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MARCH 2025

Russian Operatives Attempt To Influence U.S. “White Supremacists” On 4Chan: New York Times

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Russian Operatives Attempt To Influence U.S. "White Supremacists" On 4Chan: New York Times

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The Russian government has ramped up its attempts to stir up racial tensions in the US, the New York Times reported, citing seven American officials, who are all anonymous.

All seven of the officials were briefed on recent intelligence that suggested that Russia was trying to incite violence by white supremacist groups and to stoke anger among African-Americans, mostly online.

This is much similar to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that suggested the same, but also had no evidence to back up the claims.

Operatives from the Russian intelligence agency SVR inspired by the violence at the white supremacist march in Charlottesville, Va., have urged “white nationalists to more aggressively spread hate messages” and have helped amplify their posts through social media, officials told the outlet. Russian intelligence services concluded that “promoting hate groups was the most effective method of sowing discord” in the U.S., officials told The Times. Russia has also tried to “push black extremist groups toward violence.”

It is entirely unclear how Russia plans to do so.

The alleged Russian trolls, however, have learned from past mistakes in using social media. Instead, the operatives have used “far-right message board 4chan and private chat rooms to push their messages.”

Russia’s aim, multiple officials told the outlet, is to “foster a sense of chaos in the United States,” though the effect of their efforts is less clear. Much of what Russia is doing is “trying to amplify the messaging of existing groups,” according to the report.

“We see Russia is willing to conduct more brazen and disruptive influence operations because of how it perceives its conflict with the West,” David Porter, a senior agent on the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force, said at an election security conference last month. “To put it simply, in this space, Russia wants to watch us tear ourselves apart.”

Stoking racial tensions is just one part of Russia’s strategy to influence the 2020 Presidential elections, but could “do the most damage to the country’s social fabric.”

“One of Russia’s goals is weakening institutions and the weaponization of race is a way they can do that,” Laura Rosenberger, the director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, told the outlet. “A divided America is a weaker America. When we are unable to solve our challenges together, Russia is more able to flex its power around the world.”

The FBI has already begun investigating whether Russians are funding any white supremacist groups. Investigators are looking at whether Rinaldo Nazzaro, the American founder of the neo-Nazi group The Base, who now lives in Russia, has ties to “Russian intelligence services or their proxies.”

“The most successful efforts in these kinds of interference activities are those that exploit real division,” Rosenberger told the outlet. “Race is certainly one in the United States.”

This is entirely based on anonymous sources, and there’s no actual evidence to back any claims.

It also, could be some sort of Russian all-encompassing strategy, since back in May 2019, there were reports based on alleged Russian documents who revealed that Moscow was attempting to recruit “African-American rebels” to start a “Racial War” in the US.

It could be that that plan was unsuccessful, or is simply continuing, but Russia has decided to play both sides and stoke both sides in the war.

Some reports even say that influencing the elections may not be Russia’s goal, however, they also provide no suggestions as to what the “evil plan’s” objective may be.


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johnny rotten

Finished with my woman ’cause she couldn’t help me with my mind people think I’m insane because I am frowning all the time All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy Think I’ll lose my mind if I don’t find something to pacify Can you help me occupy my brain? Oh yeah I need someone to show me the things in life that I can’t find I can’t see the things that make true happiness, I must be blind Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry Happiness I cannot feel and love to me is so unreal And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it’s too late


Guess you realized that Biden is beating Bernie big time and will take the nomination and bury Moron Trump in a Dem sweep in November. And Putz Putz the Poisoner won’t save the day regardless of all his efforts.


Thanks, we needed a good laugh.


Well, I hoping to help the poor depressed guy out.


A worthy effort, my friend.


I don’t agree with you, but your post was so hilarious, I had to upvote you. Have a good day Jake.




Well, in any case, this English language Russian site is overrun with neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, viscous anti-Semites and anti-Blacks. Lots of escapees from the Daily Stormer and Putz Putin Trolls dutifully playing as such. The same at Fort Russ. But the worst is Russia Insider which has openly said it wants to be like the Daily Stormer. Not only are these dregs and Russians playing such allowed, they seem to be encouraged. Anyway, there has been plenty of evidence given about the Russian interference by all the US and other intel agencies. Way more than enough to bring several indictments against Russian military agents. To say there is no evidence is simply bull crap. But after the Dems sweep it in November, vengeance will be served cold.

Concrete Mike

Yeah we hate little fascists like you.

You reap what you plant asshole


Poor baby. Can’t take the truth. But your Putz Putin’s Russia will take the vengeance served cold.

Concrete Mike

Vengeance on russia?

Wtf are you some neo trostky peice of shit!

Wtf has russia done to you?

Go back to drinking breast milk from your mom, fucken crybaby wanker. You appear to be a fan of the corrupt democratic party too, like flies on a turd!


Wow, you must really live in a bleak world where Nazi’s, white supremacists, anti-semites and basically anti-everything run rampant. I do not envy the world you live in. Thankfully I live in a world where everyone is nice to each other, respect everyone’s right to live like they want too, and is generally tolerant of everyone, regarding of their gender. Except for the hate filled racist sexist rainbow mob who accuse everyone of the behavior they themselves indulge in every goddamn time.

