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MARCH 2025

Russian Pantsir-S Goes Hunting In Syrian Skies

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Russian Pantsir-S Goes Hunting In Syrian Skies

Sputnik/ Mikhail Fomichev

While the S-400 has captured the headlines, in part because the maps showing the system’s impressive engagement radius make good copy, in actuality the S-400 is the tip of the iceberg that is the integrated, multi-layer, air defense network that Russia has emplaced in Syria, mainly to protect its bases in Tartus and Hmeimim, but also forward airfields and own forces in the field.

The bottom, and also the most active, layer of that network is the Pantsir-S short-range air defense system which closes the gaps that will inevitably be left by the far more powerful S-400 and Buk-M2 weapons. The complex relief of Syria and of course the Earth’s curvature mean that the main effect of the long-range weapons is to force enemy aircraft to very low altitudes in order to stay out of the S-400 kill zones and to rely on GPS-guided stand-off munitions such as JASSM, JDAM, and SDB, possibly using toss-bombing techniques to extend the range of the gliding bombs.

Russian Pantsir-S Goes Hunting In Syrian Skies

Click to see the full-size image

While the S-400 can shoot down cruise missiles and even gliding bombs, it is gross overkill to use its powerful and also relatively scarce missiles against such puny targets. Instead, this is the mission for which the Pantsir-S was designed from the outset. Since each individual Pantsir-S vehicle carries 12 57E6 radio command guided, 20km range missiles and two 30mm 2A38 cannon with 700 rounds per gun and a rate of fire of 2500 shots per minute, it closes the low-altitude gaps of the S-400 and generates sufficient short-range missile and gun firepower to shoot down incoming missiles and munitions, thus allowing the S-400 to keep enemy manned aircraft at bay.

Russian Pantsir-S Goes Hunting In Syrian Skies

Click to see the full-size image

It is indeed a measure of the S-400’s effectiveness that kept it from having to fire a single missile in anger in Syria. So instead the aerial threats to Russian forces in theater have taken a different form, one which has kept the Pantsir-S vehicles quite busy. In 2017 alone Pantsir-S vehicles in Syria so far destroyed 12 aerial vehicles, all of them with missiles. Two of them were probably innocuous–drifting balloons, though given the nature of the conflict, and the fact they were both downed a few days apart in June over Tartus and Hmeimim, these balloons may have been fitted out with surveillance equipment to observe Russian military facilities. Both were destroyed at close to the missiles’ maximum range. Four of the targets were artillery rockets shot down over Hmeimim and Masyaf in Hama Province, all of them in March. The remainders are surveillance drones, including one Turkish-manufactured Bayraktar drone downed near Tartus on May 11, three Israeli-manufactured Heron drones downed near Tartus and Masyaf in April, May, and July of this year, one unspecified mini-drone over Masyaf and (drumroll please) a single RQ-21A Blackjack UAV downed near Tartus on May 27, 2017. That last downing is particularly interesting, since the Blackjack only entered service in 2016 and its sole confirmed users are Canada and…the United States Navy and Marine Corps. They are known to have been deployed by the USMC to Iraq in 2016, but can also be operated from naval vessels. Its 16-hour endurance presumably allows it to have been possibly launched from the British airbase in Cyprus.

These incidents indicate that there are still many parties unhappy with the course the war in Syria has taken, which leaves open the possibility of a serious escalation. They also show that the Russian air defenders are keeping their eyes and ears open, ready to bring down any violators of the Syrian airspace. As the proliferation of drones is only likely to increase in the coming years, the Tula-based KBT is already working on an improved version of the Pantsir, designated the Pantsir-SM, incorporating the experience gathered during its service in Syria. The improvements include a micro-missile specifically designed to defeat enemy drones, with four such weapons being carried within an individual 57E6 missile tube, thus reducing engagement cost and increasing the volume of fire against the drone swarms of the future.

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Red Tick Alert

Impressive stuff. Nice article thanks.

