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Russian Pinpoint Strike Destroyed Ukrainian Long-Range Radar In Donbass (Photos)

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Russian Pinpoint Strike Destroyed Ukrainian Long-Range Radar In Donbass (Photos)

The 36D6 mobile radar system. Source: ausairpower.net

The Russian military has reportedly target and destroyed a long-range radar station of Kiev forces in the Donbass region.

On May 1, photos showing the wreckage of the radar, a Soviet-made 36D6 “Tin Shield,” surfaced online. A pinpoint strike with a precision-guided munition destroyed radar, which was deployed near the town of Lyman.

Russian Pinpoint Strike Destroyed Ukrainian Long-Range Radar In Donbass (Photos)

Click to see full-size image.

Russian Pinpoint Strike Destroyed Ukrainian Long-Range Radar In Donbass (Photos)

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Russian Pinpoint Strike Destroyed Ukrainian Long-Range Radar In Donbass (Photos)

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The 36D6 radar was designed to detect air targets and to perform the friend-of-foe identification. The system, which has a maximum range of 350 kilometers, is highly effective in detecting low, medium and high altitude targets, moving in wide speed range, including winged missiles with RCS [radar cross-section] equal to 0,1 m.

One of the radar’s key features is that it can be s used as a reconnaissance and targeting system for the S-300 long-range air-defense system.

Before the war, Ukraine’s Ukrspetsexport upgraded several 36D6 radars to a new standard, dubbed the 36D6-M. The upgraded version can be used with automated air defense systems to detect low flying air targets under active and passive jamming as well as to control military and civil air traffic.

Russian Pinpoint Strike Destroyed Ukrainian Long-Range Radar In Donbass (Photos)

Click to see full-size image.

Russian Pinpoint Strike Destroyed Ukrainian Long-Range Radar In Donbass (Photos)

Click to see full-size image.

The Russian military has destroyed dozens of radar stations and at least 281 air-defense systems since the beginning of its special operation in Ukraine.

Western states are currently racing to supply Kiev forces with new radar stations and air-defense systems. In April, Slovakia sent its only S-300PMU long-range air-defense system to Ukraine. However, it was quickly targeted by the Russian military.


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Mariupol was 100% liberated

Where is the Cauldron?

kamala harris penis

In your mouth. And it’s full of shite 😀

Vlad butcha orc

It’s really becoming boring to trash Russian orcs, they really can’t get anything together. 🤪

At least try to achieve something, or that whole special f*ck up ends in a Russian retreat sooner than later. 🤷


AFGANISTAN…USA !! Talk about it you miserable bot !!!


11 dead generals. You can make 12 til 9 May!


They don’t want to debunk your claims of 11 killed Russian generals. Why? Are they admitted it?

Vlad butcha orc

Afghanistan is the grave of empires, ask the Brits, Soviets and US.

Only Alexander the Great was smart enough to leave it aside.

Ad you can read, I couldn’t care less about that topic. Maybe it’s your prejudices which are what is really miserable. 😉




Ukrotard fails with yet another strawman. “The Ukraine is not losing as quickly as if it actually had no armed forces. So winning!”

Lesco Brandon

20 year invasion. 2 trillion spent. Puppet government collapsed in 2 days. Enemy back in in power. 80 billion worth of equipment left behind.

Oh wait, that’s US in Afghanistan! LOL!

Omas Bioladen


Last edited 2 years ago by Omas Bioladen

they could take a leaf out of usa book and just go fighting everywhere all over the world and make billions even trillions for their weapons companies


There are many problems in Indonesia that the Ukrainian army could solve. It s their duty to effect regime change there because . . . well, because.

new york

it is working fine. almost 500 nazis are either being killed or wounded per day. it amounts to 15000 per month, 120000 by the end of the year. not sure russia can maintain that pace, but so far that is the facts on the ground. you are looking at possibly almost 180000 nazis gone by the end of the year.

Last edited 2 years ago by new york
Vlad butcha orc

Where did you get those “facts” from? Picking your nose? 🤷

Orcfront becomes more delusional by the day.

Remember, Vlad had to show off something in eight days. Maybe Gerasimov? 🤕

new york

if you include nazis surrendering, that is the minimum you can come up with.

Vlad butcha orc

You mean this funny denazification nonsense?

How was Germany “denazified”? Exactly, it was invaded and completely occupied.

Do you really think that Russia can still achieve a complete occupation of the Ukraine?

Come on, just say yes so we all can have a good laugh today. 😉

Thomas Turk

No need to capture all the territory.. once the Az. and regulars have been killed, or have surrendered or deserted, the Regular Uki military Officers will ensue a peaceful, wealthy country.. outside nutto. Does that upset you, that there’ll be no more photos of guts and brains spewing out on the street?

