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MARCH 2025

Russian Special Military Operation In Ukraine, Military Expert’s Opinion – Interview

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Russian Special Military Operation In Ukraine, Military Expert's Opinion - Interview

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“I think all the disinformation used by the US and other Western powers will inevitably backfire, as their populace will be shocked by the outcome of this crisis.” – Colonel Wolf

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

The special military operation in Ukraine has been at the center of the ongoing information war between the political West and Russia for nearly 3 months now. Unequivocal support for the Kiev regime is an absolute must for the political and mass media elites in NATO and EU countries. Within this framework, portraying the Ukrainian crisis as a sort of defeat for Russia has been the norm. To keep this narrative, Western mainstream media spend most of their time desperately trying to twist reality. But to do that more effectively, they need absolute dominance, not just in their own media space, but around the globe.

Keeping the narrative in the political West is made possible by simply banning or suppressing any alternative source of information. In such a media climate, getting reliable information has become a laborious task. To ease the effort, we have decided to talk to Colonel Wolf, a retired military officer and former member of an air defense unit of the Yugoslav Army. Colonel Wolf has been in the military for 40 years before retiring and has extensive combat experience, including against a vastly superior air force, as he had fought to defend his country from US and NATO airstrikes in 1999.

 – Thank You for taking the time to participate in this interview, Colonel. We would like to start by asking the most obvious question these days. Do You think the goals of the ongoing Western media propaganda campaign are to discredit the state structure of the Russian Federation and turn the special military operation into a long-term conflict to exhaust Russia?

First of all, I would like to send my regards to your readers and thank You for inviting me to the interview. As for the current situation, I would first like to say that this crisis is a tragedy. And by this, I don’t mean the military operation which started in late February, but the whole confrontation which pitted the Ukrainians and Russians against each other and which was started in 2014, thanks to foreign meddling and shenanigans. In this regard, I think that the intentions of the West are more than clear.

And this is nothing new, as Russia has been in the crosshairs for centuries. The current situation is the consequence of the, to say the least, naive decisions taken by the Soviet and later Russian leadership to trust the US and NATO. This changed only in the last 20 years, but the damage was already done, as NATO is already at Russia’s doorstep. The consequences are catastrophic, as the enormous sacrifices taken by the Russian people and other peoples of the former USSR in defeating Nazism have been invalidated with the stroke of a pen. And now the people of Russia are forced to fight the same battle against the same enemy, which is costing the lives of soldiers and civilians alike.

When it comes to the media campaign aimed at Russia, again, it’s not new. Portraying Russia as bad has been the norm for quite some time now, but the current crisis has pushed this to the extreme, virtually war footing, as if the West is preparing their public for war with Russia. The information people are being fed may be outright false, but it doesn’t matter. The endgame is quite obvious. Pushing Russia into another 1990s geopolitical irrelevance, so it could then be plundered and slowly dismantled, piece by piece. This would accomplish two very important goals for the West. First, the removal of a top geopolitical, primarily military rival, and second, it would provide the West with access to Russia’s limitless resources. This has been the goal of all Western geopolitical actors for nearly a thousand years now, from the Teutonic Knights to Napoleon, Hitler, and NATO nowadays. It’s so obvious, that all you need to do is take a map and compare the staging areas of each of these invaders. They’re virtually the same.

 – How would you assess the actions of the Russian Armed Forces in the Crimea, Syria, Kazakhstan?

Those three operations have certain similarities, but are also very different in many respects. The operation in Crimea was conducted without firing a single shot, so to speak. It was lightning fast and extremely well organized. The intelligence behind it was superb. It was also a perfect moment, since the new regime in Kiev wasn’t consolidated enough to respond effectively, and not just in Crimea, but anywhere in Ukraine, for that matter. From a military standpoint, I think Russia could’ve conducted such an operation in the entirety or at least most of Ukraine at the time. However, it’s a whole other issue how effectively Russia would’ve handled the economic and other sanctions by the West at the time, especially on the scale we’re seeing today.

