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MARCH 2025

Russian Special Forces University

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The Russian Special Forces University is the first and only private Russian company intended to provide professional training and development of task forces. The University was created on August 1, 2013 as the “International Training Centre for Special forces” under the patronage of the head of the Republic of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. In August 2017, the center was renamed as the Russian Special Forces University.

The university is being developed thanks to private investments on the territory of over 450 hectares in the city of Gudermes. It encompasses a multifunctional complex of more than 95 buildings and facilities. A Tactics Town with buildings and structures characteristic of urban and rural landscape allows for the practice of combat, hostage-release operations, or any other scenarios in close-to-real conditions. Included in the complex is a rock-climbing wall and an area for practicing anti-terror operations on all kinds of transport with scaled models of the assault objects: airplane, train, bus, and other vehicles. The university’s training grounds set conditions for conducting airborne, mountain, forest, water and other types of training.

The University has one of the world’s biggest covered shooting ranges – about 35 hectares. The main building area is 55,000 m2. The created infrastructure allows for about 500 people to live and train in the center. About 1,000 people can use training facilities simultaneously. An additional mountain training ground was created in the village of Chishki for the training of climbers. Another mountain training ground is being created near the village of Nashha. It is expected that the university will reach full working capacity at the end of 2019.

The university leadership says that its main task is to transfer the anti-terrorist experience accumulated in the Chechen Republic to special units and units of various special services of Russia. The university is also open to work with foreigners. According to experts, the main partners may be the countries of the Arab world and Latin America, as well as member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Negotiations are underway with representatives of Belarus, Kazakhstan and China.

Deputy Head of the National Guard of Russia in the Chechen Republic, Daniil Martynov curates the Russian Special Forces University. He also leads the instructor team. According to him, the university has 45 instructors in various fields and has plans to increase staff.

Martynov says that the instructor team possesses unique experience in preparing and conducting special operations. All trainers are special forces officers with many having extensive combat experience. Before starting their work, instructors complete additional training under a special program developed by the university together with the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Sports in Moscow. In accordance with Russian law, officers and government employees do have the right to engage in scientific and teaching activities.

The university’s training programs cover such areas as firearms training, tactical and special, airborne, mountain, diving, security and military medical training, dog training, auto-training, engineering, IT-training, and courses for war-correspondents. The university also provides for the training of security guards of senior officials and employees of security companies, including general physical training, guarded person tactics, escorting, including automobile, medical first aid, preventive safety measures, counter sniping, hand-to-hand combat and special training. Education and training of both civilian and Russian military personnel takes place on a paid contract basis.

A separate direction of work is tactical and special training in Arctic conditions. In April 2016, a team comprised of members from the Russian National Guard Troops “Flying Squad”, who were trained at a special program developed by the University’s instructors with the support of the Russian Geographic Society, conducted tactical and special exercises in the Arctic. The group, together with instructors, landed three times at the North Pole and practiced various special training techniques in the Arctic for three weeks. For example, as part of the exercises, a group of 20 people arriving via an IL-76, carried out an 8-kilometer march with full combat gear at a temperature of 40°F. The group detected and destroyed the command post of a conditional enemy. The expedition was headed by Daniil Martynov.

Another widely-covered tactical-training exercise in the Arctic took place in April 2018. The “Arctic” group included members of the instructor group of the Russian University of Special Forces, the Flying Squad, the special rapid reaction unit of the Russian Guard in the Chechen Republic “Terek”, the special rapid reaction unit “Lynx” and the Special Operations Center “Vityaz”.

The first stage of the exercises was held at the nuclear icebreaker “Soviet Union” in Murmansk. The second phase took place on the Alexandra Islands – a group of five islands in the Franz Josef Land archipelago.

