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Russian Saboteurs Destroy Ukrainian Military In Deep Rear, Kiev Fights Back With Boars

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Russian Saboteurs Destroy Ukrainian Military In Deep Rear, Kiev Fights Back With Boars

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Kiev carefully hides the successful operation of Russian saboteurs in the rear of the Ukrainian army. In their free time, the Ukrainian military confirms a large number of attacks in the border regions. The Russian sides rarely officially acknowledges details of it operations in Ukrainian rear areas due to their increased secrecy.  

On November 24, it became known about another successful operation of Russian saboteurs. Russian servicemen eliminated Ukrainian military group in the Sumy region. Vehicle with Ukrainian servicemen was shot. Footage from the spot confirms that the Ukrainian army lost several more fighters.



In early November, Commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine complained that Russian sabotage groups enter the territory of Ukrainain Sumy and Chernihiv regions every three days. According to him, operations are carried out by forces of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (formerly the Main Intelligence Directorate, GRU) and Special Operations Forces. About 10 attacks, aimed at reconnaissance and damage to the Ukrainian military, are reportedly carried out per month. The Ukrainian military official made similar claims in October.

Ukrainian servicemen complain that their command is not busy solving the problem of Russian sabotage attacks in the border regions. The territory is not mined, and deaths Ukrainian servicemen during Russian raids are often hidden. The dead are officially recorded as blown up by mines or simply missing.



In September, Russian media publish footage of some more successful operations by Russian reconnaissance groups in the Ukrainian rear areas. LINK The operations include a series of deadly ambushes against Kiev forces in the same Ukrainian regions of Chernihiv and Sumy. The personnel confirmed the high qualification of the Russian special forces operating on the Kiev-controlled territories.

Unlike Kiev’s forces, Russian saboteurs are not looking for fame and do not harm civilians in the border regions. They only target Ukrainian military equipment, personnel and strategic facilities. For example, one of Russian operations resulted in destruction of a bridge used by Ukrainian forces to transfer military supplies to the frontlines. In their turn, saboteurs in service of the Kiev regime launched attacks on Russian border villages in an attempt to gain hype in the media and declare at least some victories of Ukrainian forces. As a result, their bloody PR attacks ended in no military gains but led to civilian casualties. LINK, LINK

After senseless attacks of Kiev’s clowns on the Russian territory in the first half of 2023, Russia increased security in the border regions. As a result, the subsequent attacks attempted by professional Ukrainian servicemen failed. In summer and early automne numerous attempts by servicemen of the Special Operation Forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine were thwarted and resulted in elimination and capture of high-ranked Ukrainian servicemen. LINK

Not a single group of Ukrainian servicemen was destroyed near any Russian military facilities or during the attack on any military or border guard forces. The main task of all these groups is terror of the civilian population and the seizure of civilian facilities, accompanied by information pressure.

Having suffered losses in the ranks of elite units in attacks that led to no results, Kiev suspended sabotage attacks in the Russian rear areas. Recent reports of Ukrainian attacks in regions bordering Russia, not including Crimea, came in September.



While the Ukrainian military remains impotent, the Kiev media enter the battle. Ukrainian propagandists have once again demonstrated their perverted imagination and spread more fake news. Referring to their own Telegram channels controlled by Kiev, Ukrainian media recently reported that a wild boar allegedly attacked a Russian sabotage group and killed one of the servicemen. According to ridiculous reports, the incident took place near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant after Russian saboteurs crossed the Belarusian border (where Russian troops do not operate on the ground and where the Ukrainian military has been erecting concrete barriers for several months). Of course, the Russians allegedly abandoned their dead comrade, but the Ukrainian media could not provide any evidence of the attack. It should be assumed that the Ukrainian boars are more effective than the fighters of the Ukrainian special forces. In any case, such stupid reports are not uncommon on Ukrainian television, and they only demonstrate the disrespect of the Kiev-controlled media for the population, which, in its turn, believes any nonsense after many years of brainwashing propaganda.


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Donald Moore

yes, zelensky has confirmed that they are now drafting wild pigs into the ukrainian army. they are trained to sniff out russians and attack them on sight inflicting many causalities.

Psionists slaves of America

burn those ziolenskyy enslaved modder frackers extra crispy. chicharron tastes good.


life is worth nothing in ukraine.

