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MARCH 2025

Russian Specialists Finished Reconfiguring S-300 Systems For Local Use In Syria

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Russian Specialists Finished Reconfiguring S-300 Systems For Local Use In Syria

Illustrative image: Donat Sorokin/TASS

Russian specialists have completed the reconfiguration of S-300PM/PM-2 air defense systems delviered to Syria to the export version S-300PMU-2 Favorit and returned to Russia, TASS reported on November 7 citing a military-diplomatic source.

“Technical specialists from Russia’s defense industry enterprises who arrived in Syria in early October following the supply of S-300PM/PM-2 systems have completed their reconfiguration to the export version S-300PMU-2. They returned to Russia several days ago,” the source stated. “All three battalions armed with S-300PMU-2 systems are ready for combat operation in Syria. Syrian military personnel is now to be instructed in their use.”

Previously, TASS reproted that the reconfiguration of S-300PM/PM2 systems  were mostly focused on replacing Russian codes as well as letter frequencies of the ground radar interrogator and letter codes of radars to Syrian ones.

The Russian military is also actively working in order to establish a united air-defense network of the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) and to train SADF personnel.

On October 31, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov revealed that additionally to S-300 air defense systems Russia provided sets of the automated system of air defense means control Polyana D-4. The Polyana D-4 ensures effective control of combat operations by a missile air defense brigade or a mixed air defense group of S-300, Tor, Buk, Pantsir-S and Tunguska air defense systems.

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stary ujo

We are to welcome Israeli planes !

Zionism = EVIL

Zionist dogs barking for 50 days now without any bark. Try killing Russian again and find out Zionist scum!

Daniel Miller

Like i said they converted them to the downgraded PMU-2 versions.


That is the official version, maybe they included some technologies that are new and need some battle testing, if the zionists oblige. The Polyana D4 automated system is going to increase the efficient use of all air defense assets available. I do not think Iran got this system with their S300 deliveries.

Daniel Miller

Their is no need to battle test and the Russians are not stupid to intrust new tech to unproffesional and incompetant idiots like the SAA.


But the S300 PMU2 is not the latest Russian technology. Now I know Americans are obsessed with secrecy, but the US has never successfully reverse engineered any Russian missile system. The new Russian radars are optimized to detect American stealth aircraft, which the Russians don’t field. Lastly, they are a defensive weapon, even if the US could copy them, Russia has no plans to invade the USA, so they don’t really care if America copies their defensive systems.

Fred Dozer

Actually Putin, said he would sell America s-400 systems.

Brother Ma

How humiliating to the Wankees! Haha

Daniel Miller

No its not about copying these systems are very comlex China tryed and failed HARD copying them thats not the problem,its just the Russian way of thinking they do not like the share their tech alot 100% of all gear the sell on the export market is downgraded and built to lesser standards this is how they have done it since forever.


Not true, China copied the Russian missile guidance modules and then sold them to Iran, greatly improving the accuracy of Iranian missiles.

China makes S300 missiles under license, and the HQ9 was developed with Russian assistance. And of course the big one, Russia showed China and India how to make nukes. You are projecting America/Israel secrecy obsession on to the Russians.

Daniel Miller

Wrong Russia again sold a downgraded export model system to China and the HQ9 is horse shit only 1 other contry other then China operates it and that is Algeria and they have reported quality and accuracy problems with the system. Also wtf is a ” missile guidance modules ” you mean seeker head? Hhahaha no hell no China is incapeble of coying advanced tech propperly just look at the pathetic state of thir jet engine’s they still mostly use Russian made engines. Also again no Russia never shared their Nuclear secrets to anyone and you can also see this in just how weak China’s and India’s warheads actually are sub 400kt and dont get me started on the dilivery systems. “You are projecting America/Israel secrecy obsession on to the Russians” actually its the other way around the Russians are the ones whom never share advanced tech while the US dosent even sell downgraded versions of their airdefense systems or ATGM’s same with Israel.


” you mean seeker head?” No I mean the control module, you know the thing that adjusts the flight of the missile.

“the US dosent even sell downgraded versions of their airdefense systems”

LOL So Israel Saudi Arabia Germany Japan Jordan Greece, etc don’t really have Patriots?

The Patriot and the Aegis ashore are the only air defense systems the US has. The Aegis is also for sale, Japan plans to buy it. Everything is for sale in America.

Daniel Miller

those are called control surfaces not modules .

ummm yes they do the have the same Patriots as the US dose well with their coresponding version ofc.

well yea it is for sale how do you think China copys evrything so easely form them? They just sell it to them.