Apparently, training of the students of this private educational institution served as a nutritious broth for the burning exposures of the “special operations of the Russian special forces” conducting reconnaissance against key objects and critical infrastructure in Norwegia’s Svalbard -at least as portrayed in a release by Western media. Proponents of these revelations went so far as to carry out an open-source investigation on Instagram and found alleged university students taking cunning pictures at Svalbard Airport. They tried to convince the audience that a Russian task force unit had secretly crossed the border, landed in Svalbard, carried out the planned special operations, among other things made a couple photos for Instagram and then the whole group secretly flew to Russia from the local airport, magically passing through passport control on the border.

During the 6 years of its existence, the Russian Special Forces University has become the most famous and professional public training center for task forces and private military and security contractors around the world. The active and successful participation of Russia-linked private military contractors in conflicts in the Middle East and Africa has once again raised in Russia the question of the possibility of legislative permission to create private military companies within the jurisdiction of Russia. If the creation of such companies is legally permitted, the role of the Russian Special Forces University in the training and retraining of employees of such companies will increase even more.

In addition to formally declared patriotic goals, the creation of the Russian Special Forces University has a purely practical dimension. In the event of further success, the university will become a significant source of income for elite groups associated with the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, and will become a factor in the further growth of the influence of the Kadyrov group in the North Caucasus region and in Russia as a whole. The university actively attracts the best specialists to the positions of instructors or highly paid consultants. The best young active service members of law enforcement agencies and task forces undergo extra training in various programs there.

It is important to note that the Russian army is a warring army. Over the past decades, Russian forces have participated in numerous anti-terrorist operations (for example in the Caucasus Region and the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking in Tajikistan) and peacekeeping operations such as with the deployment of paratroopers in Kosovo. In 2008, Russia conducted a successful peace-enforcing operation in response to the aggression of the Saakashvili regime in South Ossetia. Another successful operation was performed in Crimea in 2014. The Russian operation in Syria, which started in 2015, turned the tide of the conflict.

The only other major power which constantly and even more intensively uses its military forces is the United States. However, there is a noticeable difference between the Russian and American approaches. The US Armed Forces make a significant bet on technology and gaining a technological advantage over the enemy. The Russian side relies on training and high qualifications of its personnel – soldiers and officers. Thus, it turns out that the most trained warriors in the modern world are Russians.

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Put your Tail between your legs USA, Russian Special Forces are Coming

Toronto Tonto

little girls you mean .


You really are a complete moron.

Toronto Tonto

Thanks Dick


That’s all your simple pea Israeli brain can reply with.


For what?



Toronto Tonto

Is this the course the fried wagner girls went to before their demise in Syria LOL.

Wolfgang Wolf

our jewish maidan refugee… urraaaaa! missed your bullshit already)))


Look who’s losing the war.


Yeah you lost Syria, and you Israelis fight like little bitches, just ask Hezbollah in 2006 or Hamas in 2014.

Rhodium 10

USA didnt kill a single Wagner PMC as USA propagande claimed!..among other reasons the pro western SOHR told that 13 PMC died fighting vs ISIS in West Eufrates ( Al Mayadeen) 2 days before USA attacked SAA in East Deir Ezzor near Conoco oil field and western propagande turn it and continue talk that hundred PMC died as consecuence of US airstrikes!…

Toronto Tonto

Liar even putin said they did just fudged the numbers like he always does .

Concrete Mike

Just like ukraine aircraft.controllers fudged a route for that civilian airliner over a war zone?? Bitch please.

Rhodium 10

Putin didnt talk any coments about that because he Knew that it was a fake US propagande!..it was similar when US attacked Syria the second time!… again accord pro western SOHR, 65 cruise missile were intercepted by SAD and the main target was Al Dumair air base in Damascus( strong protected by Air defense) and USA&Allies failed cause all missile were intercepted…then USA launched( to save the face) an airstrike with ASSM missile vs small empty complex in Barzeh and 1 ammo depot and 3 warehouse in Himshinhard..of course they needed for such targets to deploy 2 fleets in mediterranean and red sea beside airstrikes with cruise missile from Jordan, Cyprus, Italy,Malta…


The US military is well trained and equipped. They’re just horribly misused. And have been for the entire post World War ll era.


