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MARCH 2025

Russian Nukes Can Be Used To Defend Annexed Ukraine Regions, Kremlin Warns

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Russian Nukes Can Be Used To Defend Annexed Ukraine Regions, Kremlin Warns

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Originally published on ZeroHedge

Once again Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, has served the role of issuing more severe ‘read between the lines’ warnings and threats fresh off President Vladimir Putin’s Wednesday speech announcing partial mobilization of national forces and which confirmed referendums of occupied portions of Ukraine to join the Russian Federation. 

Putin’s most alarming line came when he said, “If the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will certainly use all the means at our disposal to protect Russia and our people,” following with “It’s not a bluff.” He had also stressed Moscow is ready to use “all available” means to protect its “territorial integrity”.

Medvedev has taken the president’s words further in Thursday statements, stressing that regarding Russian-seized territory and the move to vote in several areas – including the LPR, DPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions – “there is no going back” and that even a ‘nuclear option’ could be on the table.

“The Donbas [Donetsk and Luhansk] republics and other territories will be accepted into Russia,” he posted to Telegram. That’s when the former president and top national security official doubled down on Putin’s nuclear warning, stating:

Russia has announced that not only mobilization capabilities, but also any Russian weapons, including strategic nuclear weapons and weapons based on new principles, could be used for such protection.

Putin and Medvedev’s statements mark the first time any top Russian officials have affirmed readiness to bring newly acquired Russian territories under Moscow’s nuclear doctrine.

However, it remains that Russian forces do not yet control 100% of any of the four main territories where annexation votes are to be held – with some referendums set for early as this weekend according to prior reports.

To review of the past 48 hours of Kremlin decision-making which is poised to escalate this war even further, here is the logical course of what just got enacted in the call-up of some 300,000 reservists:

  • Conscripts were previously told they won’t be sent to Ukraine to fight because they are stationed/defend inside Russia
  • Ukrainian-held territories are now about to vote to join the Russian Federation.
  • When these territories join Russian then they are “inside Russia.” They are Russian oblasts and attempts to defend (formerly) Ukrainian territory would then mark an invasion of Russian territory supported by NATO equipment.
  • Thus Medvedev’s warning of ‘willingness’ to use nukes covers these territories inside Ukraine.

Putin’s emphasis of this is “not a bluff” notwithstanding, some analysts say this is all about posturing in order to scare NATO away from escalation

“I think it signals that he wants people to think he would risk nuclear war,” Phillips O’Brien, a professor of strategic studies at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. “I don’t think it means he is any more likely to do it than he was yesterday.”

“If he says that any attack on soil that he calls Russia is going to be a nuclear tripwire, Ukraine’s already broken that in Crimea,” O’Brien added in comments given to NBC. Yet Washington says it is taking this nuclear rhetoric seriously.

As for the White House, President Biden in his Wednesday UN General Assembly speech in New York called out Putin’s “overt, reckless and irresponsible” nuclear threats, warning that such wars should “never be fought” and that Russia’s actions should make everyone’s “blood run cold”. He renewed his warning of “a nuclear war cannot be won” – saying the US does “not seek a cold war”.


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Thats what I like to hear forget the US propaganda and Philip o,Brian in St.Andrews University ?? – Tory voter all the way.

Mr.Putin – I am NOT bluffing – defend Russia with nukes and so would I .

Russian anti- gay MP and defender of Russia said he would fight in Ukraine – went to Donbass and shown using an artillery gun in action .

John Tosh

The cowards making up NATO and the G7 have spilled innocent blood for so long they are “drunk with the blood of saints they have killed”

One nuclear explosion later and the lunatics will wake up from their drunken madness.

I now understand why the future planet does not have a country called the USA.

The animals making the decisions in the West have been warned over and over. You cannot surround Russia with your little rats like Ukraine and Poland. They did not listen.

Russia should watch out for failed lunches of NATO Nukes. Everything will be done from the spiritual basis to stop the launch of Western Nukes. Russian Nukes will hit their target.

The West has pissed off not just humans but the others.

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh

I live in the west and I never thought I would be pro-Russia. I have completely reversed and changed that. The west and NATO are the biggest deceivers and liars and their mainstream media is right there in bed with them. I support Russia 100% with what they are doing. If it wasn’t for Russia, there would be nothing to stop these globalist western pigs. I am trying to learn a little bit of the Russian language now.


