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MARCH 2025

Russian Navy Warships Are Escorting Iranian Tanker En Route To Syria – Report

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An Iranian-flagged oil tanker was escorted by two Russian Navy ships bound for Syria, the United States Naval Institute reported on October 21.

The Iranian tanker, Samah, entered Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal in mid-October. Soon after, the tanker turned off its automated identification system and started heading towards the Syrian coast.

A satellite image taken on October 15 showed that the tanker was escorted by two Russian Navy ships, the replenishment oiler Academic Pashin and the Udaloy-class destroyer Vice Admiral Kulakov. The image was released by defense analyst H I Sutton.

Russian Navy Warships Are Escorting Iranian Tanker En Route To Syria – Report

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Russian Navy Warships Are Escorting Iranian Tanker En Route To Syria – Report

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By the morning of October 17, a tanker resembling Samah was seen anchored off the Baniyas oil terminal on the Syrian coast.

Last July, an Iranian tanker heading to Syria, Adrian Darya-1, was seized by U.K. Royal Marines in international waters off Gibraltar’s coast. Back then, Britain accused Iran of violating the EU’s sanctions on Syria.

The Russian Navy’s protection will prevent any harassment of Iranian vessels heading to Syria, which is suffering from crippling sanctions.


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Laurent Parodi

Very nice.

Laurent Parodi

Trump s maximum pressure strategy is working well.

Chris Moses

Hahaha. He sure thinks so, but he’s a moron.

Jens Holm

More trust him ME then in USA.

Jens Holm

There is no maximum pressure at all. Trump is a populist only looking for USA voters.

If it was better to save camels in Australia, it would be that.

Vox Populi

IMF has given the Iranian economy very high marks and set the growth target of 3.4% or higher and a large portion of economic activity and sanctions busing is controlled the IRGC which has unique credentials of humiliating the US.

The International Monetary Fund predicts Iran’s economy to bounce back to growth in 2021. “As a result of the pandemic, the global economy is projected to contract sharply by –3% in 2020, much worse than during the 2008–09 financial crisis, but many nations with self reliant diversified large economies like Iran, Russia and China have withstood the global shocks quite well. Iranian economy with a large domestic consumption base and bi-lateral non-dollar trade with its allies and growing strategic and economic partnership with China and Russia is expected to grow by 3.5% or higher..


Russian escort stops piracy. Syria needs the oil. Good

Chris Moses

If only we could stop the US from pirating oil in northeastern Syria…

Ivan Freely

Not only that. If we all could stop buying USD for our oil then we’re set.


Brilliant idea, why are they still using USD?

Ivan Freely

A multitude of things. Captains of Industry don’t want to change, banksters, politicians on the take, etc… Come on Bacon, you should know this.


But why don’t they listen to you, it sounds so clear when you explain it

Jens Holm

We are not like You. Therefore we have chosen other systems. They work much better then anything else we see.

If things were as bad as You write we would have collapsed decades ago or have removed those “captains”.

It would be nice with a few links for something better, so We can be inspired

1) ……………., 2)……………..,3…………..,4…………….

Jens Holm

5 dancing little mice:)

I take it again: Which systems should we replace our with ??

More like – as usual – its not bevcaise You have no idea apart from, we should collpase to Your low level, so You can feel proud:)

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Oil is sold in petrodollars linked to the value of the US dollar. If this petrodollar returns in excessive quantities to the US mainland, it could be confiscated and destroyed. The owners of the perodollar will then lose this value.


Who ill confiscate and destroy the petrodollar in US?

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Recommend that you read about petrodollar to expand your knowledge.


I recommend you to check the oil price chart and the currency exchange rate, and yoy’ll see the Ruble is dirrectly tied to the the oil price and not the Dollar. So it’s more petroruble than petrodollar.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

The point is that if the United States were to redeem all the foreign dollars, there would be so much dollars in America that ordinary toilet paper would have greater value.


Well that would be very unfortunate for my petrodollars account.

Jens Holm

That not alway correct. A state can take in their money if the debt goes down and burnthem. The the smaller amount of money will raise the cirrrnecy – if it trusted more by less debt.

We do that in my country. If we have economic probems we printy ekstra money by loans made by ourself and then decline the debt when the economy improves.

I still dont see Your dispute in old petrodoallars are relavant.

I makes more sense to debate as Yuan or ECU partly should replace the dollar.

Jim Allen

Iran does not accecpt the fiat US Petrobuck currency as payment.

Jim Allen

US Government does not own the fiat US Petrobuck currency, or the rights to print.

Jens Holm

Well stop. Its very difficult to store and recycle all that toilet paper money.

You dont understand what the dollar is.

Robert Ferrin

Yep a good ass wipe seeing they have to finance their debt with more debt,!!!

Jens Holm

You dont understand much. Do You.

Dollars are used almost all over and therefore also by us. By that its not not only USA.