Well this comment section would at-least be better place if there where moderators that would ban Israeli trolls like toronto tonto i.e. solomon kupek.


TT is a flamer who avoids debating the issues because he knows that he’d lose and lose badly. Like the others who make fools out of themselves. So in that sense they serve a purpose as their standard hasbara arguments get demolished and their habitual lies get exposed. Which doesn’t happen on most other sites because the moderators don’t allow it. Here they get made fools of and that’s a good thing.


“flamer”…. that made me laugh. Thanks


Yeah I never block them as it always turns into they show what they really are and it ain’t pretty. Truth has a way of ripping apart psychopaths.


Hi Mike… don’t ya find these brain-dead trolls to be hilarious in their vile idiocy! Take care

Karen Bartlett

Not all Jews are Zionists, though.


I agree with everything but Judaism and Zionism not being one and the same. Zionism and Judaism are synonymous. The orthodox dissidents are a rounding error. And are the biggest blood sucking Jew pedophile rapists of them all.

“94% say that if Jewish state “no longer existed tomorrow,” it would be a “tragedy.””



Karen Bartlett

I read the article from the Jerusalem Post, which is a Zionist newspaper, and is not unbiased. It’s in their interests to claim that “American Jews” support Zionism. (When reading results of surveys, one has to consider the source, the possible bias, and the make up of the survey respondents.Unethical poll-takers can make a survey say whatever they want it to.) Of the respondents to the survey, almost half lived in the NE (prob. New York City) and were liberals, and Obama voters. Most were probably not religious Jews (many Jews are atheists, I believe).Please check these out: https://youtu.be/WSEtuckDbpk?t=6 and https://youtu.be/wJ_ljJ0qdEA?t=412 and https://youtu.be/Minzxh1DNZA?t=158

If you have evidence of your last statement about Orthodox Jews as “the biggest blood sucking…” please give me a link to it…



Your videos aren’t polls. Do you have any that show anything substantially different? I’m not aware of any.

Karen Bartlett

Here is one from the Pew Research Center:https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/05/06/u-s-jews-are-more-likely-than-christians-to-say-trump-favors-the-israelis-too-much/ and here is a Gallup poll:https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/265898/american-jews-politics-israel.aspx

I found these polls by googling “Surveys on what American Jews think of Israel”, and I’m sure there are more. But Pew and Gallup are both reliable research centers, which strive to do scientific surveys (polls) which are unbiased. Keep in mind that more Evangelical Protestants support the policies of Israel than do Jews, if I read the articles correctly. This is because propaganda is effective. That’s why it is done.Even correct information doesn’t always get through to people who have been victims of concerted propaganda.

Thank you for keeping an open mind, Richard.


The second poll requotes the first. And the first substantially confirms the poll quoted by the JP:

“Jews have a strong attachment to Israel”

You can argue about how representative non denominational Jews are of Judaism. A lot of them are essentially drop outs and Jews by birth only. Who aren’t practicing Jews brain washing their children with toxic rabbinical Judaism. As you point out you can alter poll results by how it’s conducted. A percentage of those who answered in the negative to the Pew poll would answer in the affirmative to the poll quoted by the JP.

If you want to do averaging between 94% and 76% and come up with 85% are Zionists. The 15% doesn’t substantially alter the premise that Judaism and Zionism are synonymous. A lot of Catholics are pro abortion. That doesn’t make the church pro abortion. You can even find priests who are pro abortion. Just like some rabbis are anti Zionists.

Karen Bartlett

If some rabbis are anti-Zionists, as you say, then Judaism and Zionism are not synonymous.


Does that make the Catholic church and anti abortion not synonymous if some dissident priests support abortion? Most people would answer no. As would I.

