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MARCH 2025

Russian President Offers Negotiations While US Senator Calls To “Take Putin Out”

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Russian President Offers Negotiations While US Senator Calls To “Take Putin Out”

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It is not the first time Lindsey Graham publicly called for this. He made similar remarks back in early March, prompting an official rebuke from the White House.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

On December 25, during an interview on Rossiya-1 state television, President Vladimir Putin stated that the Russian Federation is ready to negotiate a peace deal to end the conflict in Ukraine. However, he once again reiterated his position that the political West is the power pole that Moscow is willing to initiate peace talks with, as the Kiev regime cannot be considered sovereign enough to negotiate an acceptable end to the conflict. The president of Russia also added that the Eurasian giant never refused initiatives for negotiations and that it was the other way around.

“We are ready to negotiate with everyone involved about acceptable solutions, but that is up to them – we are not the ones refusing to negotiate, they are,” Putin said and added: “I believe that we are acting in the right direction, we are defending our national interests, the interests of our citizens, our people. And we have no other choice but to protect our citizens.”

However, although Russia is ready to negotiate, it doesn’t think peace talks are necessary at all costs. Instead, Moscow’s primary goal is its security. This doesn’t only include a negotiated settlement that would halt NATO’s crawling encroachment on Russia’s western borders, but would also ensure the neutral status of Ukraine. Still, this status cannot be secured just by simply signing deals with the political West. The experience regarding this has been extremely negative, to say the least, as the belligerent power pole is infamous for its tendency to break deals ever since the (First) Cold War ended.

During the interview, Putin also reiterated his position that the United States and the North Atlantic Alliance are waging a proxy war against Russia by using Ukraine as a pawn. He also said that the political West is trying to “tear Russia apart” and essentially destroy it. “At the core of it all is the policy of our geopolitical opponents, aiming to tear Russia apart, the historical Russia,” Putin said. “They have always tried to ‘divide and conquer’… Our goal is something else – to unite the Russian people,” he concluded.

The parties to the conflict don’t appear to be any closer to peace talks, however. On the contrary, this scenario seems further from reality than ever before. While the US keeps arming the Kiev regime, including with “Patriot” SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems that are earmarked to be transferred to the Neo-Nazi junta forces as soon as possible, the Russian military seems to be preparing for another massive push. The Kiev regime simply doesn’t seem to have any intention of negotiating a peace deal, as proven by the Neo-Nazi junta’s frontman Volodymyr Zelensky. Last Wednesday he made a speech before the US Congress and boastfully declared that “absolute victory” is the “only acceptable outcome” and that he vehemently rejects any talks which would include territorial concessions.

Zelensky’s statements were soon supported by the controversial US South Carolina Republican senator Lindsey Graham. However, he went even further than Zelensky and made several remarks that couldn’t possibly be further from the most basic diplomatic etiquette. During a live Fox News interview, Graham called for Russian President Vladimir Putin to be assassinated. “How does this war end? When Russia breaks, and they take Putin out. Anything short of that, the war’s gonna continue,” Graham said on Wednesday’s America Reports on Fox. The first part of the comment also reaffirms Putin’s belief that the political West wants to “tear Russia apart”.

He also stated that the Russian military will supposedly “fail in Ukraine”, because “the US is in it to win it, and the only way you’re gonna win it is to break the Russian military and have somebody in Russia take Putin out to give the Russian people a new lease on life.” Graham further called on the US and NATO to continue arming the Kiev regime forces “completely, all in without equivocation” and that sending additional long-range missiles to the Neo-Nazi junta would “help dislodge Russian forces from the Donbas, and even Crimea.” He also added that “larger drones would kill tons of Russians without losing any Ukrainians in the endeavor” and concluded that giving Zelensky everything he’s asking for is “essential”.

This wasn’t the first time Graham publicly called for Vladimir Putin to be killed. He made similar remarks back in early March. This even prompted an official rebuke from the Biden administration. At the time, the White House Press Secretary stated “that is not the position of the United States government and certainly not a statement you’d hear come from the mouth of anybody working in this administration.” However, this obviously didn’t stop Graham from repeating the threat. On the contrary, he essentially also added a call for a coup in Russia. To make matters worse, Graham is not alone in this. In early October, former US National Security Advisor John Bolton called Putin “a legitimate military target” and also called for a coup in Moscow. With such comments coming from the top of the US political establishment, it’s hard to imagine how Russia could ever hope to start negotiations with the belligerent thalassocracy.


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So we won. Not yet? Why the hell do we want to negotiate then?


The regime in Kiev along with their nato sponsors in Poland have just carried out an attack on the Russian airbase some 400 miles inside Russia the time for negotiations with the west in long gone hit Poland hit the polish air bases that are being used to mount attacks on Russian territory and hit them hard! Take out the polish military machine where it sits in Poland hit them so hard that Germany and the rest of the Western vassal states will know they are fighting a real Army . Slava Russia……..


Well a message does need sending test that article five bollocks.