You also dont understand, that great parts of debt in Our system is investments and therefore active producing debt. So You have to subtract the debt, which gives plus.

By that the real minus debt is reduced, so it can be handled.

You also dont understand that USA has insurrance for their currency both ways, so its supported by ECU, Swiss Franc, Brittish pound, Yen or for that matter Our small ones named Danish Kroner.

As I reacall it the chinese has some dollars too.

By that there is control. Control says the US currency can dedline from a very high partly artificial level and – and if needed – will be declined by them and us.

So far printing more money is no problem.

A final thing is adjusting too and it is a matter of balance. We danes fx has inflation of about 1,5%. By that all our many kroner decline 1,5%.

But if we produce more in kroner fx 1,5% we wil have the same lovingstandards even it cost more kroners. The dhange therefore will come if Our prodution for many good or bad reasons decline and we prefare the same living standard.

That goes for the dollar too – or more the other way. The danish amount of money currency is small.

Try to undertsand debt is not some gold under some passive gold under a pillow giving fx Putin headegg. Its that too.

But USA and we dont have the simplificatians Russia has. Thats a very good reason for we hasOur ups and downs, but we dont collapse.

…And for that matter its exact the same for Tax here. It makes no sense to condem income tax as Ours. You not even has a language for it as well as it works very well compared to other system.

Condemming high taxes here forgetting we get money back to the ones which need them most and and not drowning it in corrtuption is like You comment chopstickers is not good for soup.

Robert Ferrin

The debt is never reduced we only print more money to add to it.more and more countries are getting away from the dollar and trading either in their own currency or some other countries currency,and we never get our tax dollars back as the MIC sucks up a trillion or more while they suck other countries into buying their useless weapons, the F-35 comes to mind as other countries produce parts for it,none and I repeat none is investments and they return nothing for money already spent it produces just that zero none.$26 trillion was spent in 2008-2010 buying up the junk paper from the banks rather then bankrupting them and making them sound and reselling them,quad trillions in derivative’s of uncertain value,$156 trillion in future commitments now tell again just how the dollar is so sound as inflation takes over and wages remain the same,do you have a wheel barrow for sale to cart all the future dollars away in,I hope so.!!!!

Jens Holm

More and more countries are not getting away from the dollar. They would like to.

And no taxpayers money are used for covering the printed money. Those are granted by trust by USA and the world. ……………………………………………………….

And yes, American weapon production is not made by some USA Kombinaties or Zaibatsus.

Things are outspouced as well as things now and then actually are better then the american versions.

And one more thing. We as buyers of a lot of weapons such as our many F16s can produce most parts just as well as You. So when we buy for billions from USA, Our trade is to produce parts here giving jobs here as well as Your country buy usefull other kinds of stuff from us.

Thats how the world is. The compensations in fx production makes us buy those aeroplanes in stead of others. Thats the point.We could buy other airplanes…

And its very visible in the Trump worries and boycut for several productions. We actually here and there is much better i fx Europe in several very speciliased sectors. By that USA companies buy cheepest and best to the price. Thats named Kapitalisme.

So the USA mainproblem for sectors in USA is the dont devellop their products but still live in Monroe Doctrine or what was si impressing during and after WW2.

So the changes is better educations and for all and a climate for – as You say – less spekualtionin papers then production. …………………………………………………………………

Other factors are there too. China has have same conditions as the rest of the western world. So far they are – by agrement with us as a help – unfair.

But tha main things to me seemes You know the rest of the world less and less and hardly makes any important changes. You even resist them – Democrats too.

Here You get Biden, but You actually need ideas made as Sanders had tryed. You need real reforms in important parts of Your minds and lack of thinking about each other and the rest of the world.

You cant even elect a president having main parts of the votes. You deny people to elect even everybodyover 18 are born as voters. You have a police, a fire deparment and a lot of institutions, where You not even gove the low amount of money, You think. Is not about how much tax. Its about whats needed. … And You see the result.

You also hardly has any defences aganst and for what comming by the nature. You dont understand how those big fires are made because you ignore them. The same goes for hurricanes and what happens in New Orleans and other places, which You have no ressources to restore.

You “rusty belt” is impossible where I live.

And Your medical and healt system cost twice as much as fx OPurs in Denmark. Even so it not even reach so many millions well.

Here You let private plunder You, because You dont trust the state. By that You trust ribbers morethen the state.

The main difference to Denmark for Healthcare and Hospitals are, we have the Public elected in the top running it. and THEY outsource as mush as they see and and feel is well for the taxpayers economy – half price – how many F35 s is that?

Robert Ferrin

Have to agree on much of what you say but then again we the people have no say,they the 1% class puts up the two candidates and you get to pick the lessor of the two evils,we have no defense against what mother nature hands out because its not a profit maker. for in a fascist type government where business/banking/ wall street are all they are concerned with the working class has little to no say in much of everything.here in New York on average they will hand out any where from $5-$8 billion per year to the business sector and that comes from direct taxation of the people of the state.!!!