Karen Bartlett

Ok, I concede the point that it is dissident Rabbis and Jews who are anti-Zionist, according to the Zionists. But there are quite a few of them. Perhaps not the majority, but a goodly number and their voices are important as to educating Jews who’ve been brainwashed by Zionists.


It won’t change anything. It’s been like this for thousands of years. Even the poll that you provided is showing 87% Zionists and is diluted by non practicing Jews. Including the drop outs that’s only 13% anti Zionists. Without the dropouts it’s a few percent at most. The dropouts don’t carry Judaism forward. The almost 100% of practicing Jews who’re Zionists are the ones who promulgate and represent Judaism

Judaism was already thoroughly rotten by Christ’s time. Replacing it was what his ministry was all about. It needs to be outlawed. And former Jews encouraged to get on with their lives without it. So that humanity can leave it in the trash can of history where it belongs.

Anti Zionist dissidents are a diversion and a minor side issue that doesn’t correct and won’t correct the problems with Judaism. That people try to use in a blame shifting exercise to try to say that the problem is Zionism not Judaism. The crimes committed in the name of Zionism are a direct expression of what Talmud rabbinical Judaism has been brain washing Jews with for thousands of years. It needs to go.

Judaism was a serious problem long before modern Zionism. That considerably exacerbated the problem with the creation of the state of Israel. Which needs to be dissolved and replaced with a unified Palestine.


“Fully three-quarters (76%) of Jews by religion say they are very or somewhat emotionally attached to the Jewish state”

– Chapter 5: Connection With and Attitudes Toward Israel –


There’s a difference between being emotionally attached and thinking that if something didn’t exist that it would be tragic. Zionism is support for Israel as the nation of Jews. If you think that it would be tragic if it didn’t exist, that makes you a Zionist.

Karen Bartlett

I read the Saker article and learned something. But remember, he says he didn’t say “all Jews”.


There’s a difference between institutional Judaism and what some practicing or non practicing hereditary Jews believe or espouse. When I refer to Judaism, I’m referring to the institution, not dissidents from it.


Even the polls that you link to are showing that 87% of Jews are Zionists. If you back out the non practicing Jews that are included. You come up with essentially the same numbers as the JP.

You can get Israeli citizenship under their law of return as a non practicing hereditary Jew going back a generation or 2. Because they’re desperate for people. But you won’t be admitted to a congregation as an institutional “religious” Jew until you go through a cult brain washing conversion process. To be able to attend synagogues, participate in marriage and other rituals, and be buried in a Jewish cemetery without some rare exception being made.


Judaism should be outlawed as an evil pedophile mass rape cult and criminal organization, the synagogues and yeshivas closed and demolished, and former Jews assimilated into Jew free societies so that the planet is Jew free and Jews go extinct.

“as with any right, the freedom of religion can be abridged if its exercise would infringe on the rights of others.

As a result, several groups have been made into recognized criminal organizations. This is not a common designation, but it has occurred on occasion, typically after a cult group has been involved with a criminal enterprise. These cults have generally been involved with activities like murder, abduction, statutory rape, or other serious crimes. Often, they hold an illegal activity to be a primary focus of their religious teachings, making adherence to the group’s beliefs a virtual guarantee of grossly illegal activity directly harming others.”

– Are Cults Legal? –


“Oral copulation is defined as any contact—no matter how slight—between the mouth of one person, and the sexual organ or anus of another. Neither penetration nor ejaculation/orgasm is required. …

Oral copulation with a minor is necessarily a felony if both of the following are true:

The “victim” was younger than sixteen (16) at the time of the alleged sex act; AND The defendant was older than twenty-one (21) at the time of the alleged sex act.”

