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MARCH 2025

Russian Special Forces Spotted With Advanced Surveillance Radar In Mariupol (Video)

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Russian Special Forces Spotted With Advanced Surveillance Radar In Mariupol (Video)

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An advanced man-portable battlefield surveillance radar has been spotted with Russian special forces in the city of Mariupol.

On April 28, Russian sources released a video showing service members using the radar, known as the Fara-VR, to detect and track movements in the Azovstal steel plant. Hundreds of Azov nationalists are still holding up in the plant, where thy have been also keeping an unknown number of civilian hostages.

The Fara-VR J band radar was designed to detect moving ground targets, including people and vehicles, around the day with a range of up to ten kilometers. The system can track at least three targets and determine their coordinates, speed and direction of movement with the capability to automatically identify their type.

The radar, which weighs 12 kilograms only, can also be mounted on different types of heavy machineguns like PKP Pecheneg and Kord, as well as automatic grenade launchers AGS-17 and AGS-30.

In Mariupol, the Fara-VR surveillance radar was used to provide the coordinates of nationalists moving in the Azovstal plant for infantry fighting vehicles.

Man-portable radars like the Fara-VR provide better situational awareness in the battlefield, especially when used with other surveillance systems like drones.

The Azovstal plant remains under a tight siege by the Russian military and the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic. Azov’s positions in the plant are being targeted on a daily basis. Nationalists are already running low on ammunition and food. With no hope of a breakout, they will likely surrender soon.


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Now is the time to bomb government buildings in Kiev over a mile radius. Are you listening Vlad ?

Florian Geyer

I agree, John.

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Have we won yet?

Last edited 2 years ago by Mariupol was 100% liberated

And the brigdes over the Dnieper!!!

John Tosh

No… let the cockroaches parade themselves first…. parading roaches are the best. You can stamp them out…. with huge explosions….

Russia is slowly learning with the Western Security agencies, RIGHT IS MIGHT.

IF LONDON IS NUKED, you will get the respect of Brussels!

All those criminals stealing wealth from all over the world dumping it in British banks will stop doing that….. Is this a good thing or bad thing??

I don’t know…. Time will tell.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Why so angry John? Daddy raped you when you were a kid? Was it your uncle? There are better ways to Cope, did you try to talk to someone?

Slicky Boy

You sound like a queer I once knew named Shlomo…

Assad Defeated Zionists

It seems Russians are going to use the same tactics as in Syria and they will get away with it just like Al-Asad did. The UN is a joke.


Get away with what? Russia stopped the West in Syria like it’s doing in Ukraine. That get way with stuff yeah

hans raus

West in ukraine? are you lunatic? russia killing ukrainian people that fight for their country, if NATO aka west is there then russian child rapists are done

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

hans, halt die fresse.

hans raus

I’m not really German, sorry. I just like these nazi names they make me look less gay.


Oh I don’t know, hands raw, sounds pretty gaytoo.

Slicky Boy

You’re GAY alright…

War junkie

What are you smoking? Zelinsky is in nervous breakdown and shock. 35,000 Ukrainian military are gone. Another 40,000 about to get surrounded.


hans is not well. Have a little pity for God’s sake.


Its good you can fantasize all of these things daily and ignore the actual facts. I imagine it would fracture a fragile childs mind to do otherwise. But much like ALL Germans alive in 1937-46, twisted little nazis have a very dim future prospects.


Raus, Hans! Are you some kind of weird masochist who enjoys being pissed on, in a literal sense? Why are you here? Go hang out with the hohols.

hans raus

Yeah, I enjoy being abused. The reason why I support Yankees so much.


AS a Brit I am aware that this stuff is done by the English and US on a large scale.

NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

Azovtrash are not people.

Assad Defeated Zionists

Just wait a little bit, those M270 MLRS with special guidance will soon get to Ukraine and no bridge, fuel depot, ammo dump, airfield, etc in Russian occupied Ukraine will be out of reach. Lots of Ruskie generals and their conscript cannon fodder are soon to be barbecued extra crispy for the whole world to see; and Pooty will not use tactical nukes unless he wants to commit suicide.

War junkie

Like what US did in Iraq or Afghanistan. I call your rhetoric pure copout.


wake up fat dumbass. russia safed assad and damascus in the last minute, while the islamic state headchoppers were at the outskirts of damascus and at that time controlling 70% of syria. now except the kurdish occupied north-east, only the little idlib reservate left for the western sposnored djihadi terrorists. but also idlib must be cleaned off the terrorists asap, than syria will be able to reunite with the kurd occuopied parts of syria. and than they can focus in future again on the important things, like to push out the zionist scum out of golan.


Southfront! Please stop putting up films with dickhead music on them or mute the sound.


Tim Turn your sound down dipshit


They have to surrender or die, either one is fine

Bigg Chungus

Unfortunately, they’ve been “on the verge of surrender” for almost two months now. I wouldn’t even put it beyond the realm of possibility that they have connected the tunnels to some other location.

But of course I hope it’s true and that they will just surrender. Perhaps napalm could smoke these rats out of their burrow.


Naah, time ain’t going nowhere and so are Azov, they’re done.


tunnels there are connected to hell. they can surrender or go to the other locatation.

Peter The Ungrateful

Again no video?

Peter The Ungrateful

Never mind, I was blind.

P.S.: LOL, and this rhymed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
hans raus

We all have seen how russia technology looks like in kiev region. There is no hope for ruskiye, There is 30 years time gap in favor of NATO ^^


hans, halt die fresse.


Er ist ziemlich der Lustigste hier. Also Hans weiter so….!! :D


I am a bit confused about your claim of “There is 30 years time gap in favor of NATO “. Where does it fit then that Russia has got the Hypersonic cruise missiles but none of the Nato ganglands?