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Looks like not many people understand what perodollar is and how this artificial dollar works.


What stops you stopping them?

Ivan Freely

Because those nations don’t have the military might to do so.


Why tho, are they lazy bitches?

Ivan Freely

Lack of military strength is laziness? LOL


Ummm yes?

Jens Holm

It because the base for doing things being strong also is producing things and making a plus for it.

Whats Assads if Russia didnt give them weapons and food from their museum. NOTHING.

Its the same for for Golan. Russia decide if Assads can or should take Golan back. If there was an active and innovative production the Assads could buy or produce weapons and decide themself.

Now they have Turks too…and for that matter SDFs asking nicely for self rule telling Assad systems dont exist or are no good.


Syria’s future is not for you to decide buddy. Iran and Russia decide that. You understand?

Jens Holm

You probatly think they are doing pretty well too:)


yeah, I do……they exist outside of the hillbilly world……without any major issues. My theory on you is that you’re a Brussels camel jockey/ jihadi, under this nick……You think we can’t tell?….lol….come on dude, who you kidding?…..you Tunisian or Moroccan no?…..Daesh/ Al-Qaeda central?…..born and raised in Brussels no? that bacon jihadi was your alter ego no?……lol….well?….lol


There are only a few hundred US gangsters there,they should have been given a week to leave or be thrown out.

Jens Holm

Who should. What will happen next and which football team use Your head.

Jens Holm

Nemo Minus seemes to be against any facts. There are so many here only able to write wishes and many of those wishes are worse then far out.


Who do you think? the Syrians and Hezbollah backed up with Russian air power,if the Americans want to try and stop them go for it,if thousands of Syrian troops decided to cross the Euphretes i am saying the US would back off.

John Brown

They are coming under IED attackcs very frequently now. Soon they won’t be able to get any oil out.

Chris Moses

And do you consider this a good thing for the US/Israel to be doing, as this is considered economic sabotage, which is diametrically opposed to free markets?

America is notoriously hypocritical, but when citizens are actively cheering on piracy and declarations of war against other nations’ citizens, one must consider that we do not live under any kind of democracy, instead we are being ruled over by corporations, banks and others who pillage the world’s developing nations for profit.

Iran hasn’t attacked or invaded another country in several hundred years, but somehow you still believe American/Israeli liars?

John Brown

??? I have never said anything in favor of the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorhip.

Chris Moses


To believe anything the Washington establishment says about Iran means you’re not paying attention to over 70 years of outright lies and meddling in Iranian affairs. The US does NOT have any rights in Iran, or the Middle East, yet the US Government are little more than megalomaniacal pirates, arbitrarily punishing any nation it sees that has resources worth exploiting.

This all goes back to 1953 (not 1979, which is as far back as American minds seem to travel), and the US/Britain overthrowing the democratic Iranian government. What is in place in Iran currently is a DIRECT RESULT of continuous US arrogance and meddling in elections around the world, while spreading unfounded, unproven, unverified rumors about Russian/Chinese/Iranian meddling in US elections. (Think about this… American politicians/corporate media is trying to sell the public on the notion that only external countries are responsible for the state of the US society, while these “foreign actors” have had ZERO influence on policies that have decimated the American population’s lives. These same politicians actively ignore all the influence Israel creates in our legislation, but somehow they’re not meddling at all? Who the fu** believes such transparent bullsh** like this?

Iran, Venezuela, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc… All are being ATTACKED by the US, for the act of economic theft!


The Russian Navy ensuring true Freedom of Navigation. Like it.

John Brown

Yes its about time.China and Russia should do the same for Venezuela and all who need it. Call it freedom of navigation just as the USSA says it does.

Chris Moses

I think you’ll see more of this over the next few months, as the US devolves from a dumpster fire, into a failed state, drowning into a massive sea of debt.


Actualy Trump keeps his promise to live ME alone. If they were close to a civil war, they would become far more hawkish to cover their internal problems.

Ivan Freely

No he didn’t. US troops is still in the ME. What we’re seeing is the shuffling of US troops from one region to the next which technically would be a ‘withdrawal’. In order to leave the ME alone, ALL US troops must return to CONUS.

Jens Holm

And this is You and You and Your friends https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/994491eb09bb4cd9eb482d4c93b4c1566592d45a1e7b8fa2e8f4348b6488764a.jpg


I dont like You but I like yours

Vox Populi

More than half of the idiotic non-topic comments in a totally incoherent language here are by this imbecile attention seeking idiot Jens, whose only aim is to SPAM and deflect from real issues. The most appropriate response is to ignore these BOTS.


Ok, I will tell him.

Ashok Varma

US population is buying military gear to fight the next civil war. Conflict is on America’s streets in 2020 is certain, and “tactical apparel” has become a lifestyle industry serving militarized law-enforcement agents and violent militias.