Joe Doe

Russian air defences in Syria nothing more than disaster, considering home many times americans and Israelis bomb SAA and shut down Syria Air Planes. I would be more severe in the woods than count on Russian air defence system

andy l

Your reasoning is flawed. detecting & tracking enemy aircraft & giving the order to shoot down are different steps. You can not conclude beause the Russians chose not to shootdown that means they were not able too!. Russian air defences are not there to protect all of Syria skies just key bases & personnel. They are also well aware that taking out a US plane will just escalate the conflict bearing in mind they have a very small force in Syria

Tudor Miron

Joey’s reasoning is not what he posts here. Russofobia is his only reasoning :)

Joe Doe

Very poor excuse and I am not buying. The was you anyone can do is hide the truth and portant like everything is good and worst of all is to provide friend in this case Syria false hope, than turn around and tell the friend we are only protection ourselves and another worst to have a friend that is coward. How pathetic


wtf? syria’s false hope? the us planned on decimating it and turning it into a lybia and you have the nerve to talk about syria’s hope. Get bent

Joe Doe

Yes, in Air Defence System provided by Russian. I rather hide in woods and be more safe than count on Russian Air Defence System


Then crawl back under your rock and be really safe. Everyone here knows (or should) the ROE in Syria vis a vis the Russian and US forces. Those that can’t understand this (or don’t want to for various reasons) should just shut up. If they were doing something the Syrians disapproved of, we would hear about it. There have been plenty of commentors here that explain the whys and hows of the engagement policies, which are valid…but nuts (or Zionist trolls) keep repeating the same tired old BS which only shows their ignorance or determination to start arguments. Why not comment on the cowardly US forces that slaughter civilians with impunity? Why not expound on the US forces evacuating IS/Al Qaeda from danger? If you want to bitch, there are many valid arguments out there, but this is not one of them. The only thing you really do accomplish is to show your ignorance (or stupidity) or bias.

andy l

Do you realise the Russians are not in Syria to start a war with the US. They are there to provide military support to Assad which they have successfully done by thwarting the regime change plan & stablising the government. Isis are getting pounded & the SAA are advancing. Russia has saved Syria


Not the smartest guy on the block…are you?

Joe Doe

Smarter than you. Most likely with low IQ


As I said not the sharpest knife in the rack.Your comments are usually..if not always impulsive, naive and just plain dumb..Russia isn’t going to start WWIII in Syria.That doesn’t help anyone especially the Syrian people. All these bombing of SAA are provocations by you imperial government..but that hasnt stopped the SAA from making progress in Syria has it..Think about it..I am assuming there that inside that dented skull of yours there is some grey matter

Nigel Maund

Turbo, well said and right! Thanks!

Joe Doe

I am glad you both are not in my country nor you are leader of any country. World does not needs weak and coward leaders


The world doesn’t need leaders, the fuhrerprinzip became obsolete in 1945. What we need is democracy and the rule of law.

Joe Doe

I agree here. We need “democracy, the rule of law and prosperity”


The world is awash with prosperity, it’s the distribution of it that is wrong.

Joe Doe

Only weak people can make such statement. Further, you knowledge about history is very poor, specially WW1 and WW2 as you say yours grey area.

Be a weak and coward make things worse, especially in the war zone and makes the world more unsafe. Even SAA makes gain but SAA infantry and Syrian people pays high price and going seventh year and counting.

The worst think you can do to Syria SAA and Syrian people that you installing Air Defence System to protect Syria, than turn around and with cheap excuse tell them we only have the Air Defence System to protect ourselves. This is providing those people false hope.

Further, as the history shows usually the wars starts when one side shows weakness and is coward. Read about WW1 and WW2, maybe you will understand better

Fact that Assad has no choice, but stick with Russian, but I hope he will evaluate and make the right decision going forward.

I wish world have more leaders like him


Diplomacy isn’t juvenile.


Yes, it would be so much smarter to use weapons inefficiently and consume all your resources. That way when the enemy, which is much more numerous and better equipped numerically, declares (their desired) war with you, there is no defense left. You’re quite the genius. According to you, it’s better to beat ones chest and fire all your bullets, than it is to conserve ammunition until it’s absolutely necessary to shoot…who cares that that you only have so much ammunition? You would have to be a complete moron to not understand this, especially if you think yourself some sort of military genius. The Russians not only have top-notch weaponry(which is limited), but brains to boot. They’re smart enough to know that escalation is exactly what the US (and you) wants. They fight the war the way they have to…and they prevail…and against an enemy with endless high tech weapons support and duplicity from US coalition.

Solomon Krupacek

as i know, obama stopped hep fot ukraina with weapons, because he did not want escalation. there are some extreme poltics, who want escalation. on both sides. but the most of them do not wwant. and what stopped obama was the fierced attack of russians in crimea. later in syria. doe is right. IF fight, hit hard!

Brad Isherwood

Criticism of Syria’s Airdefence operations, staging,Command. ..ROE , Allong with Communications network with Russian Radar/Air defence in Syria, Is Warranted. I’m disappointed that reasonable criticism is hurled back at posters with insult labels.