As for Syria, that conflict was and still is a much more complicated endeavor for Russia and its military. The sheer concentration of regional and global players involved there is a geopolitical and military nightmare. Frankly, I’m amazed by the way Russia and its diplomatic elite have managed to keep the delicate strategic balance there virtually intact for all these years. Russia’s ability to compartmentalize all the crises, not just in Syria, but in the Middle East in general, is nothing short of a miracle. There are so many independent, and yet inextricably connected and intertwined elements in the tragic story of Syria. There’s Russia, Israel, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, the US, UK, EU, NATO, various groups such as the Kurds, but also many terrorist groups, which aren’t universally accepted as terrorists, since some consider many of them to be the so-called “democratic opposition”.

So, when conducting the operation in Syria, Russia has to take into account all of these actors. Sometimes, it was possible to work together with some of them, but oftentimes, this was easier said than done. From a military standpoint, the operation has been fantastic. Regardless of the difficulties and the constantly volatile situation, Russian forces there have been consistent and determined to complete their mission. I’m especially amazed by the superb performance of Russian air defense units. Despite daily attacks by drones, mortars, rockets and other weapons, the Russian grouping of forces is not only safe, but continues to advance and provide support to the Syrian military, which has also been transformed from the ground up, turning it into a deadly force, perfectly capable of dealing with terrorist threats and air attacks alike.

When it comes to the operation in Kazakhstan, it falls somewhere between Syria and Crimea, although much closer to the latter. The situation in Kazakhstan was an attempt to divert Russia’s attention and bog the country down, so that Ukraine could take Donbass with little to no interference from Russia. Obviously, this failed, but it does prove that the West still has considerable influence in Central Asia and elsewhere in the post-Soviet region. Russia’s and CSTO’s reaction was very similar to the one in Crimea, although there were some casualties in Kazakhstan. Luckily, it was nowhere near the events in Syria or Ukraine. Militarily, it was conducted as professionally as the previous two. Intelligence services also did a great job. The operation also revealed the need for greater cooperation and interoperability within the CSTO, which, if I’m not mistaken, was also discussed during a recent meeting in Moscow.

 – The actions of the Russian Armed Forces aim to prevent large-scale casualties among the civilian population and even huge losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. A good example is the withdrawal of Russian troops from Kiev in order to avoid large-scale civilian casualties. In this, Russia’s tactics differ from the actions of the United States, which completely destroyed cities such as Mosul and Raqqa. How do you assess the difference in the actions of the two armies?

The difference is primarily doctrinal. The United States and NATO are heavily focused on airpower. Without it, their style of warfare effectively crumbles. Land forces of NATO countries never engage in combat without complete air dominance. And even then, they hesitate, as was the case in my country, where they didn’t dare to conduct a land invasion, as the terrorist groups they armed, funded and directly supported by providing air cover were soundly defeated by our (Yugoslav) army. Their command assessed there would be unacceptable losses on the ground, so they resorted to the mass bombing of civilians and civilian infrastructure. It worked, as our government realized the civilian casualties which were in the thousands by that moment would soon turn into tens of thousands if the bombing was to continue. Not to mention the worsening humanitarian disaster which was already affecting millions.

Iraq was unfortunate to experience this over a span of several decades. There have been millions killed in Iraq, which is a testament to NATO’s brutality and complete disregard for the safety of the Iraqi people. Given that the US has been bombing Iraq intermittently for decades, I don’t see why they would suddenly start caring about civilians now or ever. Worse yet, the ISIS attack on Iraq was a direct result of US aggression in the Middle East. In order to save face and push the terrorists back into Syria, so they could continue the regime-change operation there, the US intervened, but refused to send land forces, with the exception of intelligence and special forces. And even they were used as an integral part of the bombing operation. This is why all these cities in northern and western Iraq suffered tremendously.