Read more at: https://www.bloombergquint.com/onweb/americans-are-frantically-buying-military-gear-before-election Copyright © BloombergQuint


They are preparing since Obama(who promissed to size the guns). Anyway, I’s a good thing, arms keep peace.

Ivan Freely

China doesn’t have the balls to do it.

John Brown

You mistake restraint for weakness. After the USSA move with Taiwan they will do it just watch.

Vox Populi

It is this redneck arrogance and ignorance that has destroyed the US.

Vox Populi

Chinese tend to avoid confrontation and are not aggressive by nature but they can not be pushed around and India found out recently much to its chagrin. The Chinese President just yesterday gave the US a very clear warning against arms sales to Taiwan and provocations in the South China seas. China should never be underestimated, the most recent example is Armenia taking Azerbaijan for granted and now finding out much to their detriment. The world has changed and the US bullies need reality check.

Traiano Welcome

They had the balls to go in against a superpower and the entire western world in Korea.

The white man thinks that ‘balls’ means pissing around the world sticking his ass into everyone’s business. The yellow man believes ‘balls’ means kicking the ass of people who get too close to his borders.

Ivan Freely

Different times then. Nations change over time.

Traiano Welcome

Indeed they do. In this era it will be the white man’s millenial snowflakes against the yellow man’s millenial snowflakes.

Séamus Ó Néill

Then America was a militarily strong mass murdering psychopathic entity, China was poor but courageous and resolute….today America is still a mass murdering psychopathic entity, however it’s now militarily weak and China is a superpower in more ways than one….how the tables have turned


The Chinese regime is a horrible nasty regime for how they enslave their people by communist ideology. I don’t hear any of you talking about how they treat their Muslim populations or how they’ve behaved against the people of Hong Kong but quick to jump on the Trump wagon. he has not started any new conflict and has tried to clean up some mess the last administration left him. More ME nations will turn to peace with Israel because they know how terrible it would be under Iranian rule.

Séamus Ó Néill

It’s a pity you’ve been lobotomised by your own governments propaganda, America has invaded 80 sovereign independent countries since 1945, deposed the sovereign government of 69, genocided 37 million innocent people….all to steal their natural resources. Enforced starvation in countries like Venezuela and Iran are war-crimes, but then every American President is a war -criminal. Trump is a self confessed war-criminal, a self-confessed murderer and a thief….nice person to represent a country. No ME countries are willingly making peace with that arch-terrorist illegal entity squatting in Palestine, they’re doing it to avoid America’s threat to leave them like Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq etc. Now if I was you, I would save my energy for the forthcoming imminent collapse of both America and the squatter !


I’m sorry but I don’t follow my own governments propaganda lol every piece of information is propaganda from whatever side. I don’t agree with what the US has done in the past, I never mentioned it I just simply stated that Trump has not started any new foreign wars in the last 4 years so how is he a war criminal? Explain? War doesn’t just mean guns and bombs there is lots of different types of warfare, China has been bribing the worlds leaders to overtake the US economy and become reserve currency, that is corruption. And 3 countries have already made peace deals with Trump so your wrong again. the only reason Palestine hasn’t integrated with Israel is because of terrorist state Iran blocking it through terrorist organisations. What has enforced starvation in Venezuela is socialist ideologies my friend, that’s their governments doing not America’s. And for the coming collapse it will effect the whole globe not just the US until a new multipolar system is put into place.

Séamus Ó Néill

Warfare is any action taken to weaken another country by military, ecomomic or other means ! Trump has ramped up the illegal sanctions on a myriad of countries including Venezuela and Iran, stopping lawful trade….a war crime ! You call Iran a terrorist state, look at the entity squatting in Palestine, look at America, both continually genociding everyone who disagrees with them……real terrorist states. America is not a normal country, it’s a moronic, satanic colossus, controlled by the demonic Khazar/Zionist entity and like Israel is in terminal collapse. They are both loathed and detested worldwide and their departure from the world scene will be welcomed by all of humanity !

Ivan Freely

Agreed except for the ‘superpower’ label applied to China today. There’s a lot more in becoming a superpower. Could China be a superpower in the near future (~10-20 years)? Absolutely.

Séamus Ó Néill

Ivan, I’m not sure what you mean, if you mean that they haven’t invaded enough countries, bullied enough small nations, imposed famine on non-compliance, or sufficiently reduced the world population through massive genocide ….then I’d have to agree, but I think that any country that can raise 800,000,000 of its population out of poverty in a decade is certainly a superpower and I’ll not even touch it’s financial or military might !

Ivan Freely

Your first sentence is not part of the criteria of becoming a superpower. Your last point is only highlights a part of a superpower. Finance, industry/technology, military, geopolitics and social/culture are the main criteria of obtaining such a label.

Once again, Could China be a superpower in the near future? The short answer is yes.

