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Washington Proposes Prisoners’ Swap As Russian Operations Continue In Ukraine

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Washington Proposes Prisoners’ Swap As Russian Operations Continue In Ukraine

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Washington Proposes Prisoners’ Swap As Russian Operations Continue In Ukraine
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Washington Proposes Prisoners’ Swap As Russian Operations Continue In Ukraine

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On July 27, the official representative of the People’s Militia of the DPR, Ivan Filipenko, announced the complete destruction of the Ukrainian units that were deployed at the Uglegorsk thermal power plant.

Earlier on July 24, DPR military officials claimed that the mop up operations began on the territory of the plant which was surrounded by Russian-led forces. Russian and DPR assault groups took control of the plant in two days.

After the end of mop up operation at the Uglegorsk thermal power plant, Russian forces advanced to the west. Clashes broke out for control of the village of Semigorie.

In the Bakhmut region, fierce battles continue in the villages of Veselaya Dolyna on the southern outskirts of the city.

After DPR units took control of the town of Pokrovske located on the eastern outskirts of Bakhmut, the allied forces intensify shelling on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine directly in the city.

In the Slavyansk region, Ukrainian media spread fake news about the Ukrainian control of the town of Bogorodichny and a number of other settlements, but later the reports were denied.

Battles continue in the villages of Sidorovo and Dolyna. Russian forces are striking at the AFU facilities in Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Konstantinovka.

Russian forces have claimed new victories on front lines in Southern Ukraine.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine were reportedly repelled from their positions in Belogorka as well as from the Andreevka area. Ukrainian assault groups have recently attempted to launch a counter offencive in the area but suffered heavy losses from artillery fire and aviation and retreated.

Over the past day, the Ukrainian army opened fire 146 times on the territory of the DPR, firing more than 800 rounds, which was the maximum since the beginning of hostilities in February this year.

In Donetsk, the AFU were accused of mining the city with multiple rocket launchers. The DPR defense Headquarters claims that anti-personnel mines PFM-1 “Petal” are being dropped on the city by Ukrainian MLRS.

On July 27, 4 people were killed on the territory of the DPR, 11 more were injured.

Amid ongoing hostilities in Ukraine, Moscow and Washington reportedly came closer to launch another prisoner’s exchange.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken intends to hold the first telephone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov since the beginning of the military operation in Ukraine. Blinken assured “it will not be for negotiations about Ukraine.”

The US presidential administration has offered Russia to exchange businessman Viktor Bout, convicted in the United States, for Paul Whelan, who is serving a 16-year sentence in Russia in the espionage case, and basketball player Brittney Griner, who was arrested in Russia on suspicion of drug smuggling. Washington reportedly passed the proposal “a few weeks ago, in June,” the plan was supported by President Joe Biden.

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1 Russian is worth 20 incompetent amerikans


BUT when the Russians swap one for one, they do not have to care for the dissabled wounded and unwell Ukrainians, also it means that the Russians are given better treatment as prisoners.


nothing I wrote implies your conclusions

Max Schmidt

You can exchange Bout for the Lesbian giant. Whelan should stay in Russia and serve his time – or he can be exchanged for another Russian. 1 for 1.

Steven C Craig

We don’t want the Lesbian Giant. You can have her. HAAHAHAA


Do you want to say you have too many of them already? Only in America!


It’s a bloke with size seventeen feet who tramples on the dreams of little girls

NATO = North Atlantic Terrorist Organization

My uncle once said to never ever fight with the Russian army, they are very tactical, adaptation, hardcore and deadly in battles. Think of them as a Vietcong of the East and the Spetsnaz of the West, a deadly combination of East and West unify into an army of ground, air and sea.

