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Russian MoD Briefing For Morning Of 15 April 2022

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Russian MoD Briefing For Morning Of 15 April 2022

The Russian Armed Forces continue a special military operation in Ukraine.

A group of Russian troops and units of the People’s Militia of the Donetsk Republic have completely liberated the Illich Iron and Steel Plant in the city of Mariupol from Ukrainian nationalists as a result of the offensive.

Tonight, high-precision long-range sea-based Kalibr missiles struck a military facility on the outskirts of Kyiv. The strike at the Zhulyansk machine-building plant Vizar destroyed the production and repair workshops of long- and medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems as well as anti-ship missiles.

The number and scale of missile strikes on Kiev’s facilities will be stepped up in response to any terrorist attacks or sabotage on Russian territory by the Kiev nationalist regime.

Russian air defence forces near the village of Gorodnya in the Chernigov region, while returning to the airbase with an S-400 anti-aircraft missile system, shot down a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter that had attacked civilians in the village of Klimovo in the Bryansk region on 14 April. An Su-27 fighter jet of the Ukrainian air force was shot down in the vicinity of the village of Lozovaya in Kharkiv Region.

Also, eight Ukrainian drones were shot down near the settlements of Izyum, Levkovka, Novaya Astrakhan, Novaya Kuban, Shchastlivoye, Chornobaivka and Chernovy Sokol.

During the night, seven enemy targets were hit by high-precision airborne missiles. Among them:

  • A Tochka-U tactical missile launcher and a temporary deployment point of a Ukrainian nationalist formation, including up to 20 armoured vehicles and up to 50 nationalists, were destroyed near Yasenovoye;
  • In the areas of Dergachi, NovoyeLizavetivka and Povstantske, accumulations of Ukrainian military equipment and weapons were destroyed;
  • In the settlements of Mykolaiv and Parutino, they destroyed stores of rocket and artillery weapons and fuel.

Rocket troops in Izyumskoye, Kharkiv Oblast, eliminated a mercenary unit of a Polish private military campaign as a result of the strike. Up to 30 Polish mercenaries were killed.

It also hit 221 military facilities in Ukraine, including: 12 command posts, 176 strongholds and areas of concentration of the enemy’s manpower; 12 artillery firing positions were suppressed.

During the night, operational and tactical aviation destroyed 13 Ukrainian military facilities. Among them: two rocket and artillery weapons depots and 10 areas of concentration of Ukrainian personnel and military equipment.

Army aviation in the areas of Husarovka and Volobuyevka destroyed accumulations of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment, including: three strongholds, 9 armoured vehicles and vehicles of various purposes.

A total of 132 aircraft, 105 helicopters, 245 anti-aircraft missile systems, 456 unmanned aerial vehicles, 2,213 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 249 multiple rocket launchers, 966 pieces of field artillery and mortars, and 2,110 pieces of special military vehicle equipment have been destroyed since the start of the special military operation.



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mi6/deep state urban warrior (not) …( O) oh well.

hans raus

Poor russian propaganda with no evidence, you getting more and more desperated guys. Russian child rapists are butthurt just because ,,moskva” is now like shelter for black sea fish. It reminds me 3 days and kiev, killing zelynsky and moskva hasn’t sunk story. Damn it guys, you have to work more on your social engineering ^^

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

My feeling that it’s just taking mask off for Finland, they have bought f35 fighters from US, something US doesn’t sell to just anyone, they have had deep coop with nato all along.


Yeah,f35 are dogshit however they have FANTASTIC tech and sensors which any nation like china or russia would love to copy ,imagine a su35 with f35 sensors


This is what we are expecting from Russia and more of the same. Russia has seemed lost at times and fighting with one hand behind their back. It’s important that the intensity of battle is raised and that no Ukrainian cities, military or civilian infrastructure has a day or night without attack. The bridges, railroads, power networks, government buildings….. should all be under constant attack as well as Ukrainian forces, wherever they may be. The territorial gains are great to see, Russia has taken massive areas of land. But there has to be no doubt. The war will NEVER end without Ukraine as a whole forced into submission.


Finland joining NATO means a nuclear Baltic region and economic loss for Finland. Great benefits for some I assume!

Muhammad your Prophet

Turns out the latest supply of Russian armor to Dombass was all degraded and rusted. It looks like they were picked up from the same basement they were thrown into at the end of the Cold War. That might explain why the Putin cockroaches failed to get the military in Caucasus to join Putin’s terrorist invasion. All they have is totally shitty equipment that doesn’t even work. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=294706866175732&id=100069092624537&fs=0&focus_composer=0&m_entstream_source=timeline

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

The territorial gains have been Massive by Russia, so if your saying they are doing that with terrible equipment. Then why not!

hans raus

,,gains have been Massive by Russia”

hahahahahahaha overdosed copium

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Well it looks like about 3 to 4 times Crimea size already in the bag and expanding, according to all maps, be they western originated or Russian originated. So I think the only one overdosed, is those that can’t read a map!

