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Russian Offensive Stopped: Ukraine Takes Time For Reinforcement

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Russian Offensive Stopped: Ukraine Takes Time For Reinforcement

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Russian Offensive Stopped: Ukraine Takes Time For Reinforcement
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Russian Offensive Stopped: Ukraine Takes Time For Reinforcement

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The offensive of the Russian-led forces in the north of the Donetsk People’s Republic has slowed down due to the difficult terrain.

The city of Slavyansk is surrounded by hills on almost all sides. The Ukrainian steppes begin to the west of the city.  This is why Slavyansk is of strategic importance in the war in Ukraine and was the site of fierce clashes in 2014.

Today, strategic positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been established on the heights around the city. This makes it much more difficult for Russian forces to advance from the northern, north-eastern and eastern directions. Over the past month, there have been no advances by Russian forces in this region. Mop operations continue in dense forests around Mazanovka.

The Ukrainian command has reportedly deployed three US-made HIMARS to the south-east of the Kharkov region. Massive strikes on Russian positions in Balakleya and Izyum are expected.

Russian forces continue to hold their positions in the lowlands in the areas of the settlements of Yampol and Krasny Liman. The front line runs along the Seversky Donets River, the forcing of which is hampered by Ukrainian firing positions on the heights of the southern bank.

To the east of the city of Slavyansk, the front lines still run along the Seversk-Soledar-Bakhmut line.

Despite the withdrawal of some of the Ukrainian units from Seversk, the fighting is yet to begin in the city. The battle for the heights around the village of Verkhnekamenskoye continues.

The fighting continues for the control of Berestovo and Ivano-Dariivka. Russian troops attempted to storm the village of Berestovoye, but they failed to gain a foothold.

On the outskirts of Soledar, the fighting continues in the area of Pokrovsky, which is under the control of Ukrainian forces.

In the southern regions, the Ukrainian groups tried to counterattack Russian positions from the direction of Mykolaiv, but were destroyed by Russian return fire. Some of the Ukrainian servicemen were captured.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are pulling reserves in the direction of Kherson. They are shelling Russian positions and rear bases. In turn, Russian units are reinforcing their air defense forces in the region. Another attack by Ukrainian artillery on the Antonovsky Bridge has been repelled on July 22.

Meanwhile, the UK is helping Kiev’s forces to strengthen their air defenses. After months of promises, Ukraine received 6 British Stormer HVM anti-aircraft missile systems. These are the first modern Western-made air defense systems to be transferred to Kiev. The Stormer systems are expected to be deployed either near Kiev, far from the front lines, or in the Kherson direction to secure the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

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Stephen Masson

I find it incredible that the DPR-Russian forces cannot take a small village like Berestovo. There must be more to this that what is be written.

The Objective

They are probing and testing. They are sparing the lives of their own men unlike Ukrain. Ukrainian losses today are around 175,000+ dead, 250,000+ injured. DPR+LPR losses are around 6500+ dead, 15,000+ injured. Russian losses are around 5000+ dead and 30,000+ injured

NATO is laughing at you

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Good drug, huh? It seems to work for you…


NATO don’t exist, and Kissinger the Jew is going to command the Indian and Mexican temporarily occupied lands by the next years.



Yes Kissinger the jew (real name: Avraham ben Elazar) was the teacher of Klaus Schwab and is the gray eminence of the WEF.

European economy is infested with agents of the jews. All big european companies were taken over by jews and are now fully judeo-communist. What is why the european economy is on deathrow now, and collapsing. See for example Germany. Even the giant german Volkswagen (VW) car producing corporation is now handed over to a certain jew called. Oliver Blume. Same in politics there.The communist agents painted green have infiltrated everything and are doing everything to make the economy implode. Sanctions “against russia” by openly Maoist and pro communist politicians like Habeck, Göring-Eckart, Baerbock, Schwab, Scholz etc. That is why everything in Europe is crumbeling. Lots of idiots took the jewish mRNA death jabs, and communist China was greedy to see that all the US army personell in USA and Europe take the shit too. Klaus Schwab has a big poster/picture of bolshewic Lenin in his office and admires this serialkiller and thug.

