FILE IMAGE: Sputnik/ Mikhail Fomichev
S-400 and Pantsir-S anti-aircraft weapon systems will remain in Syria despite the recently announced withdarawal of Russian forces, Viktor Bondarev, former Commander of the Russian Aerospace Forces and Chairman of the Defense, and Security Committee of Russia’s Federation Council revealed on December 13.
According to the Russian state-run news agency TASS, Russia is not going to reduce its anti-aircraft capabilities in the coutnry. Some number of helicopters, warplanes and military personnel still involved in the ongoing anti-terrorist efforts will also remain.
Earlier, the Pentagon said that the US had not observed any significant withdrawal of forces from the country.
“There have been no meaningful reductions in combat troops following Russia’s previous announcements planned departures from Syria,” Reuters quoted Marine Major Adrian Rankine-Galloway, a Pentagon spokesman.
““There have been no meaningful reductions in combat troops following Russia’s previous announcements planned departures from Syria,” Reuters quoted Marine Major Adrian Rankine-Galloway, a Pentagon spokesman.”
They’ve got their hopes up that once the Russians draw down, they can take out the Syrian people without Russian interference.
What more proof does one need that TRUMP serves EVIL, fronted by Zionism: https://youtu.be/Jk5M_qLnBmg
Serve zionism and you serve pure evil. Trump thinks all jews must serve zionism, so as a CRYPTO jew (like Rupert Murdoch) Trump seeks to offer Israel what no zionist president of the USA ever did before.
But the foul demonic jerusalem move confounds old school zionist horrors, who see it as counter-productive. Look at how the filthy George Soros left in the USA is so confused whether to bash Trump or not over this move.
So why has Trump’s Deep State puppet masters allowed Trump to keep this election promise? A few months back and Trumpy claimed this was one promise he would not deliver on- so what changed.
Trump’s move is pure CHAOTIC evil- the chaos bit being the significant part. Chaos is anti-logic- the unexpected. In other words justification for a massive new false flag- a false flag used to kick start the war on Iran. The plan to have KSA attack Iran has faltered- the british palace coup in Saudi Arabia has fallen flat when Iran took out the turncoat in Yemen (britain hoped to close down the Yemen war by bribing leading members of ALL sides).
So too many leading Saudis remain against an attack on Iran (which would lead to the destruction of KSA, as Iran saturated KSA with tens of thousands of surface to surface missile strikes). Iran LOVES its jews (more fool them), but the people of the West think Iran is anti-jewish. So a false flag that kills loads of jews and is blamed on Iran is considered a good bet.
If you follow the jewish controlled press, you’ll see the resurrection of the claim Iran was behind a major bombing of a jewish facility in South America years ago. This is to make a new claim seem even more likely.
Well thought out
No occupier American withdraw, no Russian withdraw and so does Iran. Deal with it Pentagone