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MARCH 2025

Russian Missiles Destroy Ukrainian Military Positions In Schools And Shopping Centers (Videos)

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Russian Missiles Destroy Ukrainian Military Positions In Schools And Shopping Centers (Videos)

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On the morning of June 8th, the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) carried out an airstrike on the AFU positions in the town of Bakhmut (Artemovsk). The Ukrainian military positions were established in a local school. As a result of the strike, the building was destroyed. The number of casualties is yet to be revealed.

The target of the strike was the local school no.2. Ukrainian media traditionally accuse Russians of attacking civilian infrastructure. However, footage from the area confirms that the school has been turned into a Ukrainian military base. The photos released a few days ago showed tanks and military equipment at the school.

Russian Missiles Destroy Ukrainian Military Positions In Schools And Shopping Centers (Videos)

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The AFU military positions in the Kharkov region were also struck by Russian forces. Last night, the AFU military positions in the Vostorg shopping center in Kharkiv were destroyed.

Missile strikes on the aFU positions were also reported in the villages of Saltovka, Kholodka and the city center.

Russian Missiles Destroy Ukrainian Military Positions In Schools And Shopping Centers (Videos)

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According to the morning briefing of the Russian Ministry of Defence on June 8:

“High-precision air-launched missiles in the Kharkov area struck an armored plant, in the workshops of which the repair and restoration of tanks and other armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was carried out. In addition, high—precision air-launched missiles hit two control points, 13 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as a battery of multiple rocket launchers “Hurricane” in the Kharkiv region. In the districts of Malinovka (Kharkiv region), Spornoe (the Donetsk People’s Republic), Ivanovka (Luhansk People’s Republic) four warehouses with weapons and ammunition were destroyed. In the area of the settlement of Chuguev in the Kharkiv region the fuel storage for the AFU equipment was destroyed.”


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Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

The worthless hoholasshole cowards hide behind school kids and then cry like babies when Russian ratnik kicks their loser asses. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


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Last edited 2 years ago by Edna
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Last edited 2 years ago by Diane Ferguson

The Ukrainians are lucky to have the western Jewish controlled press that lies to westerners about Ukrainian bravery and honor. And so ill informed western morons see Ukraine as noble and fighting the good fight. The fact is the Ukrainian military has no honor and follows the edicts of their Jewish masters. Jews have no honor, and exploit the good nature of gentiles as they trick gentiles into fighting other gentiles. The best Ukrainians should either work to stage a coup, or surrender to Russia. These Jews have led to the destruction of Ukraine.


You are exactly correct.


Talmudians and satanists, are they Jews? Are they ethnically Jews? Are they of the Jewish faith? Even calling them Zionists is blasphemic. Roman Catholics who believe nothing that the Church has taught, they should not be called RC either. As deception and distortions to the meaning of our language abound, we need to carefully choose our words, our descriptive nouns and adjectives, and clearly convey truth. This may entail using new terminology or using terms in new ways. To call Jews offspiring of vipers is only using the words of our Lord, to call them DECEIVERS which would inlude those who do not profess to be jews as well, that would convey meaning well too. Instead of using the term sheople, we could use te term, decieved sheep. As an alternative to using the term waske up, we could use terms such as look, examine, open your eyes and look, search for the truth, put the light on. The Vipers of deception, the red dragons minions, in reference to the whore of bablylon which is clearly to do with money. Minions of the babylon whore. Debt slavery and debt slaves are terminologies worrth using, bonded to debts, debt bondage, blinded by deceptions… Another thing to remember is that evil is decep[tion and it is poison and it is distortion, it is insanity. The difference between insanity and evil is that the evil are willingly performing evil actions, they are perpetrators of evil while the insane are victims of evil and disorders. While inititially the use of ancient and new terminologies may seem strange, when done well, it will quickly catch on.