“those are called control surfaces not modules”

No they are the fins nozzles etc that actually do the job, you need a device that interfaces the positional information to the control surfaces. It might seem trivial, but it isn’t. It has transformed the 10 meter accuracy of Iranian missiles into less than 1 meter accuracy.

I can’t work out whether you are being deliberately obtuse, or you are just plain stupid?

Daniel Miller

but thats still not “gudicance module” its called a control module. Guidance modules are on ATGM’s not SAM’s

Luke Hemmming

That’s why the Russians are training them so that there won’t be unprofessional and incompetent idiots operating them.

Daniel Miller

well the US trained the saudis but they still turned out morons…..arabs have a bad tendancy to shot allover good systems.

Brother Ma

They are morons because they have never had to do anything in their life whilst their religion and their mommas tell them that they are God’s best Creation. All the work and thinking is done by foreigners there.

Saud is just a park for fat ,dumb,headchoppers to go and live.

Daniel Miller

no they have very low average IQ’s its a side effect of inbreeding a normal thing in arab culture…..if you inbreed its not good for your IQ just ask the british some areas witch had massive imounts of inbreeding in the past are still haveing IQ problems…

Brother Ma

Haha. Funny joke but sadly based on facts. Tell me some parts in the UK you have heard had lots of inbreeding.

Daniel Miller

London and its suroundings are a hot bed also areas in and around Sheffield as well.


If that was the case, Jews would all be idiots, because they are the most inbred tribe on the planet.


Exactly, morons teaching morons gives you morons++

Daniel Miller

Well those morons took over Iraq in less then 5 months.


Actually the US blockade was in place for 12 years before the US staged the final assault. After 12 years of starving them, refusing them medicine in fact anything at all, they were too weak to fight.


The Russians are still overseeing their operations. Syrian crews will become more proficient as time goes by, Russians are not stupid enough to place a reliable system in the hands of incompetent idiots ….as you call them, after all that is bad publicity for their weapons. This is not like times past when Russia provided Arabs with sophisticated weapons, without direct supervision and control, whereby incompetent Arab political and military leaders nullified or rendered them useless.

Daniel Miller

tell that to the moron Pantir-S1 crew withc lost their system to a Israeli suicide drone……they ran out of ammo and just turned the system off and did not even drive to a hidden location and just left it in the middle of a runway…..


What does that have to do with what I am saying? Minor hiccups occur.

Daniel Miller

thats not a “minor hiccup” that just shows how dumb they are…….i mean ffs they with the help of egypt attacked israel and still lost……


The Russians were not there to hold their hand in 1973, idiot decisions by Sadat and Havez Assad sealed their defeat. It was not the equipment, it was the decision making process.

Daniel Miller

well yes thats my point arabs tend to shit allover their gear…


That is not exactly what I am saying, crews handling sophisticated weapons can do ok, if not great and still remain relatively viable. It is the strategic concepts and how the war is fought decided by politicians and military leaders that render sophisticated weapons relatively useless.

Brother Ma

Did Iran actually receive them yet? Are they operable?


Yes they did a while ago.


They converted them from Russian to Arabic. It’s not like Windows where you choose different languages from Control Panel

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Haha, and before you can do that you need to download that language pack that is either unavailable or incompatiable with the OS.

I would rather call the IT guys :-D

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

There is probably a whole lot of knobs dials and meters which have either no labels or Cyrillic ones. Russian Syrian languages don’t have a lot in common!

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

I know that, i was just making fun of the whole “language-pack” and Windows thing.

Brother Ma

But why not sinbad. Surely we live in the 21st Century. One click should enable the right language etc. Something else is going on and it is being obfuscated; maybebthey are cutring edge .

Also if the sams are only now ready, why did Israel not fly all this time?

What were they scared of?


The SAM’s were always ready, with Russian operators. RTOS is completely different to the OS you are using.

Brother Ma

So israel was scared the Russians loaded new Radar tracking operating system onto the old Sams the very next day after the ilushin shootdown? So the Israelis stopped all sorties immediately?


The software is specific to the hardware. You can’t upgrade an S200 to an S300 with a software upgrade. But you can allow the S300 command post to control the S200’s, so it won’t fire against a friendly. The S300’s could have been operational in under half an hour, they are very quick to deploy.


The WORLD would be HAPPY to see A DOWNED ..ISRAELI JET ..

R Trojson

Hope they avoid shooting down more Russian planes. What excuse will Putin make when the S300s shoot down another Russian plane?