Syria’s Airdefence prior to 2017 was complete Shit!. Maybe they have finally got their act together in 2017…

Drones are slow loiter and easy aquire for modern Pantsir or TOR M1. Putin quite obviously gave Israhell a pass on its stand off strikes and Syrian airspace violations. The excuse that responding to Israel’s aggression could lead to war is BS. Israel would shit it’s pants if Russia rolled it’s sleeves up for fight.

Russia sold Iran….Finally**… after delays to please Netanyahu. …S 300. Which Israhell and US/NATO can beat. Iran’s frustration led them to create their own version of S 300. Possibly Iran learned what makes S 400,S 500, superior to the old S 300 versions, And applied R&D this direction. … Iran is capable of creating a comparable S 400 system.


Never assume anything without some proof. I’ve seen no proof of grey matter as yet.

Putin's baby

another fuckwit..


Russian air defences are a disaster? How many times have Russian bases or aircraft been attacked since they brought air defences into Syria?

Russia has never guaranteed Syria’s air defence. Russian air defences are there to protect Russian bases and aircraft not Syrias. They threatened to track any coalition aircraft south of the Euphrates which according to the Americans they are doing. American pilots acknowledge this and fly their missions anyway always informing the Russians of their intentions via the deconflict line. Remember the objectives of both the Russian and coalition campaigns is to defeat ISIS and coalition airstrikes help defeat ISIS. Everything else is a sideshow and every time the Russians turn on their active radars they are giving away valuable elint to their enemies.

Solomon Krupacek

how many times were attacked before? i help you: zero.


Once, Turkey shot down an SU-25. That’s the nature of an air defence system. First and foremost it should be a deterrance. Russia has never used nuclear weapons nor have they been attacked by nuclear weapons, does that mean their nuclear weapons don’t work?

Solomon Krupacek

because entered turkish territory. but never attacked in syria. this was frobidden inside nato.

so, this was empty demonstation, nothing more.


So there you go, we’ve gone full circle. Russian air defences are in Syria to protect Russian assets not Syrian. Only after Syrian aircraft were attacked Russia threatened to seek and target coalition aircraft east of the Euphrates, which the coalition have said they do, but the coalition are still operating east of the Euphrates attacking ISIS with Russian cooperation. Sometime read what the Russians have said about their mission in Syria instead of what articles and/or commenters have attributed to the Russians.


Yeah yeah, sure sure…

Thats why american, israeli, and turkish air craft can roam around syria seemingly with impunity…

And how come you guys didn’t try to shoot down those 50 some odd cruise missiles huh?


The Syrians have their own AA systems and should use those or buy new ones. Russia is not going to go to war with the USA or Israel for them.

Neo Anderson

How many of those tomahawks made it? The rest WERE shot down.also Russia and u.s both operate in the same airspace as agreed in the war against Isis ,west gets Eastern and north Syria,Russia and Syria get the rest .you came across like a typical American ill informed and full of hubris , American dominance is dying and will be more equal with Russian air defence being widely used.

Nigel Maund

Agree! …. although Russia would be foolish to let anyone know how many Tomahawks were shot down or engaged and redirected into useless desert. Best to keep the enemy guessing, wondering and totally off balance and unsure.



Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Syrian S200M was part of the system and had a payload of 36 rockets , all the S200 needs is a computer upgrade to make the S200M.

Solomon Krupacek

russia did not do anything.


Awesome… so u have proof! Can u post me the info?

if not, SHUT YOUR FUCKIN MOUTH CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!

Solomon Krupacek

everywhere is the proof of my info.

and do not be agressiv!


Show it, post it! Im waiting!

Solomon Krupacek

everywhere. there is no info about your shits. zherefore your shots did not happen.

but you can show photos of destroyed american missiles. until that moment you are liar.


its a fact that 36 didn’t make it! What I said is a theory! it doesn’t mean it happened!

But the most important airbase for the Syrian Airforce would be protected by the best possible systems they can afford!

Pantsir S1 is the latest and greatest the Syrians have!

All airbases are protected from the air!

Being a smaller nation I’m sure they can only afford a certain number of these systems! USA are rich enough to over saturate air defences hence why they send 59 cruise missiles!

Panstirs contain 12 ready missiles!

36 / 12 = 3 Pantsirs!!!


Whats yours? USA make terrible cruise missiles? USA felt like being nice this day and completely miss the runway?

most logical theory is they were shot down from the sky! Most likely the latest and affordable system did it (Russian systems) and again 36 / 12 = 3 PANTSIRS!

