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MARCH 2025

Russian Private Military Contractors In Action Against ISIS In Syria (Video 18+)

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The Reverse Side of Medal, a Russian military blog with links to Russian private military contractors, has released a video showcasing the fight against ISIS terrorists during the campaign in Syria.


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You people do realise that these videos are only released for propaganda purposes. Russia is not really trying to completely defeat isis.

Lone Ranger

Yes they do. 89,000 dead CIAisis and counting…


Can’t you see the russians could have finished this war long ago. This conflict is never going to end Russia is firmly working alongside Israel and been the whole time. Trump is also on board.and I don’t think Russia did kill 89000 jihadist. Because there are still huge numbers of them in Idlib and turkey the Turks have been sending thousands of them to other conflicts.

Lone Ranger

There is around 25,000 of them left. You forget the lil fact that at any given time only around 5-6000 Russian troops are present in Syria with around 60 jets and gunship helos, and 5-6 cruisers and subs plus supply ships. They wont make the same mistake as in Afghanistan or what the U.S. is doing for the past 20 years. They wont do the heavy lifting alone, but they turned the tide of war and majority of Syria is under SAA control now. Thats pretty impressive if you ask me. As for Israel you have to walk the razors edge. Sure you could do this and that, but Israel could return the favor, its just hard facts, you cant push around a nuclear power. Damascus is still intact thanks to Russia,unlike Beirut, let that sink in for a moment…

Jens Holm

Its a good estimate. And there many more prisoners of their kind in camps.


Maybe alittle too more zeros


https://media3.giphy.com/media/AznzPzrJY7s9W/giphy.gif No prisoners.


These videos are also released to send a message. Why now? Heck, russians don’t even admit they have a mercenary force.


Uuuuu, some side action. sweet

Lone Ranger

Condolences to the fallen CIAisis and wahabimossad operators. May they rest in pieces…


We need to make a new unit – Hamas hunters, I need to be there. For Hezbollah we should have a better unit – the Shia Villages destoyers of SL, I want to be there too.

Lone Ranger

We are a lil bloodthirsty today arent we?. Hope you have a good day.


He thinks he is playing in the garden. He will see what happens when Iran starts bombing Dimona. And Hezbollah comes like a swarm of locusts.


Not going to happen sorry Iran is under the control of the European bankers yea those guys the elephant in the room that no one is talking about.


Better. Wonder how the european bankers will react when Israel will launch a first strike against Iran.


They will find out.


The only way Israel will attack Iran is if it’s got the nod from the bankers. It’s not really countries that decide to go to war with each other they can’t wage a war without the banks on side.

Jim Allen

You’re high on glue…Mad as a hatter…


Your dumb as dogshit.


DON’T FORGET DIAPERS. many of them.


and walkie talkie. so you can cry to your mommy


THIS is fighting a war. exactly this. Using drones from thousands miles away is what characterizes cowards filled of fear and frustration.

Jens Holm

Protecting own people to die in wars is a good thing.

Whats Your distance and level? Bow and arrow ?

You probatly prefare incest too because the children by that after all are family https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/25cca92d422f928a4c3aa12fc4647a88ded0c497ec040bbc62cb2ae61e1a8e8a.jpg


War should be the last option exactly because it is risky endeavour. If you delete the risk of pushing for war you become the US deep state. How many millions have they killed in the last 40 years


Russia uses drones too, ISIS is more brave than Russia by your logic.


ISIS is certanily brave. But these pmcs are as brave as ISIS and in addition, they are on the right side of history too, protecting syrian statehood.

Ben Hillhorst

Oh yeah, very brave in raping women and children and executing unarmed men. They are religious zelots fighting on dope.


look man. would you ever roam around the desert on a f* up pick up truck with just a rifle to fight? regardless of the dope they could give me l would never do that. it takes courage just as chasing them as russians have been doing.


ISIS and all those jihadists get from these guys where they asked for. The cowards dare to folter, rape and kill those who where defenseless but the moment they stand infront of real soldiers they hide in women cloths, beg and whinne.

Ice Icegold

You are totally correct


Btw wern’t mercenaries illegal in Russia?

Davide Herzog

They are in Siria . Not in Russia .


They are. And this is why there is no official Wagner group. There are volunteers that go around fighting. Good luck to prove they are mercenaries.