Rüdiger Preiss

That will be nearly impossible now

Jens Holm

So they are made of plastik and only phallos symbols ?


IsraHelli F-16s took cover behind the Ilyushin because they knew that the IL-20 with its huge Radar Cross Section would become the Target of the S-200 and IsraHell informed the Russians one minute before the Ilyushin was Downed…the Israeli Defense Ministry Lied that the 4 F16’s were already back on IsraHelli Territory….but radar-images showed that they were in close proximity of the IL-20 at the moment of impact these Lying IsraHelli Cockroaches…they got Kicked out of the Russian Office in exactly 21 minutes….the Lying IsraHelli Parasites…

Brother Ma

So radar images showed they lied hah! So they were not back in Israeli territory when the illushin was shot down? I have already said it. Russian intelligence needs to find out the idebntity of the Israeli pilots involved and spetnaz shoukd visit tghem and make them have accidents. Remember al thr Russian ambassadors who died of “accidents”or “heartattacks”. Well Putin needs to teach Lieberman that those accidents and heartattacks are contagious!.bahahah

Jens Holm

It could be firing Assad :)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I shouldn’t laugh but that was funny.

H Eccles

This is awesome! Can’t wait for the first illegal sqatter to get blasted out of the sky… btw I got the popcorn ready..


The S300 is simply Russia’s way of getting rid of old kit, it was replaced over 11 years ago by the S400 and in 2 years time by the S500. But hey you continue regurgitating what your mullah unzips.

Rodney Loder

Didn’t I read today that Leibermann the Hollywood pox israeli thief is going to attack S-300 infrastructure regardless of Russian service Personnel being on the sites.

Hahahahaha, phony little creep will need his mummy to come wipe his birthday cake from his posteria unless he figures Trump will do the job for her, which is likely now the Democrats control the House, and Trump is much weaker.


The Russians advertise that they sent low end technology… lol…. No But on a Serious Note…. The US November 6th elections…. I think Trump Chose his side. Why? We all know only Blacks in heavily urbanized area’s Voted Blue but most of America voted Populist. Now Trump is a Smart Boy.. therefore he knows the Deep State Rigged the Ever loving hell out of N.6th. It Looks so Suspicious. He Clearly understands America has Massive Gains of the Blockade on Russia works. Now this may Sound Crazy. but Russia Should Deploy Nukes to South Osettia As FAST as posible. Now the Only Other thing America Can do is go after LVOV and Odessa Ukraine. I would in Putins Place, Blockade Odessa, Let the Brits have a Victory Dance and Let those Very Spririted Brit Spies that now Work from Poland Become a reason for America to Deploy Everything its got in Poland…. While These Idiots Measure those GIGANTIC American dicks to Small Little Harmless Russia…. No But Seriously, LVOV Odessa and The Jewel and Secret Desire of American deep State. Access to the Caspain Sea!!!! This would be Pure Orgasm…. come 2020… the Russians Will be in position to….. Oh Boy… Deploy Nukes Turn them on and USE THEM when the Americans come 2019 Use a Nuke on the Invading Forces. BAIT the Americans!!!!

No But Seriously, LVOV/Odessa and S.Ossettia, if given Special Attention, the Americans lose!! Now, Here is Why This is important. The Belarussian President Likes to get drunk and walk around in his Undies…. Nothing Wrong with that.. But Russia Can Put the Last Nail in the Deep State Coffin. If Trump Chose this Direction, Than Make it Bleed. Poland is CRYING for LVOV, I Swear, This is EXTREMELY important to Nato!!! Import 1 Million Muslims into LVOV!!!!! I swear on my tooth this is the Killing Blow to something very Important.


Send in your F-35s for a little Test-Run IsraHell…

Zionism = EVIL

Russians have tweaked the frequencies for Syrian conditions and also adjusted the S-300 radar systems to cover all of Occupied Palestine and Southern Lebanon. The Zionist pigs are very angry and Nutter Yahoo wanted to grovel to Putin in Paris, but was rejected after Russian military pressure. The Russians know that US and Zionist criminals are targeting Russian units and contractors in eastern Euphrates valley to “punish Russia”, they may be in for a surprise soon.


The AngloZioNazis will get what they deserve when the right moment is there…. the only thing you need is a good excuse….to prevent any Skripal cases & staged Chemical Attacks….the World will understand any justified reprisals…up till now the Brainless AngloZioNazis show a piss poor performance…time is on our side

Brother Ma

“The Russian military is also actively working in order to establish a united air-defense network of the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) and to train SADF personnel.”

