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Russian MoD Says More Ukrainian Attacks Were Repelled In Zaporozhye, Donetsk (Videos)

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Russian MoD Says More Ukrainian Attacks Were Repelled In Zaporozhye, Donetsk (Videos)

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On June 21, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that more attacks by Kiev forces were repelled in the Zaporozhye, Donetsk and south Donetsk sectors.

According to the ministry, the air force and army aviation launched an attack against Ukrainian units in the Vremenka salient, near Novodonetskoye, Storozhevoye in the Donetsk region and Levadnoye in the Zaporozhye region.

As a result of the airstrikes, a Ukrainian tank, an infantry fighting vehicle, and three armored fighting vehicles were destroyed

In the Zaporozhye direction, two attacks by the 65th mechanized brigade of Kiev forces reinforced by tanks in the areas of Novodanilovka and Yablokovo were repelled by the Russian Vostok Group of Forces, air strikes and artillery fire.

Moreover, Ukrainian reserve columns advancing towards Lobkovoye and Kamenskoye as well as a gathering of manpower and equipment near Belogorye were engaged by artillery fire.

Three sabotage and reconnaissance groups of Kiev forces were also eliminated close to Dorozhniyanka, Gulyai Pole, and Mirnoye.

The ministry said that total losses of Kiev forces in the south Donetsk and Zaporozhye sectors amounted to 200 troops, eight tanks, six infantry fighting vehicles, 13 armored fighting vehicles, three motor vehicles, two D-20 howitzers, two Msta-B howitzers, as well as one Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, and one BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers.

In Donetsk direction, the Russian Yug Group of Forces repelled ten attacks near Veseloye, Georgiyevka, Pervomayskoye, Krasnogorovka, Vodyanoye, and Marinka.

Up to 400 Ukrainian troops, a tank, two armored fighting vehicles, and eight motor vehicles were neutralized during the fighting, according to the ministry.

The situation in other directions, according to the statement of the Russian MoD:

In Kupyansk direction, aviation and artillery of the Zapad Group of Forces inflicted a fire damage on the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine close to Berestovoye, Kislovka (Kharkov region), Stelmakhovka (Lugansk People’s Republic).

In addition, actions of three sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were thwarted near Sinkovka, Kotlyarovka (Kharkov region) and Novoselovskoye (Lugansk People’s Republic).
The enemy suffered over 40 Ukrainian troops, an armored fighting vehicle, and two pick-up trucks in this direction during the day. A serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered.

In Krasny Liman direction, Russian aviation, artillery, and heavy flamethrower systems of the Tsentr Group of Forces hit units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine close to Ploshchanka, Chervonopopovka, Chervonaya Dibrova (Lugansk People’s Republic), Yampolovka, and Grigorovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Also during the day, actions of three Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups were foiled close to Chervonaya Dibrova (Lugansk People’s Republic) and in the Serebryansky forestry.

Up to 135 Ukrainian troops, an infantry fighting vehicle, two armored fighting vehicles, four pick-up trucks, a D-30 howitzer, and three Gvozdika self-propelled artillery units were eliminated in this direction during the day. Eight servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered.

In Kherson direction, over 60 Ukrainian troops, seven motor vehicles, one Akatsiya self-propelled system, two Msta-B howitzers, and one U.S.-made M777 artillery systems have been neutralized over the past 24 hours.

Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Group of Forces have engaged 117 AFU artillery units at their fire positions, manpower, and military hardware in 129 areas during the day.

Also, ammunition depots of the 109th Territorial Defence Brigade, 44th Artillery and the 60th Mechanised brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been destroyed near Novgorodskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic), Novopavlovka (Zaporozhye region), and Morohovets (Kharkov region).

Moreover, a command post of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was destroyed close to Zapasnoye (Zaporozhye region).

Air defense forces have intercepted seven HIMARS and Uragan projectiles during the day. Moreover, 12 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down close to Lyubimovka, Zaporozhskoye, Perezhnoye (Zaporozhye region), Ploshchanka, Kremennaya (Lugansk People’s Republic), Volodino, and Blagoveshchenka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

In total, 444 airplanes and 240 helicopters, 4,725 unmanned aerial vehicles, 426 air defense missile systems, 10,256 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles, 1,127 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 5,187 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 11,098 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.

In addition, the Russian MoD released videos documenting recent strikes by Ka-52 attack helicopters against Ukrainian armored vehicles, as well as recent operations by Su-35S fighter jets and Tor-M1 air defense systems.

The Ukrainian counteroffensive, which started on June 4, does not appear to be going according to the plan. Kiev forces sustained heavy losses and made very little gains on the ground. However, they still possess the resources to continue offensive operations in Zaphorozhey and Donetsk.


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take no more prisoners, just grind those nazis and sent them to bandera


lot of these soldiers are just normal men, fighting because they have no choice. use them for prisoners exchange to save russian lives. but those in command deserve a harsh treatment.


wrong, anyone who is complicit is an enemy of mankind, and those goblins could have executed their commanders(as some have already done), but they decided to go ahead and shell civilians instead. those goblins must be purged.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny
Gneaus stapo

i knew ur a bitch before, but thx for confirming u are a war crime approving ugly stalinst bitch.


those giving orders sit in air conditioned buildings drinking martini z.


in just 2 weeks, ukraine lost around 20% of the total casualty count of the entire vietnam war 😃😃😃


that figure has a long way to go when it comes to the korean war. us had 55,000 kia in just 3 years of the korean war. that figure amounts to 17,000 kia per year, 1,500 kia per month and 50 kia a day. nk killed a whole lotta us troops there.

Joseph Day

china killed

Gneaus stapo

sure bitch, if u believe igor konashenkov’s numbers.

Psionists slaves of America

the zionist enslaved neocon warmongering aipac puppets in the government, in the intel and in the military must be having a nervous breakdown, they are sorely losing despite the 150 billion plus they have wasted so far to support their puppet regime in kiev. the cost to rebuild a vanquished ukraine will cost at least ten times that. those sunni-wahhabi terrorist supporting war criminals need to cease and desist their regime change obsessions.


tu sei pericolosa perchè stupida. non voglio offenderti ma hai pensieri talmente semplici da fare tenerezza. non conosci il mondo, non conosci l’umanità, sei malata del tuo narcisismo. se vuoi parlare di amore allora cerca di capire le cose, le persone, come funziona il mondo. solo allora potrai vedere qualche parziale soluzione concreta e fattibile.


“there is nothing wrong with lgbtqia+” then “leave little children alone”

Last edited 1 year ago by Christopher
Kamikazee Offensive June 2023

those russia ka-52 missiles are incredible.

Ukraine Kamikazee Offensive June 2023

for the best 2 minute summary of the most trumpeted offensive in history, in which ukraine would smash through to the azov sea, search for this video on bitchute: georgev – horrors of war – june 16th.

mighty orc

civilized peoples reject self uglified amerikan disease

mighty orc

no free speech in fascist usa; snowden free in russia; amerikan inferior species torture assange

The Crunge

is prighozhin gonna complain about how horrible the russian generals/army is if this surovikin line holds up? what’s he gonna bitch about if they hold their ground and inflict horrible losses on the ukes?

Gneaus stapo

we all know the performance of the russian ministry of defense, so the only guys telling truth like pigjewin and gerkin will have endless stuff to complain about

mighty orc

russia occupies 2 more villages hohols retreat yesterday—ukie offensive only succeeds at yahoo news sawyer lgbt trailer park and zelensky biden coffin factory

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