A U.S. Army M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) launches ordnance during RED FLAG-Alaska 21-1 at Fort Greely, Alaska, Oct. 22, 2020. This exercise focuses on rapid infiltration and exfiltration to minimize the chance of a counterattack. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Beaux Hebert)
On July 6, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that two of the M142 HIMARS multiple rocket launchers recently supplied to Ukraine by the US had been destroyed.
During the MoD’s daily briefing on the special military operation in Ukraine, Lieutenant General Igor Yevgenyevich Konashenkov said that the launchers were destroyed near the settlement of Malotaranivka in Donetsk.
One of the videos released by the MoD during the briefing was said to show the pinpoint strike that destroyed the two HIMARS launchers. However, this is yet to be confirmed.
Kiev forces received the first batch of HIMARS launchers from the US late on in June. The batch is a part of eight launchers the US has promised to supply.
The HIMARS supplied to Ukraine are armed with M30/M31 series GMLRS precision-guided rockets, which have a range of more than 70 kilometers. GMLRS rockets are guided by a GPS-aided inertial navigation system and a have a circular error probable of one meter. Each launcher can be loaded with a pod of six rockets.
Ukraine will receive other systems that can fire GMLRS rockets. The UK will provide three M270B1 MRLS launchers, Norway will supply three outdated M270 launchers which will be upgraded in the UK and Germany will supply three M270A1 MARS II launchers.
Kiev forces have been actively using the HIMARS against both military and civilian targets in areas held by the Russian military and its allies.
Just a few days before the Russian MoD’s announcement, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine released footage showing a battery consisting of three HIMARS launchers moving and firing just a few kilometers away from the frontline in Zaporizhia.
The destruction of some of Ukraine’s new HIMARS launchers is not surprising. While the system is highly capable, it is possible to locate and destroy just like any other land vehicle.
But why? The U.S.A. has spent more than 40 billion USD to arm the peoples’ republics of Donetsk and Luhansk and the Russians are destroying these weapon systems?
“showing a battery consisting of three HIMARS launchers moving and firing just a few kilometers away from the frontline in Zaporizhia.”: Obviously, they were in the verge of being delivered to their final destination.
The only possible explanation is that the HIMARS wrocket launchers are just as defective as the other western weapons delivered to Ukraine. Russia doesn’t want its allies to fight with subpar weapons.
Are you smoking something? The US is definitely not providing the Donbas republics with anything but hate, death and destruction. It is the Nazi regime in Kiev getting the goodies, right? For Christ’s sake…
I do believe you missed the joke sir, that was good one too.
“I’m only pretending to be retarded”.
Poor Bernard, can’t understand basic humour. Everybody else, seems to get it..
No thanks, I don’t smoke. The US is TRYING to arm the nazi regime in Kiev, alright. However, the armaments are either sold by Zelensky and his cronies (e.g. the 2 French Caesar howitzers, worth 70 million euros each, which were reportedly sold to Russia for 120.000 apiece), or Russians capture them and give them to the Donbass militias. Seems the only things that remain in Ukie hands are anti-tank weapons that require their users to steal batteries from motorcycles to replace the faulty ones they were delivered with, faulty submachine guns that fail after firing a single bullet and the such. Meanwhile, Ukie soldiers and soldiers of (mis)fortune alike complain that they get sent to the front without weapons. It would therefore seem that the effort of the US to arm the nazi regime is a blatant failure. On the other hand, the daily stream of videos showing captured western weapons shows that, contrary to their will, the US and their subordinates are in fact arming the peoples’ republics of Donbass. The only problem being that the western weapons captured by the allied forces seem to be of a quality very inferior to that of the Russian and Soviet-made ones.
Dude, keep the reefer going, ganja must be cheap in your hood.
US has been killing million of innocent people s in the middle east lol.
hahahaha gamechangers gone up in dope smoke, Americunt lardasses and hoholdumbasses are getting whacked….SLAVA ROSSIYA!
Wrong! The US never armed Donetz and Lugansk People’s Republic. In fact they are helping to destroy it.
Some people did not understand your comment was sarcasm.
Some are thick in the head and that is obvious. I always appreciate good humor and good sarcasm. We need that, in an evolved society.
Not a very desirable outcome, RF should have sent a special task force to offer the Ukrainian unit responsible for such operation a significant amount of money to purchase the expensive weapons
“a significant amount of money”: Like 120.000 USD apiece? (that is what Russians reportedly paid for the French Caesar howitzers). Perhaps the RF knows something we don’t. For example, that the HIMARS systems are junk, not worth paying a significant amount of money for. If you see Ukies offering the rest of their brand-new HIMARS for sale in the dark web, and noone offering to buy them, this will prove my suspicion correct.
i think all got to do with abortions and why is biden alive ?? and is son not changing sex ??? and dont forget the Greta climate changer eating bugs in the anus and making vodoo partys with parazites !!!
Imagine how bad Ukraine’s ex Russian weapons were then ? Too much fake news. Russia has fake weapons. Why haven’t they used FOAB bomb ? US dropped Moabs already.
Sure, Russia has fake weapons. Pigs can fly. The clown of Kiev is winning the war. And the front of the war is now probably somewhere between Archangel and Vladivostok.
And people say I am the one smoking dope?
Go to bed and rest.
