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Russian MoD Announces Another One-Sided Ceasefire In Greater Idlib

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Russian MoD Announces Another One-Sided Ceasefire In Greater Idlib

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The Ministry of Defense of Russia announced in the noon of August 30 a new one-sided ceasefire in Syria’s Greater Idlib.

“In order to stabilize the situation, the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria has reached a one-side ceasefire by Syrian government forces starting from 60:00 AM of August 31, 2019,” a statement by the ministry reads, according to RT.

The ministry went on to call on all militants in Greater Idlib to join the new ceasefire and avoid any further escalation.

A few hours earlier, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advanced in southeastern Idlib capturing the key town of al-Tamanah and several hilltops in its vicinity.

Idlib militants have not responded on the Russian proposal, yet. In the last two years, the militants took advantage of similar ceasefires by reorganizing their forces, building fortifications and launching attacks on Syrian and Russian forces.

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I don’t understand. Why? Sometimes Russia is so stupid. Now the SAA has built momentum, now it gets destroyed again.

Hanny Benny

because Putin please ErdoKhan for getting him out f NATO.. Idlib is only a matter of time ;)

Brian Dippenaar

My guess is that the Sultan of Turkey just told Vladimir Putin straight that any new Su-57 fighter jet deal between them will be conditional upon and idlib ceasfire on the SAA side alone.

You can call me Al

Talking of the Su-57, please view a technical breakout,by very knowledgeable professionals on the subject – https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1171852/putin-news-vladimir-putin-donald-trump-s400-missile-erdogan-turkey-russia-washington-spt


Ray Douglas

You should be aware of the leanings and motivations of the Daily Express. A right-wing tory pro US/NATO paper which I would never buy or even read for free.

You can call me Al

FFS, it is sarcasm… what the fuck is wrong with you all ?….. look at the stupid image I added.

PS No disrespect intended.

Ray Douglas

You are too subtle Al?

You can call me Al

Thank you kindly.


Some_”news”.uk? No tanks. On the other hand, paper issue of UK news are my favorite – soft, strong and thoroughly absorbent.

You can call me Al

Sarcasm, did you miss the image I added ?.

Tudor Miron

Al…. your link… No offence but this article target audience – houswifes at best! Or did my poor English failed me to recognise sarcasm?

You can call me Al

You should know me by now, maybe the image gave it away…. total 100% sarcasm and anger to the UK MSM, but thanks for clarifying.


When I see an F-35 do this, I might be tempted to give some credence. https://youtu.be/pLXFky2LLvM To be quite honest, I don’t think I will have to worry about that. Even the article has incongruities…at one point it states that it (F-35) has a larger radar detection range…then later concludes the Su57 may be better at long range encounter? All while admitting the Su57 can fly higher, faster and longer, yet the F-35 is a better over-all aircraft? This reads like either a joke…or satire.


this is for nothing. Dogfight beklong to the fast. Interesting, that the russian/soviet planes were always bettr in these parade maneaubers, but lost the dogfights against yankee aircrafts.

You can call me Al

Please Zman, stop it, everytime I watch it I get horny, unfortunately my wife is an ugly fuck.


You’re killing me…stop it…


F-35 is not the best plane that USA has, but it is the most expensive ever constructed. The best plane is the F-22 which it is not on sale to anyone, even Israel.


Actually the F-35 was supposed to be cheaper (@$89M) than the F-22 (@$334M!!!). F-22 production stopped because of cost and projected massive over-runs. F-35 costs went astronomical…f-35b/$251M…f-35c/$337M. FAIL. But yes, the F-22 is far superior to the F-35. Will it out perform the Su57? ?????


Nop, Su-57 is better than F-222. Better radar, better missiles, much better to handle it, more powerful engine.

Zionism = EVIL

Not really, Russia is a weak, confused and friendless state and ErDOGan is running rings around a besieged Putin who the CIA and NGO’s have in their sights. Russia is owned by Jew oligarchs and Putin is coming to an end and then the real disintegration of Russia wil start unless the military or the nationalists take over before the CIA and Jews do a Ukraine 2:0


Maybe because Team Kurds/US is also attacking the Turkish backed forces and having Team Turkey in Syria is better than having Team US/Kurds in Syria for Russia. Now Team Turkey and Team US/Kurds can fight each other.

