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MARCH 2025

Russian MoD: US Stronghols Located In ISIS-held Regions Near Deir Ezzor

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On Sunday, the Russian Ministry of Defense (Russian MoD) revealed in an official statement that US Special Operations Forces units unabled the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to smoothly advance through ISIS formations in Deir Ezzor governorate.

Russian MoD: US Stronghols Located In ISIS-held Regions Near Deir Ezzor

Click to see the full-size map

The Russian MoD statement said that the US Special Operations Forces units were spotted at ISIS strongholds. However, there was “no evidence of assault, struggle or any US-led coalition airstrikes to drive out the militants.”

“The shots clearly show the US SOF units located at strongholds that had been equipped by the ISIS terrorists. Though there is no evidence of assault, struggle or any US-led coalition airstrikes to drive out the militants.

Despite that the US strongholds being located in the ISIS areas, no screening patrol has been organized at them. This suggests that the US troops feel safe in terrorist controlled regions,” the statement said.

Furthermore, the Russian MoD released satellite photos of ISIS strongholds in Deir Ezzor governorate that were taken on September 8-12. The photos showed several US-made Humvee vehicles, which are in service with the US Special Operations Forces.

The official statement also revealed that the US Special Operations Forces didn’t organize any patrols on the front lines with ISIS. This suggests that the US Special Operations Forces felt safe in the newly captured positions although ISIS fighters are only meters away.

The evidences released by the Russian MoD explains the rapid advance of the SDF in Deir Ezzor governorate during the last two weeks. The Russian MoD announcement also confirmed the US Special Operations Forces role on the ground may be bigger than the role played by the SDF itself.

A weapons depot:

Russian MoD: US Stronghols Located In ISIS-held Regions Near Deir Ezzor

Click to see the full-size image

A strong point:

Russian MoD: US Stronghols Located In ISIS-held Regions Near Deir Ezzor

Click to see the full-size image

A strong point:

Russian MoD: US Stronghols Located In ISIS-held Regions Near Deir Ezzor

Click to see the full-size image


Russian MoD: US Stronghols Located In ISIS-held Regions Near Deir Ezzor

Click to see the full-size image

A strong point:

Russian MoD: US Stronghols Located In ISIS-held Regions Near Deir Ezzor

Click to see the full-size image

A strong point:

Russian MoD: US Stronghols Located In ISIS-held Regions Near Deir Ezzor

Click to see the full-size image

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ISIS has been created by USA. So, every new information will just confirm it.


Average Muricans will never find out their taxes pay ISIS salaries.


Some are aware of that. But, most are not.


few are aware of that, but most of them just ignore everything or accept government words (cnn, fox, cbs, washinyong post, n.y. times, usa today..)



Luis Sidorenko

¨Recently acknowledged in an interview on Fox News that the United States in fact helped to build the terror group and would-be Caliphate, known as the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS). This admission that “we helped build ISIS” comes from an honest look at the fact that the group obtained weapons directly from the United States¨ General Thomas McInerney


US/ISISraeli mercenaries in Syria must be clusterfucked into oblivion, prefereably with FOAB to make sure none makes it.

Behold a Pale Horse

Hey, how about instead of taking pictures, you drop some bombs?

Shylo Duffy

Russia dropped more bombs then our own Govts.Russia expects the western people will freak and finally stand up against their Govts killing in their name and what’s worse These pics prove our Govts are not attacking them.However many already know this. Unfortunately the people are busy and don’t seem to care enough to make that difference.

Melotte 22

They don’t care, true. That is why this base should be bombed and than they will care.


these pics prove nothing, they could be real or could be fake.

Wahid Algiers

Like you. Ami go home.


i am home


Exactly, that is what they have to do !! Why did Russia do that ?


They maybe stationed together, but Americans and SDF are extremely cold to Daesh members and don’t smile on one another.

I bet they think it’s enough to show their hostility and proof of not cooperating!


Damn, things have really deteriorated in the combat zone, I hope nobody gets their feelings hurt !


And they don’t share their unisex washrooms. Heard that Daesh transvestite and gay populations are highly offended.

Daniel Castro

The truth is IS terrorists are getting confused with murican troops breast implants…


Not sure why, they look and feel very natural.

Daniel Castro

The top is not what gets them confused…

MD Ranix

illegitimate u.s. coalition is bound to fail/collapse miserably


Russia is lining up all the US skittles before they knock them into body bags I hope. The US and Israel are increasingly being exposed as the two worst nations that currently exist on Earth.


These images lack three CRUCIAL THINGS which will erode their meaning & serve to further fuel allegations of Russian propaganda.

COORDINATES on each photo TIME STAMPS on each photo ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONS of equipment in photos


No stress Bro!