Thomas Turk

Fake comment. This is now Put2.. and bet hs has nothing to do with this e op. Put1 went to Geneva a few years ago for the alleged birth of a daughter. . A few weeks later Put2 emerged, with a new round face, no prominent chin, with a new non-Judo belly, more hair, and loss of German and Judo skills.. and wife. Search old vid of Put1 with late Fr. Prez. Chirac.. a different guy to Put2. Maybe cia bumped off Put1, so his double moved in.. who knows. Even locals called Put2, Put’s ghost

Pamfil Military Academy

The BREAKINPOINT of the banderapizdan hohol nazi is about 120-150 a day steadily for the incoming minimum 45 days. That means another 7.000 to 10.000 will collapse entire Donbass front.

Cyric Vigillius

They are killing those just in the overnight missile strikes.

Peter The Ungrateful

By the time all Ukrops will have been relegated to infantry due to fuel shortage those numbers will only go one way: up. So much for maintaining that pace. ;)


By nazis you mean little greens?


May I suggest more realistic Ukie losses: 6,000 battle deaths. Some 2,500 RF deaths. Both armies have exaggerated highly enemy losses. There are much less soldiers in battle zone km2 than so often claimed. That’s they both can’t inflict really heavy losses. This is far from 1941-45 warfare.

Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians

Ha-ha. Under the Orekhovsky reservoir, that’s where. about 1000 people. And even without boilers, all the forest belts are clogged with the corpses of the APU, and there are crowds of prisoners to read. https://t.me/s/chub_detection A lot of corpses and captured Ukrainians

Last edited 2 years ago by Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians
Pamfil Military Academy

The Cauldron is on fire, off course.

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Second phase started yet?


You’ve reappeared. Has Mariupol been liberated?

Mariupol was 100% liberated


Vlad butcha orc

You mean the retreat phase? 🤷

Pamfil Military Academy

A krasnopol a day keep nazi at bay.

Neo Galt

Is Ukraine still winning? ;-)





23.02 Ukrainians will send flowers to our solders and eastern ukrainians join us in our march against nazis

25.02 Chechens will storm kiev and kill zelensky

25.02 Zelensky fled to Poland

26.02 We have total air supremacy

26.02 that Milerovo russian air base destroyed itself

28.02 We are not storming kiev but going to encircle it

30.02 china is with us and will attack Taiwan

01.03 Mariupol was 100% liberated

03.03 the Saga of the 100 miles long convoy that missed kiev and went to Paris instead

05.03 Chernihiv sumy Karkhov and Kiev are about to fall

06.03 Mariupol was 100% liberated

08.03 Odessa will be encircle and an amphibious landing is eminent

10.03 we will not stop in ukraine but go to the baltics also Poland and close the Suwalki corridor

11.03 Mariupol was 100% liberated

13.03 those dead wagner guys do not exist

15.03 UAF is pinned in the cities and unable to move completely cut off, west can not supply arms

18 03 no more Oil depots for UAF army its over

24.03 that ships in berdyansk sank themselves

27.03 we are making loads of progress28.03 that ammo depot in Belgorod exploded themselves

29.03 SHoigu says hello

30.03 that oil depot in belgorod exploded themselves

01.04 what a fools we were just kidding we never wanted kiev

02.04 phase two phase two! We are so smart we will pull of north ukraine and attack donbas while UAF has interior lines to get there 3 times faster and now with help of open corridors to resupply from the west


Now for all the fans that kept requesting it, I also added the Bucha saga. Hope you enjoy it, and thank you for all the support:


03.04 Mariupol was 100% liberated

04.04 Bucha  dead bodies are actors or zombies

05.04 Mariupol was 100% liberated

06.04 There are actually deads in Bucha but by Ukranians

07.04 Mariupol was 100% liberated

07.04 What you have satellite images with the dead bodies since beginning of march? fake news satellites orbit earth but can t see bucha

08.04 NATO general is trapped and will be caught in Mariupol

08.04 So now you have video footage of civilians being killed by our forces? How do you know those are russians? So what they have Z marks, ukranians have paint too… Ukranians were no where near bucha and was fully in Russian control? How do you now that that civilian women in bikes can not carry an ATGM with munitions? They are a threat! But still Bucha is ukrainian provocation, nothing to see here move on!!!!