Not only can you be pro Russian, you can man up, sign up and fight for Russia now! Be a man Putin wants you to die for his ego!

Sophie McNulty

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Last edited 2 years ago by Sophie McNulty

Mike Pompeo admitted in a public interview that America lies continually.

Good for you !!!!

Florian Geyer

Well said, Len, I also live in a Woke Western fake democracy.

If a nuke kills me, so be it. At least I would die knowing that Russia hit its target.

Slava Rossiya.



Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

I am from Western Europe and say the same as you.

leni ortega

Ich bin gegen die US-Politik und gegen den Angriffskrieg der Russen, da ich keinen Krieg unterstütze, in dem immer die Kämpfer beider Seiten die Verlierer sind. Ein erschossener Soldat ist ein Opfer der eine Familie in eine Tragödie stürzt, ganz egal ob seine Armee danach den Konflikt gewinnt oder nicht, und davon gibt es auf beiden Seiten schon mehrere Zehntausend!

Last edited 2 years ago by leni ortega

There is a huge well tested set of principles here – nuclear weapons have ensured the peace in terms of preventing large-scale worldwide conflict over the last some 70 + years. Russia is simply trying to play in line with those principles – the use to spare soldiers’ lives as applied by US in the Atomic bombing of Japan, the use of nuclear weapons to thwart manpower advantage as was proposed by NATO against the soviets and MAD which has been the cornerstone of avoiding another world war by all nuclear powers. Russia wants to stop the war in Ukraine, and no one can stop them using largely western advanced principles to bring that about. The west having used and depended on these principles would simply look imbecilic at best!


1:08 AM I have combat experience with the 1st Battalion of the British Parachute Regiment, now retired from service here. I along with 27 other boys from my regiment, all former veterans will be heading to Ukraine this week to offer our services. ps, (we don’t drink Vodka) and we specialize in working behind enemy lines.


28 more muppets going to a fight that isn’t there’s, against an opponent that will either kill or capture you. You and the rest of the boys would do better staying at home, this isn’t our fight.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher

I know about the British Paras I cant question your courage but all you get in the UK is American propaganda — you know of course that you will be fighting and dying /or arms/legs blown off to defend USA big Business– NOT the Union Jack .

Did you not see the ex UK vets returning and some with no legs/arms criticising fighting for the USA and UNABLE to get correct hospital & psychiatric help because of TORY policies regarding the NHS ??


Putin threatening to use nukes on Ukraine, if Ukraine attempts to take back territories that Russia will annex from Ukraine using rigged referendums.



VIDEO: Mobilized Russian Soldiers in Drunken Brawl Amid Putin’s New Draft https://t.me/EternalMuscovite/27286


“Ex-president of Mongolia invites indigenous minorities Buryats, Tuvans and Kalmyks to flee to his country from Russian mobilization:

‘We Mongolians will meet you with open arms and hearts'”


Scene inside a mustering station in 🇷🇺 Russia where an officer yells at angry, resentful men who have been mobilized.

“That’s it- playtime’s over. You’re soldiers now!”

Admin note: Highly motivated potential soldiers 🤣. I’m sure the Ukrainians are shaking in their boots.

Also take note of the hammer and sickle coat of arms randomly dangling on the platform. Anatoliy Golitsyn was right all along.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

Jack all you have posted is US propaganda – how about the drunken brawl between US & UK serving soldiers in Afghanistan where – as usual the Americans were making out they were much superior to UK troops – do you agree OR disagree with that ??–it was in the UK news .

Ex President of Mongolia ??? another piece of propaganda -the SITTING President has stated he will provide Mongolian troops to help Russia –and- he has signed many economic agreements with Russia – where is the American influence in Mongolia — the CIA /MI6 ??

Last edited 2 years ago by Donnchadh

Bear is drunk, confused, furious because its conventional warfare is pissing in its own pants.

Hunter Biden your Pimp

Bitch you are drunk, drugged, retarded and inbred. And Hunter Biden is pissing into your mouth.

I Have a Dream

Biden and junior sharing a stock in the public square. Sr. above and Jr. below, so that Sr. can drool on his head in perpetuity. And please, no need to dis me for my kindness.