However this Wagner things look like a CIA psyop. They like to cluster things, giving them a specific label, just to create a recognizable enemy. But in reality, there are various groups of “russian volunteers” operating around the world. For example, in Syria there are the Isis Hunters.


I don’t need to prove, the title says it.


The title is deadly wrong. The Isis Hunters are a bunch of people from various countries and nationalities, trained and armed by Russia. But there is no official PMC in Russia.

Jim Allen

Brave, or foolish ?

Fog of War

” protecting syrian statehood, ” No they’re not, they’re earning a paycheck. Mercenaries would shoot your mom for the right price. They’re scum, whatever country they’re from.


Not from Russia they don’t.


Russia doesn’t have drones? Ohh wait. They don’t :))


Times are getting harder to the West. Bye bye western imperialist suckers.


While the west has been taken over by the forces of evil, so has every other government on earth. And do you know why the west is falling. It’s because western democracies were the prime target of the deep state that’s who they wanted to destroy the most Probably because western democracies are, when they haven’t been corrupted the best and fairest form of government. Savage practices like slavery were ended ( sort of)by western democracies. Plus there has in been in the past at least, peace and security in western democracies that’s why we have this massive immigration problem and it’s the deep state that deliberately flooded the west with migrants as a way of bringing the west to its knees. And guess what, when the west officially is pronounced dead. It will mean the forces of evil has won and it will be too late to do anything about it.


Roland, I read your text. Only one repair: the West has imperialists suckers, as the zios (the big suckers), but also has a lot of peoples.

Ariste Arvanitides

Everyone is trying to destroy Christianity. It is not just the money — they can print as much as they like. It is not the oil — there is plenty of oil and clean energy. It is not the land — good business is sharing at a profit. It is the Spirit of Jesus they are fighting. I was young and now I am old. Things become clear as you age. Think about this: (!) why were atomic bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima? Because they were heavily Christian, the terms of surrender had already been agreed to prior to the bombing. (2) Why was Dresden Germany carpet bombed for days by England and the US allied forces even though the war had ended? They had no military factories nor pharmaceuticals, but they were deeply Christian women, children and old men. Why did the Ottomans GENOCIDE the Armenians, Greeks of Asia Minor (think Ionian – Trojans), and Pontian Greeks? Becauses they were rich and were intensely Christian Orthodox. Why was Serbia bombed to no-mans’s land? Because Germany asked Clinton for that in vengeance for WWII – Serbs were brave warriors and they stumped NAZI plans — They are deeply Orthodox Christians. Let us continue to the Syrians, where Christianity built its firt churches. or how about the Greek Austerity plan for 100 years open looting to all Europeans at the German bequest — after setting up a debt that did not exist, and was never AUDITED!! Because Greece, and Thessaloniki is rooted in the Bible and the Gospels!!! They are Christian. WHY is Erdogan intent on turning all Orthodox Cathedrals and churches, monestaries and culture into Muslim ‘property” that was “conquered”? Because he wants to wipe everything Christian out of history, out of the minds and hearts of people all over the world, he wants to rulee by destroying everything good in the world and do so by the blood of the innocence. He thinks by GENOCIDE of CHRISTIANITY he will impose his god. Little man. The true GOD can not be destroyed, beause GOD is ETERNITY. Little man. He is but a lump of mud to serve as fertilizer to the plants that will sprout from his flesh and blood. May he think about that.

Jim Allen

I think your timing is a little off on many of these events. That Japan was/is a Christian country is pure bullshit. The reason US dropped the nukes in the biggest acts of terror in world history., is because they could. There were no legitimate military targets left in Japan. The country, save 4 cities had been razed to the ground in the terrorist incendiary bombing raids by USAAF. There was no reason to destroy two more cities, and it’s a crime against humanity to attack civilian infrastructure and populations. The incendiary bombing raids over Germany were taken up by the British, due to England being unable to sustain the losses of daylight bombing over Germany. US joined the Brits in these incendiary bombing over German cities when the Luftwaffe stopped daylight bombing over Germany for six months as US couldn’t sustain the losses of 10%+ of it’s bombers on a daily basis either. When the long range fighter escorts became operational US returned to daylight bombing. The Russians won the war in the European theatre. Christianity had little to do with this. The Christians involved in the war behaved in most unChristian like manners throughout the war. The Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal at The City of London, are the Christian haters. This was seen in Syria when the Christians were being slaughtered a few years ago. The work of the pretenders, as many Christian military forces there are in Syria, none came to put a stop to the killing. It was Hezbollah that came, and put a stop to the pretenders slaughtering Syria’s Christians.