Reap the Whirlwind! REAP IT!

Damn I’m good!


oh I’m sorry did I break your concentration? Well allow me to retort!


Solomon Krupacek

and? this is not evidence. this was formed last days. amd again, nobody told, that was shot wdown single one missile, nobdy saw crushed missile parts. if crash 30+ missiles, this is big bang. you are poor lier.


:-)) Good luck !


oh I’m sorry did I break your concentration? Well allow me to retort!!



That was set up AFTER the event and what on earth does it have to do with shutting Solomon up? Your temper blew your last brain cell?

Tip: Grow up – you’re not the final word on anything and your vulgar capitals wouldn’t scare of a flea!


Panstir S1 has 12 missiles per unit!

from 59 missiles, 36 DID NOT MAKE IT!

WHAT IS 36 / 12 = 3

This tells me that at least 3 pantsir units (with a max range of 20km per missile) were able to shoot down 36 of the 59 missiles!

YES…. exactly 36 did not make it!

thats exactly 3 pantsir s1’s!

Either that happened or US makes shit missiles OR decided to completely miss the runway!



USA makes shit missiles and / or deliberately missed the main target


3 pantsir s1’s containing 12 missiles each did their job and shot down 100% of the tomahawks! 36 in total which is exactly the number of tomahawks that did not make it!



So…. that’s why they took out the 36 but not the 23? Then they’d better get a LOT more Pantsirs or increase the reload speed ‘cos next time them Yanks fire missiles into Syria it’s going to be a LOT more than 59.


s-400’s didn’t come in until After turkey attacked the Russian bomber!

Pantsirs are scattered with few and far between!

Most air defences are old (within Syrian military) and can shoot down aircraft bit not low flying cruise missiles (60 of them)

So the Pantsir’s they did have did their job!

Please tell me how 36 didn’t make it and how none hit the runway! Educate me! Or are u gonna say “I don’t know”?


Of course I don’t know TWOT! Why on earth would you think Syria and Russia share military secrets with a foreign civilian they’ve never heard of??

(But I suspect EMP.)


so for exactly 36 to not make it means one can only guess!

The fact a pantsir system contains 12 ready missiles tells me 3 panthers were there!

its wasn’t 35 or 34 or 31 that didn’t make it, it was exactly 36! So my GUESS is based on the number 36 and the fact that Pantsir’s carry 12 ready missiles HEADING TO THE MOST IMPORTANT AIRBASE FOR THE SYRIAN AIRFORCE! So of course its protected and of course u would expect Russian systems there!

I think my explanation is damn good and yet what are u doing???


I gave u a chance to explain ur own theory AND U GAVE JACK SHIT! So the next time a sound theory comes ur way (the most important airbase protected by approx 3 pantsir systems containing 12 ready missiles x 3 = 36 failed missiles) either just say “hmmmm interesting opinion” or shut ur fucking mouth!

U gave ZERO in return!

= im smart and you’re dumb!

I said “then how did 36 not make it” your reply “I don’t fucking know” THEN……. SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT MY OPINION!


First, if you want “SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT YOUR OPINION” don’t put it in the public domain.

It wasn’t only 36 that failed – it was ALL the first volley (and none of the second.)

Your Pantsir OPINION is not much different from your arsehole! Just your opinion – everyone has one.

You don’t KNOW Pantsir took them down – you’re ASSUMING.

Solomon Krupacek

russians did not fire any missile. your fantasy blog should not try to sell as reality


it would be a bigger shame if those tomahawks lost their tracks by themselves

Solomon Krupacek

did not lost. this is propaganda.


So what ur answer? 36 missed (admitted) none hit the runway!

Lets go…. I wanna hear it!


….For whom? Their FU-35’s don’t seem to be very hot fliers.


so how did 36 not make it? Why didn’t they hit the Runway? Who was punished more? The SyAF with 48 hours delay and many other airports and a loss of 6 aircraft that were in maintenance that cost about 100 thousand each (penny’s) OR The USA paying 200 million plus just in the cost of the missiles and missing all major targets and failing to stop the SyAF!

Solomon Krupacek

who shot down? beacuse no air defense missile was released.


And you know that how?

Solomon Krupacek

i do not tell, they were shot down. this is propaganda only. russians told clearly, they did not anything. similar is with failed tomahawks. where are they? bacuse only 1 piece was shown. so, the hit the target.

