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MARCH 2025

Russian MoD Shares First Footage Of Typhoon-VDV MRAP In Special Operation Zone

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Russian MoD Shares First Footage Of Typhoon-VDV MRAP In Special Operation Zone

K-4386 Typhoon-VDV airborne infantry fighting vehicle
© Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS

On March 17, the Russian Ministry of Defense released video footage of the new KAMAZ Typhoon-VDV MRAP [Mine Resistant Ambush Protected] vehicle in the special military operation zone in Ukraine for the first time.

The footage shows the vehicle transporting a reconnaissance unit of the elite Russian Airborne Troops during an assault against Kiev forces on an unspecified front, then providing the unit with direct fire support.

The Typhoon-VDV can accommodate eight fully-equipped personnel. The vehicle provides protection against small arms, shell fragments and explosive devices. It is also equipped with energy-absorbing seats of the crew and troopers.

The 4×4 vehicle is powered by a KAMAZ 610.10-350 350hp diesel engine. The power pack allows the vehicle to move at a top speed of 105 kilometers per hour with a range of up to 1200 kilometers.

The K-4386 version of the vehicle that appeared in the Russian MoD footage has an increased rigidity and strength which allows it to be air-dropped safely.

The vehicle seen in the footage is armed with the 32V01 unnamed turret, which features a 30mm 2A42 automatic gun with 250 rounds, a 7,62mm 6P7K machine-gun with 1,00 rounds and two rows of three 81 mm smoke grenades to each side. The turret, which was developed by Burevestnik Central Scientific Research Institute, is equipped with a day/night capable optical targeting system.

The Typhoon-VDV is currently being mass produced. It is unclear how many are in service with the Russian Airborne Troops. The vehicle was first sent to the special military operation zone in Ukraine last September. Not a single vehicle has been lost, so far.


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Damien C

If some clown of a driver dumped me out on a flat killing zone with no cover he would be the first person i’d shoot


Is there much risk of that happening to you currently?

Damien C

Yes there is Clyde. your wife is always flat on her back and if the taxi driver dumped me out on top of her I’d be very angry. Though I’m sure your wife would be very happy as usual


my thoughts exactly. wtf are they even shooting at


the turret on this vehicle looks more like a 12.7 mm DRSK or a 14.5 mm type


Uninhabited turret (module) with 2A42 30-mm automatic gun, it’s written in the article. A bit slower than 2A72 gun of same caliber, because installed on wheeled chassis.


It may be in the article, but that is not a 30mm anything. The gun on a Bradley is 23 and bigger than what is on that vehicle in the video. Looks more like a similar gun like on the Terminator.

t s

has a recoil compensator.. that probably slow down the rate of fire


I don´t know why but I had a lot of problems seeing your content on different devices on Chrome I had to join Microsoft Edge to be able to see the content properly.


If you can’t watch the video, is because your gov is actively suppressing the truth. It does not want you to see what really is going on. That’s why making sure these jerk off tyrants cannot pass laws that censure what we see and hear is so IMPORTANT


A Russian or Russian friendly DNS server can be helpful, if you can find the relevant settings for your system, it’s a pretty good workaround for a lot of the censorship as many web addresses were removed from default Western ones although I don’t know if that’s any thing to do with your issue.


Yea this site is under constant DDOS attacks from bitchass pussies scared of truth

t s

witch to Linux {ANTI-X}

Hans Richardt

At least the infantry can deploy with overhead fire support. It would be better to deploy a full platoon in this fashion.


Good thing they learn, most Russian light recon vehicles didn’t have any kind of protection for a machine gunner.

Speaking of light vehicles, a big column of Ukro-US vehicles (in desert camo) spotted allegedly near Bahmut/Artemovsk, or more likely somewhere in West Ukraine, just arrived from Pooland. People often criticized Russians for moving in columns, but here we can see AFU closely packed… what a perfect target for an airstrike… https://t.me/DonbassDevushka/49182

Last edited 1 year ago by Alex

No se cuanto duraran, pero me parece que muy poco

William White

Get those shits don’t be so slow. Sometimes it’s like watching grass grow.


Ad on each side of the turret at least one atgm, than its also good against tanks and ifvs.


Isn’t the fighting vehicle covering them

William White

This is the truly impressive part – Not a single vehicle has been lost, so far. Battle proven!

tom sawyer

lgbt amerikan beg for condom from taliban🤣🤣🤣


Caustic Bear humor….”Be Nice”…..I love it and I want one.


What happened to those “French tanks on wheels” light tanks? After fanfare announcements in France about their delivery to Ukraine, I never heard about them being in Ukraine. Did they get delivered to Ukraine or another values signalling fake NATO announcement?


All this stuff was mostly announced to push germany to send stuff themselves after it most of it was forgotten about. Ukraine does not need 20 different plattforms with different logistik and ammunition but is a political signal that “everyone” sends stuff to ukraine. Most of it is probably in some polish warehouse.


Watch this shit with the transition to special operations ZOne report. Taht is the rear echelons to the front and the sie of a country. Also bombed out ruins. DMZ crpet bagger millitary police news is dangerous. Canhide and show you things you do or don’t need to see. Post war politics can be grim and the Ukrainians are likely ex millitary. Sevastapol should be interesting because its like their town. They are probably hrdcore ukrainain nationalists but have very very nasty views and experiences.

Remember them cossacks…..They should get their own aid pool for rebuilding so they are busy and not considered cannon fodder for eurasian union. Not pissed off by foreign occupation. Jade Helm. They’ll end up Serbians in disguise….

Boney M Rasputin russian soldiers dancing…..


Ja, die Russen sind naiv, die Briten nicht.

Medwedew, wo musst du hinlaufen.

Ich warte nur auf das Geld. Ich habe versucht, hilfreich zu sein.

Yahya Rouach hatte mächtige Freunde. Herr Jacque und Mnedelhsson. Afrika ohne Geld. Wie Indien. Sehe ich aus wie Obamas Halbbruder? Ein Neger?

I answer to super humans. Not Jews. Thre is no world to come for any of you……its a lie and you both know so please. Quit being childish….


Its their party the jews will cry if they want to….is that a Ukrainian note? Ask the ritz boys….I’ll be round. Mght not help you with the windsor boy…..


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