09.04 Boris johnson and zelensky are making hollywood special effects movies for the new star wars in Poland pretending to be Kiev

10.04 We never wanted to demilitarize we never wanted to denazify ukrainian government, we always wanted Finland to join NATO and have armies in our borders

11.04 china please please do something

12.04 Mariupol was 100% liberated and we found a biolab in azovstal

13.04 We are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning, please…

14.04 Moskova sankt himself by instant self combustion in a very special operation to the bottom of the black sea. Fishes derping boom boom goes the kalibr

15.04 Moskva did not sank had a minor fire from an accidental cigarette In a bottle of vodka but is being towed away to sevastopol and the crew evacuated just in case

16.04 Those 40K syrian fighters that left to join denazify ukraine did not arrive yet after a month of travel but are coming very xoon

16.04 fake news fake news nothing hit Moskva it is just taking longer because there is a huge storm and a tsunami and meteorite attack from Mars

17.04 it sank… And that vídeo that shows it in a calm sra is fake news. And all those wives and mothers desperate for news of their sailors in social média is also fake news

17.04 PHASE TWO PHASE TWO! But how da fuck did the ukros reinforce and rearm the east? Phase One was a success right? 8d chess?

18.04 ULTIMATUM: mariupol is 99.9% liberated and the rest hás 6 hours to surrender or else

19.04 ULTIMATUM: now it’s for real! You have  6 hours to surrender or else!!!!

19.04 Putin: FAKE NEWS we NEVER wanted to DENAZIFY the Ukraine Government. ZELENSKY is like HITLER but I LIKE HITLER

 20.04  ULTIMATUM: please please  surrender or else… Please?

21.04 Putin tells shoigu those nazis in mariupol are not so bad afterall and can keep their factory for themselves

22.04 NEW GOALS NEW GOALS, phase two will be completed with all the east and south of ukraine from kharkiv to transnistria. Anything shorter than that is a defeat. Slava rossya!


23.04 Phase two started maybe, sometimes slow but progress arrr tactical positioning preparing stuff but the caldron, the CALDRON is cooking!

24.04 new videos of  Putin looking like dying trembling shit just to faint weakness for the west Satan. 8Dchess! Master strategist!

25.04 Bryansk just entered in self combustion to warm russian hearts for easter

26.04 Planes and helis are crashing, our major offensive is measured in cms, belgorod bryanks transnistria are on fire, heavy weapons are arriving to the ukrainians, now even germany says they don t need our gas anymore, We are defaulting in our debt, Sweden and FInland are joining Nato, Ukraine still has an airforce… BUT WE ARE STILL WINNING!

27.04 Transistria is UNDER ATTACk. We will attack South Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, and probably Poland just for spite   28.04 Nothing happened but we are advancing!

29.04 Lot of funny things happening in Russia, fires everywhere seem to erupt for nothing. Cimate change is real!

29.04 Nothing happened but we are advancing! WE ARE DIGGING BIGGER HOLES!

30.04Nothing happened but we are still winning! Pudin is a master strategist and attracting all the western weapons in Donbas and destroy all of them at once in a decisive victory! 8D checkers suckers!


Good. You finally get it.

Vlad butcha orc

Long story short, Gerasimov being cargo 300, lol.


call zelenski , he needs to come and get those piles of rotting corpses, sure ukranian families miss them


Ukrotards raging because Clyde make fun of failed Ukrainian CIA project. Thousands of square km of territory lost by failed Ukrainian CIA project, increasing each day. No capacity whatsoever of massively degraded armed forces of failed Ukrainian CIA project to repulse Russians. Cry Ukrotards, cry. Sad Ukrotards.


Excellent my boy. You Ukros will die with smile on your face. You even elect comedian for President. But yeas Russians are far frim perfection, but Ukraine state and army are still 2vkevel lower. What I think is, that Russians have some other plan, this is why are working quite slowlly.

Pamfil Military Academy

Embarrassing how many ‘technic’ was eliminated by the russians on hohol whore NATO pimp foreign territory. The USNAZI Congress must supply that with taxpayers billions when 32.7 million of americunts are on POVERTY official status. Good morning Jewmerica !


That 36d6 looks old quite rusty. Might have been done weeks ago. Also…. That big and only now noticed???? Come on! This war is not real, is it?


Ever heard of oxidation due to high heat? Google it.


There you go. Although, it could also be from as far back as 2014. It’s not just the Ukrainians that can make shit up after all, even though they’re the most prolific shitters around.


Investigating this further, seems to have happened from the blast alone.

Due to oxidation, first an oxide film and then, a thicker scale forms on the surface of the steel. As oxidation is a diffusion controlled process, the thickness of the oxide layer increases with the rise of temperature, and with the passage of time at a temperature, though temperature is more effective in increasing the thickness of the oxidised layer. At a temperature of around 180°C, a tight, adhering straw-coloured film forms which, becomes porous and loose scale at a temperature of around 425°C.

The burning of steel means heating the steel very close to the solidus temperature (which is always avoided) and manifests as a layer of partially oxidized steel lying under the layer of scale, and where oxygen has penetrated along the grain boundaries of the steel and where, it causes not only decarburization but formation of iron oxide. Proper temperature control of heat treatment furnaces avoids burning of the steel as it is also an irrevocable damage and part becomes a scrap.


