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Russian MoD Reveals Routes Of Patrols In Northeast Syria (Map)

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On October 30, the Ministry of Defense of Russia released a detailed map revealing the areas that will be patrolled by the Russian Military Police in northeast Syria as a part of the recent agreement with Turkey. According to the ministry’s map, Russian patrols will be carried out between the following villages and towns:

  • Ajami – Bozekli (near Manbij)
  • Ajami – Meshrefa (near Manbij)
  • Ajami – Avshariya (near Manbij)
  • Ajami – Karakozak (near Manbij)
  • Korakozak-Kobani-Koran (near Kobani)
  • Qamishli-Faqira (Near Ras al-Ayn)
  • Qamishli-Simalka (near the Iraqi border)
Russian MoD Reveals Routes Of Patrols In Northeast Syria (Map)

Click to see full-size map.

Earlier, the Turkish Ministry of National Defence announced that the talks with the Russian military, which were held in Ankara, have been completed. The talks discussed several issues related to the agreement on northeast Syria.

“The Negotiations progressed positive and constructive, and tactical and technical aspects of the field application of the issues within the text of the agreement were discussed,” a statement by the Turkish ministry reads.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan reached the agreement following a long face-to-face meeting in the Russian city of Sochi on October 22. Despite repeated violations by Turkish-backed militants in northeast Syria, the agreement has been holding, so far.

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Should start putting a map of Syria 2014 and Syria 2019, every time Israeli troll klove and light post another Putin is a Zionist traitor crap spam comment.

klove and light

dummy………jews are satanic…. Israel is satanic….. and u r a dummy!!!


That all you can reply Israeli scumbucket.


Man you stupid psychopaths are just neurotic. You should know because you are a Jew.


Zionism is antithetical to Judaism.


Klove is a Zionist.


Zionism and Judaism are synonymous. The orthodox dissidents are a rounding error. And are the biggest blood sucking Jew pedophile rapists of them all.

“94% say that if Jewish state “no longer existed tomorrow,” it would be a “tragedy.””




Zionism and judaism is not the same. Jews are good people, Zionists are fake jews.






Zionism and Judaism are synonymous. The orthodox dissidents are a rounding error. And are the biggest blood sucking Jew pedophile rapists of them all.

“94% say that if Jewish state “no longer existed tomorrow,” it would be a “tragedy.””


https://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewish-News/US-Jews-strongly-support-Israel-new-poll-shows –


These “US jews” are Zionists no real Jews.


Then what in your opinion are they, and what makes them any different than the other 95% of Zionist Jews elsewhere, and who exactly is a “real Jew”?

klove and light

Home Syria Syrian Army establishes 84 border points as Turkish-backed forces attempt advance Syria Syrian Army establishes 84 border points as Turkish-backed forces attempt advance By News Desk – 2019-10-30

BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:15 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has greatly increased their border presence in northern Syria over the last two weeks, as they went from an initial 15 observation posts to 84 posts this week. According to a statement from the Russian Reconciliation Center, the Syrian military has installed 84 points between the Aleppo and Al-Hasakah governorates.

A source from the Syrian military told Al-Masdar News this afternoon that the majority of these border posts have been installed in the Al-Qamishli District of Al-Hasakah. The source said that despite the installment of these border posts, the Turkish-backed forces continue to launch unwarranted attacks on the Syrian Arab Army troops near the city of Ras Al-‘Ayn. He added that the recent videos that have surfaced of Turkish-backed troops capturing Syrian soldiers near Ras Al-‘Ayn are authentic, adding that the so-called “Syrian National Army” has carried out ambushes against their forces across the western border of Al-Hasakah.


Again, pathetic attempt at hiding what you are zionist pig.

klove and light



Again copy and paste and pathetic you Israeli troll.

klove and light



You like posting video’s from your jihadi friends there, you stupid Israeli.


Again kolve and shit look at that map, where was it in 2014 a year before Russia got involved you idiot zionist.

klove and light

those fucking degenerate Islamist turkish bastards are Putins Partner???? afrin gone……… Idlib gone……… new TAF Invasion and occupation WITHOUT timeline in North east syria AGAIN per Agreement with Putin..

all this bs will only work out if TURKEY / ERDOGAN decides to pull back his Forces in n. e syria…afrin…Idlib and stops with the fucking bs of suppling the Islamist Forces in IDLIB………fucking pipedream…….all u got now…..AFTER the Takeover of afrin by turkish Forces/proxies and the Takeover of Idlib and the occupation of parts of n. east syria, is a NATIONAL ARMY directly occupying parts of sria which also has been from Starters the main Sponsor of all Islamist Groups in syria and was also the number 1 buyer of Isis oil. And not to Forget… a fucking NATO MEMBER……..anybody who cares About syria knows that a confronation with NATO has to be avoided…and they did..even after 64 Missiles were shot at them due to the fake chemical attack……….now due to Putins Actions, that start with the green light for Invasion and occupation of afrin, you have an official NATO army Standing TOE TO TOE with SAA.

catch my drift now…….moron….

ps. Russia did not win the battles…u moron…. it was the help of hezbollah battalions and iranaian shiite army……….

Putin is a Zionist pig….just as trump and the other gojim slave state Leaders……….

thats what the fucking dirty satanic jews think About us……and they have an Agenda…

a one world Government with Jerusalem as ist capital under satanic jewish Leadership…..all nations that RECOGNIZE this illegal satanic Entity are part of the Agenda…..

ps. Russia was lost to zionism in 1917…


Shut the fuck up Israeli animal.


Again klove and light, you are an idiot disinfo troll you lost Syria and get over it you silly Israeli.

Xoli Xoli

Patrol routes are highly confidential in general. Why should enemies who are under Turkey protection being informed.

Xoli Xoli

All the terrorists and Jihadists are Muslim and Arabs and All the muslims and Arabs chop off heads. Because it is their tradition as written by Muhammad in Quran.Therefore you find all arabs or muslims are Muhammads with ass in the sky and head in the ground looking for lost rats and call it prayer.When their start with that shit that evil mosque smells to poo.

Their easily used by Israel, France, Britain Germany as world number one terrorists.

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