Séamus Ó Néill

By your own criteria China would be the only superpower, Russia would be getting there but the US would fail dismally on all counts and I seriously doubt that this time next year the US will even exist as a unitary entity,

Ivan Freely

“Would” and “only” are rather strong words to use. I honestly can’t see China being a leader in the field of geopolitics and social/culture around the globe. The US had the top spot in all those criteria. It’s going to take Russia a lot longer time and effort to ever achieve such a position. The Soviet Union came close and one could argue they briefly achieved it.

IMO, the Age of Superpowers are over. The US was the last nation to ever achieve such a status.

Vox Populi

US has been acting as a global outlaw pirate regime for too long unchallenged, murdering people, stopping ships, imposing illegal sanctions and seizing assets. The world has finally had enough and now Russia and others will respond with the only language the US thugs and bullies understand. China has also put the US on notice against illegal actions and Iran has imposed sanctions of several US officials, CIA agents and others involved in illegal criminal activity. Kudos to Russia for standing by international principles and freedom of navigation.

Ashok Varma

Bravo Russia, it is hightime to end the US piracy on highseas.

johnny rotten

As in real life when a responsible adult intervenes to block the bully who loves to harass the weakest and most defenseless.

Fog of War

Iran is weak and helpless ? Or does Russia not want to have Iran’s bluff called ?

Ivan Freely

Everyone knows that the Iranian navy is a Green water navy.

Jens Holm

Yes, they play golf.

Fog of War

True, but Iran can always say ” touch one of our ships and all hell breaks lose “. That is what I mean by Russia not wanting to have Iran’s bluff called. At this point who cares if the Zios attack first or if Iran does ? War is coming either way.


What happened last time an Iranian tanker was impounded?……did Russia intervene? or did Iran handle it on its own?…..lol

Jens Holm

They are only ,local power.


weak enough to fuck Israel in Lebanon, turkey in Syria and the US in Iraq no?

Fog of War

The it shouldn’t need Russian escorts no ?


maybe it wasn’t oil, but weapons ya takfiri jihadi. How do you know what’s going on? Did you write the ships manifest?…….lol……Iran does what it wants, when it wants and how it wants.

Fog of War

As you can see from your down vote you have proven yourself to be a buffoon. Lets not waste time conversing anymore.


you jihadi, Iran’s sent dozens of tankers all the way to Venezuela. The last time somebody tried to impound an Iranian vessel, you remember what happened right? Who got the balls to impound an Iranian tanker? Russia and Iran are allies. They do what’s right for them.


in real life jonny rotten from the sexpistols is a trump voter, by the way

Jens Holm

Thats why we try to stop people like You.


Iranian flagged tankers don’t need no Russian escort nor protection. Although nice touch by Russian doing abit of showing off. Iran sent 10 tankers to Venezuela, backyard of US and they didn’t dare to do anything. And you think Iranians worried in their region ???


Russia waited to see what happens and jumped into the game to take all the credits :))


I sort of agree, but the NATO clowns are in deep doo doo and they need to divert attention from their financial crisis in Europe. Acting as Captain Pugwash types playing at piracy is a British tradition.




Oh don’t matter, you take one we take one and there are alot of option in Persian gulf. You see there was some news a month back they seized the petrol from 3 Iranian tankers, it took Iran 1hr to take a US tanker in Persian gulf, they released it after 1hr cause they found out the chicken US used 3rd party to buy the shipment and than claim the seized it. I mean it’s a joke. Apart from Iran military power today which is all over the the region, they placed in a strategic area you close Hormuz, the whole world will be in chaos, British empire is dead a long time ago, they only have big ego

Jim Allen

Not exactly, three tankers were seized by US. Turned out they weren’t Iranian, but the thought was there. At least one Iranian tanker is flying a Russian flag. Zionist Khazar pretenders are arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics, as such they’re unpredictable. US Government is run by Bolsheviks, and serve The City of London. The fake State of Israel, just blundered a false flag attack on Lebanon with a six kiloton tactical nuke. It’s not the first time either. Russia isn’t showing off. Protecting it’s investment, and backing up an ally. A long time ally.


ZOGbots and neocohens will cry and rage




Where is Lone Ranger by the way, are you filling in ?

Lone Ranger

Did somebody miss me ?


Finally they moved a finger…

cechas vodobenikov

u cannot move because of your bacon induced leading obesity


Don’t worry, I can still move the finger your moma likes the most.

Lone Ranger

Americant pirates…

Albert Pike

Well it all follows a zionist plan – therefore: ‘Jewish pirates…’ https://www.jpost.com/magazine/jewish-pirates-of-the-caribbean-447397


Thats what should be done,it sends a message to the Reich.


This is a major development. When you add other SCO navies like China and India. The days of NATO ruling the seas are fast coming to an end.

Jens Holm

Yes, someone should be un-nice a give the tanker a torpedo.


