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Russian MoD Briefing For Evening Of 16 April 2022

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Russian MoD Briefing For Evening Of 16 April 2022

The Russian Armed Forces continue a special military operation in Ukraine.

During the day, high-precision airborne missiles hit 15 enemy targets. Among them: in the areas of Barvenkovo, Rubizhne, Popasna, Novozvanovka, Krasnoarmeysk, Selidovo, Novobakhmutovka, six sites of concentration of Ukrainian military equipment and seven strongholds of the Ukrainian troops were destroyed.

As a result of the strikes, more than 320 Ukrainian servicemen were killed and wounded, 23 armoured vehicles and seven vehicles of various purposes were destroyed.

Operational and tactical aviation destroyed 67 areas of concentration of Ukrainian military personnel and equipment during the day.

Rocket forces hit 317 military facilities, including: 274 strongholds and areas of concentration of the enemy’s manpower, 24 command posts and two field fuel storage facilities of Ukrainian troops.

Russian air defence forces near Odessa shot down a Ukrainian military transport aircraft delivering a large consignment of weapons supplied to Ukraine by Western countries.

Two Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down over Lozova and Veselaia.

A total of 134 aircraft, 460 unmanned aerial vehicles, 246 surface-to-air missile systems, 2,269 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 252 multiple rocket launchers, 987 pieces of field artillery and mortars, and 2,158 pieces of special military vehicles have been destroyed since the start of the special military operation.

The entire city area of Mariupol has been completely cleared of fighters of the Nazi formation Azov, foreign mercenaries and Ukrainian troops. The remnants of the Ukrainian group are now completely blockaded on the territory of the Azovstal iron and steel works. Their only chance to save their lives is to voluntarily lay down arms and surrender.

I remind you that at the time of its encirclement on 11 March, Mariupol was occupied by the 36th Independent Marines Brigade, the 109th Territorial Defence Brigade, the 503rd Independent Marines Battalion, a company of the 53rd Independent Mechanised Brigade, units of the 17th Antitank Brigade, the Nazi formations Azov, Aidar and Right Sector, police and State Border Service units as well as foreign mercenaries.

The total number of this group was around 8,100 people.

During the liberation of Mariupol, 1,464 Ukrainian servicemen surrendered. The number of those surrendering is increasing on a daily basis. This includes those who escaped from Azovstal’s territory.

According to their testimonies, the total number of Ukrainian servicemen, Nazis and foreign mercenaries who took refuge at Azovstal does not exceed 2,500.

Thus, as of 16 April, the Ukrainian grouping in Mariupol alone lost more than 4,000 people.

Therefore, Zelensky’s recent statements to the Western media that the irretrievable losses of the Ukrainian military during the operation allegedly amount to 2.5-3 thousand are a common lie for him.

The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation has reliable data on the true losses of the Ukrainian army, National Guard and arriving foreign mercenaries, which Zelensky is afraid to tell the people of Ukraine.

As of today, the irrecoverable losses are 23,367.

Separate data from Ukrainian documents on their losses, revealing the place of death and burial of the dead will be published shortly.


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Timmy Temperance

Targeting military transport planes sounds like a good strategy.


No fly zone over entire Ukraine. Shoot down any non-Ru plane. With weapons or EUnuch politicians doesn’t matter.

Moskva Submarine

LOL with what?


They trayed that untill now, and……that also didn’t function. D o you think they did not tray and that you invented warm water again?



Verb. tray (third-person singular simple present trays, present participle traying, simple past and past participle trayed) (transitive): to place (items) on a tray.

-Be sure to tray eggs with the large end up.

jens holm

They trayed, they tray and they will keep traying.


The report is strange, Ukraine would have to be desperate, stupid or mislead to think they would get away with a military transport mission, given the air defence systems Russia has deployed.


Yah I thought declaring complete air security meant the enemy has no aircraft left.


Yes Ukraine haven’t a clue – air security – it’s air supremacy and judging by this takedown and all the rest of them, Russia is pretty close to air supremacy. You can have aircraft left, the whole point is you can’t fly them without being attacked – just like this case.


Zelensky and two Azov fighters speak inside the Greek parliament: One of the most disgraceful moments for the country that suffered most from the nazis http://failedevolution.blogspot.com/2022/04/zelensky-and-two-azov-fighters-speak.html


Russians and Jews have a different definition of NAZI. Who Putin calls a NAZIE is basically anyone who opposes him.