Censors KEEP OUT

That’s why Moscow has to upgrade into nukes.


They should have used a tactical nuke on day one on Gostomel Airport near Kiev: it’s huge so no civilian casualties, not much radiation (it’s already near Chernobyl), perfect warning for NATO. And no need to say you’re not bluffing.


“weapons based on new principles” antimatter weapons?

Assad Defeated Zionists

Now that’s a red line the AIPAC psionist slaves in the government, the intel community and in the military will not dare to cross. Slava Putin, slava Medvnedev and slava Bashar Hafez al-Assad.


These guys are going crazy, reminding of their nukes in every minute. Apparently, their conventional forces are very incompetent.


Send the Anglo-Americans to the bottom of the sea with two Sarmats, please. The world will finally live in peace.


As well they the Russian Federation should UNDER Medvedev!…

To the Russian Federation…

Do what you SHOULD HAVE DONE BUT DIDN’T POST MAIDAN with this Kike A$$ CLOWN https://theduran.com/putin-911-not-inside-job/ who sold you out for $money!!! KILL HIM AND START OVER!

As an American I can honestly say “We got what is coming to U.$.!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Some American. Your grammar skills are on par with that Jen Holm character.


typical american then HAHAHAHAHA


Unleash hell without warning from now on. It was about time to do it. Anyone threatening Russia should be destroyed. No more jokes. Congratulations to Mother Russia.

Seek and Ye Shall Find

“…………saying the US does “not seek a cold war”.

No shit, Sherlock. It’s seeking a hot war.


If Russia uses nukes on an adversary without them, then humanity will condemn Russia till the end of time. That is the cowards way.

Michael Lubin

Medvedev ALWAYS goes further than Putin. So what? Putin’s still in charge.

Vlad from Romania

I quess NATO does not take the Russian menace too serious since the radar at Deveselu, Romanian base of antirocket shield, is blinded by a Lidl storehouse 😀. It is all a bad joke on the expense of the people.

Tommy Jensen

Everybody can talk but can they walk? If you wanna shoot then shoot, dont talk. The Russians can live without chatting chatting chatting all the time.

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC

If something bad suddenly happens to NATO countries, it will be well DESERVED!

Tommy Jensen

From America’s side we have all tools on the table if our red line is crossed: Just a scratch on an innocent American and 1000 nuclear minuteman will fired toward the offender.

Mohd Noor Ismail

all these years Ukraine has been the subject of becoming NATO state so that it can receive automatic protection from countries attacking it with full NATO response. NOW , we see the reverse is happening, Russia is turning parts of Ukraine into “Motherland” and shall NUKE whoever that tries to attack it. Apparently, Russia is always 2 steps ahead from the collective west.


The Russian Defense Minister is now claiming as of 21 September that they have lost 5,937 killed in this war. This is their first update since March. This figure is probably low. A BBC News effort to count Russian casualties by name from open sources has come up with a figure of 6,476 as of 15 Seeptember. There are also losses of 3,069 for the DPR and at least 600 for the LPR (and I suspect the figure is higher). So, it appears that Russia and their allied losses are at least 9,606 killed and this probably does not include Chechens or the Wagner Group.

jens hom

me gibberr hip fish anti-depressants Julius ebola make fart in Copenhagen—exhusband divorce me 1973—pay for my sex change—Joe send me 9211 used condom

Johannes Ekhman

Bunch of crooks, that’s the true face of Kremlin current leaders. Minority of Donbas folks really wants to join Russia.

leni ortega

Eine Abstimmungs-Farce in höchter Eile abhalten, weile die Ukrainer gerade Erfolgreich ihr Heimatland zurückerobern und die Russen wie die Hasen davonlaufen (umgruppieren), um dann mit Atomraketen zu drohen, ist typisch Russisch, aber das geht nach hinten los! Das Russland sich nur noch weiter von der Weltgemeinschaft entfernt kommt Putin nicht in den Sinn, China, Indien und alle anderen werden sich von Putin abwenden falls ein Atomsprengkopf eingesetzt wird, das wurde schon verlautbart und dessen kann er sich gewiss sein, dann kann er seine Rohstoffe im Boden lassen und den Laden zuschließen!

Last edited 2 years ago by leni ortega
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