Any one tries that Jens, and Iran will dismantle a US base somewhere and will kill shitbilly or shysters of Yid very publicly. That’s why it don’t happen you know?

cechas vodobenikov

If USA attacks Iran they will obliterate US bases in Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, and their worthless carriers in the Persian gulf


yes……this is absolutely certain Chechas…….I have a feeling that mr Jens here is a north African jihadi living in the EU or Brussels. Why else would somebody say anti-Iran things? Makes no sense at all no? Who the fuck would back Daesh or Al-Qaeda or turkey over Iran? in any civilized forum?

Ivan Freely

I highly doubt both China and India have the fortitude to do such things.


It’s already happening:

“The 35th fleet of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy successfully escorted three foreign merchant ships, including Indian Crude Oil Tanker “MT Desh Gaurav,” Panamanian Chemical Tanker “Rabigh Sunshine” and Marshall Islands Bulk Carrier “Pan Clover,” to their destinations on Saturday after a two-day journey.”

– Chinese navy escorts Indian oil tanker in dangerous waters amid strained ties –


Ivan Freely

China’s mission in Aden goes against pirates which does not conflict against US interests. I’m talking about escorting missions to Syria and Venezuela which I highly doubt we’ll see.


“China, Russia and Iran began a four-day joint military exercise in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Oman on Friday amid ongoing friction in the economically important region between Tehran and Washington.”

– China, Russia and Iran hold joint naval drills in Gulf of Oman –


Ivan Freely

Anndd? Have the Chinese sent their naval vessels to escort vessels to Venezuela or Syria? Although joint military exercises are statements in themselves, you still have to squeeze the trigger which the Chinese have yet to do.


They’re escorting the Iranian navy. Which is arguably significantly more problematic for the US than Syria or Venezuela. Your point was they’re cowards. Their actions speak otherwise.

Ivan Freely

No. There is no escort mission. You’re confusing military exercise to an actual operation.


You’re engaging in semantics. You called the Chinese cowards who wouldn’t challenge NATO naval supremacy or US interests. Obviously they’re doing that with escort missions that NATO won’t provide, naval exercises with Iran in some of the most contested waters on the planet, and interdictions of US warships.

“The US Navy said in a statement Monday that the two ships came within 45 yards (41 meters) of each other, as the Chinese warship “conducted a series of increasingly aggressive maneuvers accompanied by warnings for the Decatur to depart the area.””

– Photos show how close Chinese warship came to colliding with US destroyer –


Ivan Freely

The USS Decatur incident is not an escort mission of commercial vessels as I mentioned. The USS Decatur was directly harassing a Chinese military vessel and their islands in the SCS which happens to host Chinese military installations.

There’s also another incident with the USS Cowpen and that was about the USN interferring with the Chinese aircraft carrier, Liaoning (CV-16), in the SCS.

Remember, this topic is about the Chinese escorting commercial vessels to nations that the US are hostile to such as Venezuela and Syria. There’s a huge difference between protecting one’s own sovereignty and helping another nation’s trade routes.


That’s a dodge, as several of your comments have been. Try to stay on topic. Even if you’re losing the debate. Whether China or India escort Syrian or Venezuelan shipments doesn’t change the fact that NATO, including US, naval hegemony is waning.


The issue that you don’t want to address is that the days of NATO naval, or for that matter other, hegemony are over and are unlikely to return. You’re trying to define the loss of NATO naval hegemony as the party challenging it has to escort Syrian or Venezuelan shipments. It doesn’t require that and goes far beyond that. China, India, Russia and others don’t have to escort Syrian or Venezuelan shipments to challenge NATO naval hegemony. Even if some of them already are.

China is going to have the planet’s largest navy in another 10 or 15 years. Maybe sooner at the rate that Trump is helping the democrats destroy the US economy. China still has economic interests in the US. But they’re probably decreasing as a percentage of Chinese exports and trade. As that occurs, assuming that it does, and Chinese naval strength grows, Chinese concerns about what the US does or doesn’t want done will decrease. And they’re already flouting US concerns (for Jews and Israel) around the world.

Stopping Iranian oil shipments is a lot bigger concern for the US than Syria or Venezuela. The US navy can’t, or won’t, even stop Iranian oil exports right under it’s nose that it watches every day from one of the most heavily patrolled seas on the planet:

“China, for example, the world’s largest oil importer, is likely receiving much more oil from Iran than the official figures report, according to various reports, media investigations, and tanker-tracking firms.

In August, Iran was exporting a lot more crude oil than U.S. figures suggest, data from TankerTrackers.com has revealed, as reported by NBC News.

According to the data, Iran was exporting as much as 600,000 bpd, using ship-to-ship transfers with transponders turned off to avoid detection, skirting U.S. sanctions. The daily average number compares with an estimate of 227,000 bpd made in a U.S. Congressional report”

– Iran Significantly Boosts Oil Exports Despite Sanctions –


In addition to joint Russian, Chinese, Iranian naval exercises, the Indians are running tanker and merchant ship escort convoys through the gulf independent of the US:

“Officials explained that naval teams have boarded Indian oil carriers and are escorting them out of the region. So far, five such tankers have been escorted out.