Friend ,the Russians promised this three years ago even before a plane of theirs was shot down. What were they doing? Relying on bluff? No wonder Israelis were bombing the caca out of Syria. Russia, “when you shoot,shoot! .do not talk! “


If such a thing were to happen to the Americans then they would throw a hissy fit, launch some cruise missiles and declare victory, message sent. But nothing would be accomplished. The Russians work on the principle ‘ don’t get mad, get even.’ They’ve quietly put the screws on the Turks for the plane shooting incident, and not only got Erdogan to beg for forgiveness, they’ve basically wedged a crowbar between Turkey and the US to the point that its questionable that Turkey is still even a NATO ally. Similarly they’ve quietly improved Syria’s air defenses and now installed the S-300 system. As an opponent I’d rather the shoot first, think later Western mentality then the coldly calculating working quiet in the background Russian mentality. It’s harder to predict and guaranteed to make things far more difficult for you in the long run.

Brother Ma

I agree with you but the best method is Putin’s with a little American bravado thrown in. It would keep the Americans off-balance. The Americans know Putin is methodical and chess -like so act accordingly. That is why I say putin should do something unpredictable EVERY SO OFTEN like “accidentally” drop a missile near Tel Aviv!

After all friend,a nato spanish pilot accidentally dropped a missile in Estonia ,and he was an ally! You can not stop “accidents”.


Russia has their own objectives in Syria and these provocations and outright attacks are meant to obstruct and distract Russia from achieving those objectives.

The Russian military have shown extraordinary dicipline not to respond to these attacks ….. especially since they often involve Russian deaths and loss of equipment.

John Bolton has wet dreams of Russia revenge attacks on Israel or a NATO member resulting in a major attack on Russian forces in Syria and the SAA. This would complete the USA’s objective of destroying the Syrian government, establishing a Sunni theocracy in Syria in place of the current multi-confessional state and push Russia out of the Mediterranian and the ME.

Mission accomplished …. USA … USA … USA!!

Hopefully the Russians can keep their eye on the ball and achieve their objectives with a minimum of Russian and civilian casualties.


Let the Judases come now! If they still dare … The reception committee is ready!


There is talk of the stealth F-22 raptor – of the supposedly 12 or 13 that went missing after the hurricane hit. They may have been flown to Israel. Perhaps there will be a challenge if these particular planes are in Israeli hands now.


12 or 13 that went missing

nice try to lie!


Your monkey brain is missing you dumb shiteater with zillion accounts.

Brother Ma

So the hurricane picked them up and delivered them to Yahweh?


nothing was delivered. there were some little damges on surface of f-22s caused by destroyed buildings. thats all.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Do you have any articles about those “missing” planes?

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen can you do a “Google search”? Hurricane Michael, about 3 weeks ago, directly hit an F22 squadron. Of the planes that were not relocated an unknown number are missing. You could have found that out for yourself.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

I was thinking of a link to an article with some kind of proof, that they actually where missing.

I found an article Saying that 17 could not be made flyable, not a Word about them being missing.

So please provide me with a link to anything supporting the claim that the planes are actually missing, as in gone.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

I was speculating. This link is a bit vague as to their whereabouts but I ‘m not sure I saw an open admission that planes were missing. I was more concerned at your inability to do a search on Google or whatever.lol :) https://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/military/f22-raptors-damaged-destroyed-by-hurricane-michael/news-story/d89d7c18e1b3caf550238cbdd7a8a2ba

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

I heard this too and wondered if they might have wound up somewhere interesting. You people need to get some manners. Watcher12 isn’t a zionist for mentioning this imho. It’s relevant and interesting. Please try to keep up. :)

Jens Holm

Its heard next time a Russian plane get fired by a S300 Assads will be fired as well :)


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/56b006a3249d839a06c587d8c8ad8f68c7bbfb7cb685a46cb613b96a5c73d0d5.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b970b03a5b49656a7511226b9a071ebea2b2be4a06b7eee5f27946b2aafca6b.gif

Zionism = EVIL

Add Iranian and Hezbollah flags to your collection.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Reconfigured to make sure they won’t target Russian or Syrian aircraft accidentally. The algorithms used to identify the radar information could probably be tweaked to prohibit any accidental launches against friendly targets. That’s what I’d do after that first incident, whether it was Russian or Syrians manning the systems, better safe than sorry. Or it might just be something as simple as Sinbad2 said in his comment, a matter of translating the operating system from Russian to Arab.

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