– Oral Copulation with a Minor –


– Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Says Oral Suction at Circumcision Is Preferred –


“Article 7 Crimes against humanity 1. For the purpose of this Statute, “crime against humanity” means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:

(g) Rape”

– Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court –



If you think that the meme below is false. The Saker goes over the whole issue in depth with audio visual and quotes of the same thing being taught by official Judaism in Israel today:

– A Crash Course on the True Causes of “Anti-Semitism” –



Karen Bartlett

But how do you know that the photo used in the meme represents Jews? The photo is of an Orthodox Jew, who generally follow the Torah (first five books of OT) rather than everything in the Talmud. Check out “True Torah Jews” on YouTube.

I will read the Saker article and respond…


You’re conflating institutional Judaism and how adherent it’s followers are to it’s tenants. The meme represents the doctrinal teachings of Talmud rabbinical Judaism. A lot of Catholics are pro abortion, that doesn’t make the church pro abortion.

Karen Bartlett

Ok, I see that Rabbinical Talmudic Judaism is racist.


Even the article that you link to references their own polling that essentially confirms that 87% of Jews are Zionists:

“When asked whether caring about Israel is essential, important but not essential, or not an important part of what being Jewish means to them, 43% of American Jews say it is essential, 44% say it is important but not essential”

– Chapter 5: Connection With and Attitudes Toward Israel –


Karen Bartlett

But that in itself could be a result of indoctrination by propaganda put out by the State of Israel.


Judaism has been a problem for it’s entire existence. Israel is just a manifestation of what has caused so many problems for so long. I doubt that polling results if they were conducted prior to Israel’s existence would be much different.


It’s beyond racist. The evidence is prima facia that institutional Talmud rabbinical Judaism is a criminal organization. Even the Israeli government has to reign in it’s rouge behavior to put on a facade of legitimacy. When it can’t cover up it’s crimes or stone wall investigations and disciplinary actions against it.

What the Rabbi is teaching in the Saker piece are crimes being committed in Israel and elsewhere every day.

Karen Bartlett

The Talmud and the Torah are different. The Torah is the first five books of the OT. The Talmud is a group of commentaries by various Rabbis (Pharisees) from ages ago on what they think the Torah teaches. It’s opinion.


The Talmud is institutional Judaism. It’s what the synagogues and yeshivas are based on.

Karen Bartlett

Ok, I concede that point.


It’s a common misconception used as a hasbara diversion.

Karen Bartlett

I didn’t say the meme was false. I said the photo doesn’t necessarily represent what the meme says. And no, i’m not a Zionist. I just don’t think one can stereotype “all” of anybody as anything.


It’s immaterial. All groups have dissidents. That doesn’t mean that the dissidents are representative of the group as a whole. They dissent from what institutional Judaism and the overwhelming majority of Jew represent.

Karen Bartlett

Well, perhaps so. I haven’t known that many Jews. The ones I knew, however, were Zionists.


You know more than you know. They often don’t wear it on their sleeve. Victimizing them isn’t the solution. Getting rid of Judaism is.


Hi Richard- Must disagree with you on your first claim. The evidence would contradict your claim. Especially since Rummies “Transformation” in 2001. Which basically put the death knell on the US Military as an effective fighting force. Debates raged prior to the Bushiejr Cabal infesting New Rome, whether the US Military was then a capable fighting force. It is capable of terrorism on a grand scale. A Marine General named Ripper had some choice words for the Pentagon JCS prior to his retirement. Not before he embarrassed the entire Military infrastructure in the War Game “Millennium Challenge 2002” If anyone has been paying attention of late, they know that US Military hardware is f n crap.


I suppose it depends on your definition of well trained and equipped. I didn’t say the best trained and equipped. I don’t consider US military equipment to be crap. Some of it’s dated. But for what it is the quality is good. And quite a bit of it is as advanced as what anybody else has. Who has a satcom system superior to the US? I’m not aware of anyone.