More Indian flagged tankers will be escorted out in a similar manner.

Last week, the navy deployed two warships Chennai and Sunayna in the Gulf of Oman and Persian Gulf to undertake maritime security operations. Terming it ‘Operation Sankalp’, the naval ships were sent there to protect and reassure Indian flagged vessels transiting through the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman.

Naval aircraft have also been conducting surveillance in the area. The navy’s Information Fusion Centre-Indian Ocean Region which was launched in Gurgaon in December last year is also ..

– Indian Navy escorts crude oil carriers transiting through Strait of Hormuz –



“Indian warships escorting merchant vessels in the Persian Gulf will remain deployed for the longer term, officials with direct knowledge of the matter said, as tensions between Iran and Western powers rise.

But the two ships, backed by surveillance aircraft, will not be part of a military coalition that the United States is assembling to safeguard the waters off Iran near the Straits of Hormuz, through which a fifth of the world’s oil moves, the two officials said. …

“This is not going to stop, the situation being what it is, we will be there for the foreseeable future,” said an official with knowledge of naval deployments.”

– Indian warships to stay longer in Persian Gulf, but won’t join U.S. coalition –


Ivan Freely

No. Stating the obvious: “Hey Richard, did ya know that the Jews have the United States by the balls?” would be pointless. I’m not going to waste my time with things that I’m already in agreement with.

My contention was with the lack of direct Chinese/Indian involvement of escorting foreign-flagged vessels to hot spots like what Russia just did as mentioned in this article. The examples you provided are vessels that belong to the SAME nation that sent those warships. In other words, they’re protecting what belongs to them. Escorting your own vessels doesn’t count as a SCO naval escort. Don’t forget that some of those Indian missions are about countering Chinese influence, not defying the US/ZATO.

So, it is you that is in denial that both China and India lack the fortitude to provide military escort to other nations that the US/ZATO are at odds with. Syria and Venezuela are just recent examples, not the criteria. Joint military drills are in essence bravado. They talk the talk but can they walk the walk? Clearly Russia have unlike China and India. You also certainly won’t see either China or India pitting their ships against ZATO like what Russia did for Syria several years ago; that move took BALLS. This is why the West have spent a lot of time and effort in demonizing Russia. Don’t bother bringing up Taiwan as that is China fighting for itself, not another nation.

China is going to have the planet’s largest navy in another 10 or 15 years. …and Chinese naval strength grows, Chinese concerns about what the US does or doesn’t want done will decrease. And they’re already flouting US concerns (for Jews and Israel) around the world.

They’re certainly on their way. However, I don’t expect them to do much with it besides retaking Taiwan by force. Sealing the Sino-Iranian deal will speak volumes about their stance on the Jews. Time will tell.

The only naval interdiction of an Iranian tanker that I’m aware of was the obviously illegal British incident off of Gibraltar.

This is likely the reason why the Russians decided to be more active in the Mediterranean. I’m curious to see if Russia would provide escort if an Iranian-flagged tanker were to transit the Strait of Gibraltar.

You can ignore the obvious. But it’s clear that the US has got the message. There is and will continue to be SCO naval escorts, including Russian, Chinese and Indian, used on an as needed basis to insure that shipping that the US doesn’t want to occur, will continue to occur, despite US opposition. Stopping Iranian oil shipments is a lot bigger concern for the US than Syria or Venezuela. The US navy can’t, or won’t, even stop Iranian oil exports right under it’s nose that it watches every day from one of the most heavily patrolled seas on the planet:

Yes, Iran is the end game. But the US haven’t got the message at all. Most of the time, the US isn’t physically within range to do anything about it with respect to ship-to-ship transfers. Those images of defiance is either from drones or satellites. The US Navy is more than capable to interdict any vessel. Internal politics is what keeps the US Navy at bay. We’re going to see what Trump will really do in the coming months as I expect him to win again.


Nothing that you’ve written disproves my point that the SCO is breaking NATO naval hegemony.

As far as the side issue that you want to argue. The US hasn’t given the SCO reason to run convoy operations anywhere because as far as I know the US hasn’t violated the laws of the sea and war by interdicting shipping in international water based on national sanctions. Only on UN Resolutions that apply in international waters. You also don’t know what’s in the convoys that China and India are escorting.





Changbaishan Warship (R) is seen during a convoy mission executed by five warships from the 18th and 19th batches of convoy fleets sent by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy in the Gulf of Aden. https://www.globaltimes.cn/Portals/0//attachment/2020/2020-09-14/54352f2d-23d7-42c9-afcb-1aa0c206bee2.jpeg

Jens Holm

Russia cant effort to send both tanks and vodka for the tanks anymore.I wonder who is escorting who:)

cechas vodobenikov

but u can submissively pay NATO and when the Germans command u to permit Nordstream you do as u r told


Fundamental geopolitical development ! at least if confirmed and materialized on a regular basis as some sort of new normal. Now please bring it on and try to board/stop/divert via state banditry.