Nigel Maund

You never ever indicate or discuss your supporting facts so your commentary has no basis. Hence, why should anyone take any notice?

Solomon Krupacek

what basis, you idiot?! you told, russians eliminataed. i asked you put here relevant evidences. put here photos of 30 downshotted or fallen missiles. you are only empty guy, full with lies. and you dare to say anything to others!

Nigel Maund

Your English is muddled again! Check it out on Google. Obviously, far from being your first language?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They had 30 minutes before to respond to the missiles what does that tell you , and that is based on the system of the S200 and if they had further notification and integrated with the Russian system then a better chance of success , as there were no missiles in the tubes of the S200.

Solomon Krupacek

and who shot them down???

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Syrian Lt. died while rescuing children and the technician died at his post trying to move the S200 out of the area, another lost their arm.

Ken Wiltshire

Did you know that the first 36 missiles were from the first destroyer. None of them made it to their targets. Then there was a pause (for some secret talk) then 23 of the next 24 from the second destroyer made it to targets. 2 days later the airbase was back up and running. Hmmmmm!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

1 missile failed to launch a misfire as there was already another destroyer which had malfunctions and aborted it’s launch. There were 6-7 that ended up in the village not such a good thing as their guidance still came nowhere near the targets , they were for the most part of by meters or hundreds of meters.

Jens Holm

None was shut down.

Manuel Flores Escobar

60 cruise missile were not be able to destroy one Syrian air base..it means that US navy need 120 to take out of service that base…2400 cruise missile for 21 Syrian airbases…1/3 of total arsenal of US tomahawk…so its clear that 36 were shot down!

Solomon Krupacek

beacuse they really did not want. saddam had better defence and was completely eliminated within hours. if americans want, with 60 sams destroy not one shitty little airbase, bat half of damascus. dont be fool. i understand, you hate yanks, but stay normal.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Sadam did not have better defense during invasion…he had good defense but not suppliers during first gulf war and was able to shot down 57 coalition aircraft in 2 weeks!…the army lost many resources but only when the army was retreating from Kuwait!..Serbian army was able to resist almost 3 months without suppy and the army was almost intact..only civilian infraestructure was hit!..US is overrated as we seen in Afganistan,Irak and Syria where ground troops needed to expel ISIS y in spite of thousands US airstrike!

Solomon Krupacek

sadam did not have??? he had the 4th largest asrmy in the world.

not 57 were shot down, muchless part of them simply crashed. and i remember, american planes made over baghdad what theywant.

and one more correction, the iraqi defense system was functianal only some days. very easily and quickly was destroyed ba americans.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Not accurate…Sadam used air defense during post war and also during invasion of 2003…Sadam had to keep air defense due to UN sanctions!…but it was realiable that they manage to shot down moder US jets like F-15,18,14,16…etc…in 2 weeks!

Solomon Krupacek

i am talking about 1st gulf war

Manuel Flores Escobar

During first gulf war Iraqi air defense shot down many USA planes!…of course they can fly over bagdad as well as over Vietnam airspace…but Vietnam had a never ending supply from Russia…it meant that hundreds of US jet were shot down and USA fled from there!..What would happened if Sadam had been provided of dozens of SAM system every week like North Vietnam?…

Solomon Krupacek

only 1%

Jens Holm

no, they didnt. You are family member to comic ali ?

Manuel Flores Escobar

no I am family of pablo escobar and I fear he sold you too much cocaine that has damage your brain..


First Gulf War – US coalition lost total of 75 aircraft ‒ 52 fixed-wing aircraft and 23 helicopters – off which 39 fixed-wing aircraft and 5 helicopters lost in combat. One of these was US coalition fighter lost in direct air-air combat – US Navy F/A-18 shot down by IRAF MiG-25PD with USN pilot killed in the action.

Solomon Krupacek

exactlly this wrote i. they lost some planes, mostly first days. less tehn 10%. this is nothing. that means, the defense sytem was ineffect. after destroying of undefeatable defense system the colalition made what it want.


From both Iraq war stats the remarkable thing is just how many US helicopters were lost to both ground fire and operational crashes due to sheer volume of aerial traffic. Helos are an infantryman’s worst life hazard!!!

Solomon Krupacek

helicopters are vulnerable. look at afghanistan, too.

Jens Holm

Seemes Your memory is 100%.