Américan DOD know what is the message. It’s not for your use.

Those stamps said to DOD rats: “Take good care for your asses. We are targeting you when and where we want”

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why would they post them this was for Russian and eastern and western European consumption, which will strengthen the eastern push from NATO and European Commission and dissolving the alliances. This is true political moves playing out here , there is some better game coming from the Russians than the US has done. This will calm all that nonsense their agentes de provocateur in eastern Europe keep spreading, this is where political change in Europe will occur slowly but loudly might have seen a bigger drop for Frau Merkel if this was released earlier.

Besides these aren’t for evidence proceedings as those would have the information on and it could then be disputed before it gets to court. Those markings and information on them would be allowed under discovery rules as they could ban the pictures.


you are right

Solomon Krupacek

english is not language. inn russia and china will always write in their own language.

stamps are on parts, you dont see. and the coordinates, too. be sure, what give to yanks officially, will fullfill your first 2 points. on the 3rd will hsit the russians :)


I have no audio on those . ??

Riky Nik

Fire few Satans on them, what are you waiting for?

Abdul Majeed

why are the Russians continually trying to convince the world of their surprise discovery of the corrupt evil nature of the Americans? Or is it that the Russians are hoping for a different outcome from these tyrants? The Americans will never hold a Russian as his equal or to any level of respect. They will continue to push their selfish hegemonic and barbaric Zionist agenda in the middle east …as long as the Russians sit-around like little pussies, believing there is fairness to this geopolitical madness.


They are just piling up evidence, that way they will have more leverage next time at UN meeting when they will discuss the future of Syria.


The Feather is Stronger then the Sword.

Solomon Krupacek

but only in arrow :)

eric zweistein

How cute, US special forces have set up four, five hamlets in the middle of the desert! Not substantial enough for a proper caliphate, unfortunately, but for growing tomatoes, cauliflowers and stuff, this might indeed be an ideal location…


Okaaay, we did this 2 years ago with the **Isis oil trucks entering turkey** photos. Russia made no demands of Turkey based on those photos, so there were no penalties when Turkey didn’t comply. (Apologies if the demands were made behind closed doors).

If the Russians are going to make something of this, they need to start making demands, with punishment when the US brushes off the accusations. Remember Iran’s charges of having proof of US collision with Isis a few weeks ago?

If accusations don’t turn into a casus belli, people will forget them, and even worse, they’ll get use to you making charges that can be dismissed.

John Whitehot

casus belli? it’s nuclear war you looking for then.


And if not? US based are a permanent fixture, with a never ending volcano of schemes poring out of the newly formed state of Rojova. We’ve been listening to trump bark war with N.Korea for weeks now. He’s no arguing with a basketball team instead, so knocking the US war machine off script is doable if you stay on script. Ask Kim.

John Brown

Nothing to worry about. Racist supremacist Jews are doing everything they can to provoke the SAA, so Israel can order more of its slave American Goyims to die for a greater racist supremacist Israel. None of this matters for the kurds As I predicted when Turkey invades very soon the Kurds will be running to the SAA for protection begging for their lives but with their recent behavior in Deir Azur they have most likely already destroyed themselves. The SAA may protect some of the Kurdish civilians but probably want the SDF to be wiped out by Turkey for their treachery. So while the idiot greedy Kurdish leadership races to occupy oil fields far from their supply lines the SAA and the Turkish army will be making a pincer attack to occupy all the major Kurdish cities in Syria such as Al-Hasakah, Qamishli, Tell Tamer, Kobanî, etc. What will it matter what oil field they claim to have then when their government is dissolved. I suspect the Turkish army and the SAA will then surround the American bases in Syria. If the USSA tries to attack the Turkish army or the SAA under orders from their racist supremacist Israeli masters I expect their bases to be wiped out. Any further escalation by racist supremacist Israel will most likely be met by an all out attack on Israel by Hezboah and Turkey which Israel will never risk and will back down and then initiate some kind of propaganda offensive as it is better to have all of American Goyims die then one Jewish fingernail to be broken etc. As for the goyim…Zalman’s attitude (was): “Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.” …If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA. … If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained. “There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life. — Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in Jewish Week, the largest Jewish publication in the United States.

Not one superior Jewish cell will be put at risk for Syria or the Kurds. If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA. …

Daniel Castro

Nuclear war for some ISIS strongholds in the desert?!

Boy, you must really love your terrorist pets…

The truth is USA is ILEGALLY in Syria, their excuse for being there was fighting ISIS, now if russia kill some dozens of murican fighting together with ISIS they can just say:



What is legal about assad and his regime? He inherited the power from his father that took power in a militairy coup in the sixties. In 2014 he was “elected” with almost 90 percent of the votes. All people within rebel/terrorist areas and all the refugees outside of syria did not vote and there was no real opposition I would say his regime is illegal

Daniel Castro

Too bad you have no say in this matter.