Russia RF is finished. Putin already in agreement with Kim to escape to North Korea… hitting Poland? Have you seen Polish army? Have you seen how Poles fought in Iraq and Afghanistan? Have you seen Polish special forces in action in those two countries? In 1920 Poles kicked Stalin arse hard, they would destroy Putin today… I only hope ordinary Russians will kick traitor Putin out first and start building meaningful relationship with Poland for better future of all Slavic People! Remember: Poland is no lgbt nonsense west – Poles are real fighters


Poland will crumble in a blink in a blink no more polish military machine no more Western armaments nothing left but a wasteland radio active for the next 200 years

The Objective

They aren’t finished. There’s still a way to handle this. If Putin can resist escalation and even swallow his pride and return to pre-2014 borders with Ukraine, he can save Russia’s future for now. But if he escalates with 100s of thousands of Russian soldiers, hoping to capture the whole of Ukraine, then marke my words: So many Russians will die that there’ll be a revolt against Putin’s rule.


Your right Putin hasn’t finished yet nor has he begun with the full force yet. What the world has witnessed so far is a light touch from Russia. I’m getting my popcorn ready now for the January onslaught that will see the Russian mobilisation forces that are fully trained, equipped and ready to rumble. The Ukrainian military is all but destroyed replaced by civilian conscripts and foreign mercenaries that are dying by the dozens on a daily basis. But hey you still got your shekels today for posting your crappy comments based on nothing! Enjoy your McDonald’s and your KoolAid. 😂🤣


Yawn. 😂🤣 Then you woke up from your wet dream with your hand wrapped around your shaft and yer mom and sister licking the drops of semen that had spilt onto your stomach while Zelensky stands nearby watching it in delight.

Last edited 2 years ago by AzovNaziTrollDestroyer

Why take out the servants. Sink a british submarine or if it is out in the open sea a air craft carrier and deny it was you. Do it near china and make it look like it was them or sink something near iran or saudi arabia. Arm the huthis arm the anti Tripoli government in Lybia. Give assad permission to use the anti air weapons against israel. Arm the kurds against the turks if the us abandons them. You cannot survive the game of thrones by refusing to play it ned stark of the russian north.

The Objective

You’ve got some things correct, but others are wrong.

Turkey/Erdogan and Russia/Putin are in the same kind of shit. The West wants both leaders gone and their countries weakened.

IF Russia REALLY wants to hurt America, then it must strike at the heart of the PETRODOLLAR system. If this system can be ended, then America’s dollar will be worthless and they won’t have the blank cheques to print endless dollars and support wars and oppression around the world.

The Tripoli government is anti-American. Haftar America’s biggest asset in Libya. Turkey foiled their plan to install Haftar to protect Libya’s petrodollar system that Gaddafi tried to destroy.

IF Russia wants to bring America to its knees, then it must overcome it Ottoman phobia and join Turkey to topple Middle Eastern puppet Arab governments and end the petrodollar erra. Just end these monarchieas: Al-Saud, UAE, Bahrain, & Egypt. Together with Russia and Iran, these countries control the world’s Oil and gas. They should COLLECTIVELY refuse the dollar for any oil trade and see how dollar become toilet tissue around the world.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Objective
Chris Gr

Egypt and UAE are too Russia-friendly and Bahrain and the Saudis are making overtures to China.


The USA economy you mean is in trouble. Russia, China have already begun to destroy the Petrodollar by accepting oil payments in gold or local currencies effectively bypassing the petrodollar and economic and monetary sanctions placed upon them that has had the opposite effect and has decimated the western countries economies like Europe AND the USA. Even the SAE is onboard with China and the other BRICS members. Have you not been paying attention to the news lately? DXY is fallen to 104. Since late September DXY has been forming a declining trend.


“Time is on my side , yes it is”


The two Royal navy carriers one of which is always in port getting fixed for one reason or another the British government are terrified that both carriers will be lost to Russian hypersonic missiles and only one carrier is on active service at any one time the loss of these two carriers would be catastrophic to the British government and a loss on a scale not seen since the Dunkirk disaster……..

The Objective

That would make things worse for Russia. Putin must not send in high numbers of Russia service men. He should manage to end this war as soon as possible because Biden and Obama (the biggest killers in the world) want a bloodbath in Russia regardless of how it affects Ukraine. If Putin escalates even in Ukraine, this war gets really ugly without hundreds of thousands of Russian deaths (civil & military) and a possible revolution against Putin.

I think Putin needs Erdogan. Erdogan knows what the West is trying to drag Russia into and they have the same plans for Turkey. They want to bring both Putin and Erdogan down. Putin is already in the trap. Turkey so far refused to take the bait in Syria, Libya, and the East Med. (with Greece). But the U.S will keep trying.

Turkey should be Putin’s gateway to the global economy to reduce the impact of sanctions on ordinary Russians.

Chris Gr

Nothing is happening with Greece. It is all a shitshow by the dracula Mitsotakis in order to play the patriot card and win elections.


Nuke Washington DC!!! The sooner the better. I would like to see all those cunts there to evaporate.



Israel first

Lindey Graham is a known homosexual, another example why homosexuals should never be elevated to high office.


Graham is a rabid animal and needs putting down,he and his Ukrainian puppets should thank themselves Putin is a moderate,there are those in Russia that would have reduced every city in Ukraine to a smouldering pile of rat shit by now.