Providing drinking water, forget about the sanitary need for water, for around 2500 people is a huge task. If the Russians find and cut the water pipes feeding into Azovstal’s territory then ukrainians would not last even one week.

Last edited 2 years ago by Caesar

They have machinery down there they could use to dig a borehole. Hunger will flash them out, not water

Zee-sky the Dick player

Yeah right, you watched too much A-Team in the eighties ….


in the words of David Byrne in the great talking heads tune Life During Wartime “I got some groceries, some peanut butter, To last a couple of days


Absolutely, and smart Generals go after the things that lessen fighting performance, they don’t just go headlong at the fighting. Infrastructure is finally getting the attention it deserves. It’s been pleasing today to see Russia going after infrastructure in a determined way. Water should not be available neither electricity, roads should be impassable for large convoys, railways the same. Then also its good to see them going after the body count – nothing like mechanistic high volume slaughter to deplete fighting material and demoralise the rest. It’s looking a lot better now!

Tommy Jensen

Its raining. God’s gifts are for everybody.

Moskva Submarine

You are smarter than Putin. Be aware to not get shot in the back like Strelkov. Never mind, Zakharcenko is dead. You can continue.

supratim barman

russia will aim to end this special operation by may, which will be the 77th anniversary of the victory of the great patriotic war against fascism

Moskva Submarine

Finland is already parading tractors near the border with Russia.


Ah, Finland, another country who “won” the war against Russia and lost 10% of its territory.


Finland the only country to capitulate twice in WW2.


Ukrotard winning!


Just the other day the Finnish Supreme Court ruled that it’s okay to fuck 10 year olds, as long as the kiddies “consent”…lol

The entire West is swirling down the shitter. It’s incredible. And these same people seek to wage war in the name of “morality”.


It will not happen. If it plans to win against fascism it has to dissolve Russia it self.



Moskva Submarine

Who cares?


You will if one lands on your head.

Moskva Submarine

What if Putin is having a diharrea and can’t go to abort the nukes? Or he’s drunk or sleeping or the switch button is not working or smh. I can’t sleep again!

Hunter Biden

When Joe Biden has diarrhea (and that’s basically every day) he shits in his diapers or in your mouth, whatever is closer to his butt at the moment.

Von Tzu

dr Strangelove


https://twitter.com/avalaina/status/1515049735685554181?t=__4rbBmJzmv7RCZ7gwrebA&s=19 Special rape operation, it seems.

Guantanamo Abu Ghraib

PeeToDrink, someone raped you again? it must be your daddy… again.


You reap what you sow; low lives and almost animals.


*your family – worse than animals.

Zee-sky the Dick player

it’s on twitter, so it must be true…. LoL


Congratulations, Russian troops and pilots! Slava, Russia!

Moskva Submarine

Is Kiev liberated already?


Слава Богу!


Igor Girkin stated that all RU batallions/ groups sent to mariupol has been destroyed. Sad. (NOT)


How wrong that was! But good for russia that some of its enemies believe that.

Bigg Chungus

Tens of thousands of Slavic men, from two countries with their own demographic crises, have died over the past month. Meanwhile, dinner plates are (mostly) full in the United States, and chubby American children are fed their fill from the earnings of Raytheon and Lockheed.


Thats the primary reason who US wanted that war.


USA – land of indigenous holocaust and home of the slaves.


it’s the shitty europeans letting this happen in their own back yard




John Rambo Zelensky is a clear loser. Zelensky destroyed his own country and butchering his own nation. During this Russian peace operation Zelensky lost everything, just the charity of NATO left with him. Now he looks like a militant or maybe he has adopted this militant guise to look like John Rambo.


Russia are fighting for the freedom of the world, for every country bullied by America.


And are rejected b the world majority and cast out as inhuman pariahs, their so famous army is ridiculed now and forever.

Moskva Submarine

They should try harder


Great work russia! The Nazis are bogged down and bleeded out. Time is in favour of the russians!


They’re learning. They waited for Elensky to screw up and say Ukraine had lost 2500 soldiers before dropping this casualty FOAB


Ukronazis should really get a taste of that 44 tonns yield.