Also, there was a time when anyone who called themselves a leftist worth their name distrusted intel agencies, especially US ones. I guess operations like the overthrow of the democratically elected governments of Iran and Chile by the CIA have been left out of the history curriculum these days. Nor the total lack of evidence for chemical weapons in Iraq.

Have fun crying with your hate mob in your safe space when Trump wins by a land slide come november.


I have the names of the 7 anonymous officials , Barba.

Jakob Klandestein, Jizzi Weinstein, Homo Shitstein, Botok Kardashstein, Dov Pervertstein, Ezra Poundstein, and Pinchas Yorbootystein.

Do you think that ‘ 4Chan’ will offer me a job ?


4Chan would offer Hillary a job if she would provide them with the lulz.


And don’t forget to look under your bed,and even in it.I suppose you know what a russian looks like.For cockroaches and other bedbugs that proliferate in your dwelling there could be another excuse than the russians did it,but I’m sure you are starting to ponder the possibility that indeed FSU stooges brought them in to your living space.Who knows,maybe a close friend,maybe your friendly pizzaiolo.Keep on the watch,and re-read La Horla,by Guy the Maupassant.


Russians Russians everywhere and all the boards did shrink, Russians Russians everywhere and not a drop of wodka to drink.

It’s like Tim Poole said, the crazy left has swallowed the Evil Russians cool aid whole and sinker and now sees Putin everywhere. Meanwhile the biggest group interfering with the election is the DNC by sabotaging Bernie’s and Tulsi’s campaigns.

AM Hants

NYT The rag, whose elite and journalists main focus is on the kiddies. Anonymous sources and who created the KKK White Suprmists? Who funds, supports and trains the same crowd in Ukraine?

Don’t the globalist Mobsters ever give up try to force the same Russian hysteria to us all?


I wonder what Boris Johnstein thinks about this, AM.

AM Hants

Seriously cannot read him. Despite being born in New York, he appears team China, without Russia.

As I ramble, do you remember the Voltaire net article, with regards BREXIT was allowed to happen, owing to City of London being a clearing house for the Yuan? The article was back in 2016 and ran with another article, linking BREXIT into Pakistan and India joining SCO.

Never forgotten the sense the article made. Also, look at how much Boris had going against him, to become Prime Minister, but, none of it mattered. Estranged, mistress, children by multiple mothers and Bullington club escapades.

The REMOANERS or Common Purpose Branch of Westminster, were adament they did not want Huawei technology and Trump having a hissy fit. Not once has Boris bothered with keeping Trump happy, or the EU. However, appears keen to work with the Chinese and upto speed on ‘One Belt and Road’. Munching on popcorn time, where Boris is concerned, but, he does seem programmed, in a random way. Just not typical Common Purpose. Good friends of Nat Goldsmith and which Rothschild is Nat aligned with?


I do not recall reading that article. It makes perfect sense though today.

The tory ‘remoaners’ would have all had financial ties to the EU in my opinion. Without China, the inflation in Europe would have been massive since 2000. The EU regulations of all types have made blue collar trades a literal minefield for EU employers and such business’s are now so hamstrung that simple tasks now take far more time and costs to complete.

AM Hants

Here are the two articles, that link into each other and worth reading. The other thing, courtesy of the DM, old Boris has demanded a meeting with the leaders of Social Media, in order to sort out the spin on Coronovirus and how to stop ‘fake’ news reporting it??????????

The Brexit reshuffles world geopolitics by Thierry Meyssan… https://www.voltairenet.org/article192607.html

Brexit coincides with India’s and Pakistan’s entry into the SCO by Alfredo Jalife-Rahme… https://www.voltairenet.org/article192705.html


Thanks for that. I will read them later this week.

Whatever the result of the virus in the coming weeks or even months. tens of thousands of deaths in Britain will be impossible to conceal these days.

Only the lack of the virus severity can be manipulated as a success of government actions.

AM Hants

I am sensationalised out and don’t actually care, even if that sounds awful. We all come with our sellby dates, and have been waiting for the nuclear wipe-out since 2014. So C Virus is not a priority, where stressing out is concerned.


I agree with your sentiments. What will be will be. Another perspective though is that the neoliberal despots in Europe actually fear people who think as we do :)

AM Hants

With regards the neolib despots, fearing those that do not agree, so with you there.

The only weapon the little people have, communication and also refuses to let the 1% dictate events.


And when the time comes, to push back with attitude :)




The US Intel machine is trying to create a tempest in a teapot. Is this preemptive excuse making for failure, a scare tactic for funds or something else? I don’t see Russia instigating systemic failure of a nuclear power. An unstable US is more dangerous than anything else.


I am not sure that ‘unstable’ is the correct description of the loons in the US establishment.

‘Fucking Barking Mad ‘ is more appropriate I think. :)


I mean unstable in the sense that the US may break apart. Who gets the weapons? Do these people respond to MAD logic? As bad as the warcons are, there is always worse.


I would like to see the US break apart and all the ‘woke’ loons places in re-education camps.


Be careful what you wish for. Russian foreign policy values stability first for a reason.


LOL…Hope springs eternal. But your delusional wet dreams and reality are not the same thing.

Xoli Xoli

USA propaganda as usual.


More crap

St. Augustine

The New York Times is to journalism as Rosie O’Donnell is to sensible eating.

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