Chris Gr

US has become like USSR now. Subversive and terrorist friendly.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Clearly this is not democracy, democracy is invading country as Syria is trying to change the government by force.


“Take Him Out”?….

Putin is the closet ally and best friend the Bank of England and Federal Reserve EVER had!… Why would they take out the individual that maintains the Russian Federation’s membership in a club called the UN that distorts and destroys price discovery for Russia’s commodities along with betraying the rule of international law they ALL sign up to?…

When Russia announces it’s full departure from the UN crib with or without China and India, and allows it’s market(s) through it’s own policies to set the price unfettered for it’s commodities and not the Central Bank(s) -then and only then will it be sovereign and Free!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

That faggot Graham is begging to have a 10 MIRV Russian SATAN II missile deep up his arse.

Zionist Slaves of America

Lady Graham is the most devoted Israeli puppet in the US government. She’s extremely bitter because Putin’s special operation in Ukraine has completely ruined Israeli-firsters plans to isolate, attack Iran and take out its nuclear program. Slava Putin. Slava Bashar Hafez al-Asad.

Johny cash

Putin is pathetic. Decades in power and him and his oligarchs has hollowed out everything including the fucking army, putin is beyond patheric when u look back. This fool knows the west wants russia since his fsb days, why was preparation so sloppy all the way till this day. Nw he wants to negotiate, he has completely destroyed russias image as a strong powerful country. Countrss first class mistakes been made numerous times. If u cant defend ur own nuclear aircrafts theres zero hope for u.

Georgeous Georgege

Putin rebuilt Russia from the ashes and defeated every attempt of the Western snakes. And you are just a jerk with a keyboard in mothers basement.


Putin’s war is turning Russia into a failed state, with uncontrolled borders, private military formations, a fleeing population, moral decay and the possibility of civil conflict

mike l hutchings

there is no one in the western alliance that can be trusted…


Arrogance personified when a creep like Graham call for the murder of a head of state.. a fence should be built around the US congress to protect others from these criminals .

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

An US congresman said NATO will wipe out Russia in 3 days.

The “coalition of the willing” took 8 years to fail the operation “Iraqi freedom”…

The Objective

Russia CANNOT defeat America as long as the petrodoallar system survives.

Chris Gr

US is just surving in Europe because most European states don’t have the power to do things themselves and some eastern and central European countries are afraid of Russia.

The Objective

Ending this war is the right thing to do for Russia. But will America let Putin off the hook?


Case study in contemporary criminality. When people stop regarding these criminals as some sort of magical creatures, and start regarding them as the criminals that they actually are, things will start to improve.

The Objective

I hope Erdogan is taking lessons from how the West suckered Putin into this quacgmire. Turkey needs the Russian long-range defense systems to complement its domestic ones because the West will definitely attack at some point. Turkey must not fight ANY small country in the region or beyond. If it must fight, it should be DIRECTLY against U.S. forces to end their presence in the Middle East and FREE Muslims from the vicious grip of this SATAN called America.

If Greece gets really aggressive to goad Turkey into a first strike that justifies America’s proxy war, Egypt should be Turkey’s immediate target, Not Greece. That’s where to really hurt America. Use Libya to bring down the petrodollar. Finish what Muhammad Gaddafi started. Establish a MB state allover Libya by peace or war. Otherwise, the West will definitely weaken Turkey through a “pre-designed” war with Greece. But if Sisi falls, not only will the Greek war plan fail, but also Turkey gets more allies and gets stronger.

Chris Gr

The problem with Erdogan is his megalomania. Otherwise, he is right on some subjects like the terrorist one. We the Greeks are abused by the Americans, we are getting poorer while the Americans support radical Albanians and radical Vardaskans and use us as cannon fodder.

Sisi and Haftar are on Putin’s side, that’s why for example during the war in Tripoli, Venezuela gave Haftar weapons.



Mr Guldar Tate III Esquire

Lindsey LGBT Graham needs to take care of his own issues and the state he’s supposed to represent. Worry about the life of the decrepit US president and his own health because these are very troubling times and anything can happen. Nothing is ever one sided any more.


I don’t support the pussy Putin. It’s not rational at all when that pussy keeps allowing the north Atlantic terrorists destroying his country and his citizens. Time for that coward to go.


I’m sure there were plenty of Roman Senators who spoke like Graham during the Roman collapse. “Those Germanic tribes must be destroyed”…blah blah.


There have already been 11 attempts on Putins life, perhaps Russia should arrange for one of Lindsey Grahams catamites to take him out……..


Until the conflict spills over into the US itself, and there is death and destruction to the US home territory, you’ll get idiotic US little local politicians like Lindsey Graham i.e. a big fish in a very small pond squeaking nonsense for the US domestic audience.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher
Chris the Sissy

You are an imbecile. He is squecking for oligarkhs.

I only Injecting love

Liz Truss (former Prime Minister of Great Britain) have declared during the pre-election debates that she was quite ready to order a nuclear strike across and against Russia. She said this many times

Last edited 2 years ago by I only Injecting love
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