Assad is the legitimate leader of Syria recognized by the United Nations, period.

Solomon Krupacek

What is legal about assad and his regime?



You mean those fake elections in 2014???

Solomon Krupacek

not fake. and all before.


ALL before??? there haven’t been a lot of elections since the son took over from dad with 99.7 percent of the votes, wahahahah you call that elections???. Before 2012 Syria was de facto a one party state.


Your definition of legitimacy is way off. “Elections are fake because the US says so”, is not an argument. Legitimacy comes from a country’s Constitution and it’s international recognition, in that order. Assad is part of an established government that was recognized by the US as recently as 2011. You don’t get to pronounce a gov. illegit by dumping weapons and cash on a bunch of unemployed Saudis.


Its not way off, just use your brain, in real elections with a real opposition NOBODY wins with 90 percent of the votes. It has NOTHING to do with the USA. The US elections are not that fair either.


“There must be elections… ”

You have the stain of nation building in your thought process. You might or might not also be a carrier of the exceptionalism virus. It might come as a surprise to you, but the United States is not heaven sent, it has no power of imprimatur or nihil obstat over other countries. Right-to- protect is a recent innovation that has ruined the largely moderate state of Libya. There is no viable argument for any of the preemptive military actions of the last 30 years. That’s probably the exact opposite of your world view, but if you remove emotion from your evaluation of the last 10 US military actions,/sanction enforcements, you’ll see that the US is ALWAYS destabilizing, ALWAYS economically crippling, and nearly always destructive to the lives within the societies the US cracks open in the name of so called moral imperative.


I do NOT support the usa in ANY way, never did and never will!!!

jhon malakiat

you fucking moron stupid. now go back to your bed and sleep..


I suppose Israel is legal huh?



U left out an important point! How and Why did Assad’s father come to power! Why did the French grant this power to the minority religion in Syria?

Was it because of a massacre? Was the Massacre supported by Saudi Arabian proxies?

Why don’t u rewind a little further to see how the Assad family really came to power and why!

Sunni’s make up 70% of Syrian population and many groups of Sunni’s were committing terrible atrocities against Syrian people!

So Assad’s met this brutality with force!

Matt, why don’t we talk about Israel huh? What are ur thought son Israel and why they are so heavily supported by the USA?

Lets see where that conversation goes!

Matt, read more or get the red white and blue dildo out of ur ass!


If all you can do is trying to insult me, just because i have another opinion, i will not bother to have a serious debate.. All i can say is that Israel was not what we talked about. I am against Zionism and believe in a one state solution without special benefits for any specific group. That means a secular state where ALL religions can live, but NO tax money for ANY religion and a SECULAR education system


You need to take of your blindfold. The main reason why colonial powers used minorities to rule is that the mayority could hate the minority more then the coloniser and the minority would be loyal to save their ass.

John Whitehot

what you would say it’s irrelevant, the Syrian government is officially recognized by all the international organization like the United Nations.

And yes, he was elected, and without quotes, since the vote has been recognized as regular as well.

And no, even if you manage to convince the entire trailerhood that Assad’s government is illegal you have no legal grounds to remove it and any act against it is an act of war against a sovereign country.


Listen – it’s the the troll alarm – ringing loudly.


Soooo boring!!!!! To call oposing comments trolls. You don’t have anything smarter to say?

John Whitehot

no, nuclear war for an escalation that start with the killing of some dozen of US servicemen, which is the ultimate hope Israel has.

AND the OP was talking about CASUS BELLI, which means, in case you’re unfamiliar with the expression, the pretext that forms the base on which war is declared.

“I love my terrorist pets”? Boy, you must be one of the stupidest persons I ever talked to.

Daniel Castro

There won’t be nukes flying for some dozens stupid murcan soldiers fighting on covert operations alongside terrorists.

John Whitehot

you really are unable to perform logic steps back and forth aren’t you? that’s a clear sign of brainwashing.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Do you think the US would get the acceptance of NATO if they went Nuclear , not likely. This would be the icing on the cake and would for certain cause a civil war and then the US wouldn’t be able to mind baffle these simpletons into a war of this nature.


Yes, it’s an end-game scenario and only the Russians seem to care. The USA just throws their weight around with typical incaution.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The question you overlook and properly don’t answer is whose end game is it certainly the US has nothing left in this and that is where they are mistaken as the game continues.

The US govt has become like Trump arrogant and blustery and so far they haven’t seen what is in store for them. Their policies require a global consensus and that they have undermined of their own free will, you can never over manipulate a situation because you then eventually expose yourself even more.