Last edited 2 years ago by NATO = North Atlantic Terrorist Organization

Is that so than why are they having such problems with Ukraine


I was beginning to miss the voice of the infamous “South Front Rebel Butler” who once worked for the British Ministry of Information, realized his true calling was to become a Resistance Truth Warrior. On a serious note when you see a picture of Blinken next to Lavrov is there any wonder why Russia is absolutely destroying the U.S. controlled NATO proxy army in Ukraine? Look at Blinken, soft insecure look in his eyes, emasculated, lacking any confidence or conviction whatsoever. Then you see Lavrov, confident, fearless and intense look in his eyes, yet always laser focused. I’ve seen Lavrov take questions from reporters for hours straight and completely rip BBC reporters to shreds. It is exactly the same with every Russian politician. You put any U.S. or EU puppet politician against the Russian politicians and the Ruskies will intellectually exsanguinate these useless bureaucrats. -Z-


Blinken is of the tribe.


I think you should move to Russia, or even better a Islam country, and experience their fantastic leadership. -V-


rammed in rectum cannot think except by means of lgbt slogans


Actually guys, we don’t want it/her back, please, please, please.

Max Schmidt

Blinken wants her back. And he shall get her. But Whelan should not leave Russia. IMHO.

Fabrizio Petralia

Maybe exchange Julian Assange for some foreign prisoners?

Azz kicker

Julian Asage is like the McAnnes they roll them out as a destruction what was released is called revelation of method its a big part of Karma if you’re not paying attention then it on you not them.

If you fool me once that’s on me fool me twice and there’s a price that will be payed!

Last edited 2 years ago by Azz kicker

Check this out SF…Turkish fans chanting VLADIMIR PUTIN while their team was playing against Dinamo Kiev of Ukraine. The Turkish people are pro Russia now. The truth is out, on the one hand you have Zelensky the criminal coke head who goes to do a photo shoot with Vogue magazine while at the same time sending his forced conscripts to die on the front lines in Ukraine. Slava Russiya…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A11DaW4sxg0

Last edited 2 years ago by 7-even-N-6

Russia should demand the US turn over Ukrainian opposition leader Medvedev as part of the deal. The US only wants transgender Griner back because he is a freemason celebrity. Blinken is a joke.


Another day goes by, another day of failure for the Shoigu offensive, lol

Hook nose Jew

Fock you all


Bout for whelan. Griner stays. Maybe griner for Asange.


My thinking. Exactly. I will suggest this to Vladimir Vladimirovich.

Max Schmidt

“The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Lavrov would talk to Blinken when he had time for that.” Ha ha OG thug life :) youtube.com/watch?v=InteufxLnvU


Lavrov must run around and find cooperation with shit hole countries and their dictator figures, so of course he hasn’t got time for “the west” now. Wish him good luck with his medieval counterparts and backsliding into slumber. Z = Zzzzz


shithole nation=USA #1 mentally ill, violent crime, non violent crime rape per capita all nations 80% legal psycho tropics, 66% antidepressants consumed on earth since 2010 “amerikants are not at all happy…I do not envy their happiness–it is the happiness of a different and inferior species”. Stendhal🇷🇺😂


Why should the us be getting two for one? Russia should stipulate they want a bit more, LIKE their vaccines to be given the all clear certificate or SOMETHING.


I have 4000 rubles, I give them to you and you give me 4000 dollars.


1 useless dollar–143 Japanese yen–your lgbt empire dead—humiliated by taliban


That means the miserable imbeciles don’t want to exchange nuclear strikes. Poor sons of an occupied bacon.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge
Acco Hengst

Blinken wants to get two Americans out of Russia as a swap for someone and he cannot bother to pick up the phone to talk to Lavrov about his, Blinken’s that is, destruction of Ukraine? Blinken needs a photo op in front to the US mid-term elections?