There’s also one major difference between the actions of the US in Iraq and Russia in Ukraine. The US doesn’t see the Iraqi people as their own. The Iraqi people, and Arabs in general, have been demonized by US and other Western media for quite some time. This has had a dehumanizing effect which resulted in high casualties among the Iraqis. Russia, on the other hand, sees the Ukrainian people as its kin. President Putin himself has been saying it for years and it’s quite obvious that the Russian military is going out of its way to protect civilians in Ukraine, even at the expense of its own troops in some cases, which is an extremely rare occurrence in military operations of such magnitude. I have certainly never seen anything even closely resembling this during any operations conducted by NATO. Russia’s withdrawal from northern areas of Ukraine also proves this. By limiting large-scale operations to Donbass, the Russian military is trying to reduce the territorial scope of the fighting. Obviously, the goal is to finish the operation as soon as possible and force the government in Kiev to capitulate or at least sign a peace treaty favorable to Russia.

 – The Ukrainian command uses big cities as fortresses, and their populations as human shields. A good example is the Azov Regiment and the population of Mariupol. How do you feel about such tactics of warfare?

I wholeheartedly detest and reject such tactics. I find it hard to imagine a more disgraceful behavior. Military honor should make any decent officer reject even the notion of using civilians for that purpose. During NATO aggression on Yugoslavia, our military did everything humanly possible to remove our forces from cities. We knew full well what large-scale bombing could do to our people and we did everything we could to prevent that. It was only after the US and NATO failed militarily and expanded their operations to residential areas and civilian infrastructure that our government decided to negotiate with the aggressor.

What I can conclude from the conduct of the Ukrainian army is that it simply doesn’t see the Ukrainian population as its own. If they did, they certainly wouldn’t be placing their troops inside towns and cities, especially not cities the size of Kiev or Kharkov, as that puts millions of people directly at risk. Ukraine is the largest country in Europe. I’m sure there’s more than enough space to conduct military operations tens, if not hundreds of kilometers away from densely populated areas.

 – Russia is trying to keep the nature of the special operation limited, maintaining a humane attitude towards the civilian population and the enemy. What is your assessment of the actions of the Russian Armed Forces in this sense?

As I stated before, I think this is the only way military operations should be conducted. Of course, it’s best to try and avoid military action whenever possible, but if it’s absolutely necessary, there’s simply no other way, if civilians are to be spared. I believe Russia will offer a peace treaty after the operation in Donbass is completed in order to avoid further bloodshed, but given the lack of actual sovereignty in Kiev, I’m afraid they will refuse to negotiate. This will force Russia to continue the operation, which might drag the conflict on for months. I believe Russia will take its time, because trying to reduce civilian casualties inevitably slows down military operations.

 – One of the main means of provocation by the Western media is the regular use of unreliable and sometimes dishonest information about the top military-political leadership of the Russian Federation (Head of the Ministry of Defense, Chief of the General Staff). Does such a set of actions seem justified in order to discredit Russian leaders in the eyes of the international community?

Well, you know what they say in the West, “All is fair in love and war.” I think this is especially true for the hybrid warfare which has been taking shape in recent decades. Information, or better said, disinformation is one of the most important aspects of modern warfare. The goal is to demoralize the opponent, strengthening your own resolve in the process. However, this should be matched with actual successes on the ground. The problem is, there are little to no such successes for the West in Ukraine. Sure, there might be some minor tactical successes, but the overall situation looks rather grim for the Ukrainian forces. In order to divert attention from that, the US and NATO need at least something. But because there is almost nothing they can use, they disseminate outright lies as part of a wider disinformation effort to portray Russia, its armed force, and military and political leadership as incompetent and divided.