Rhodium 10

Then..why Turkish backed forces dont leave idlib and going to fight in Syria kurdistan borders?


That’s it exactly, there are no Kurds in Idlib, never have been. Erdogan is a Con. Muslim Brotherhood’s specialty is the Con.

Rafik Chauhan

US AND TURKEY are same coin they are pretending to fight each other but thier main subject is to divide Syria . Erdogon soon will be in lot of trouble once this terriost will be trown to the border of turkey. Turkey will be left with only one choice send this terriost to eastern SDF held area to fight . or This terriost will enter turkey to create havoc

Ooga Booga

It’s just for show of course. It’s how you conduct politics unfortunately.

Harry Smith

Russian may seem narrow-minded, impudent, or even stupid people, but one can only pray for those who are against them.

Some people say it’s Churchill’s quote, but I doubt.


Erdogan is buying SU-57’s …. enough money to buy a ceasefire in Syria and continue protecting Turkey’s terrorists.


Sadly true.. Russias economy is in crisis, and public pressure is coming from the majority or people. For the first time Putin faces opposition not only from the “libral” agents of influence, but also from the “patriotic” people. And just like with India, those weapon sales and other economic projects undermine every geopolitical and national security interest of Russia at the moment. Fucked up shit.


And why is Russia so poor? becaus the oligarchs under Putinś tact steal everything. Putin is wrong leader. He is thef and knows niothing about economy. Norway has less oil, gas, but they made a found for extra incomes and saved the money for future. Russia and the russian people have nothing from incomes for oil, gas. Each rubel was stolen. Russand do not need western football clubs, but own factries, silicon valley, etc.

cechas vodobenikov

lies and stupidity—u r amerikan, something expected



cechas vodobenikov

your functional illiteracy amuses

cechas vodobenikov

utter stupidity—the Russian economy is thriving


Thriving.. Funny you say that why my friends in Russia and those with family there say that the living standard is stanganting, Oligarchs are still thirving, those like oleg Deripaska can do what ever the fuck they want. Not as bad as the 1990s, no. But “Thriving”?? Maybe for some rich Mocauvites, but for the general worker? Obviously not. And while this was bad enough, cutting Pensions in a manner inspired by neoliberals in the west, while Oligarchs “thrive”, is felt like a knife in the back by them. Or tell me why united Russia canidates in Moscow election now choose to canidate as “independent” to not be tainted with the hate the party faced from the majority of the public?

cechas vodobenikov

obviously u display your stupidity—your lies about the oligarchs is fully refuted by Szelyeni (New Left Review NOV 2015) http://www.sott.net/article/391148 obviously u know nothing about Moskva, Russia or the “general worker”…wealth and income disparities r far worse in the USA than Russia—I refer to the GINI co-effecient–not your fake CIA website wikipedia obviously u believe your fake news media—and u actually believed the NYT when they claimed there were WMD’s in Iraq…LOL http://www.bbc.com/news/education-422222488 the stupid American—see ‘The Dumbest Generation’. Mark Bauerlein and ‘The Age of American Unreason’. Susan Jacoby….LOL http://www.sott.net/article/317431 u r 1 more proof As Geoffrey Gorer observed, the USA is an oral culture–a nation of name calling children—he observed your crude, obscene (fu*k) language in 1947—the self uglified amerikan


Let them pile up in their bunkers and save Russia ammo.

Tudor Miron

See my post below.

Zionism = EVIL

No surprise, I predicted this a week ago when most Putin cheerleaders got upset.


I remember that :/


Now you have an idea what Su-57 buying by Turkey can make.

Dante Fernando

Newbies know nothing about military strategies and tactics. If russia and syria goes too hard, the terrorists revert to guerilla mode, which makes it harder to kill them efficiently.

It was always about giving the terrorists a false sense of security and confidence. They will uparmor with new technicals and tanks. They will call for hundreds of reinforcements to idlib and new weapons and ammo.

Russian satellites, drones and spies can easily see through these stupid moves in the cul-de-sac that is idlib. Killing terrorists by twenties at a time and bankrupting their demoralized financiers become easier.