Putin does not allow the US-european versions of the poison be taken by the russian people, but sadly introduces the same stuff under different name. For example he forbid Bill Gates artificial meat, but now lets produce the same shit under his control. Also jewish-russian companies producing food via insects and beetles are pushed forward, because food is become protein reach by them. Behind this is again jews who want all none-jews (who to them are worth nothing but cattle / goyim) to start eating worm, beetles and other insect and start drinking their own piss instead of fresh water. Also breathing fresh air is forbidden, and the people are forced to waer masks. This far the anti-christ has brought the madness on earth. And the jewish-antichrist forces are on both sides of the atlantic in US-EU and in red Russia-China too.

The moment people realize this, then mankind first time gets real chance to free itself from the slavery and become souveran humans. There is a very good interview resp. discussion with german analyst historian Wolfgang Eggert regarding the so-called 3rd World War which is starting right now. See


Last edited 2 years ago by biker78
y9 y9

Kissinger’s real name is Georg Kiesinger from Frankfurt/Main.

dj dd

Do you have any data to back up your claims?


Obviously it can’t!

Last edited 2 years ago by FOSSILS RULE BANKS JUST DROOL

Ukraine suffered very huge casualty until they don’t have money for compensates their death and injuries army men.

Thank you, West - for doing your best

Ukraine is bankrupt, economically, militarily, politically and most of all: morally.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thank you, West - for doing your best
Western Media

Who needs data?


Total lpr/drp and russian forces losses are 7-7.5k combined,ukraine losses 90-100k. Pumping up numbers as them smartassed can’t fight for shit nwo trainers,promote train in sale$.

Last edited 2 years ago by FOSSILS RULE BANKS JUST DROOL

Get the drones working and spying .


Total lie.

Pamfil Military Academy

The real numbers are: Ukropizdan banderastan: 60.000 KIA 280-285.000 other losses

Russia & allies 12.000 KIA (3000 DPR/3000 LPR/6000russia) 40.000 other losses together.


How did you get these numbers?


Too big numbers for all sides, it’s 2-3 times less. Ukr.losses ~200-300 per day, some days over 500, but it’s rare. 5 months, 150 days x 300 = 45000, so i believe in ~50-60 thousand dead ones from ukr.side, x3 and you will have number of wounded, + ~10000 POWs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

Newly arrived Iranian-made drones will add some firepower to RF forces boosting the ever superior cards held by the Russians.


What drones? Officials disapproved any negotiation about military shipments from Iran. I’m not against iranian assistance at all, but it was another hoax from the empire of Lies.


already liberated—is your brain made by cnn?


Putin told them all to take a vacation so that is what they did. At least they follow orders…


The Russians should have never switched up there genreals, they re proving to just be badge wearing bureaucrats. Putin should reinstate Genreal Dvornikov he has a proven track record and an is a very effective Genreal. Dvornikov was responsible for the campaign success recently.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Phase 3? Phase 2 was just a feint 🤣

The Objective

You are losing 1000+ ukrobots a day now. Plus most the military infrastructure of glorious Ukropistan is toast. Be patient,bits a marathon not a sprint They will come for you soon enough…

Michael Lubin

Amazing “feint” that captured the whole of Lugansk…


it is really weird that russia would let weapon transfers to uknazi happen without any action on them.

Last edited 2 years ago by aes

Everything about queer special operation very strange and humiliating.

The Objective

For glorious ukronazisisbanderistan. Indeed it is.

Natalie Biden was 13

This is also what I am asking myself all the time. Proactivism is not a feature of the Russians.


The western nations are getting more and more deeply evolved directly in the conflict, they must cry when Russia hits back…..


It’s well simulated, welcome to the world of DARPA


Well there is a solution to those Ukrainian bases on the high ground,its called the FOAB,just destroy the bloody mountain.


Can’t do anything effective, everything has to be done in the most inane way possible to minimize chances of victory.

morons for profit

Often you do not want to destroy infrastructure or biosphere in such a crude way.

Military Summary (telegram rumble youtub) yesterday talked about some of the very challenging fortified terrains, eg a large forest that has essentially be converted into a fortress by the ukrops.

There are several ways around this, some incredibly destructive and only to be done as last resort (essentially burn down the forest with foabs or incendiaries as you suggest). But other ways, are a much preferable (eg, surround the forest with a few BTGs, use drone and IR surveillance to surgically remove some ukrops).

The in-between route would be to spray these forest fortification with tungsten via gunships.