Of course, this can only have a very limited effect in terms of Russia’s international prestige, because leaders around the world are perfectly aware of what’s going on. It’s obvious that all the disinformation is primarily designed for domestic consumption. We even see this in the actions of top US officials. For example, the US Defense Secretary, Mr. Austin openly stated that the goal of the US is to weaken Russia. However, just the other day, he called his Russian counterpart, General Sergei Shoigu, to ask for an immediate ceasefire. Just ask yourself, why would the side which is supposedly winning ask for a ceasefire? I find this very indicative of the actual situation on the ground. Even if I knew nothing about military matters, even if there was no real-time information from the battlefield, to me, this would be a clear sign of what’s really going on. This is why I think all the disinformation used by the US and other Western powers will inevitably backfire, as their populace will be shocked by the outcome of this crisis.

 – Thank You very much, Colonel. It was a pleasure hearing Your point of view.

Thank You for having me. Once again, best regards to You and Your respected readers.


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Good interview. Thank you, I enjoyed reading this.


Same here. Thanks to SF for posting it.


great interview, Hvala! (spasibo! thanks!)



Johnny Andersson

I can not see how peace can be achived, could only happen if Russia do unconditional surrender and pay 100 trillion dollars in damage to Ukraine and hang the fascist Putin regime and I can not see that happening today. Russia will be completly isolated from the world, only have contact with North Korea and Iran. China will give up the Russian 1.5 trillion market for the 40 trillion market of USA and Europa as soon as they are faced with the ultimatum. Putin will be the new Kim Jong-un dictator fighting for global attention by threatening the world with nuclear waepons. The Putin regime is a threat to the world and must go.


The only fascists hanging will be in Kiev you piece of Nazi trash.

Jens Holm.



Hmm interesting but since we are talking about a threat to the world where did you leave the U.S and it’s puppets???

Jens Holm.

You name it Yourself naming us as puppies.

Lets say You are right. normal people can see, we anytime are puppies on first class.

I still would never changes to something like Yours if LGBTs, Women and jews was running the whole good dammed business sponsored by CIA.

They all are more friends then Your kind.



Jens Holm.

Is scumbag Your real name.

Be the good.

I think you are in deep mental depression, sorry for that and forgive mr putin too.

Jens Holm.

Putin made him like that. Im more moderated. I agree 90% only.


senile nazi sodomized in your lgbt Oregon trailer park


Ti očito ne razumiješ članak ili nemaš nimalo dostojanstva da se potrudiš razumijeti.

Jens Holm.

I cnat find You in google translate – a hint pls.


Ask your women for translation. They use to quick learn our language. For example when they visit and come home they know quite well most of the expressions for the actions they participated in while visiting: pušiti, jebati, cuclati, primiti ga straga, liznuti picu, progutati. And boy they are hardworking women.


Moraš ga razumjeti. Više ne mogu ići kupovati jeftinu vodku iz Rusije pa sami prave od krumpira i kojekakvog dreka alkohol sa puno metanola. To se zove nordijsko s(ljepilo). Ovisni o alkoholu zbog njihove jebene klime a njihova “demokratska” država ih pere sa 3000% porezom na alkohol. Ma ništa on ne kuži. Koža im kao sir. Mozak komunjara. Žene imaju veći libido od njihovih muškaraca. I puno ih svrbi dole. Meni je njih žao. Za njih su Slaveni čista egzotika.


There are probably plenty of things your gullible mind doesn’t understand. It means nothing and nobody is interested to hear about it.

Jens Holm.

You are not part of the rest of the world. You are forbidden and not by us. You must be very bad person.

Maybee Pavlov raised You?

Jens Holm.

I like the 32 minussers. They show how right You have even biased some.


Austin may have been asking for cease fire to allow Ukraine army to retreat from some area.


Terrific insight. Thank you SouthFront for posting.

Putin’s Bane

Colonel Wolf lost in Kosovo so he must be an expert. FYI on 23/2 Russia called it Western propaganda that they were going to invade Ukraine, speaking of disinformation.

If the West really wanted to weaken Russia, why did they willingly make themselves dependent on Russian energy? And why did Russia invade Ukraine in the first place if they knew it was a NATO trap?

Jens Holm.

It was a matter of trust and also best to the price.

Russia seemed to change to better and different after 1991(93), but now they has made no real changes.

