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MARCH 2025

Russian Reinforcements Continue To Pour Into Northeastern Syria (Video)

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On January 20, the Russian Military Police deployed additional reinforcements in Syria’s northeastern region, which is controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights shared a video showing a large convoy of the Russian Military Police heading from the town of Ain Issa in northern Raqqa to the town of Tell Tamer in northern al-Hasakah.

Two days ago, the Ministry of Defense of Russia announced that 300 personnel of the military police will be deployed in al-Hasakah to reinforce joint observation posts with Syrian government forces.

“The main objective is to facilitate the de-escalation of the conflict in the region,” Maj. Dmitri Suntsov, the head of one of the joint Russian-Syrian observation posts said, according to Sputnik. “Our servicemen are monitoring adherence to the ceasefire and providing various assistance to the local population.”

The mission of the additional Russian troops will likely go beyond observing the ceasefire in the northeastern region, to mounting more pressure on the SDF.

Over the last few weeks, the SDF harassed Syrian government troops in al-Hasakah on a number of occasions. The US-backed force went as far as besieging the government-held part of the governorate’s capital.

According to several sources, the SDF wants the Damascus government to ease restrictions on Kurdish-held areas in northern Aleppo as well as to step up its military presence in northern Raqqa where Turkey may launch a military operation soon.

Russia is currently mediating between Damascus and the SDF. An initial agreement was reportedly reached. Russia’s pressure is likely meant to push the SDF into cooperating in a more positive way with Damascus to secure and stabilize the northeastern region.


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Samuel Vanguard

more US troops will be pouring into syria courtesy of Beijing joe

Mr T

it is Russia, assad or Torks crushing the PKK

assad dungeons or Turkish guns…for PKK

Pave Way IV

“…the SDF wants the Damascus government to ease restrictions on Kurdish-held areas in northern Aleppo as well as to step up its military presence in northern Raqqa where Turkey may launch a military operation soon…”

Dear Russia:

Make Assad ease restrictions on us, even though you don’t rule Syria. Oh yeah, and provide Russian troops to die defending the SDF against NATO Turkey’s planned attack against us. We could just bus the 20,000 ISIS head-chopper prisoners to the Turkish border and release them to fuck up Turkey, buy why would we do that to our enemy, the Turks?

The U.S. backs us Kurds 100% of course, but only to guard SDF-owned oilfields on Kurdish sovereign territory – like our Omar and Deir EzZor Oilfields. The U.S. doesn’t seem to enthusiastic about sending it’s troops to die for us against it’s NATO ally, the Turks. So naturally, we expect Russians to die for us. Thanks a million.

Kiss, kiss The Mighty Rojava Legions


Not Indian Paul

Good work Russia, time to get rid of those yanks.


Russia better have a plan to deal with the influx of US troops that will be coming to Syria soon. But more worrisome might be the sophisticated anti-tank missiles and MANPAD’s that Islamist rebels will soon receive from the US. Their goal is to get as many Russian troops killed as possible.


It isn’t China taking over and destroying the US. It’s Israel. What are the vermin Jew planning to do to Russia now that they’ve got the most Jew infested government in place since the Bolshevik Jews mass murdered 20 million Russians?

This video can be watched by clicking on the link below the screenshot.



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fb84b6885e7fa8e0f9e2f6c328ef7e4e03c9a64240ace4efa74cccbae041af7d.jpg https://www.timesofisrael.com/all-the-jews-biden-has-tapped-for-top-roles-in-his-new-administration/

klove and light

the only problem is…99% dummies dont believe you when you post the truth that jews took over russia in 1917 and murdered 20 million+ russians till 1935……


Judaism needs to be outlawed and abolished in the US and the synagogues and yeshivas permanently closed. So that the US becomes Jew free. If they leave fine. Good riddance and don’t come back.

The entire planet needs to be dejudified so that it’s Jew free.

klove and light

The entire planet needs to be dejudified so that it’s Jew free.

99% less war 99%less “organized crime” 99% less lies…starting with the biggest bs ever……….the fairy tale of the “holocaust” but rather speak about the truth…the Haavara agreement between jews and hitler germany…… HENCE


NA= hitlers party……. NAtional sozialistiche deutsche arbeiter partei

ZI= ZIonism


hitler= schickelgruber= rothshild from vienna


Russia should’ve let Turks and PKK kill each other.

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