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Russian Nuclear Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Stuck In Moscow Traffic Jam (Photo, Video)

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On February 26, a convoy of the Yars road-mobile missile systems stuck in Moscow traffic jam, according to reports in Russian social media. The Russian Defense Ministry revaled that the  convoy was on its way from Teykovo to the Alabino settlement. These systems will participate in the training for the next May 9th military parade on the Red Square.

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Колонна передвижных грунтовых ракетных комплексов «Ярс» минувшей ночью проехала по Москве по пути из Тейково в поселок Алабино. Совсем скоро там стартуют тренировки к военному параду 9 мая на Красной площади (фото @emchenko_ru) • Last night, a convoy of the Yars road-mobile missile systems drove through Moscow on its way from Teykovo to the Alabino settlement. Soon enough they will join the training for the next May 9th military parade on the Red Square (a shot by @emchenko_ru) #миноборонырф #рвсн #ярс #пгрк #алабино #тейково #парад #9мая #тренировки #мкад #москва #армияроссии #armyrussia #russianmilitary #may9 #russiansmf #yars #rmms #missiles #parade #alabino #teykovo #moscow #mrr

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The car shooting the video was in a traffic jam, but the military vehicles going in the opposite direction were not. The police escort would clear the route. Been there done that, this is FAKE NEWS.

Eskandar Black

I cant believe we agree on anything

Black Waters

Wtf is this SF? This is fake news, i saw the video and it’s nothing like that. The rail were the trucks were transiting was empty…

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