwhere else.-
We saw how the Assad dam in Syria was a very good hiding and defence position in Syria. They are solid concrite and has basements.- he enrece roads often makes hiding in the sides as well
And here goes bitch #2, you guys are persistent. Get a life loser.
You mean that Muhammad is Crap bitch #1 or Hans Raus is? There is certainly a competition there. Tell me, who wants to be Crap bitch #3? I’m sure that Jens would hate to be #3. Correct me, if I’m wrong, there.
we verify nothing for homo nazi…you are defeated and humiliated—-no verification needed…otherwise nazis,williams, midgelad poko molo,sawyer would not comment here
Stfu mongoloid.
Nobody owns you anything loser. If you dont want to believe – dont believe. Nobody here fucking cares, and much less somebody on the Russian military. Or do you think soldiers on the battlefield will make a break to make videos for Miss Disinfo? Nah, even if they have the video – there are 100 reasons why not to publish it. Get out of here bitch.
You reply sounds like a scared child who may be realizing his side is losing.
This is only two.
They are mobile and need to be stationary to hit them so I’m sure they are tracking most until they need to stop for maintenance or are hidden in a building. The Russians just launched a brand-new satellite that has state of the art tracking and surveillance abilities, that make 90 tracking satellites for them.
Actually, the fireworks are better, when the Russians hit them next to a control center.
US has been killing million of innocent peoples in the Middle East lol
Congratulations to Russia on all the success vs. the lgbt west. May the hand of God help you in striking down the filth in America, Europe and Israel.
fewer desperate 7th grade educated nazis from omaha persist—as Russian dominance cannot be denied they must seek solace w lgbt in hillbilly trailer park
Pics or it didn’t happen
Looking forward to the liberation of Odessa all the way to Transnistria. Wouldn’t mind seeing the downfall of that compromised leader of Moldova either.
typical russian fake, no evidence at all, no pics. Same story as captured ceasar or destroyed himars – fake news by russian psyops . Ammo depots being destroyed by himars every siingle day so russian propaganda must to creat such a kind of story to boost up russian morale :D
Today USA announced that they will send another 4x himars and 300 km ammo…………there is no place for ruskiye to hide :D happy time russian backward orcs…..not hahahahahahahahah
nazi lose–nazi swallow amerikant sperm….the more territory Russia liberates the more you must pay to be sodomized in your lgbt brothel
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