I noticed that too, then realized that the intense heat burnt all coating off and left an already somewhat oxidized bare metal from the blast exposed to rain, dew whatever. Under those conditions, a few days are all that’s needed.

Try it sometime. Heat a piece of carbon steel with a propane torch, then spray it with water after cool down. Rust within a day.

Or, it’s not recent. That too.


Unfortunately I can guarantee you that none of the trolls here even know how to use a propane torch, their moms still call the handyman for any issues around the house.

Last edited 2 years ago by ATLGA
Peter The Ungrateful

You can literally see a rather fresh looking coat of paint on the parts that were not exposed to the fire. The burnt parts have lost all that paint. And you wouldn’t believe how quickly steel rusts, hence the thick layers of paint to prevent that from happening. Add to that the heat of the fire and you have legit aftermath of a strike.

To get an idea of how quickly steel rusts one only needs to look at the tracks of a tank that hasn’t been driving in mud or sand for a day or two.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
Catherine the sometimes grateful

I only need to see the rust film on the rotors of my spare car after a few days parked.

Peter The Ungrateful

Absolutely, a far better example. Now I wonder why I did not think of that.

Like the name BTW. ;)


Has to be a troll 🤣. No Russian retreat and pretend ing because to butt hurt with radar wreckage l..


Ukrops are blinded now.


Sure… And the Russian “Pin Point”strikes and other surgical strikes destroy 90% of Mariupol, 70% of the Severodonestk area: residential buildings, schools, markets, railway stations, hospitals… And by the way in the western Donbass most ordinary citizens are gone, so please don’t blame Ukrainians for taking people hostages in cities: change your propaganda . Never, ever, betray your brothers, friends and supports… Karma is a bitch!

Peter The Ungrateful


So much for “civilian” buildings, troll.


hehehehehe, ukrop are getting decimated and kept begging for weapons, We merchant guild would love to sell more weapons to ukrops. Good for business. Keep destorying them Russia.

more shekels pls

Last edited 2 years ago by jew
Muhammad your Prophet

The Southfront troll farm antisemites as repulsive as always.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

your brain is ruined by MSM narratives..


Says you, a hater. Come up with something better, at least be creative. muhmmaad the pedophile

Last edited 2 years ago by jew

10%. every year. we lend it to tyrants.

Dick Von D'Astard

Could SouthFront provide and update about claims by Kyiv military that they attacked Zmiiny Island. How, what targets and what with? if fact rather than fiction.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard
Muhammad your Prophet

Another dead Russian general at Izyum along with 100 dead Russian soldiers. It’s a fitting analogy. For every one target Putin destroys 100 Putin cockroaches and a general will die in return. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1603798/putin-ukraine-tenth-russian-general-killed-invasion-Izyum-kharkiv-andrei-simonov


11 generals already… still counting. USA lost the same number in 10 years of Vietnam.


It’s just text. Where is the evidence?

Peter The Ungrateful

Trust the tabloid press, they’re always right, as the resurrected Michael Schumacher will attest to.



Mr Z

What you don’t seem to realise is thousands of Ukrainians are being trained in the EU/UK.

What for I don’t know lol, by the time they are trained up the operation will be over and there won’t be a Ukraine left.

Half of it will be Russian the other will be pinched by the poles…who don’t deserve a grain of earth tbh.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr Z
Vlad butcha orc

Dream on!


Peter The Ungrateful

Wake up!

Blimey, another Limey Brainstorm

So, they can stay in England and form a new class of Travellers and Grifters. It’s their nature. Fitting punishment too for those Limey beans.

Lesco Brandon

Say what you want about Russian ground tactics but Russian precision strikes are nothing short of spectacular.

Cyric Vigillius

Again we see the case that just because something is old does not mean it lacks for utility.

Kerosene Cauboy

How life is going on the cumpit? Oh, the smell, the smell… Operation Z Z!

Tommy Jensen

If I had been a General in the Central Command of War for Freedom, I would have taken that radar OUT many month ago. This would e the first thing I would have dome But I am not involved. Therefore these wargames are going up in smoke and amateurism.


Another day in the anglZionaZi empire of…..scrap.

Ice Tree

There must be some bodies in there somewhere, I mean considering how completely it’s been destroyed they are probably just bits and pieces of meat and guts, so I guess the crows probably cleaned it up.


Afghanistan was American long period military masturbation. Ukraine seems to become Russian military masturbation. How long – we don’t know yet. Glad there are nations like Costa Rica who don’t give a shit about military masturbation but instead want live in peace. Every decent German in 1942 would more likely have slept with beautiful Brazilian mulatto girl instead of crawling in Stalingrad shit hole.

Last edited 2 years ago by Elgar
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