I advise the Russian military to finally take the conduct of war from the hands of politicians. Who is the master of the house ? Who speaks for the state ? And most importantly, who speaks for the Army and the Russian people ? The timid Putin whom some commentators admire and celebrate as a cunning judo player and a mater strategist ? He is Kerensky at maximum, not more. The gloves are off now, so wake – up, Russia. You have many sympathisers across the globe, but the people who lead you are not worthy of the historic task you are facing. Get rid of the fifth column and post-Yeltsinist politicians mingled with bosses of big companies. Get your own “levée en masse” and win the war in a month and less decisively. Follow the examples of Alexander Nevskij, Dmitrij Donskij, Pjotr Velikij, Suvorov, Chujkov and Zhukov. Finish the Ukronazies and the rest. The glory will be yours forever ! Slava Rossiji ! Slava rossijskoj armiji i narodam Rossji!


As if I heard Peskov speaking. Napoleon did delegate his marshals and generals to carry on with the operations where he could not be in person. Except for Davout, Suchet, Saint-Cyr and Masséna. starting in 1808 and beyond, they were losing battles almost every time when fighting alone. The Romans knew better, the army is only as good as the commander-in-chief. I can produce dozens of examples from ancient to modern military history which I teach and publish articles in. There is no need to patronize me, son.


I forgot Eugene Beauharnais, son of Joséphine, but he was not the marshal of the Empire.


Exactly. I subscribe to the last sentence.

hans raus

Russian army is comedy and their propaganda is more addactive than methamphetamine from ,,breaking bad”

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Tommy Jensen

If all the others also go down its ok. As long as we do it together.


Russia lies about everything so it is obvious that they lie over here also and exaggerate the number of Ukraines soldiers to explain their incapability during 40 day’s. What means that Zelensky was maybe correct in his numbers. But what a hell of a fight and what an incompetence of the Russians they destroyed everything and everybody because they did not dear to fight men to men.


You honestly believe 2500 Ukrainian soldiers died with all those missile strikes? On some days, they died in hundreds from missiles alone. How about frontlines? And Mariupol where there’s 2500 left, where did the rest go?


“johan” is just a dumb troll from Lwow paid to spam garbage.


https://twitter.com/amanpour/status/1515017135373926404?t=KPyZFB_sz_teg_ubOAVcZA&s=19 Russia the new naZi “Third Reich”.

CNN Comedy News Network

Christiane Amanpour the most vile, filthy propagandist infamous for her dirty lies in Yugoslavia and Iraq.

NATO-NAZI Goebbels 2.0

Last edited 2 years ago by CNN Comedy News Network

If we go, you go.

Pens Holm

Just go already. To whatever shithole you crawled from…


Some serious stuff

hans raus

450 sailors from moskva warship are dead. Deal with it russobots aka child rapists


Deal with the thousands of dead Ukrainian servicemen and assorted Nazi fellow travellers.

hans raus dead

Your tumorous monkey brain is dead. Deal with it filthy bitch raped by your daddy and your uncle.

The Truth

Your ass must get jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth.



20000 slavics lost their lives for Biden and Nulands farts. What a tragedy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Soleimani
Death angel

They knew where they are going and they still go. Karma bitch. The final number on Russian side will be at least 50000 dead filthy Russian.

Death angel

This is a lie.. Russian propaganda. Just a reminder In case you want the names of the 8 Russian generals killed in Ukraine: Lt Gen Andrei Mordichev, Lt Gen Yakov Rezantsev Maj Gen Oleg Mityaev, Maj Gen Andrei Kolesnikov Maj Gen Vitaily Gerasimov Maj Gen Andrei Sukhovetsky Maj Gen Magomed Tushaev Maj Gen Vladimir Frolov. And you know that territory falls and then they get retaken you know that yes?? Dosent really matters if you take Mariupol you will never be able to keep it. Remember we have million of soldiers tat are eager to kill Russians soldiers and Putin himself and the entire Russian government.


So where are hiding the ukrainian generals ? Are they afraid of dying on the battlefields ? I forgot, ukros are brave when terrorizing civilians only. Never heard of the mongrel Bandera, his lieutenants and followers winning a real battle. As for millions of you eager to kill Russians, they will exterminate you at their will, so do not provoke them to much. Their patience has limits, especially now. What a loser nation of gangsters, primitives and cheap whores called “Ukraine”.


Will they be riding to Moscow on their bicycles to accomplish their mission? I suppose they’ll have to steal the bicycles from somewhere first. Unless NATO countries send some 1970s stocks.

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