Hide Behind

There are many such privatized military and security training centers spread about the world, and while most are not as large as this one in land mass, they are already established profit driven enterprises. Some have over 100,000 employees and not all are just roidrd up grunts but highly skilled in many of todays hi-tech weaponry and digital warfare capabilities. In air, sea, and ground force capabilities the largest in World are located within US but they are intertwined with foreign firms and other nations active militaries as well. In US Civil War the Confederates most highly regarded forces were called “Army of Virginia” and today among US and Worlds private contractors there are so many firms in Virginia and Delaware the area is referred to as “The Army of Virginia”. Prince, of old Blackwater fame but now is several interconnected firms, does not make an idle boast when he offered,(for an undisclosed price), to take over the War against the Taliban in Afghanistan. In fact he “owns” an abandoned ex Russian military base on shores of Caspian sea, a gift from US who purchased it from Russia. It’s main mission has been to train and build a purely Special Forces style group of multi nationals to protect the pipelines that run from nations above Afghanistan clear to Bospororus. Have there ever been any reports of Taliban making successful strikes on those pipelines in 18 years? Lots of bleached bones of those who tried. Best be careful when one hears brags of being superior Spec Forces, note the sources, As to private, a misnomer for all have government sanctions and subsidies, of the most effecient and deadliest to its chosen Targets is that of Israel, where the lines are so blurred between private and members of Mossad there are no distinctions; with members dropping in and out of Regular military for short term contracts. Term “contractor” should only be called mercenary, and while little is heard about activity of both private and sovereign spec forces in Africa, those of US/Israel, France, German and NATO are now present in over 18 African Nations. Although illegal in South Africa it has one of largest private mercenary forces on African Continent, and they are not all doped up grunts. A retired US General who once was top echelon overseeing US Spec Force Training and deployment gave a talk in which he said, the only difference between US Spec Forces and regular troop as to physical capabilities, was due to unlimited availability of drugs and especially testosterone for Spec Ops. He is no longer invited to talk seminars.


There’s a big difference between specops and regular military. Their training and equipment is much more advanced.

Toronto Tonto

Still 20 years behind the USA.


A statement like this coming from a liar like you requires proof. Do you have any?

I’ll take no reply as an admission that you’re lying. So will a lot of the other readers.

Karen Bartlett

Finally, a private contractor company trained to fight terrorists instead of trained to protect terrorists! Go, Russia!


Where do I sign up for this training? I’m interested.

Toronto Tonto

Liquor store dufus .


Вы можете говорить по-русски?

Karen Bartlett

I guess this reply means ya’ gotta be Russian.


Not really, but I can use my phone.

Black Waters

God bless the Russian Federation, the U.S has lost their soul, mind and dignity.


The US has never had a “soul, mind or dignity”… it was spawned as “The New Rome” with all its demonic, vile, sodomite, bloodlust included. Cheers


details r ignored—speitnatz r required to be fluent in at least 1 foreign language and conversant in English


This looks like the Russian answer to the “School of the America’s”.

Karen Bartlett

Not at all. The School of the Americas did not teach special forces curriculum. They taught torture techniques to military and police in countries which had dictators put in place by the US gov’t, such as in Latin America. The Special Ops school in Russia is the good guys’ answer to Blackwater, now called Academie. Except Academie protects oil fields of foreign countries from their rightful owners.


It sounds like a fine school. I went through private specops training here in the US. That I use as part of my ET/ED/non conventional life form contact work.


Enjoyed the read and found it interesting. Quote: “The US Armed Forces make a significant bet on technology and gaining a technological advantage over the enemy. The Russian side relies on training and high qualifications of its personnel – soldiers and officers. Thus, it turns out that the most trained warriors in the modern world are Russians.” Considering the last 20 years in Russia and its investment in its Armed Forces.. I would say the author is 100% correct.

Jose Martinez

I love Russian Systema. 8 years ago I would’ve loved to try my hand against a Systema fighter. God I hate Puerto Ricans.


in international competitions Russia always ranks in the top 3—in the most recent competition in China, the USA was #35

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