Lazy Gamer

If only we could return to Feb. 22 lol https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hdQcGzbpN7s



a Finn here. i am concerned about the possible Finnish Nato-membership as well. he Finnish population in general traditionally is, according to lots of old and recent polls, roughly 60-70% against a membership. They see it as dangerous. However, the president, elected with North-Korea like numbers (CIA) and the government want to pass any referendum or such using the Ukraine crisis as a reason. Finland has been in dire straits with its politicians, who do not follow the will of normal people, for a long time. We would like to maintain a good relationship with Russia, which is something the establishment is dead set against. Anormal relationship does not mean siding with Russia, but neutrality.


There was no border conflict between Russia and Finland since pre-WW2. No Nazi in Finland/Sweden. It will not be a thread for Russia as long as Scandinavians keeps US out. Russia will still oppose it


Dammed there was a official vote and 62% voted for Nato. You are a propaganda bot telling lies. You are a clown, contrary to Russia Finland has a real democracy and nobody keeps you from voting other wise so how could it be that Finland has a government that is not reflecting the will of the finish majority. Are you released from some insanity clinic ore something equally sick. That you are against is in the west your own fault but you get not 15 years to claim such things put keep your act together and do not claim idiot things like that there are no free elections in a country like Finland. And then comparing with N Korea. You can not find evidence to proof your own stupid remarks.


Even in USA, elections are fraud.


Americans invented election fraud.


Never has there been an official vote on Nato, it is a clear fact. It cannot be organized because Finns dont want any foreign powers inside their country, and would vote it down. Other than that, I dont think any Finn needs to prove themselves to some foaming chocolate boy called Johan. Look at the Finnish history.

Alireza Fathi

could I have your telegram account to talk more about political and military situation in Finland and Europe?




I don’t think you need to be too concerned about your people joining Nato, as you’ve had a friendly relationship with Russia for many years. The same is probably true with regards to Sweden, who has been neutral through two world wars, with much success as a result. Most Swedes have always hated Nato, so I find it odd that they are even thinking about becoming vassals of evil. But pressure from other Nato members in the EU will of course put some added pressure on the governments of these two states. Hopefully the leaders of Sweden and Finland will see sense and do the right thing. After all Nato is like a giant mafioso family, once you join them, you cannot leave. At least I don’t think any member has left?


Sweden is already a fully globalized US vassal, which is why they did away with conscription and have a professional army that can be used in NATO imperialist projects like Afghanistan. No more socialism for the population. Globalist neoliberalism for all.


You may be right about Sweden, Clyde, but the same thing can be said about almost every other European country as well. They are all severely brainwashed beyond repair. Only in Eastern Europe does the populace still have parts of their brains in reasonable working order.

William White

Lowsy leaders is a real problem all over the World, decent sensible honest people don’t want to be politicians because it is not an honorable career. in Canada we have Justin Trudeau who is an absolute arsehole that no one likes but the opposition Party’s offer people even worse and let’s not even look at the USA. It’s a tough problem, we need some hero’s very badly.

andre zulubal

nlaw and tow are from the 80’s, when the soviet leadership under gorbachev had the mental capacity to understand the mathematics and pulled out its tanks peacefully, the thugs of putin’s regime however, only understand a bloody nose…


Putin and Russia military has to realize Russia is in war with NATO. Limited scale operation by Russia is not helping Russia or Russia military.

Russia need cut off hardware supply from West and this has to be done at the Polish-UA, Romania-UA and Slovakia-UA borders.

Furthermore, Russia military planers should plan take whole UA, by stages. First, East of Dnieper, than middle UA, finally West UA.

The same time Russia should crate formation of UA solders, who are willing fight for new prosper UA


NATO agenda is to take the war into Russian territory with the billions of weapons pouring into the Kiev Nazi regime. Russian passivity , indecision and lack of focus is emboldening the western snakes. Russia should use all its weaponry and military assets before it is too late, like the Moskva went down without firing its weapons.


How many Su-27 does Ukraine have ? it seems they are shooting one every single day and certainly Ukraine doesn’t have as much.

Ashok Varma

India is the largest operator outside Russia of SU-27, the Ukrainians had 32, Russia has destroyed 30 or so, but US is now buying MIG 29 from Poland and other ex-Warsaw pact states, they even has the gall to ask India for S-400 and SU-27, even a CIA installed puppet like Modi rejected due to military pressure.