Per favore, spiegami del tungsteno. Sotto che forma? Di solito viene impiegato come nocciolo perforante nei penetratori ad energia cinetica, usati dai cannoni degli MBT, come pure l’uranio impoverito o altri materiali dalle caratteristiche simili come appunto il tungsteno. Ma penso che tu intenda qualcosa di diverso. Please, replay me, thanks…

Guy Metdrapedes

FOAB has only been used in testing and it was dropped from the cargo bay of a plane with a parachute to slow its decent. Even if the plane survived the retarded bomb would be an easy target for aa.


Better off bypassing it,create a cauldron then run them dry and or a few mega hits may break them up.


Anch’io ho pensato a questa soluzione. Tuttavia essa comporta alcuni problemi. _1 La FOAB non è stand off, quindi deve essere sganciata da un grosso aereo ( Bear o TU 160, non so se il TU 22 sia in grado di portare un ordigno così grande e pesante ) direttamente sul bersaglio e da alta quota. Se gli ukri dispongono di qualche S300 in zona, l’aereo vettore potrebbe essere colpito. _2 Quante FOAB la Russia ha in arsenale? Tu lo sai? Io purtroppo no, comunque non penso molte. L’idea è comunque buona e spero venga tempestivamente reaizzata. La verità è che servono bombe molto pesanti, quando serve anche termobariche. Saluti amico..


The Russian ruling class just sent Shoigu to Turkey to sign an agreement that makes Odessa a safe port that can not be attacked by Russia! Can’t make that kind of clown world nonsense up.


Shoigu ordered to broaden the offensive, but nothing happened. Lavrov said the offensive will go beyond Donbass, yet battlefield tells a different story. Putin says we haven’t started anything yet.

Arzt Injektion

Yeah, I don’t know about that. If this is “Acceleration” I would hate to see what is normal. Bear in mind that Russia wants to drag this out to winter. I don’t think much about the performance of RF ground units to be honest. Then again, I don’t know what their orders are. It seems that when the finally take a town, there is nothing left of it but a moon crater. The ground forces are literally just there for photo ops.

Seversk is not a big city. Two weeks ago we were told that Russia had “Operational Control”. Today, they seem no closer to taking it then they were back then.


This is what happens when politicians tell the army what to do on the ground.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sephiroth

Southfront writes stranges articles sometimes. Russia is doing what Russia does since months now. Step by step. Nothing going really badly, nothing going extremely well. War of attrition. Nothing changed.


I have no idea why there is down votes to this comment. It is a rational comment. Attrition warfare is nothing amazing. It is slow and methodical


Southfront writes stranges articles sometimes. Russia is doing what Russia does since months now. Step by step. Nothing going really badly, nothing going extremely well. War of attrition. Nothing changed.


30000 casualties

The Triumphant Americans

Russian Offensive Stopped, and Russian Army Withdraws, will be a common Headline in Newspapers across the World, when NATO officially enters the WAR!

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Only in your meth induced dreams you sad Yankee twat. NATO is a toothless yapping dog only willing to fight to the last dead Ukrainian pensioner conscript.


amerikant feminized cowards lose all wars—attack Russia and we will make your shithole cesspool radioactive for 5 centuries

Natalie Biden was 13

If the RF allows this Stormer HVM anti-aircraft missile systems to land in Ukraine, sorry, but she is too stupid. The systems to be destroyed BEFORE they land in hohol territory of course. Be proactive and shoot it in the air. Like that cargo plane which was destroyed in Greece. And if it is by train, DESTROY the TRAIN, show some cojones. If you fail to do that then I will have no sympathy for you if the Nazis whoop your ass.

Last edited 2 years ago by Natalie Biden was 13
Arzt Injektion

If they let Himars in, why do you think they would try to stop these? By the way, SF is really buying the HIMARS propaganda. Ukraine had some 80 to 90 Smerch & B21 Grad MLRS systems when the war began and they were all destroyed. What is a dozen US systems going to do? They have longer range I guess, but are they really that much better? Anyways, it seems Russian Air Defense has come to grips with them. Still criminal that they let them in.

Jen Longshanks Stoltenberg

The more the casualties, the better we like it. Of course, we prefer Russian casualties but Ukrainians will do just fine, no matter.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Salty popcorns 🤣😂🤣😘

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Where is the “Indian TV says” Moron? 🤣😂


bitter amerikanski traumatized by Russian superiority

morons for profit

The trollfarms are in overdrive recently!


How many of the troops fighting there are Ukrainian and how many are foreigners? Under an article on SF that listed the numbers of foreign mercenaries, someone had commented that they’re worthless, but actually I read that they’re all military professionals. It was only in the very beginning that inexperienced people signed up for the Foreign Legion, now they’re all professionals and well-paid.