I think its not the weapons that are defective, but the troops that handle them. Western gear is meant to be used by highly educated trained professional troops with advanced communications and control equipment. Not barely trained Ukrainian conscripts with little to no radio equipment. It has always been the achilles heel of Western politicians thinking that if they train some 3rd world army to Western standards with western gear they can win a war. Whereas it was always the plus point of Soviet and Russian gear that it can be used by an illiterate peasant from Africa. Cause in the hands of highly trained and schooled soldiers Western gear handles superbly. Just look at how Israel again and again defeated its Arab neighbors. And the Iranians used theirs well too in their war against Iraq. But I reckon the Ukraine is better off with old former Soviet gear from Eastern Europe then highly advanced gear from the US and Western Europe
“Cause in the hands of highly trained and schooled soldiers Western gear handles superbly”: Yes, this gear does miracles against unarmed Afghani peasants (although even unarmed Afghani peasants were able to defeat the hell out of highly trained and schooled American soldiers). As for Israel, please remind me: Was it defeated twice or thrice by Hizbollah?
The fact is, regardless of the higher training and heroism of Russian forces, that many of the arms sent by the West to Ukraine was just plain garbage. This has been amply documented, including here in SF.
As for the Ukie troops being defective, I can’t argue with that. Nazis are at their best when fighting against unarmed civilians – especially current-day nazis. Fighting against a motivated, professional army is not their area of specialisation.
”This exercise focuses on rapid infiltration and exfiltration to minimize the chance of a counterattack,”well someone wasn’t paying attention were they,2 down six to go. NATO does realise that using their ”modern” weapon systems in this theater is tantamount to admitting their inability to effectively counter a modern force, because right now it would be hard for any military leadership to look at these weapons as anything other than an overpriced underperforming waste of money,and if i was (thank god i’m not)an american tax payer i would question why the Biden regime is supplying advanced systems to be casually destroyed in ukraine in full veiw of the world. p.s would it have killed someone to at least make it look menacing rather than a replica of hillary clinton’s ass.
“p.s would it have killed someone to at least make it look menacing rather than a replica of hillary clinton’s ass”
I do believe the HIMARS have already targeted and killed a few civilians, in memorium of Killary Klinton’s ass.
They are hardcore tryhards. They rage because they can’t properly organised themselves to combat fighting men.
Sorry but anyone who agrees to those limp dicks measures, deserve a bullet to the face. Europeans are so evil & vile.
They are all heading down to the kingdom of the dead, awaiting their judgement into the fiery lake.
The only time, they don’t have a limp dick, is when, they gang rape a poor girl. Most likely, they find evil erotic.
I don’t mean all europeans ofc, only those taking part in hostilities against the people of Donbass & Ukraine.
Or is it Killary Klingon? She looks like one.
when we say hello to mars this is secret lgbt code for exploding condom …very effective in recent battles in san fagcisco
Oh no, how terrible, pause for laughter. Like buying your pet money a Mercedes and watching him driving it in to a wall FFS!
Yip you don’t see this in Fox or CNN, well done Russia
I continue to question why incoming rail and highway junctions on the western border with Poland and Romania are not hit. I doubt they are flying these in on large cargo planes. Can’t satellites detect these large weapons systems as they enter Ukraine? The Ukies seem to have no problem moving them on the ground hundreds of miles to the front.
I agree and the worst is that these systems find themselves only a few kilometers from the front, far too close after a thousand kilometers traveled in Ukraine
As you can see they are not very large and they are moving on their own using normal roads, no need to use railways.
Then satellites should pick up even more easily. There are only so many roads capable of handling them. Constant surveillance of border crossing points would be expected.
Seems Russians enjoy using the latest and greatest western weapon systems for target practice. If they blew them off as soon as they entered Ukie territory, the front-line troops would get terribly bored.
They could off load them in Poland and load them onto trucks. They’re wheeled but off road vehicles so you could move them across fields or make a quick road through forests. They can fly them into commercial airports full of civilians or onto grass strips. They can park them beside schools or hospitals. All they have to do is hire a few “consultants” who smuggle coke for Mexican cartels for ideas. Russia can track these shipments through elint or spies but you can bet they are making it a shell game in which the cargo never sits in one place long enough to be targetted. Every time the Russians find a weapons storage site and destroys it the Ukrainians / NATO learns and adapts … yea the politicians are idiots but the guys on the ground have to adapt and learn or die.
I watched what loitering munition does. Often a lone weapon will meet with others for a party. One strike and you get the whole lot and maybe a commander or two, on your lucky day.
Locate and destroy all of them asp please !
Millions of US tax dollars went up in smoke, just like this.
And middle class Americans are being destroyed.
Looks like Putin has found a way to destroy NATO’s arsenals piecemeal.
Astute observation..
I wonder what Zelensky’s cut is
Wonderful news! Wonderful news.
Who will compensate the zionists for all the tax dollars they missed out on because of this?
Its fake news with no proof , just like story with CEASAR. Russian army is in desperation mode coz their ammo depots being destroyed on daily basis.
Cry me a river, Bojo the clown. Looks like you’re going down the drain soon enough. To quote a famous one: “Asta la vista, baby”..
Congratulations to the Russian military for their diligence and effort in locating and destroying this equipment. You can be sure that every effort was put into finding these armaments.To the men and women of the Russian military and their valiant Allies in the LDPR again many innocent lives have been saved as a result of your work. God bless all of you.
Won’t be the last.
That video proves nothing lol. No secondary blasts etc. More fake news.
It proves you are a braindead imbecile. Also butthurt one.
Do you know that HIMARS mean “DONKYS” in both Arabic & Somali. I guess you can extend HIMARS to the whole Ukrainian military, since they’re fighting nothing but destruction for themselves.