NATO losses in second Iraq war and occupation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_aviation_shootdowns_and_accidents_during_the_Iraq_War

Solomon Krupacek

sure. but i wrote about 1st war. in that time saddam has complete air defense system. and was destroyed within 2-3 days. in first hours most of it. with minimal losses of planes. so, the soviet/russian unpenetrable defense systems always acted as emmenthal cheese. again and again.

meybe russians learned from mistakes and the new ones are better. but who knows? i am sceptic after the weak results.

Jens Holm

Mainly shit of the worst kind or altzheimer.

About Serbian army You must berefeering to Austria/Hungary defeating Serbia.

Manuel Flores Escobar

During Serbian war you was playing with your Toys..


Saddam had lousy defense. The US blockaded Iraq for over a decade would not even allow them to buy medicines to save their children, or food, do you really think the US would allow them to buy parts to service their weapons?

Solomon Krupacek

in 1991?

first think after comment

Jens Holm

no, its doesnt. It was a polical symbolic act.


a) In fact the missiles were shot using a trajectory to avoid entering the radius of defense of the russians missiles; b) It was made on the back of the russians, who looked at the USA as partners agains terrorism; c) The target of the missiles were NOT defended by any of the top russian missile systems; d) Despite all that many of the american missiles were intercepted or failed to hit the target. The airport road remained intact.

Nigel Maund

You appear to have overlooked a lot of facts which Neo Anderson pounced upon. It pays to look at the facts and remain objective rather than post jingoistic nonsense? Do they not teach systematic analysis at US Universities and Schools? I’ll tell you why I get this impression; it’s because US commentators invariably resort to emotional vulgarities and unfounded opinions rather than coolly stated facts. If you make a comment and don’t wish to be countered I would suggest you get your facts straight.


You can’t consolidate a yank I’m afraid but don’t despair, sites like this are full of haSSbara and Pentagon stooges. Even though Gore Vidal is dead, there are still some literate and numerate Americans. If you meet one, let me know. ;o)


“sites like this are full of haSSbara and Pentagon stooges”..Oh.. so thats how Solomon Krupacek earns a living..

Politolog Externista

krupacek, more likely Křupáček, in czech, křupavý means something, but you have a translator.

Solomon Krupacek

wrong, everything wrong


Solomon from Hebrew shalom means peace Krupavy in Czech appears to mean crisp Peace Crisp?!

Jens Holm



Do you realise you proved his point? …No – I don’t suppose you do.

Putin's baby



No one took out those 36 missiles that never made it to target, huh? I guess that means that US military technology has gone completely to shit…I mean, if 36 never made it, some never even making landfall and 23 hitting nothing of importance, what does that mean? I guess that if US ordinance is so piss poor, why even think of shooting at them? Save your weapons and watch them fall harmlessly in the desert. Some people are really brain dead.

Solomon Krupacek

nobody has shown evidences, that those 36 did not reach the target. only 1 piece was shown in idlib. so, this is bullshit widespreading by some fals jourmnalists.

Manuel Flores Escobar

US navy launched 30 missiles from one destroyer and all 30 were dissabled by electromagnetic jamming system and hit the water near tartous…then launched another 30 from other destroyer( 50% of it arsenal)….The missile change its route far from tartous( probabily Israel or Jordan air space)…6 were shot down, 1 was not launched 23 hit the target!…Putin was so generous because if he was told that 30 were dissabled Trump would not be president today!( remember Jimy Carter and the failed rescue operation)…by the way do you Know that Russia shot down US navy drone near tartous RQ-21A BJ 17 may 2017?…

Solomon Krupacek

US navy launched 30 missiles from one destroyer and all 30 were dissabled by electromagnetic jamming system

evidence, or you are only drunken loco in pub

Manuel Flores Escobar

Suddenly that night power supply, cell phones,cars, generators,power plant..stopped during half and hour…in tartous and baniyas…many fishermen on ships that night,told that they have lost the radio and cell phones but it not happen as consecuence of frequency sweep because ship engines was also stopped!..it was a electromagnetic attack over a certain area!..surely USA lost the control through AEGIS system of those 30 Tomahawk and for safety reasons these missile system shut down and therefore hit the water!

Solomon Krupacek

please source.

for example AMN wrote no word about this


Hmm… you put me in a position where I have to agree with that Krupacek twot. Source please?

That sounds like a rather large area “went out” – could this have something to do with why the US called a halt to naval operations worldwide after an accident at sea? (The McCain)


Tomahawks are not part of the AEGIS system, they are made by different companies and are not compatible with each other.

Also ship engines are not affected by electromagnetic radiation. If they were, the USS Donald Duck would have been dead in the water after Russian planes shut down the ship’s weapons systems in the Black Sea.