Black Rock recruiter

we like it that way.


the wild boars too smart to fall for the globalist propaganda would be instinctively on the russian side even after recently acquiring a taste for ukrainians thus disproving the ukrainian propaganda.


wtf , the footage of the russkis attacking the uke vehicles and troops is brutal … don’t think they suffered for too long though, the dead ukes … reminds me of pix of what happened to bonnie and clyde, vehicle and bodies riddled with bullets …

Boycott usa the world's bully

anyone taking on russia in a land war is an idiot. like you say brutal.

Boycott usa the world's bully

these vids already shown late summer. apparently these are counter saboteur operations to hit ukraine saboteurs raiding in to russia at the time on the across the north ukraine border.

LA all the Way!

reminds me of every other weekend in a los angeles neighborhood.


swiss cheese!


“in early november, commander of the joint forces of the armed forces of ukraine complained that russian sabotage groups enter the territory of ukrainain sumy and chernihiv regions every three days.”

complain all you like nazified garbage, the end game is near…

Baby Huey Zaluzhny

biden’s tits are drying up. pretty soon they’ll be drowning in tears going waaaa waaa waaa, not just complaining.


looks to me from one of the video’s that the elite russian special forces that all their targets are from the uki main intelligence forces / sbu and not uki conscripts. these sbu scum are being sent a very clear message…we will kill you scum and make great piles of shit out of you. looks like these attacks also yield lots of intel carried on the persons of these sbu scum. take no prisoners…victory will be yours

Last edited 1 year ago by Questionmore

similar, that finns did during the second world war. finns had a special group, “päämajan kaukopartio osasto” which is something like “headquarters long range patrol department”. it was a special forces department, that operated deep behind enemy lines. they were quite succesful, for example, destroyed a murmansk railway and military trains on it a few times. perhaps russians have been reading a war history of the soviet union. learning from history is always good.👍


i had to shorten my comment quite a lot, unfortunately.

V for victory

russians don’t need to learn by finnish, they already had spetnaz for themselves for decades.

brutal images, indeed, dozens of ukro grunts killed without any mercy. war is a crime, really.


i have never head about spetnaz in the second world war…

BoJo the YoYo

you have a reading comprehension problem then.


it was not called like that but ussr had a terrible partisan force especially after the nazis did their atrocities there. nkvd had their units, the red army other units, especially in belarus, see the preparation for bagration etc.

BoJo the YoYo

shucks, dealing with nato trained nazis is a walk in the park compared to dealing with wahhabi terrorists in chechnya.

western support just prolongs ukraine’s agony. even the ukrainian who was at the negotiating table in istanbul now comes out publicly saying they had the deal wrapped up until that bozo from britain squashed it. why’s he say that now, of all times to pick? he’s still alive and well in ukraine. put 2 and 2 together. it ain’t rocket science.


tie jednotlivé videá boli ozaj pôsobivé. boj v tyle nepriateľa. ťažká práca. svetu mier!!!

Psionists slaves of America

it’s so beautiful seeing zionist enslaved ukrainians taking dirt naps.

BoJo the YoYo

i feel sorry for most of the buggers that never had a say about what their fascist party decides.

The the Crumbling Empire

in any case, such stupid reports are not uncommon on ukrainian (usa) television, and they only demonstrate the disrespect of the kiev (washington) controlled media for the population, which, in its turn, believes any nonsense after many years of brainwashing propaganda. ukrainian and usa citizens are the same.

Gneaus stapo

anyone who lives in a glass house shouldn’t throw stones😉.

igor konashenkov’s and screwjews fantasy numbers make it look real in comparison.

not to forget pezkov lately claiming his daughther lived a harsh life while studying/ in paris . poor girl had to stay in 180sqm 2 million euro appartement 🙄. or putin living by a 120k$salary 😂

modern russia back to the dark ages of ridiculus,super stupid lies. empire of lies


finally ukraine uses the most advanced secret weapons that are not found in other countries in the world.


gender fluid boars?


i doubt ukrainian population believes such crap but they have no way to give the proper answears.


this is not disrespect of their audience by ukronazi lie machine – they are actually so stupid to swallow nonsense that makes normal people laugh.

jens c.u.m. drop

yes, this maybe. but no even boars arsehole safe when jens is around.


great job russia’s recon, sneak and peak and kick ass! force recon usmc


wow. its a wipe out. america surely has destroyed the ukrainins for generations to come. i can’t believe people are still blind to the reality

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