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Russian MoD Briefing On Morning Of April 20, 2022

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Russian MoD Briefing On Morning Of April 20, 2022

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On April 20, the Russian Ministry of defence released the following briefing:

” The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue a special military operation in Ukraine.

As a result of a high-precision missile strike in the areas of Novovorontsovka and Kislevka, up to 40 personnel of the Ukrainian troops, as well as seven units of military equipment, were destroyed.

Operational-tactical and army aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 73 military facilities of Ukraine during the night. Among them, there are four control points, 57 places of accumulation of manpower and Ukrainian military equipment, seven strong points and four ammunition depots. Also, as a result of the strikes, six tanks, nine armored vehicles and a battery of 152-mm howitzers “Msta-B” were destroyed.

Rocket troops and artillery struck 1,053 objects of the Ukrainian military infrastructure. Among them, there are 31 control points, six fuel depots, 910 strongholds and areas of concentration of enemy manpower, as well as 106 artillery firing positions were destroyed.

6 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down by Russian air defense near the villages of Podvysokoe, Chistovodovka, Yakovenkovo, Pokrovskoye. Also, two tactical Tochka-U missiles were intercepted in the Donetsk and Skilevatoye districts.

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, 140 aircraft, 496 unmanned aerial vehicles, 253 anti-aircraft missile systems, 2,388 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 256 multiple rocket launchers, 1,029 field artillery and mortar guns, as well as 2,232 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed. ”


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Glory US till the last Ukrainan. 🤦


Putin: “nuke Ukraine”. Soigu: “the nukes don’t work”. Lavrov: “in our infinite mercy we decided not to nuke Ukraine”


psycho gotta psyche

Nato is laughing at you

Hahahahaha good One and probably true


One thing here is correct, Russia ARE merciful.

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Have we won yet?


No military can take this type of destruction on a daily basis for any length of time and continue as a viable fighting force against a large modern opposing force and maintain control of the territory being defended.


Yes that is corect. The question is, have all striks hit the target? And, are thoes number real. Im aweare that Ukrainians number are 💩, but how real are the Russian? All wepons delivered from the weast arno drop in the water comparing to this numbers.


From the available data, it is fairly accirate.


Y como llora la manada fascista quiere decir que los estan triturando


Those are of course all enemy hits/loses that are confirmed. The real number will be much higher as they usually not count every body on the ground and it is also known now, that some Ukrainian servicemen do execute their own people and probably also mercenaries that won’t follow their commands. So to speak they rather underestimate those numbers than overestimate them. In the end that is what you need. A higher rate than estimated.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

Quite the opposite. These are RF claims. Not real Ukie losses. All military forces have tendence to exaggerate enemy losses, often 2-3 times bigger than their true losses.


I wouldn’t claim overexaggeration, having in mind the technology that Russia uses. They don’t “carpet bomb” areas without prior reconnaissance. Besides, most of the strikes are filmed from drones and the video material is later released in public.


I was not aware of carpet bombing.


If you referring to US/NATO you maybe right. But Russia is only counting what they can count and see/verify. That is why they don’t round up numbers and such. They do shot down one drone, which is confirmed by footage, they count it as one. If you believe Ukrainian army, then they have shot down 5 dozen Russian airplanes in the first week. No footage, no photos from the crash site, just a rounded number of 60. That is just plain stupid and clearly a lie. The loosing side will always make up numbers as they go. Denying reality and lying to themselves (as badly as Zelensky and that Muppet show of his are at this) is all they have left.


The Ukries are being reinforced by Poles and NATO and mercenaries.


The Ukrainians are already reorganized as guerillas and they were already doing so well before the war was even considered by the Russian side. This is the strategy of the US/UK and both Russians and Ukrainians are acting by US/UK playbook.


NOT even with NATO filling their ranks and equipping them.

hans raus

Russian’s are in desperation mode. Their propaganda getting more and more hilarious. What is next? reptilians, flat earth or homosexual frogs ?

