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Russian News-Media Are More Honest Than U.S.-And-Allied Ones Are

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Russian News-Media Are More Honest Than U.S.-And-Allied Ones Are

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Written by Eric Zuesse

How many times have the publics in U.S.-and-allied countries been lied-to about invasions their Governments had made on the basis of falsehoods that their ‘news’-media knew at the time were false but nonetheless reported to them as being true? How many times have those ‘news’-media reported as being ‘a democratic revolution’ the overthrow of a foreign Government when those ‘news’-media knew, either while it was going on or else less than a month afterward, that it had actually been just another U.S. coup — and yet those same ‘news’-media still, even to this day, refuse to refer to that coup as HAVING BEEN a “coup”?

Russia’s news-media are far more honest, and this will be documented here, by recent examples:

On Friday, January 13th, Russia’s U.N. Ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, told the members of the U.S. Security Council, which includes all of the “Big 5” Permanent Members, including (besides Russia), U.S., China, France, and UK, that a negotiated end of the war in Ukraine “will only present itself once Ukraine stops posing a threat to Russia and discriminating against Russian-speaking Ukrainians,” and that, “If this result can be achieved through negotiations, we stand ready for this scenario. If not, then our tasks will be achieved by military means,” meaning that Ukraine’s current government will be replaced by one that will be imposed upon that country by means of that government’s surrender to Russia’s Government.

This was an extremely important statement. It indicates that Russia will not negotiate an end to its invasion of Ukraine unless and until Ukraine’s government will first have accepted Russia’s fundamental terms — which Russia had actually stated on 24 February 2022 when starting its invasion — and that there no longer remain any other demands by Ukraine’s government upon Russia’s Government that Russia’s Government will consider or discuss with anyone. First must come Ukraine’s acceptance of those demands by Russia.

This reflects a historic turning-point in the war. It means that either Ukraine and its allies — especially the U.S. — will defeat Russia in this war, or else Russia will defeat the U.S. and its allies in this war. It lays down the gauntlet, to the United States Government, and to its allies on the Security Council — France and UK — that either Russia or else the U.S. and its allies (including all of NATO) will win this war; or else the U.S. and its allies (including Ukraine’s government) will peaceably accept Russia’s basic demand, that “Ukraine stops posing a threat to Russia and discriminating against Russian-speaking Ukrainians.” In order for Ukraine to “stop posing a threat to Russia,” Ukraine and its allies would need to guarantee that Ukraine will NEVER become a member of the U.S. Government’s anti-Russian NATO military alliance, nor ever become in any other way a military ally of the U.S. Government. Russia will accept Ukraine’s returning to its prior neutrality, which it had during the period 1991 up to 20 February 2014, or else to become an ally of Russia, but Russia will no longer accept (as it had during 20 February 2014 to 24 February 2022) Ukraine’s being allied with Russia’s enemies. Russia won’t ever accept that, he is saying.

Nebenzia’s historic announcement on Friday still has not yet been reported by ANY U.S.-and-allied news-medium. As this article is being written, on the afternoon of Saturday, 14 January 2023, at 2PM Eastern Standard Time in NYC — late enough for any U.S.-and-allied news-medium to have reported this momentous news — none reported it. A Web-search at that time showed “5 results” and the only mainstream one was Russia’s RT News headlining “Russia speaks on endgame for Ukraine conflict”. The other 4 were only copying that report. The news-report by Russia’s Tass News Agency, “Russia’s special operation will be over when its goals are achieved – envoy to UN”, was — like all other news-reports, besides RT’s, that aren’t basically controlled by the U.S. Government, filtered out — NOT shown — by a Web-search by the CIA-created Google, which still has a monopoly in the English language because all other search-engines use Google’s as their own base, from which they might further-censor-out their finds. (And here is another way that truth is suppressed in the U.S.-and-allied world.)

That’s an example of momentous, historic, news, which is NOT reported by the Washington PostNew York Times, CNN, BBC, TelegraphDaily Mail, Fox News, Atlantic MonthlyThe SpectatorThe Nation, Deutsche Welle, and all other U.S.-Government-controlled ‘news’-media. They’re not controlled directly by the U.S. Government, but instead by means of the few super-wealthy individuals (billionaires and centi-millionaires) who (by means of their corporations, think tanks, universities, etc.) control that Government by vetting any prospective candidate by either of the nation’s two political Parties who seeks to win his Party’s nomination to become a federal official. These are the political mega-donors. Their media hide this news, instead of report it. That’s why it’s NOT reported.

They also hide supporting details, such as the reality that after Obama’s coup in Ukraine grabbed Ukraine for America’s billionaire masters, his junta called the residents in the far-eastern Donbass region where the coup was rejected the most vociferously, ‘terrorists’, and launched against them an ‘Anti-Terrorist Operation’, which has been slaughtering uncounted thousands of them ever since. The German independent journalist Alina Lipp has been filming there and trying to get the reality — such as this on January 12th — reported back to her homeland, but (as-of January 11th) “German prosecutors claim that Ms Lipp’s Telegram channel is intended to destabilise the country’s [Germany’s] democracy and undermine public faith in established media,” so, her ‘”endorsing serious crime’ [in that way] is an offence that can be punished with up to three years in jail.”