It is the same with aircraft carriers and nuclear missiles. As long as the carrier and missile busters are cheaper, faster, with devastating blast-to-weight ratio, and more mobile, all their contemplated strategic uses are just bozo bojo moves.

Ishyrion Av

That is correct!

Tiresia Branding

yes, you cannot efficiently bombing them until they regrouping in new strongholds

Ishyrion Av

Or you can bomb them while they are regrouping… That is even much sweeter.

Ishyrion Av

Every time when SAA and Russians need a break, they impose a cease fire. If some of the enemies want to surrender, they can use the time. If not, anyway, SAA takes his breath and then moves further. These ”cease-fires” are in fact strategic consolidation of the conquered enemy territory and reinforcement of the logistic lines. So people, don’t complain, those soldiers are humans still!

Terence Silvestre Jr.

If that’s how you say, then why notify the enemy disguising it as a one side ceasefire that not even the enemy being defeated asked for? Why not just stop the offensive and move on to a defensive state, leaving in fall the enemy’s morale with the continuing fear of being attacked again at any time?

Ishyrion Av

Is better to appear as a lord rather than just look tired. The offensive will start any time as soon as SAA is ready, because, as we noticed until now, isis is acting like a rabid dog: still wants to byte even if it will get kicked off. The ceasefire has a condition: do not attack us meanwhile. Since the attacks will keep coming, the offensive will be restarted and the bad image comes over the foreign insurgents, rather than the Syrian Army.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Just look back a bit and analyze for yourself the results of all the same previous one-side ceasefires and you will realize how little objective and nothing wise you are in your comment, my friend. On the contrary, the terrorists have always taken these unilateral ceasefires as a logical sign of weakness and fatigue on the part of the SAA and Russia, and have always taken advantage of them, to regroup themselves to counterattack with force and with a higher moral than before with always disastrous consequences for the SAA at the end. Lessons must always be taken from past mistakes so as not to repeat them in the future, a wise man once said.

Ishyrion Av

Of course they will regroup and rearm. SAA is doing the same. Important thing is SAA dictates the tone of war: it starts when they need to start, not when insurgents want. Otherwise, everybody needs rest.


I agree. The last set of ceasefires might have been tedious for everyone watching, but culminated in a large SAA advance. The russians are quite capable of turning up and bombarding every strategic position of the islamists into dust in a short time. Syrian soldiers are a precious asset and should not be squandered in needless battles when intimidation can achieve the same outcome. And it did – that’s why Khan Sheikun was empty when they got there.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I hope that SAA would have all the control as you say, my friend. But I think that control is only in your idyllic mind, I fear. Because in the harsh reality, Russia is the only one that decides and the SSA simply puts the deads and the blood. And for your information in any war, one of the greatest objective is to deprive the enemy of the ability to regroup and rearm himselft at will for obvious reasons. And in that case, knowing the terrorists of the existence of a one side gift cease-fire without any conditions and commitment from them, they will not only take advantage of it to regroup and rearm themselve but also to counteract cowardly by surprise and trying to undo all the achievements hard earned by the SAA on the ground, as they have often done and almost achieved in the past, my friend. Believe me my son.


Since SAA and Russia are kicking the shit out of them, I’d say they know what they are doing. That wise man you quote would also probably have said that one should know where of they speak…especially when sitting at home criticizing success.

Alberto Garza

but the saa is fatigued it is weak and lacks manpower and equipment i think it needs the ceasefire to consolidate .


Well said, these SAA troops are fighting fanatics, better to recycle the troops, while as you say, announcing a ceasefire. ISIS will attack, but it will take them more time to re-organise, in an ever decreasing pocket.


So the SAA needed an 9 month “break” from last year till 2 months ago? Why people need always to spin the news?

Anyway, most here are able to see the much darker, political truth behind this.

Rhodium 10

Thats a good idea!…Russia declare cease fire while SAA will put the dead soldiers once cease fire fail as usual!

Alberto Garza

the saa is pretty weak it lacks men and equipment to capture vast pieces of land they need to time to regroup and consolidate their recent gains and dont worry the terrorists will brake the ceasefire and the saa willbe advancing once more .

Terence Silvestre Jr.