Maybe you check the list of Klaus Schwab’s young global leaders to find there the name of Sanna Marin, MP of Finland


Yes, and she is by a remarkable co-incidence a look-alike of Swedish princess Sofia, as the recent interior minister Maria Ohisalo is a look-alike of Norways Mette, both “truth-tv princesses” and related as the English, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian royal houses are. But that is just me drinking too much i guess. By the way, Ohisalo became famous by ordering mass arrests of people on the streets for health reasons as well as selling a bankrupt 70 million euro energy business to Finnish taxpayers


Actually it is the invasion of Ukraine by the Russians that told the world; take precautions because nothing is holly for Moscow, or how Russia shot in his own foot. It showed that talks are of no use when it comes to a dictator with an distorted worldvieuw . Why are all those former vassal states of Russia: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Kazakhstan, Azarbeidjan, Croatia, Bosnia, Mongolia so fanatically against Russia even after threats from all hands? Because it was so good to live under Russian occupation? Or are they just happy to be out from under the Russian yoke? Do any of you Putin whiners know? Probably, but saying so is probably worth 15 years in prison. Kneel and pull down your trousers Russian bastards.


One coin covers all expenses, all they that toil for fire and glass beads, and flags.


Johan, go eat some Marabou, Finns protected you the last time too. Dont be afraid over there.


Is this good for NATHO?


As no-one in the english speaking world believes a word of that nonsense, why publish it?

But the blood money from Kreml is so nice.

hans raus

That’s also me. Paid per post no matter how retarded it is.


No one in the English-speaking world has the foggiest notion about anything. They are the most propaganda-controlled people on earth.


Any info of those 400 drowned PutiniZt yet?


Capture and execute all mercenaries on the spot !


Slava Rossii


Hear, hear, Mariupol is defeated! Again! And aGain! russians are heroes they conquered a whole army of 15.000! Only by the second biggest army of the world but the Ukraines had; US and Nato generals and a whole nato army there , they where producing nuclear bombs, killed Ukraine people, and even builded the cruise rocket that sunk the Moscow cruiser and forced the other ships to hide. They mocked us and the midget chechens as tiktok soldiers shooting at nothing from above their head.this is a deserved victory. More will come.

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

You must be blind and stupid to not know what Putin realised in the last50 day’s; he ones more proved to be a unrelaibilty, a tyrant just forcing others ( persons, cultures, countries ) to obey and be enslaved. Question you should ask yoursel; Why are all those former vassal states of Russia: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Kazakhstan, Azarbeidjan, Croatia, Bosnia ( on Remarque of two out of earthlings they where part of Yugoslavia on his turn ruled by the Tito vassal and Soviet clown from 1945 untill 1980 1990 , then killed and oeps no more communism or russisme) , Mongolia so fanatically against Russia even after threats from all hands? Because it was so good to live under Russian occupation? Or are they just happy to be out from under the Russian yoke? Do any of you Putin whiners know? Probably, but saying so is probably worth 15 years in prison. Kneel and pull down your trousers Russian bastards. O i Forgot Georgie https://t.me/c/1486981915/17252

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

You mean Soviet Occupation?


Sorry, I forgot to take my bipolar and schizophrenia medication this morning so there may be some major errors in my posts. Either way you Putin orcs are done for, Azov defending and breaking out of Mariupol with no casualties is only the beginning. Get ready to see Ukrainian troops marching in Moscow on May 9th. Slava Ukraini!

Alireza Fathi

Is there a Telegram group for pro Russians? please send the link


intel slava z is pretty popular


yes, and they link at the very top about 4-5 other worthwhile telegram channels.

some other good pro RU channels are: asbmil fighter_bomber (or something) rkadyrov_95


How many bombs would it take to destroy all of the munitions in the US and every NATO military base in the world?

Florian Geyer

It appears that the screws are being tightened by the Russian coalition forces, and that the Ukies are in a very bad situation now.

The dirty US secrets hidden in the fast tunnel complex under the Avostal

Arzt Injektion

I don’t know why people call SF a pro-Russian site. With friends like these who needs enemies. Folks, for over a week now SF has been posting a battle map totally devoid from reality. All we see a little red dot around Izium, when the truth is that they have expanded well beyond this. They have in fact captured Borova, Velyka Komyshuvakha, are contesting Lyman & Barvinkove. These are confirmed by Ukrainian sources. Phase 2 is happening, just not as fast as people would expect. It is slow and methodical but it is getting results contrary to what SF would have you believe.

Arzt Injektion

Popasana is also captured. I have seen the video evidence. Get with it SF.


they probably don’t nearly get paid enough for the time they put into SF. I can’t imagine the work and dedicated time one would have to put into a website/news source of this quality. Their early leaks and reliability of news in general has a very good track record.

Jean Paul France

This talking doll is horrible and pathetic, it seems the same every day. Also always with zero images or videos. The Russians do not show any of their work, the Ukrainians show everything, even what is not theirs and even video games. Consequences: The pro-Russians shrink, the pro-Ukrainians become giants. A fucking disaster Russian information warfare.

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