Fog of War

” That Japan was/is a Christian country is pure bullshit. ” Those two Japanese cities were the centers of Christian faith in Japan. That doesn’t mean all of Japan was Christian. You totally misunderstood his statement.


Yep but it goes further than that they are also trying to wipe out the white race. But Christians are being slaughtered in the mid east and Africa.

Ariste Arvanitides

Yes indeed, they are killing Christians everywhere regaredless of race, and then they want the whites. https://beforeitsnews.com/christian-news/2020/10/the-eternal-enemy-of-humankind-know-your-enemy-the-enemy-of-all-christians-revealed-the-secret-holocaust-you-were-never-taught-in-school-awesome-video-2589346.html See this, it is interesting.


I like what your saying there can I ask what country your from?


Mercantile Imperialists > Feudal Imperialists


I don’t if is or =, seriously.


It’s like Lords vs War Lords. Abramovich vs Zakharcenko

Jens Holm

Those Putin Khazars probatly are financed by CIA and Mossad too.

Refugees from Syria for some time are given swimminglessons, so Assad finally will be the only one in his selfmade Zoo.

The united plan is to send all westbankers and mexicans in a la carte. No more beduin corn at the steppe. Instead it will be a Mecca and Medina for Tequila lovers and their housbonds https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f9cf4fd435b7c064d132bd41e2b9d48922565758e5a39425f7450ea2f91516ca.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/716d4c6ea7540ca888c74aec9611260e207b14f6d888d526a8f727d3c1a71454.jpg

Lone Ranger



I think refugees prefer Danish women over fighting Assad


Jen’s I should have listened to you earlier because your right about Putin he is under the control of the devil.

Potato Man

Don’t you think ISIS, Daesh, Al-Qaeda are also private military contractors (nowadays)? They used to work for (US-Israel-Wahhabi states – as we saw all Daesh fukers had US dollars in their wallets LOL) then Turkey join and play along. At this point they (Wahhabi) are just like military contractors…cheap military contractors. Turkey move them from Syria -> Libya and now to Azerbaijan. Wahhabi terrorists are fighting for Turkey and Turkey pay them….how they are not PMC.

A private military company (PMC) is a private company providing armed combat or security services for financial gain. PMCs refer to their staff as “security contractors” or “private military contractors”. Private military companies refer to their business generally as the “private military industry” or “The Circuit”.

Wahhabi cun7 also fight for money and fuking donkey before they get killed by American or Russian PMC/troops. US use PMC to cover up their loss in Afghanistan – Iraq – Syria, it works…PMC can get away from war crimes, no one really can watch over them and if they die….dosen’t fuking matter hire another one. It is much harder nowadays to start a war without other nationals dropping their 2 cents, so the future war will be fought by PMC and the support of the state/s.

Remember when US wanted to make a road in Afghanistan? One of the hardest part was Taliban would just send American flying with IEDs or camp those fukers. So US hirded 100s of these PMC….the cost of them was stupid so US drop that plan to build that road around Afghanistan. How many American PMC have died or Russian in ME? No one really can say…how many of these PMC committed war crimes.

Historically, private contractors have not been subject to criminal law under the U.S. military justice system because the Supreme Court has held that military criminal trials of U.S. civilians in the absence of a declaration of war are unconstitutional.

Porc Halal

Nice…I see the PMCs are using hunting dogs … man, I know momo hated dogs because dogs did attak him…everybody knows dogs do not like thugs , punks and thieves…instead of using only hunting dogs to hunt down jihadis I would be also using a combination of hunting dogs and hungry pigs …

Europe hates America

Kill al this turkish isis rats. Support from ??


Are you sure these are russian PMC? Isis hunters are not Russian PMC and these are in fact ISIS hunters. It is a group formed by russia with Syrian, Iraqi and hezbollah being the vast majority part of the group.

Jim Allen

Russia did not form these groups.


Amazing video!