Corners is our own fault. We let too many plunderes into them. Here and there it was as stripping Jesus naked.

By thats we legalized both theirs and own Oligarcs. Russia already had too much corruption.


Maybe there is a kind of trap in the trap ^^ , now the question is : is there a trap in the trap that is on the trap ? :op


The first object of war is transformation. Then death and destruction leading to. Rebirth and reconstruction. The rest of the blah blah blah is about hiding the greedy selfish motives driving the operation to satisfy wealthy hereditary families values.


Oh for goodness sake Chivalry died when the King decided that for the good of the common people he shouldn’t lead the army into battle but should be kept in the safest place possible. That was the end of any honour.


Totally agree. Napoleon was the last to personally lead his armies in battle. But still … I heard russians stick to tradition and send their generals on the front lines with the troops. Kadirov is in Donbass now, after finishing in Mariupol. Some leaders still got the honor of the old knights.

Jens Holm.

According their manuals its not like that.

Their generals loose communication with their troops. So good warfare is they ar unprotected in the warzone and die. Its also about no trust to the generals and vice versa.

The generals alive seemes to be far away not knowing what going on – or even dont care. There are a lot of corruption in the ranks as well.

So its a lack of education for the whole system and added problems such as supply and maintaining.

Most military forces as Our has many years hired soldiers in alll levels. By that the center of the whole machine only has few malduntions. Here we then in % only add relative few in the concript level or just above that in years.

Thats makes less but much better soldiers.

Russians also seemes to be in their stiff systems, which is a gift for the more flexible and clever ukra ones. Russians are able to move big troop concentrations fast. , BUT they have no supply for them to remain or fight.

By that they sometimes hardly are ready to defend themself.

Thats what I think I know about it in a short version.


victory achieved by Russia—-as USA spends billions Ito ruin ukieland in fake nation where half live in poverty or more in usa……..hyperinflation and failure is obvious…soon much of ukropistan will permanently revert to Russia—another humiliation for amerikants

Jens Holm.

The poverty line in USA is much higher then the statistics say. You always forget Russia has not middleclass. They are 165 million in USA doing much better then most in the world.

The rest in its best is very incorrect. There must be hyperinflation in Your mind.


Colonel Wolf you say? I can’t see how that is his real name, since I can’t fathom an anglo-saxon working for the Serbian military in 1999, even less being a colonel. Obviously a fake name

Jens Holm.

Are You from Skotland and they killed You.

Johnny Andersson

“West media is banning or suppressing any alternative source of information.” Take a hard look at yourself Russia, there is zero independent media in Russia today, zero. Total communism and tyranny again in Russia. Russia has been a hell hole for over 100 years and now Russia enters a new 100 years of total isolation, only North Korea and Iran might keep in contact. China will dump the USD 1.5 trillion market of Russia for the USD 40 trillion market in the West, it is a No Brainer.

Michigan Mam

@Johnny Anderson

Yes, I agree. And since Putin sticks to the dumb communist propaganda, which labels everybody not accepting russian oppression, invasion and russian lies “a Nazi” in order to convince the russians to invade foreign countries and thereby commit the internationally highly forbidden crime of war of aggression, it is clear that this cheap communist crap propaganda, might at best reach the rotten heads of some uneducated, underprivileged drunkards in russia.

But it will definitely not achieve its aim, with most of the western and asian populations. We have seen here dozens of times that even Putins closest friends,like the founder and boss of the russian Blackwater equivalent, Wagner group, which Putin uses in Ukraine (for example to re-take Popasnaye), is himself a Neo-Nazi and has even full-blown Nazi insignias tattoed all over his body.

I and others here posted the pictures here, and what was the reaction from the pro-putinists ? Silence !

Because everytime, when people, who think for themselves, easily trash the russian propaganda claims, and disclose the obvious and very stupid russian propaganda lies to the whole audience, the brainless Z-ombie applaudeurs here, immediately shut their mouthes, and play dead.

