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MARCH 2025

Russian Official: Kurdish PYD Is Not Invited To Upcoming Syrian National Dialogue Conference In Sochi

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Russian Official: Kurdish PYD Is Not Invited To Upcoming Syrian National Dialogue Conference In Sochi

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On December 22, Russian presidential envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentyev told the Russian news agency Interfax that the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) was not included in the list of participants in the upcoming Syrian National Dialogue Conference, that will be held in the Russian city of Sochi.

Officials of the PYD claimed on December 20 that the PYD was invited to the Sochi conference. Moreover, Sihanouk Depo, an official of the PYD, confirmed to the pro-Kurdish media that his party will attend the Sochi conference.

The exclusion of the PYD from the Sochi conference can be considered as a huge blow to the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), that’s mainly led by the PYD. The US-backed force that’s controlling more than 25% of the Syrian territory is now excluded from all talks on Syria, including the UN-backed Geneva talks.

The Turkish Anadolu Agency confirmed in a report on December 22 that Turkey was the side that vetoed the involvement of the PYD or the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) or any other linked groups in the upcoming Sochi conference.

However, several Syrian experts believe that Syrian Kurds will be represented in Sochi, by figures that is not linked to the PYD, the PKK or even the SDF. Such maneuver will allow the Damascus government and the Syrian opposition to bypass the SDF, not only in Sochi , but also in Geneva in the future.

The final statement of the 8th round of the Astana talks revealed that Sochi conference will be held on January 29 and 30. A preliminary meeting between Russia, Turkey and Iran will be also held in Sochi on January 19 and 20, according to the statement.

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Give independence for the Kurds and exclude them from negociations. Remain the Sunnis puppets.


Don’t make a federation or whatever. It will end like in Iraq and Catalonia.


If they are not invited to share in the discussion, SDF will not be bound by any so called decision in Sochi, Geneva or whereever.

Imo parties will rue the decision to exclude an important factor in the puzzle that is Syria.

You can call me Al

Hey Kurd boy, the Kurds have unfortunately betrayed the Russians and the Syrians, they have double crossed them to be paid in sheckles and should be ashamed with themselves; I once had the greatest respect for them, now I would personally press the big red button for the nuke.

They are traitors and dumb ones at that listening to the Yankers.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.


The Kurd’s are stupid to listen to the deep state American neocon whispering BS into their ears. They really need to talk to Trump directly before do anything really stupid and find out they’ve been lied to and America isn’t backing them after all when Syria, Russia, Turkey, Iraq and Iran stomp them.

Solomon Krupacek

SDF will not be bound by any so called decision in Sochi, Geneva or whereever

simply will be pushed to accept. lake ypur iraqi bloody brothers.

George King

“SDF will not be bound”? The article clearly states “vetoed the involvement of the PYD or the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) or any other linked groups in the upcoming Sochi conference.”

As we know the SDF is PYD, PKK and an insignificant number are Arab ISIS. You sometimes see what you want to see not what is written or facts on the ground. Syria has already spoken on SDF and other actors as traitors to the nation state.


Nothing is going to get resolved in negotiation. This negotiating is just to buy time. 2017 is the year major powers realized Saudi Arabia is imploding. Israel, the U.S., China, Russia are all racing to plunder the kingdom’s wealth by getting hundreds of billions of dollars in contracts signed before the inevitable revolution.

The monarchy will be destroyed soon, the entity that follows will inherit huge debts. The Syrian war has already taken a back seat months ago. They are now planning Arabia’s Endgame.

Turkey wants Mecca. Iran wants the Shiite east to become independent. China is in the process of legally purchasing ARAMCO. Russia is looking for a multi national Arab task force to sponsor-they’ll need Egypt’s help- then they’ll Install a pro Russian government that will give Russia control of world oil supply. Even Pakistan, who depend heavily on Saudi financial aid, have realized by now the Saudi crown prince is on the path of self destruction. They know their cordial Saudi relationship under a pro-Israeli Saudi puppet is numbered. That leaves them entirely dependent on China.

Langaniso Mhlobo

USA remote control terrorist puppets are not suitable for discussion and implementations of rule of law.Because their mind set is so cheap like a political prostitute easy to convince by USA with dollars.

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