Russia’s just lucky like that .. They we’re trying to make a better mouse trap and ended up with the Kindahl missile.


Which side is sending thirty year old antiaircraft gepards to be resold on the open market to the highest bidder if they last more than four hours in country? Oh right, the bargain basement brigades of the Kmart army. whats next T34’s? thompsons machine guns? roman war elephants? LMAO

Last edited 2 years ago by BanderiteLivesDon'tMatter

Huh.. How much hay does an elephant eat per day ..


IN AMERICA WE HAVE THE F35. and it’s going to bankrupt the country and still never fly. Russia can’t match that…

War junkie

Don’t think Russia is some stupid country.

They have awesome equipment which they need more of. They can nail you with this stuff.



LOL Azov think they are going somewhere other than graves. No one told me soon to be dead nazis had a sense of humor. Deluded truly believe Russia will allow them to walk out armed and be driven back to ukraine unmolested. Pure comedy


The best outcome at Azovstal would be the death of every single Azov rat, safety for their hostages, and live capture of NATO pigs, especially any high-ranking ones like the rumored Canadian general. Would love to see him paraded around publicly before his life sentence to Siberia.

Peter The Ungrateful

No, especially the Azov NaZis need to be taken alive and made to suffer hard for the rest of their miserable lives, which should be prolonged if need be. Make it living hell for them.


Eternity for suffering in hell.

Peter The Ungrateful

I don’t believe in such nonsense. But if everybody’s beliefs are true in their “afterlife” then the Azov NaZis would most probably be rewarded with a seat at Odin’s table in Valhalla, if they die fighting that is – many are into Norse mythology. So no, they do not deserve that either.


Flood Azovstal with water. Make it slow and the nazis will surface as the water rises within the tunnels and hideouts.


Come to think of it, the apropriate option could be to block the the sewage system but problem is the hostages otherwise it could have been just perfect for the current residents.




It would be hard to tell the Azov from the turds.


Pumping the water out again? Dry ice, freeze em and make em gasp for breath. They will come up cold gasping coughing and dizzy.

JHK, the Gloryhole Janitor

Coke Head of Kiev is now agreeing to a safe corridor for Avostal fighters. If Russia lets these bastards escape, all support for this conflict will evaporate. Women and children only, the rest must unconditionally surrender or die. Putin, don’t fuck this up!


All he has promised then so far is they won’t be killed on sight.


Stupid !! If Putin let the red cross go in for the “wounded”, they will come out with the yankee and nato high ranked criminals disgised as “wounded” !! Dont trust the UN !! Just let the children and women out and inspect them. The rest must come out hands up, transferred to Russian camps for interrogation and if commited criminal acts be executed.


Good to see tanks and IFVs use hit and run tactics now. Fire, move back to cover, then repeat. Missiles need time to reach the target.

hans raus

Putin is very sick, his days are numbered and worth to notice that people with parkinson suffer from hallucinations. Take a look here:


Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

hans raus is very sick, his days are numbered and worth to notice that people with parkinson suffer from hallucinations.

Samatar Koseean

Ewwwwww… Guys, we got a virgin soyboy Reddit user in the comment section. I don’t trust Reddit since these guys on r/UkraineConflict don’t exactly do research and are whitewashing the living shit out of the far-right military-like Nazi Azov as well Zelensky with the typical “But he’s Jewish” rhetoric.

Thomas Turk

Put2 pse, wakey, wkey.. Put1 went to Geneva a few years ago for the alleged birth of a daughter. A few weeks later Put2 emerged, with a NEW round face, no prominent chin, a new non-Judo belly, more hair, loss of German and Judo skills and.. wife ran. Search old vid. of Put1 with late Fr. Prez. Chirac.. a different guy to Put2. Maybe cia bumped off Put1, so double moved in.. who knows. Even locals called Put2, Put’s ghost.

hans raus

,,Biden will ask Congress for $33 billion for the Ukraine war, including $20 billion in military aid News”

russobots will cry and bark ^^

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
JHK, the Gloryhole Janitor

All that money will be syphoned into private accounts, very little will go towards the war effort. Wonder how much goes to “the Big Guy”


Raus, Hans!

Dick Von D'Astard

Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi Raion of Odessa Oblast, lovely place for Russian Marines (MPR) to practice using Fara-VR and other UkranoNazi hunting specialized equipment.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard



Russia should tell Zelensky forces to evacuate the area in 60 miles radius from the Russian forces before to attack. This will save lives both sides.


Yeah, I’m sure Zelensky can’t wait to make it easier for Russian invaders to occupy his country, lol.


The Fara-VR J band radar Could it be used to detect dogs with microchips too? How about Chipped NATO officers?


Level the center of Kyiv already

Putin’s Bane

Why using this radar in Mariupol? Wasn’t it liberated? Are they birdwatching?


Use ground penetrating munitions to undermine tunnel foundations with huge blast cavities. The famed WWII RAF 617 Dam Busters used 5 tonne bombs dropped from 5 to 18 thousand feet, to destroy heavy, 5 metre thick, concrete V1 and V3 bunkers.

Smaller penetrating munitions should be used to collapse earthen trench and bunker fortifications. The craters should also slow AFU troop movements and block armoured units.

Orcrainians are white ISIS

The russians have dropped pretenses and now know to eliminate the orcrainian scum.



Nazi rats are doomed.


This technology is da bomb. USA MIC corporations are probably poring over this video trying to work out how they can replicate this technology and what’s it capabilities so they can create an inferior product that would cost the US taxpayers billions of dollars in inflated govt military contracts and require constant upgrades and modifications for years to come costing even more billions of taxpayers dollars. Job creation at its best and wealth creation at its finest. 😂

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