Very different life! Ain’t no human rights in the real world, I was telling people recently. I loved the humane handling of ISIS hostages, practicing stone-breaking hammer-strikes on them, slicey-dicey and burning them. Shooting the roaches lying on the ground multiple times to be sure. Hunting people-of-ISIS and showing off the corpses like an African large game hunter shows off shot rhinos.. These mercenaries may be psychopaths, but the reality of war is that a soldier needs to become one in order to rid the world of ISIS. I wish these mercenaries would be showing off the bodies of Bill Gates, Cheney, Clintons, Kissinger, Blair, Elliott Abrams and the Australian ConVid Lockdown Nazi Government officials.. bloody, smashed to a pulp, but face very recognizable on video and then burned.


Yeah, man. You’re right. You’re damn right.

Fog of War

But I thought they didn’t exist. Didn’t Putin tell us so ?


Great guys, hope they fight Erdogan and not Europe. But then again Europe is no thread we have politicians like old women cowardly and without ball’s ; Merkel clones and what could Russia find over here that they do not have? Nothing. And i know Russians are not so lazy, vegetative and parasites as Turkish, middle eastern or African nitwits and illegals . Keep up the good work men!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Cruel violent men doing what they love to do most, but not in the world I want to live in. Is it any wonder there’s never any good reliable intel on Isis activity, it’s because no one gets a chance to question them, or even identify them after vile people like this mutilate the corpses, OMG.

Felipe Luker

One would have imagined that Russia would immediately side with Christian Armenia against Muslim Azeris, but this time there is some evidence that the Russians have (finally!) Learned some painful lessons from history, especially about the “so-called” brothers. “Orthodox” of Russia. The sad truth is that, like Belarus under Lukashenko, Armenia, since at least 2018, has been following the same kind of “multi-vector” political course as Belarus. This policy can be summed up as follows: “maintain an anti-Russian political course by demanding Russia’s support.” The Russians did not like this more in Armenia than in Belarus. But the big difference is this: although Russia cannot afford to “lose” Belarus, it has no real need for Armenia, especially for an Armenia hostile to Russia.

That is not to say that Russia should back Azerbaijan. Why? Well this has nothing to do with language or religion and everything to do with the fact that modern Azerbaijan is a political protégé of Erdogan’s Turkey, which is truly one of the most dangerous countries and political regimes out there. , which Russia should deal with. with the caution of a snake handler facing a particularly nasty and unpredictable pit viper. Yes, Russia has to compromise with both Turkey and Azerbaijan, if only because these two are powerful countries (at least in a regional sense) and because they almost always do not plot anything good, especially Turkey.

Then there is the question of the role of the United States in all this. We can be pretty sure that the United States is talking to both sides telling them that as long as they maintain an anti-Russian course, they will get the support of Uncle Shmuel. There are two problems with this:

Both parties know that the US is talking to both parties When push comes to shove, US support really matters very little I would even say that any major escalation of the conflict will show both sides that the United States makes a lot of promises and doesn’t really keep them. In stark contrast, Turkey complies. Yes, recklessly and, yes, in violation of international law, but still Turkey complies and is not ashamed to confirm it.

As in the case of Belarus or Ukraine, Russia could stop this conflict, especially if the Kremlin decides to use military force, but this would be terrible in political terms and I am sure that Russia will not openly intervene. On the one hand, this war is a clear case of a zero-sum game in which a negotiated compromise is almost impossible to achieve.

Also, both parties seem determined to see this through to the end, so why should Russia step in?

It seems that remaining a neutral intermediary is the best and the only thing Russia should do for now. Once the dust settles and once either party realizes that Uncle Shmuel is more about words than actions, then perhaps Russia can once again attempt to offer a regional solution, possibly involving Iran and excluding the United States for sure. But that can only happen later.

At this point, both sides have been cornered and both sides appear equally committed to a total military victory.

Conclusion: in this conflict, Russia has no allies or friends. Right now, the Azeris appear to be winning, but if Armenia uses its Iskander missiles or recognizes NK independence (which the Armenians are now threatening to do), this will get ugly and a Turkish intervention will be possible. Let’s see how (and even if) the United States will do something to help Erevan. Otherwise, it will be interesting to see what will happen once the Armenians rediscover a well-known historical truth: Armenia cannot survive without Russia. And even if the Armenians come to this conclusion, I would still recommend that Russia be very careful in placing its weight behind either side of the conflict (especially since the Azeris have international law on their side).

In other words, I recommend that Russia act solely and exclusively in its own geostrategic interest and let the entire region discover how much help Uncle Shmuel can really provide. Specifically, I submit that it is in the interests of Russia’s

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