John Whitehot

idk about Trump. I have the impression that he actually has been cornered and “disarmed”.

The Congress has made a legislative coup against the executive power with the newest “sanctions” against Russian energy firms, when they adopted a law forbidding the administration to abrogate or amend said law. It’s something unprecedented and of the utmost gravity.

What is incredible is that in a supposedly democratic country, the press stays completely silent and does not even start analyzing this fact under this perspective. This and several other things point to him having no real power, at least in matters with a certain importance.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump is being held in place only to be blamed in case the cabals screw up something and need a scapegoat pronto.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He is the perfect Patsy why do think he got in the DNC hacked the election themselves to try and get Shillary she has always done the business of the Military Industrial Congress without question. Why Bernie was sidelined he would have been able to counter any bad press. Like they say they pick who you vote for, they give you two choices others are kept in the background, a real betrayal by the media.


For bombing SDF in to oblivion?

The worst USA neo-con does not have the balls.


Has the US informed the Russians of the locations of any of their Special ops bases?

If not, then the next time Russia sees something suspicious, just bomb it immediately. Don’t wait around or even inquire whether it is a US base. Then after there are some dead Americans just say, well you should have told us you were out there.


Excellent article on getting the truth out about Jew world order duplicity.

Gabriel Hollows

Southfront, could you translate the pics of the strongpoints? Please and thank you.


I do not understand why Russia did not bomb these terrorists ? Why ? Why ? We do not need nice picture to let us know what we already know.


Because Russia does not want to go to war with the USA

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That’s not the real reason because the US would try to drum up a war clarion at NATO and attack Russia.This way Russia can play another game where the US loses it’s control of Europe and forces the US to stand alone , just wait there are more surprises in store as new doors appear.


Russians will send in Syrians first. It’s their land.


Without a nice little war it’s harder to justify a large military budget.

John Brown

Russia bombs ISIS the USSA supplies ISIS.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oB8lPZ6zxhA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfl3vvsaeaw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgMYeSmYQ5U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie1N4kL_RUw


Damn, that’s good.


If you believe everything the russian gov tells you, then you are out of your mind


If you believe anything the US government tells you, you are out of your mind


it counts for both sides, both evil empires. There are NO good empires


True, but there are some worst than others and the USA takes the cake as the most evil regime in history since it’s inception. Russia has been for around what? 1300 years or so? And even if you count the bolshevik catastrophe, you will still not get the same results of mayhem and suffering that the US has produced in such a short time.

Even the reasons presented today for the US civil war are lies, what can you expect of foreign conflicts?


The making of Russia took longer but was not less bloody at all, probably worse


I agree. We can go back and look at the murderous trotskyites and the holodomor. But I think that Russia is probably a little more credible than her enemies at the moment.


That’s the least troll thing you’ve said matt. And you’re right. Power corrupts, absolute power etc.


Is this a place for debate or some friend club to write opinions alike? Everyone with another opinion is called a troll, a kike, a supporter of israel, or anything that is negative. It appears to me that most people here are not interested in using their brain, but just want confirmation on their simplified world view

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

If you wore a tutu and danced through fire and spun around on your head your making this comment it would be about as believable as that being normal behavior.


Keep exposing them, good job Russia. Yes, it is surely hard to get people’s attention nowadays, but these things will eventually crumble on the common folk’s head after piling up so high.

DJ Double D

Some people may wonder why photographs taken on September 8 is only available now. The answer is that it takes time to process aero-cosmic photos and identify the target shots. It undergoes several stages and in fact MoD has to be given credit to getting it out this soon. It will take the Americans almost two month for same stuff.


The problem with this story is that the SDF was already near the industrial area on SEP 10. It is very obvious that SDF launched their attack before SEP 8 (the date of the pictures). It’s called a news black out or radio silence ! The SAA and Russia also do the same thing. The US coalition stated they where going to advance towards Deier Ezzor city well before SEP 8.


A Russian high rank General was killed by “ISIS” fire , earlier .a result of US intel very likely , sounds like it is time for “ISIS” to taste some retaliation . Give the US their own disrespect back .


From this moment on it remains to be seen if the Russians whose patience is at a breaking point, continues to gather more evidence and display US treachery at international conferences or go with a hot war and wipes the countryside clean of all forces not associated with IRGC or Hezbollah.


What is the Russian MoD waiting for?

Bomb those places!

Floyd Hazzard

Why aren’t the Russians attacking the known ISIS positions with Kalibrs at least? That would make others uneasy about their camps and not so agressive in their advances.


Kalibr is an expensive missile to be hitting what amounts to a machine gun nest. They are best used on semi permanent, bomb resistant targets, otherwise an ordinary bomb is sufficient.

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