And history is repeated again with all the same negative consequences as always for SAA, who pays with their lives the strategic mistakes of their super ally. Pathetic. Because, if it is a strategic pause to resupply, and take a quick rest, why notify the enemy disguising it as a ceasefire that not even the enemy being defeated asked for? Why not just stop the offensive and move on to a defensive state, leaving in fall the enemy’s morale with the continuing fear of being attacked at any time?

Tony B.

Seems to me those “negative consequences” are winning the nation back to its lawful government. Have you looked at any maps of who controls what property in Syria lately?


That’s all irrelevant, apparently. That pertains to facts and the reality of who is actually controlling the scenario…as in, who is winning? I doubt it can be said that Erdo is winning anything.


True that Terence! Even though some here try to frame it as a military tactic, the truth was written even here on SF days ago: A political request from Erdogan (like several times before) which was timely granted by Putin (like several times before). How to judge that is for everyone to decide themselves. But to spin this truth and frame it for propaganda purposes like some here, makes me just angry, after all the years and years.


SAA is winning! And choosing its own strategy. They’re not suffering from it.


Fear not! Russian command is no fool! Ceasefire is to bring out rebels holed up to the surface, map their movements, study their structures and replenish SAA lines. It is surely a sign of big offensive to come! Also diplomatically it looks good on Syria/Russia. Ceasefire = Good!


Sure. it always sunny. So the 8 months until July of the Idlib deal were to gather intelligence? And yes, Russian command is no fool. But this ceasefire was NOT set by the Russian military command, but by the POLITICAL leadership, as it was done on REQUEST of Erdogan which Putin granted. You can read this here days ago. Why you need to spin the truth??


Intelligence gathering is not a do once activity. Since the latest advancements of SAA has significantly changed the rebel demographics in southern Idlib, new plans have to be drawn according to present conditions. This is what I believe is really behind this ceasefire act.


You are absolutely spot on. Some are so consumed by Putin conspiracies they lose touch with reality.

klove and light

LOLOLOLOLOL Keep telling u smart asses….the Agenda…..Zionist Putin pig………

death to america death to Israel curse on the jews


As I mentioned once Erdogan knows how to take ” de los huevos” a Putin….. just buy some Su-57 and that it is all….”with money, even the monkey dance.”

Jacob Wohl's Nose

erdonkey very scared of SAA in idlib. he beg Russia for ceasfire like “oMg PLZ”

Tudor Miron

I said it before and I will say it again. This ceasefire commitments are always the same win-win situation. Assad and Russia shows again and again that they’re interested in peace and political settlement. But terrorist never fail to violate this ceasfires so thats always them who initiate hostilities. Ru Mod knows it and Assad does. Mark my words – within a day or two Rats will start firing and attacking again. Than Erdogan will be told – “you see? You promised again that you will calm those rats down. You prove again that you can’t control them. Get aside and watch another Turkish “observation post” changing its status to “observed post”.


Seems that every time SAA and Russia are ‘outsmarted'(hah), they always seem to reduce terrorists.


Yes, and there are a couple of other factors. One is the fuel shortages in Syria which hold back advances anyway. The other is that the fog of war gets soldiers killed (some comments here seem to imply that SAA suffers from these ceasefires – ridiculous comments totally divorced from reality). You could also argue that slowing the advance allows civilians to get out of the way, and Syrian government has conducted this war with one eye always on civilians. I’m not sure if that is a factor presently, but it may be.

Tudor Miron

It was always a factor – SAA is liberating its land and its people.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, ceasefire, they started off lasting for a few days, then the next few just a few hours, then they seemed to only last for a few minutes before they were broken, and recently the last few have only lasted seconds before they collapsed, so I wonder just how long it will take for the SAA to break this one too, just milliseconds hopefully. I’ll bet nearly everyone was expecting me to say ‘when the rebels break the ceasefire’, but they don’t break the ceasefires all the time, only some of the time, and recently it’s nearly always the SAA who break the ceasefire first, and I hope they break this one first too. Assad has a secret code word for the SAA that secretly instructs them to go in even harder, and I’m now going to reveal that secret code word to the world, it’s “ceasefire”, LOL LOL LOL. Lets see how long this one lasts and who actually breaks it first.

Kelli Hernandez

If i were Assad I would tell Putie enough is enough. We are taking back Idlib whether you want to or not. Every one of these ceasefires BENEFITS ISRAHELL

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