Another recent mega-news event they all hide was the news-report from Tass on January 10th, “Corporate trail apparent in all four assassinations of US presidents — security official: Nikolay Patrushev believes that an increasingly large number of Americans say that the Republicans and the Democrats are merely “two actors in one staging that has nothing to do with democracy”. Patrushev is one of the top officials in Russia’s Government; and, according to the the CIA-edited and written Wikipedia, which blacklists (blocks from linking to) sites that aren’t CIA-approved, he is a very important man. Wikipedia’s article about Patrushev says “Belonging to the siloviki faction of president Vladimir Putin‘s inner circle,[3] Patrushev is believed to be one of the closest advisors to Putin and a leading figure behind Russia’s national security affairs.[4] He is considered as very hawkish towards the West and the US and has promoted various conspiracy theories. Patrushev is seen by observers as one of the likeliest candidates for succeeding Putin.[5] So, America’s Deep State (America’s billionaires and their employees and many thousands of other hired agents) takes seriously what he says. On January 14th, I Googled a key assertion by Patrushev in that article, saying that the U.S. Government is “cover for a conglomerate of huge corporations that rule the country and try to dominate the world.” It found “6 results” and those were this Tass article and 5 others, all of which were based upon this tass article; and NONE of which were any U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-medium, all of which instead hide his statement, which was made in a Russian national TV interview of him. So: here is that complete Tass article:

MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. A corporate trail can be traced in all assassinations of US presidents, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev said in an interview for aif.ru.

“All four assassinations of American leaders are tied to a corporate trail,” he said in an interview published Tuesday.

He explained that the American state is only a “cover for a conglomerate of huge corporations that rule the country and try to dominate the world.” According to the official, transnational corporations treat even US presidents as “mere figureheads that can be silenced, as it happened with [Donald] Trump.”

He believes that an increasingly large number of Americans say that the Republicans and the Democrats are merely “two actors in one staging that has nothing to do with democracy.”

“The US authorities, allied to big business, serve the interests of trans-national corporations, including the military-industrial complex. The assertive policy of the White House, the unbridled aggressiveness of NATO, the emergence of the AUKUS military bloc and others – are also a consequence of corporate influence,” he concluded.

Colonies and corporations

Patrushev also noted that, in the past, the West achieved prosperity and global dominance through colonial conquests. He drew a parallel with transnational corporations that behave in a similar fashion, preferring to increase their capital by pumping resources from other countries and “using their system of dumbing down the masses to impose the idea about some rules that they have themselves invented and that do not correspond to international law.”

The official stated that transnational corporations seriously influence local political and social and economic processes.

“On the one hand , they introduce new technologies through direct investments, they increase labor productivity. But the population is unable to use these results, because the companies permanently supplant the local producer, becoming monopolies. By moving the main volume of income abroad, they devoid countries of an opportunity to increase their national welfare,” he elaborated.

Meanwhile, according to Patrushev, national legal regulation is not enough to solve this problem, and the existing international legal regulation of economic activities of transnational corporations has been shaped in their interests and with their direct involvement.

“Its amendment in favor of national interests of countries is being sabotaged,” he noted.

“Amid the fundamental changes in the world, the corporations have one goal – to preserve the system of global exploitation. It is headed by an elite of businessmen that do not tie themselves to any states. Beneath it are the so-called developed countries and the ‘golden billion.’ And further below is the rest of humanity, contemptuously referred to as the ‘third world’,” the Secretary concluded

The assertions that Patrushev made there are documented true in my latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL, except that his allegation regarding those assassinations concerns matters that the book doesn’t discuss, because — though I believe those allegations to be probably true — I’ve not yet researched those assassinations sufficiently to be writing about them. All the rest of his statement there is documented in my book, and the history of how it came to be this way is likewise fully described and documented there, so that the reader can understand how this came about. But, anyway, even if what Patrushev said there weren’t true, his having said it is of historic importance, because it indicates the extent to which Russia now, finally, recognizes the implacability of America’s Government regarding Russia — an implacability that started on 25 July 1945.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Sooo…media honesty challenge, where is the russian army photographic documentation corps to show us the 25,000 dead claimed to have fallen at Soledar, please. Save all the extra paragraphs and instead show that you habeas the corpuses. Not that we like looking at dead people but at the same time claims like that need to be documented and substantiated. The shaky videos we see on southfront and other websites are a little…shaky, and some look pretty fake. Time to tune up the quality and not go around accusing the other guy of lying about all this, its pretty serious.

Mexican American 🇲🇽

You expect Russian forces too keep every single dead ukranazi and make a big pile and take selfies? They bury the dead unlike those nazi fuckers who leave theirs behind.

Erik Nielsen

all these dead should have been buried in a church by a priest. a clear sign of another of russia’s inhuman affairs.