Manuel Flores Escobar

AEGIS system of these destroyer monitoring Tomahawk in its way..Tomahawk can be disabble if AEGIS operator see that these missile are out of control and can provoke collateral damage for example in other country!

Manuel Flores Escobar

its depends type of engines…

Jens Holm

It could be a possibility, but I think its low.


Ta …. do you have a source for that?

Jens Holm

US dont make mistakes like that. Its well done missils and one or two could fail, but not many.

John Whitehot

who’s your supplier? I want some of that shit.

Jens Holm

Me too.

Keren Walters

Russians always think strategically buddy. They knew that Trump needed a slight boost in his polling approval, so they allowed the strike to go unhindered. The base was up and operating again the next day anyway, with only the loss of a few antiquated Migs, Trump looked like a winner and it put a little distance between him and Russia in the news media . .

Jens Holm

I see those as a symbolic act.


And 14 civilians. Including 4 or 5 children.


The Russians know it doesn’t matter who the US President is, or his popularity. The only people who believe the President is in charge in America, are Americans. That’s what happens when you prefer to kill than to learn.


only 36% made it the airbase and none hit the runway! The runway was used again only 48 hours later! So unless u think the Americans make extremely unreliable missiles of which cost a fortune and the program being scraped for its inefficiency OR u think they deliberately Missed the Runway then u can assume they were shot down by the limited amount of air defences the Russians had! Russian won’t use s-400’s against cruise missiles especially when 59 are fired! they are purely being used against fighter aircraft! So make what u want of this info!


Panstir S1 has 12 missiles per unit! from 59 missiles, 36 DID NOT MAKE IT! WHAT IS 36 / 12 = 3 This tells me that at least 3 pantsir units (with a max range of 20km per missile) were able to shoot down 36 of the 59 missiles!

YES…. exactly 36 did not make it! thats exactly 3 pantsir s1’s!

Either that happened or US makes shit missiles OR decided to completely miss the runway!

USE YOUR BRAIN! CHOOSE WHICH OUTCOME U BELIEVE! USA makes shit missiles and / or deliberately missed the main target OR…. 3 pantsir s1’s containing 12 missiles each did their job and shot down 100% of the tomahawks! 36 in total which is exactly the number of tomahawks that did not make it!


Solomon Krupacek

what did you administered yourself i.v.?


They didn’t use missiles to shoot down the Tomahawks, Russia is moving beyond missiles.


Either the Yanks make very shìtty expensive Tomahawks or the Hand of God reached down and plucked 36 of them right out the sky?

Read somewhere they were fired from two ships, 36 from one and 23 from the other. The Russians took out the 36 – but I don’t know why they didn’t take out the 23 too. Shoulda.


The 23 flew over Israel, and most were not disabled in time. It seems the machine Russia uses to make Tomahawks go haywire needs to be in the path of the incoming missiles.


Or as Escobar says, they allowed the Jerk-offs to save face.


You are right, they didn’t shoot the Tomahawks down, they took most out electronically. the Russians can now disable American weapons without firing a shot. Now that is impressive, and the US has not attempted a strike on western Syria since.

El Diablo

For who had not readed the article: Russians defends only they own bases, not Syria

Nigel Maund

But the Syrians have S300 batteries and PANTSIR – S. See past articles on SF.


Syria’s S-300 batteries are in Syria but not operational yet. Syria does have operational S-200 batteries and has claimed to have shot down Israeli aircraft on 2 occasions since 2016 but the Israeli’s dispute this.

Manuel Flores Escobar

SAM 5 were used one time and shot down one F-16 and damage another one!….Israel always attacks from Israeli airspace…but that time F-16 flew over Syrian airspace and then SAM5 ( S-200) shot at these fighterjets..surely with the approval of Russia and using surveillance radar of them!

Brad Isherwood

Syria operates restored* S 200 VE – range 240klm. http://spioenkop.blogspot.ca/2016/08/photo-report-syrian-arab-air-defence.html

Considering their Mobile SAM assets,allong with Newer Pantsir and TOR M1, Syria’s air defence was complete Shit prior to 2017. Israel clobbered numerous Airbases /bases inland which were repeatedly under tracking coverage of the Syrian SAM assets it fielded. Probable the defeats were due to operator ineptitude allong with Operations Command Reaction failure. Russia’s Radar systems could network with Syrian to direct tracking to Syrian Quadrant SAM System’s.