So often they were caught with their lies, and repeating the lies of the Kremlin. We told them often enough that Putin is a anti-russian, he is a jewish commnist, a pro-bolshewist, and is again russia a a nation, he even spoke that out openly, that he is against russians being a proud, self-esteemed and souvereign russian nation. Every proud russian national feelings he wants to oppress and eradicate them. He (Putin) said for example, Quote:

Putin: “Russia was eternally multicultural” End of quote (meaning he wants UDSSR resp. communism back – aka with this confesses to be a communists)

Putin: “If a multi-cultural society is hit with a bacteria of nationalism it loses its strengh and durability. We need to secure the entire russian youth from the virus of nationalism” End of quote (So wake up people, especially all russians ! Can there be anything more anti-russian, then a president that states he wants all russians to do not feel russian, do not have a strong patriotic national feelings, but instead he wants them to feel small and weak, and even vows to fight every russian, especially the youth if they dare to be strong and proud russians !! Realize: Putin is your enemy ! He even openly said it, but you people are obviously not smart enough to understand the simple words this imbecile jew-puppet spew right into your faces !!!?)

Putin: “Russia is dedicated to eliminate Xenophobia and Nationalism” End of Quote (So here you have it again, Putin pushing the jewish multiculti agenda, which is to oppress and squeeze and destroy the native people of a country and then replace them with foreigners from all over the world. And everybody who is against this outright genocide is labeled “xenophob and Nazi resp. nationalist”. It is soo cheap so obvious !!! Are you russians here really that blind, that you can t see that ?????)

Putin is not pro-russian leader, no ! Instead he pushes all kinds of propaganda from the International Jewry agenda, including the multiculti propaganda. But lots of the dumb RT-media brainwashed russians obviously still cannot see through the fog of his judeo-communist lies. Would they only listen to what Putin states, they would immediately grasp what Putins agenda is, and that he is just a smelly little agentdwarf of the jews, who has the mission to bring back russia under the ironfist of the sinister Jews and enslave christian russians, and then force them into senseless war, to eliminate them and empty the country of them, so that afterwards mio. of refugees from all over the world, and “businessmen” from China, Chechnya and Israel can fill the space and take over the land, resp. what’s left of once (before 1917) proud national Russia.

Putin sells Russia out the the International Jewry. He is a traitor, a treacherous leech, and slimly little worm, posing as “russian leader”, while lying directly into the russians face, and sending them into death in Ukraine.

He now even managed to drive the otherwise always neutral states of Sweden and Finland into the arms of NATO. What a “great achievement of Putin”, that’s for sure good for Russia (irony off). Even the dumbest russian drunkard needs to realize that Putin is driving Russia into total isolation, bloody and complete stupid and illegal war, and likely wars, pushing anti-russian agenda, and oppresses and eradicates christians through war, and imprisonment, while bringing in foreigners from Chechnya, Syria and China, as well as jews from all over the world in order to take over the land from the then eradicated native white russians. Wake up Russians, you are cheering genocide, you’re own extinction !

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Mam

It is already happening: thousands of SkyNews viewers for three days are told “Ukrainian soldiers from Azovstal are evacuated”. “EVACUATED”??!!!?! And people start to search for other channels of information – and realize that “something is rotten in their information-totalitarian woke state”

Jens Holm.

Its as it is. None has to rely on sky news only. The do have a choise and can compare here.

I kind of dont care about it. I see those in Maipol has done an exelent job. No matter what they have done a good job. They all has expected to win or die and most likely number two.

I enjoy Russia focus on those mainly nazis as if it was the rest of the 36 mio Ukras as well. But they now seemes to realise that Asov cant cover, whats really going on anymore.


I’ve been saying all along that Russia’s General Staff has been POLLUTED by the STUPID IDEOLOGY of Pan-Slavism which has lead to MISCALCULATION regarding the Political /Military situation in Ukraine

The interview PROVED my point.