BTW Lukashenko started negociations with european union and its just beggining boys, best is yet to come ^^

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Are you taking any medicins? Have you forgot to take last dose?

hans raus



Looks like you are the one that has to cope with reality. No wonder you tell so many lies in here. All rumors and (of course) zero facts. At least you have given up on all those game videos on YT, counting them as Ukrainian victories. That stuff was so obviously fake and posting them as victories was so lame and embarrassing :-) … no wonder people don’t take that BS you post in here seriously. But I guess there is always one idiot who really can’t/won’t smell the roses :-)


Ha ha ha, well writen!

Hans, I get a filling that you are in Azofstal plant and you are runing out of your medicin. Pleas, check if US UPS is delivering to your location, we will send it to you, so you can get back to reality.


his ‘medicine’ may be the problem, probably still got a half ton left from the tons of it they had.


He is just coping :-) … reality is not for everyone, I guess.


Ukraine worst army in the world Received thousands of equipment from the USSR Received billions of worth of military aid from the US

Results: Lost Crimea Lost Donbass Lost Kherson Lost Mariupol



From a global superpower, Russia became a regional bully in just two months. The war is not over, loitering munition is coming.


Your daddy’s Dildo is coming for your butthole.


Whenever an USA official come at your house demanding this or that, are you telling that USA has become an house-bully in just a morning? xD Russia is waging two wars. Second one is against Petro-Dollar (…not sure u know it) and this is the kind of actions only a superpower can do.

Last edited 2 years ago by Daniele

and KILLED their own people.


The EU does not have an army and it is not NATO. The EU is hotel California, you can never leave.


Perpetual supporter of paedophilia and liar in chief UK PM has taken to reprimanding religious organisations for insuffucient vitriol vs the Russian Government, percieved by most people to be merely a distraction from his having been fined by the police for breaking his own Covid rules.


Boris really IS a JOKE. And I am even laughing thinking of what a joke he is. BUT At least we have gotten free from some of the chains of the EU.

The maharaja

Oddly I had to read your comment twice, just flashed by the UK, part so the description fits with just about 90% of western politicians…. thought it might be my “president” even but its fuckface borris. Oh well same description works for them all.


Go Russia!



Pu-Tin is mentally disabled and so its kind of commies to take him in as their Big Brother.



Boy, you must be really disappointed and hurt to make such poor comments. How pathetic and sad.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

kéž by byl….


So when was the last time joe had a conversation , the last picture I saw of him he was talking to a rabbit


The Future of Aerial Warfare:

americunt hires american gamerz to carry out all their drone strikes from container command centers across the us.

commie regular sized gamerz receive targetting instruction from the midget.


Is the workforce paying for the privilege or just doing it for free? The US drones are not doing much harm, thank God.


Pooh Tins Strategic Options:

1. Nuclear Strike 2. Conventional Strike 3. Throwing Cans of Shit 4. Elevator Shoes

hans raus

Hey gtfoh I’m the original western troll here!!


Azov lived their lives as rats, and they will die as rats. Pathetic.


Latest graffiti from Mariupol: Слышу зов, ебать Азов! :)


Some of those underground apartments may be very luxurious.


at least they are not blocking the sun from other people

Neptune's wrath

The Russian army also hit the shed of 83 year old Ludmilla where she stored 20 empty bottles ready to be used as weapons. A great victory for the heroic Russian military.

Muhammad your Prophet

The Russian Ministry of defence doesn’t want to say how many sailors died at the Moskva. The only problem is that there are far more families of dead sailors asking for their son than just the phony number the Kremlin provided. It looks like Putingrad’s moronic propaganda is slowly starting to fall apart. It’s what happens when people lie so much. They forget all the lies they make. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/18/moskva-warship-need-answers-relatives-missing-crew-russia

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Likely around 30?


Oh really … do they have their own people on the ground there to confirm those stories or do they rather make up stuff from their cosy home following some fakes on the internet and social media? That is sadly what the west calls journalism today.


I’m very skeptic when it comes RF MoD claims of Ukrainian military losses. Military history is full of examples of over claimed enemy losses.

hans raus

Sorry to be a crackhead guys… Im so sorry about it I’ll try harder next time

hans raus

Hopefully I’ll get upvoted for that! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

hans raus

You break my little sissy heart, hans. I’m mad now.

Muhammad your Prophet

Are these your guys? Jesus, you are a lunatic.

Hans Raus is a crackhead

The funny part is when you mention Jesus lmao 🤡🤡🤡

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