Michigan Man


Good comment. I agree with most of what you wrote. It is important that people start to make up their mind, and realize what evil brute we are facing. Adolf Hitler in his political testament called Jewry quote “The most evil enemy of mankind of all times” and “The world-poisoner of all people”, and he was right. Regardless what one might think of other things the NS government might have done or might have not done. At least in this point no bright head can claim that they were not right. Had mankind realized back then what this man and his folk told them, and had the world united against the jews, all the shit we are facing now, would not exist, no jewish controlled USA, no jewish controlled Europe and no jewish controlled russia, just disciplined national, properous souverän nations in peaceful coexistence. But mankind wasn t clever enough to realize this, and instead better believed into the jewish-media lies from eighter USA, jewish-subverted european countries or Russia. And this now culminates to what we currently have. We have most of the white christian hemisphere injected with the mRNA-ratpoison, which eighter kills near immediately or with timer of 2-6 years the imps, “at best” just heavily damaged the health for ever – and make them disabledpersons for life, and it definitely sterilized men, women and children.

All the mRNA worldpoisoning dirt comes from the jewish big pharma companies. In addition we are now facing World War 3 more and more looming, with both sides led and controlled by jews, trying to lure us all into their dirty stupid world war, which Mr. Klaus Schwab from the WEF calls “Great Reset” resp. necessary to “build back better. I tell you very open, I am very thankful to the germans and their leader A.H. that they back in the 1940 stood up and fought that war against the jews, and thereby opened the eyes of many people, and bought the world time to prepare for the Jews final attack on mankind, which we are currently actually seeing. Had there been not NS regime, we would have had all that jewish madness already looming in 1965 or 1975, A TIME WHEN THERE WAS NO INTERNET !!!! But because of the germans the plans of the jewish satanists had to be postponed for at least 30-50 years, with the jews being forced to “re-wrestle/wrestle back/ social-engineer the peoples minds away from NS and nationalism into 1968 flower power idiocity, and then more and more into communism”. And they had to wait out the old people die, because they (the old europeans especially in Germany, Austria etc.) were still telling their children the truth about the jews, and lots of the old NS books survived and were duplicated and sold under the table to Arabia, USA, Turkey and of course Germany and Scandinavia. All this did its part to maximum delay the jewish world-conquering plans. When the internet came up, the jews weren t ready, they totally underestimated its power, the got overrun by the internet and how fast knowledge was transferred. So more and more truth about them (the jews) spread from one continent to the other, from one flat to the other from the lowest hut in whatever distant 3rd world country to the noblest houses of so-called 1st world nations, these critical highly valuable informations suddely were available to everyone interested in it.

What is why the jews panicked, starting to ban free speech more and more, unleashing new laws to forbid all form of critic as ‘antisemitism’ and made a lot of stupid move that only futhered the the process of mankinds awakening. Now they are so desperate that they hectically put the corona-hoax like a rabbit out of their cap, ordered the people of the world to take the mRNA-death shot and now want to hide their crimes behind a War War which they are pushing for very hard now (as we all know). By World War they of course want to silence also all those still living, knowning people which would otherwise call to arms to hunt the jews down and rightfully slaughter and execute them whereever they find them.

All this said, yes, it is still a hard fight to fully destroy these satanist brute, this largest globally organized crime syndicate the world has ever seen, which calls itself “Judaism resp. Jews” but we – mankind – are winning. The jews (the devils resp. the children of the devil / what is what Jesus called them) will take down into the abyss likely half-of-mans population, but after that God will again rule over the earth and godfearing people will be, and strict godfearing leaders will lead the nations and peace, happiness and prosperity will roam the earth like never before. I am very sure about that !

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

..of course russia gone hit that places…Question is WHY UKRAINIANS FORCES USING CIVILIAN BUILDINGS FOR THEIT ARMORED FORCES???


i see bunch of morons on the Russian side writing as they would be azovites. You morons claim you want to clean all Ukronazos, yet you speak like them. Are you morons or agent provocateur?


I think the only agent provocateur here is you. What military cyber unit do you work for? Israeli military Unit 8200 or the Uk GQHC? Or the US military cyber unit?

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