Ukrainians are Cooking FOOD watching TV and allowed to drive around all while taking pot shots at Russian Soldiers

That’s NOT the way to WIN

NATO Bombed Libya I ask do you see any Green Resistance Guerilla movement in the country today ???

If the answer is NO it’s because NATO CAME TO WIN

You don’t see any Guerillas in Yugoslavia either it’s because NATO CAME TO WIN


Afganistan, Syria, Iran, NK?


The grand chessboard is going through a transformation. Will we get stabilization as a result or destabilization and trigger a mass extinction event. It can end very badly.

Give a monkey a gun and sooner or later he will suck on the barrel with his finger on the trigger.

The US overthrew Ukraine in 2014, installed Nazis and supervised the development of a NAZI state. That act triggered a war in a country loaded with nuclear reactors and cooling ponds. What the fuck was this country thinking pulling this shit.

If someone targets one of those reactor facilities with a nuclear weapon, you trigger a mass extinction event and here is why. Each cooling pond has approximately a billion curries of radiological waste and 50 tons of fissionable material.

A nuclear strike on a reactor complex puts those waste streams at ground zero is a mass extinction event. We now have the scenario where the monkey has the gun, it’s in his mouth and his finger is on the trigger.

I think the monkey is stupid enough to pull the fucking trigger.

Jens Holm.


The talks has been going on in 8 years not 3 months. The talks about bad things was several years before that too. mainly by Minsk 2 because Minsk 1 did not solve things.

So actually You ahs to go back to 1993 and the USSR collapse and its many repairs.

Russia fanatist as usual had no idea about reasons for things, but they use them themself. Now they think we blame them for the invasion.

Its before that in time and year. We blame them for the need of Maidan and things before and after that. Ukraine is and should not be some Russian puppie as Putin & Co demand.

UN has told that in 30 years. Russia must have been sitting on their ears or has none. I say none.

They only are able to feel in their behinds. That might be the reaosn for their own slag was red. It has been blod and spanking since 1917 and even before that.


Great interview, it was eye-opening to hear that Nato bombed civilians in Yugoslavia, as it bombed the Chinese embassy there too. That is exactly what the british and the Americans did to German cities in ww2. They bombed Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden, Frankfurt after the German leadership moved much of its industrial capability underground, much of these installations are still buried and hidden. The americans then used the captured parts and knowledge after the war to build the atomic weapons they dropped on Japan. It is hard to understand how the ukranian neonazis think, serving these masters. But they are being used, as there are historical things for nato to dig up and use for its honorless favor. This interview points it out that in order for a country to survive it must have anti-air capacities to defend itself. That is exactly the opposite of what my country, Finland, recently bought, F-35s. But that just shows what we already knew: the nato military unelected Junta of Marin and Niinistö is serving nato of course, and the British Crown company, which has bought much of the Finnish infrastructure.



THE US needs the petrodollar to finance the Empire. This war is now about financing the empire.

Russia walked away and dismantled the Warsaw Pact without firing a shot. I really doubt that Russia ever really wanted that empire in the first place.


Peter Jennings

Only terrorists, bandits, and religious fanatics terrorise civilian populations.

The Russian admin and military should ignore the US and nato requests for anything. Let the propaganda dogma come back around to bite its owner. When the people en masse realise they have been lied to again, as they were regarding Afghanistan, Iraq & Libya, and now Syria, there will be trouble in every western city. The people of Sri Lanka are leading the way. The Russian admin only need hang on a little longer because america and its nato poodles are self imploding.

Come next winter and the Russian admin will be the last thing on everyone’s mind in europe. The people will be much more interested in the names and addresses of all those who have put their electorate in an impossible position.

Tommy Jensen

The FACT is America is a winner nation of winners, and thats a FACT you cant do anything about, because its a FACT and the truth!


As an American, I’m sickened by the non-stop wars my country has been engaged in. Russia is engaged in a legitimate fight for the preservation of their people. The US does far worse, mostly in order to support their economic empire. Wars for fun and profit! The US government must be the most corrupt government in the history of the world.

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