Kev not Kiev

Just come out and say it already… Rothschild’s media is Satanic, and Russians know it well, the Bolsheviks victimized the Russians, mostly Christians, with exactly the same duplicitous garbage as the G19 occupied states’ citizens are victim to at this time. Same same, but different.


Russian media honest! LOL What has it reported the real cost of this war? 100,000+ Russian dead Likely another 150,000 severely life altering wounded Russians Over 10,000 destroyed vehicles Lost trading partners reminiscing the Russian standard of living the next 40 years Russia is now subordinate to China.


Western msm media is all lies with the BBC in London being the main culprit I use only independent media outlets for my news thus includes RT news and Southfront………

Mexican Beaner 🇲🇽

It is not MSM nor Media. It is Agitational Propaganda or shortened AgitProp. Go read about it. Best books about it are from Leninism.

Erik Nielsen

im only using media toioutlets who are telling the truth with factcheckers who dont receive a dime from anyone. like the sun, new york juu times, das bild, jerusalem times, and bbc news.


Or lol the Russia has destroyed mor HIMARS then we’re delivered to Ukraine, and yet HIMARS are still launching rockets! Weird

Joseph Day

How many did they send is the question


They definitely ain’t reporting how many depressed widows my black ass is impregnated in st Petersburg. Another one serviced last night 💦 There never ask about condoms lol

Mexican American 🇲🇽

Your comment is irrelevant here, fucking horn dog.

Putins tears taste live heaven

Didn’t they keep insisting 1000s of NATO officers were in the Avostol ! Hahaha where did they go? The MOD would have loved to march them in front of the camera.

Joseph Day

No they didn’t keep insisting that at all.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joseph Day

“Russia has veto power , seems a good idea to stay there, so all the vassals don’t get there way”…

And have more poisoned, bludgeoned or shot diplomats like Churkin, Lesin and Karlov???… Why doesn’t Russia do the only honorable thing that is left and open the NEW UN in Moscow with the declaration that as the host Russia will put everyone on notice that the existing international law is not the problem it’s the MC at Manhattan HQ’s. THIS WOULD ALL CHANGE when Russia takes over.

They’ve already been and are being threatened with WWIII since Maidan 2014?!!! Why wouldn’t they want to bug out of the Ca$in0 after the abuse is now seeing strikes inside it’s border with Ukraine???

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

As long as the Russian Federation stays in the UN as a “member in it'”$” current $tate”… And it’s Central Bank maintains itself to the Western Central banking establishment which is the ultimate betrayal to it’s people and the rule of international law they’ve “endorsed” in staying as a member…. How can the Russian Federation be more honest and honorable than the U.$???

Question: When Thursday January 19 roles around https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/yellen-warns-us-will-hit-debt-limit-next-thursday-will-take-extraordinary-measures-avoid, will Russia’s Central Bank pitch in with the PRC, India and Iran to keep Janet Yellen afloat with the next loan guarantee so that America’s debt ceiling breaks a new record?… Or will Russia finally say нет with a “middle digit” so that it can in earnest stop feeding the U.$. war machine that most ironically continues to terrorize it and it’s peoples since 1992?…

Answer: Do the right thing and “$”tarve that FUCKING BEA$T!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Joseph Day

Russia has veto power, seems a good idea to stay there, so all the vassals don’t get there way


“Russia has veto power , seems a good idea to stay there, so all the vassals don’t get there way”…

And have more poisoned, bludgeoned or shot diplomats like Churkin, Lesin and Karlov???…

Why doesn’t Russia do the only honorable thing that is left and open the NEW UN in Moscow with the declaration that as the host Russia will put everyone on notice that the existing international law is not the problem it’s the MC at Manhattan HQ’s. THIS WOULD ALL CHANGE when Russia takes over.

They’ve already been and are being threatened with WWIII since Maidan 2014?!!! Why wouldn’t they want to bug out of the Ca$in0 after the abuse is now seeing strikes inside it’s border with Ukraine???

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Non conoscevo questa rivista. Mi sembra ottima


As long as the Russian Federation stays in the UN as a “member in it’”$” current $tate”… And it’s Central Bank maintains itself to the Western Central banking establishment which is the ultimate betrayal to it’s people and the rule of international law they’ve “endorsed” in staying as a member…. How can the Russian Federation be more honest and honorable than the U.$???

Question: When Thursday January 19 roles around https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/yellen-warns-us-will-hit-debt-limit-next-thursday-will-take-extraordinary-measures-avoid, will Russia’s Central Bank pitch in with the PRC, India and Iran to keep Janet Yellen afloat with the next loan guarantee so that America’s debt ceiling breaks a new record?… Or will Russia finally say нет with a “middle digit” so that it can in earnest stop feeding the U.$. war machine that most ironically continues to terrorize it and it’s peoples since 1992?…

Answer: Do the right thing and “$”tarve that FUCKING BEA$T!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

At this far people that believe in the US based system, in special the media, are clearly naive – if not worse.

Erik Nielsen

fantastic news. russia is more honest than 100% fake news. the goody goodies in russia just banned by law and punishment all anonymous expressions on the internet. this is more honest than us allies 100% censorship. you are goody goodies russia.

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