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MARCH 2025

Russian MoD Reveals Results OF Recent Israeli Attack On Syrian Airports

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Russian MoD Reveals Results OF Recent Israeli Attack On Syrian Airports

An Israeli F-16 fighter jet en route to an exercise in Germany in an undated photograph. (Israel Defense Forces)

The August 31 Israeli attack on Syria targeted the international airports of Aleppo and Damascus, Major General Oleg Egorov, deputy head of the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria, confrimed on September 1.

“Eight F-16 tactical fighters of the Israeli Air Force, without entering Syrian airspace, launched eight guided missiles and eight guided air bombs at the facilities of the Nairab [Aleppo] and Duwali [Damascus] airports,” Egorov said at a briefing. “Three missiles were destroyed by the duty air defense forces of the Syrian Arab Republic.”

According to the Russian officer, five Syrian soldiers were wounded as a result of the attack. An antenna post of a Syrian S-125 air-defense system and two depots with military equipment were also destroyed. Moreover, the officer said that the runway of Aleppo International Airport was hit. This was later confirmed by the Syrian Transport Ministry, which said that the airport will resume operations on September 2.

Earlier, the Syrian Foreign Ministry revealed in a message sent to the United Nations that the Israeli attack also destroyed civilian navigation equipment in the international airports of Aleppo and Damascus.

In his first comment on the attack, Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad said that Syria will not back down and Israel is playing with fire. The minister warned that Israelis will pay the price “sooner or later”.

This was one of Israel’s largest attacks on Syria this year. Exactly a week earlier, a similar large-scale aerial attack targeted a sensitive military research complex Hama. The complex sustained heavy damage. Furthermore, secondary explosions and fires wounded 14 civilians.

The recent attacks on Syria were a part of Israel’s “War-Between-Wars” military campaign, which is meant to push Iran and its allies out of the war-torn country as well as to prevent them from developing their offensive capabilities.



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Well so if this is ok why cant Nato just use this taktik to attack the Russian Forces in Ukraine…

I mean if Israel has the right to kill Iranian and Hezbollah forces in Syria who have been invited there which russia understands. Then i am sure russia would understand if nato would bomb their forces in ukraine from polish territory. They have no legal base to be there so nato would just enforce internatinal laws.

Oh and by the way the next time the US kills civilans cause terrorists where hiding behind them it is a war crime cause they say if the russians kill civilans behind which the ukrainians hide it is russias fault.

This world has not a single ounce of logic and truth left…..


The words Nato and international law don’t fit together.

hunter bidé lab pork !

nato and terrorist ocupying and f everything is not law so F Then till the anus. Nazis davos sheizen parazites !!!


It has something to do with Russian Oligarch(s) of a particular ethnic persuasion that will destroy Russia just as they have the United $tates. … And this stooge https://globalbullionsuppliers.com/en-us/blogs/blog/why-is-russia-buying-gold appears all too willing to sacrifice his own https://southfront.org/america-imported-over-6-billion-in-goods-from-russia-since-ukraine-invasion/ just like Amerikansky did 20 years ago https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it only much worse given the stakes and the deaths that he’s allowed on his watch the last 8 years.

When will the Russian people remove the parasite from their ass like Amerikansky refuses to before it’s too late!?…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
hunter bidé lab pork !

so everybody can F ked all the airports of izzisrael terrorists zio psico pedo monkeys !!!! the chozen pedo abortions of the world !!!

Censors KEEP OUT

Predators will always impose their will over the preys.

Censors KEEP OUT

https://youtu.be/H38zThrXdms __genius perspective why WAR WOULDN’T END.

Hairy Pottattooes

Anyone knows some pro-Russia Telegram channels?


Debriefiles,intelslava,no one is forgotten,neues aus russland

Peppe il Sicario

IntelSlava is my preferred choice.



Marcelo Rodriguez

Creo que Siria debería manejar esto de los ataques Israelíes a sus complejos militares, de una manera más inteligente, construyendo bunqueres y bases bajo tierra, tal como las bases con las que cuenta Irán en su territorio. Un buen ejemplo son las bases que Irán presento en video con drones y misiles de crucero, así de esta manera Siria podría resguardar cualquier material militar sensible de los ataques aéreos Israelies, haciendo que sus ataques no inflinjan daños importantes a la infraestructura militar Siria y de sus aliados.


Most important question that looms: Will the Russian Federation and it’s military formally declare at the UN Security Council that an attack on Syria and Iran is an Attack on Russia?…

With this announcement https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-signs-deal-give-israel-4-refueling-planes-needed-bomb-iran and Russia’s betrayal of it’s own in doing business with the very Country https://southfront.org/america-imported-over-6-billion-in-goods-from-russia-since-ukraine-invasion/ that has sabotaged it’s Country many times over the last 3 decades and murdered it’s people and extended family in the Donbas -when will they say “WHEN”!?…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Iron Zion 🦾🇮🇱

All the dickless wonders can do is count our missiles hitting their allies. They harbour terror for our target practice. Even Israelis who appreciate our Russian brothers help can see the wood for the trees.

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