That Israel repeatedly beat Syria’s Airdefence while Russia was present is cause for criticism.

Nigel Maund

Excellent! The Russians and Syrians will need the lighter and cheaper alternative enabling them to take on US or Israeli Drone Swarms effectively at nominal cost. Such a development would put the attackers onto the back foot and deprive them of vital information reducing chances of attacks being made due to information blindness.


At the present, there are no Turkish, Israeli or American aircraft roaming the Syrian skies, they did so in the past when Russia was trying to work out an agreement with the US in combating ISIS; The Russian air defense network in Syria is impressive with a multilayered system of missile defenses, along with strong EW capabilities to further augment the A2/AD umbrella. Since Russia is operating other airbases deeper into Syria, those airfields are defended as well with medium to short range air defenses. Pantsair S1 fits the bill for such defenses, its missile having a range of 20 km, 6 units could fire 72 missiles at a variety of weapons that threaten the base. Of course the annoyance of drone swarms can be handled by other weapons using electromagnetic and laser technologies.

Solomon Krupacek

Haha, i read and learned already about unpenertable russian/soviet defense systems. such had also hafez assad. and then te little shit israel i 4h destroyed it completly. practically without losses. you are child, if you believe in propaganda. unti that moment, that the russian systems are successful in combat sitation, everything is theory. and also is possible the opposite effect.


Russian air defense weapons manned by Russian crews will inflict unacceptable losses on Israeli and US Air Force. Why bring old man Assad in your argument? Let Israeli Air Force attack Latakia air base or Tartus, and they will find out.

Solomon Krupacek

this is your believe. not fact. not yet. and you seriously underestimeate the enemy. this failure made your grandgrandfather stalin. :P


US and Israelis over estimate their abilities since neither has fought a war with a peer power. Your arguments always revolve around the past, meaning, you have no concept and understanding of present day realities. US weapons used in Iraq have been analyzed and effective counter weapons have been developed not to achieve qualitative parity but to surpass existing US capabilities. In meantime US has fought insurgency wars without developing new weapons, and have the false sense of security that any war they fight will resemble the Iraq war. You are anointed with their delusions always speaking in the past, and being utterly ignorant of the present.

Solomon Krupacek

israel catched secret mig-25. repeatedly won wars against russian weapons. these are facts

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Syrians had an antiquated system and they were not fully trained on the system at the time. The actions of Israel show they are a people of racist xenophobes that need to be placed as a protectorate and lose any semblance of a nation , the US has got to cut all the military strings and monetary support for Israel. This way the world will be able to create stability in the region after they also place Saudi Arabia as a protectorate also.

Tudor Miron

I guess that mr. Powers in his U-2 was listening to smart guys like you… So that was a bit of surprise when his plane fell apart :)

Solomon Krupacek

yes, u-2 ws the only success. blackbird could never catch ;)

and wat say you to the total fiasco of soviet defense system in ME? you jumped over the facts. this was so big fiasco, that here was the reason of come of gorbachev with perestroika.

so, the fact is, nobady, never saw good soviet/russian air defence system. therefore i have doubts about actual systems. until theis firecross in combat situation.

Tudor Miron

u-2 was the only success? What, your zio masters don’t allow you to read? Solomosha if you never see something it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. All it means is that you didn’t see/understand :) Others do, including your zio masters :)

Real Anti-Racist Action

Israeli planes are invincible to all Russian equipment! War after war has proven this for 50 years! haha One day Jews will reconquer Moscow as they did during the Jewish-Red-Revolution against the indigenous-Russian-tribal peoples. http://cofcc.org/


Once the US economy collapses(soon) Israel will cease to be, because without the handouts from the US, Israel will also collapse. When it happens, 10 million Jews will be looking for a new host?


So far, the Russian air defence system has had no effect, while there have been a couple of Israeli and “accidental” US strikes on the SSA. If the deploy of the system is also dedicated to promote the system to other potential buyers, it is turned out to be a marketing desaster for the Russian supplier.


The facts expose your disinformation for what it is. Russian weapons sales have skyrocketed, they can’t keep up with the demand. http://money.cnn.com/2016/12/05/news/economy/arms-sales-russia-u-s-/index.html

Syria has demonstrated the superiority of Russian weapons over American weapons to the whole world.

Politolog Externista

Tor M2U is for what ?


Similar to the Pantsir. Read about them yourself. http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-96K6-Pantsir-2K22-Tunguska.html http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-9K331-Tor.html

When it comes to missile technology, Russia is at least 20 years ahead of the US.

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