Also, the people fighting on the LPR/DPR side make some serious mistakes, like the downing of the Russian Su-34 and Su-35 in a few days because of lack of proper communication with Russian airforce. I know Putin signed a decree giving the DPR/LPR militia the same status and benefits with the Russian soldiers, but if many conscripts didn’t have the proper military training, serious mistakes are bound to keep happening and expensive equipement destroyed.


Ukrainian counteroffensive planning to invading and re-joining Crimean Peninsula soon, British HVM anti aircraft systems will be deployed to the Kherson Direction to able to provide support when Ukranian Army will try to get back the Crimean Peninsula, Usa sended Hımars multiple rocket launcher systems with range 70km , to able to hit Crimean Peninsula

Michel LeBlanc

Ukraine would need over 100 himars to change anything. Thats not happenning.

You are delusionnal.


They already lost much more MLRS of the same class. Any MLRS is not wunderwaffe, they are trying to create another peremoga (PR victory) as they did with “Javelin”, TB-2, M777.

hunter bidé lab pork !

Klaus the pig climate change bolchevic is very happy !!! the pedo world economic faggot is very happy with all the chizen !!!!

Arzt Injektion

Not sure were SF is getting its information from but Berestovoye was liberated two days ago. https://tass.com/politics/1482395.


I gave the artical the lowest rating,it was too like liberal biased than not,did better before, eg sources?


It seems that a lot of you seem that winning: is carpet bombing, destroying and killing…

Maybe instead of enjoying it, you should do some introspection.

The good thing in the actual situation is that things are happening in front of our/your eyes…

Before, now, and in the future we saw, see and will see the truth and facts ; who where right and wrong.

Some like to promote, hide behind bias,violence, hate, insults and stupid nicknames or avatars.

I will advice you to read the bible.

Never, ever betray your brothers, friends and supports…karma is a real bitch!

Take care ;)


666 only exist on your head, poor devil.


Yes, has stopped, as in WWII in Warsow, what`s your problem?

Max Schmidt

Nice that the local Ukrainian partisans created the Odessa Brigade today in Kherson. The inner Ukro Revolution has started.


I think it’s more New Russia Revolution, by sure.


Better late than never!

Viva la Resistance!

Long overdue but better late than never.

Max Schmidt

Drop the fucking FOAB above the fucking forest West of Siversk. What are you fucking even waiting for?


Russia is going to lose their ass.

As long as the U.S. and NATO are not suffering personnel losses then the people will let their governments supply weapons until Russia falls.

Either Russia is stupid or this is just more of the Zionist dog and pony show.


Follow the rats,simple as that,rest proven to be the no brainer,nazo/us loss or not,can’t fight for sh1t!

dj dd

What I see is that Russians are very complicated people in their mentality. This liberation of Donetsk and Lugansk that is costing them so much lives now SHOULD HAVE BEEN LIBERATED in 2014 with absolutely minimal looses. I still remember Igor Girkin (Strelkov) begging the Russian government to send Russian troops to help retain Slavyansk and prevent it from being captured by the Ukrainian forces. Nothing happened and Slavyansk fell along with Kramatorsk, Rubeshny etc. Russians are complicated race. They love sufferance.


Suffering? usa to korea,vietnam,afghanistan,yugoslavia,iraq,libya,syria,ukraine,CONGRATUFKNATIONS! No its your nazo/usa/uk dementy soros kind whom love sufferance this century not just later on last eg 911 proves the level of stupidity and cowardness by its siblings there,where as russia in 8 years has effectively sealed its fate as the absolute true world power minitary force,second to none,FIXED!

It was not Russias fault to start with,so please no not post ignorant mi6 rant here based on feminized like mentality,harden up and stop pretending you care about any orthodox russian or ukranian or any other person because of your inferior hyper mental health issues you brought upon yourself with your lgbtq aspirations over complexed cia transformer! This is the most misinformed update to date. You obviously don’t know what the fk your on about,the good news is Russia will crush your dummys!

Last edited 2 years ago by FOSSILS RULE BANKS JUST DROOL

How can Russia strike back HARD against the West and stop the weapons, without making things worse? BTW, there are now many Ukrainians who are fighting against the Zelensky vassal regime and if this increases much more, this will become a civil war. Many of the Ukrainains will go over and swap sides. The US and the Ukrainians do badly and most urgently need a civil war. I am hard put to know what the UK needs.

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