We’re back at the height of the Cold War’s worst crisis in ’62 where Russian navy surface ships systematically escorted whatever Cuban ships were sailing in and out of the Island. Slowly but surely Putin is coming to terms with the growing need for outright assertiveness rather than always being on the lookout for a modicum of “cooperation” and “entente” with an undying all-round Russo-phobia from the West and the US Deep State in particular literally stomping upon Moscow’s core regional interests while looking at them right in the eye anytime they feel they have the power to do so on a particular theater.

Those diplomatic approaches have indeed sadly become a thing of the past. While in theory the prime angle of choice for any statesman gifted with true expertise in exercising his role, the very notion has become utterly counter-productive in attempt, hollow in expectations and a vain endeavor even in mere mention. The order of nations, if every meaningful to any degree has now lost the shadow of relevance anywhere on the international arena whatsoever, beyond the simply symbolic scope it still might hold here and there on a given dossier (like preventing the Pompous fatso from legally triggering a snap-back and getting instead repeatedly humiliated at the Security Council like no US administration has ever been throughout the whole existence of the UN), we’re otherwise back to the era of 19th century where hard power policy what all that existed and yielded concrete consequence on the ground.

Might is right, for whomever holds it. Iran is unassailable not because the US is respectful of such outdated concepts as “International law, “UN vote” or “treaties”, they’re all words and jokish remnants of a past illusory era where they held a faint level of relevance on some rare occurrences in strategic affairs. It is rather because it could turn half the USN anchorage in Bahrein to rusted, derelict pieces of floating coffins in 24 hours, along with thousands of US Servicemen deployed in 36 US bases directly in range of its massive, metric-precision missile arsenal, namely in sprawling and exposed airbases located in the UAE and KSA. Plus the countless KIA and POW of pilots trying their luck in penetrating its complex IADS network. This, and NOTHING else.

Ditto Russia. Ditto China. Those two military behemoths could up the ante even further and take on the US conventionally one-on-one and tear a new one to its aggressor forces should they fight and defend from their own turf and within range of their respective A2/AD quadrants, the more and more likely day some US administration reaches the level of folly needed to finally walk that talk. Taiwan could be the next historical point of conflagration when it comes to Beijing.

Now I’m not going to say I’m eager to see mutual destruction of an unthinkable magnitude there, but the USN would certainly be in for a major loss, notwithstanding the bloody hits they’d surely inflict to the Chinese as well.


Excellent news. I forsee a perfect shitstorm approaching the USA.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Also of interest… KALININGRAD, October 23. /TASS/. The crews of the Baltic Fleet’s Project 20380 corvettes Boiky and Steregushchiy practiced measures to fight notional terrorists while replenishing fuel and fresh water supplies from a tanker in the North Sea, the Fleet’s press office reported on Friday.

“In the process of replenishing supplies in the Skagerrak Strait, the anti-terror squads making part of the crews of the warships and the medium sea tanker practiced all possible anti-terror scenarios during the anchorage in an unsafe roadstead,” the press office said in a statement.

The Baltic Fleet’s tactical group of surface ships earlier conducted electronic missile launches against a notional enemy’s carrier group in the North Sea. The warships delivered missile fire, employing Uran anti-ship missiles, the statement says. https://tass.com/defense/1215641


It appears that Russia is preparing for terror assaults by UK Buccaneer’s ( State authorised pirates).

Dick Von Dast'Ard

That notional enemy’s carrier group could be Britain’s navy in home port.

Potato Man

Armenia should have look at Iran and Iran’s friends…lmfao good luck NATO cuck suckers, btw you know EU monkeys gonna cry and say BS…just to kill more Syrian, lowlife fukers cry about one ape dying in French and acting as if it is the end of the world for them…yet they still suck dicks of Wahhabis…you can’t never trust a hoe and a hoe never change.


I agree.

Albert Pike

The Armenian goverment is a collection of George Soros stooges, they are fullfilling Zionist plans and in those plans isn’t Iran in anylonger. The los of their own country Armenia means nothing to those ‘open society’ trained traitors…

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Also of (Big) interest… Russia test Oniks cruise missile during military exercises in Arctic (Oct 22, 2020) The missile firings from the coastal defense missile system deployed on the Alexandra Land Island were performed for the first time as part of the Northern Fleet’s planned combat and operational training measures for the summer training period, according to a press release issued Tuesday by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. “Today the personnel of the Bastion coastal defense missile system of the Northern Fleet’s tactical group stationed at the Arctic Trefoil military base on the Alexandra Land Island of the Franz Josef Land archipelago fired a cruise missile against a naval target. The missile fire was delivered against a target vessel installed in the Barents Sea at a distance of about 200 km from the launch site. The target was successfully struck by an Oniks anti-ship cruise missile,” the press office said in a statement. https://defence-blog.com/news/russia-test-oniks-cruise-missile-during-military-exercises-in-arctic.html

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