I say ‘Nyet.’


amerikans come begging–Masha replies—Lavrov prefers to socialize with civilized Africans


NO TO ANY PRISONER EXCHANGE do NOT LET ANY USA persons in jail LEAVE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. USA must release ALL prisoners they have kept captive under false charges and they the USA WILL GET NOTHING IN EXCHANGE. NO PRISONER EXCHANGES =Z=


Do you religiously believe in Stalin? In that case you are the only one, even Stalin himself at some time saw the pitfalls of his own ideas and doings.


moron lgbt nazi—not suffient meth in your kansas trailer park–you prefer feudalism. USSR too civilized for tranny rams

rammed in rectum social worker

halfwit hillbilly—clininc can give you better meds; 75% in Soviet space admire Stalin—you prefer homosexual degeneracy—you must now pay clinic fee in rubles except in topeka—bring pesos


USSR–no homeless-no rent, universal health, state paid parental leave, free university—today in Russia 90% own their habitat–not banks; murikan love their mortgages…few homeless in Russia at least 3 million USA..univ health free university, state paid parental leave. freedumb in USA coca-cola


USA is #132—incompetent impotent—nothing. Russia has challenged you, defeated you humiliated you. It will not improve—USA/Eu will feel more pain. We know you are cowards–you know we are not….send your lgbt troops and every EU/USA city will be radioactive, Ukraine does not exist….enjoy your cold showers your massive unemployment and dead culture—Asia Africa South America, ME wants our commodities —Russia does not need your failed stale ugliness—you are weak beggars–you have exposed yourself as immoral paralyzed hypocrites. you will not be missed—strashna chuzhoi

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri

Yuri, as soon as brain transplant is possible you should run to the doctors office and apply!


why u mentally ill morons consume 80% legal psychotropics, 66% antidepressants on earth since 2010? why 30% diagnosed mentally ill in lgbt cesspool USA?…no other nation more than 6%…..””I do not envy amerikant happiness–it is the happiness of a different and inferior species”. Stendhal 😂😂😂


Good interview with an English prisoner of war in Russia https://rumble.com/v1d8olx-fixed-full-aiden-aslin-interview-at-donetsk-prison.-fixed-audio-and-subtitl.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2


Mid Term Elections are due. So, I guess they want some good news to maybe stop the Democrats being destroyed at the polls.


Russia could offer a Griner for Assange trade. The U.S won’t accept, and will spin it as proof Assange was a Russian asset. But, it might make a few of the uninformed and disinterested Americans want to know who he is, and learn how the U.K. and U.S. governments treat those who tell us about some of their crimes against the people of the world.


nothing has change w moron amerikans since Santayana wrote: “amerikans are ignorant and unteachable”……Disgusted w puritanical nazis gringos he lived in Europe his last 40 years

Tommy Jensen

Its not a proposal. US does not propose anything to other nations. US has issued an order for Russia to make a prisoner swab and Russia better hurry up.

sawyer stooge social worker

Russia ignores lgbt amerikant cowards—-scum gringo issued order to protect nazis in ukieville; today 25% Russia

Last edited 2 years ago by sawyer stooge social worker

Remember Germany 1914 , 1942 and France 1812 fought in Ukraine and neither moved this SLOWLY and they had HORSES…………YES HORSES………….doing all the transportation.

mike l hutchings

this lull: that is not a lull, isn’t a checkmate by Ukraine as the American MSM would have us believe. the Russians are portrayed as cowardly boobs on the order of the Three Stooges. The UK-NAZI are freedom fighters that do not take Prisoners and dearly love shooting people in the back and in one case, no doubt among manty, watching a man bleed to death to prove their worthiness as the rightful successors of Adolf Hitler. On top of killing civilians with American weapons; before they sell them on the black market. and lest I forget, declaring POWS taken by Russia as criminals so they won’t be a financial burden on Kiev. Bidens supporting Naziism JUST makes me proud to be an American. and all of these dark wonders because they stole the presidential election from Trump. Trump and Putin are the two biggest anti-globalists in the world. they understand that it is a multi-polar world, not a single-polar World; which is impossible in theory and fact; which will lead to destruction if they are insane enough to try to implement it…. MAGA

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