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MARCH 2025

Russian Stand-Off Cruise Missile Scores Direct Hit On Target In Ukraine’s Mykolaiv (Photos)

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Russian Stand-Off Cruise Missile Scores Direct Hit On Target In Ukraine’s Mykolaiv (Photos)

Su-30 fighter jets. Photo: Marina Lystseva/TASS.

The Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) have begun to use Kh-59 stand-off precision-guided, air-launched cruise missiles against high-value targets in Ukraine.

On April 4, CCTV photos showing a Kh-59 cruise missile seconds before impacting a facility near the southern Ukrainian city of Mikolaiv surfaced online. The low-flying missile scored a direct hit, inflicted heavy damage on the facility.

The version used in the pinpoint strike on Mikolaiv was most likely the Kh-59MK2, which has a range of up to 285 kilometers.

The Kh-59MK2 navigates towards its target with an [INS] inertial navigation system supported by a GLONASS satellite navigation system. For terminal guidance, the missile is equipped with an elector-optical seeker with automatic target recognition.

The cruise missile, which is propelled by a 36MT turbofan engine, can fly at an altitude of 50-300 meters above ground with the help of a radar altimeter. The missiles can be armed with either a 320 kg penetrating or 285 kg pellet warhead depending on the nature of the target.

The Kh-59MK2 was designed to be launched from several types of fighter jets, including Su-24M, Su-30MK, Su-34 and Su-35 and Mig-35.

Stand-off missiles like the Kh-59 provide the VKS with the ability to engage high-value targets deep inside enemy territory with much flexibility. These missiles are also cheaper compared to heavier cruise and ballistic missiles.

The Russian military intensified its aerial operations over Ukraine in the last few days after destroying much of Ukraine’s air force and air defense means.


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Looks like as Russia is using this war for training and improving combat readyness of troops and portfolio.

mike l hutchings

that they are and a dead NAZI is a good NAZI


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Last edited 2 years ago by Jennifer
Abraham Lincoln

that they are and a dead Judeo NAZI

jens holm

You must be skizzo or bipolar

Aunt Polly

For pointing out the obvious?

Gorge Soros

Jews aren’t necessarily nazi. They just buckle under to them pretty quick.


Well yes it is not nice to say, but some Zionistic Khazars have to be put out, they hate all humans, not khazar ! even the real Jews from Israel !

Burro Burrito Burisma

Only kind in my book


As cynical as it can sound, it looks exactly like that. They sent the worst soldiers and equipment in a first attack suicide mission to penetrate deep inside Ukraine. Then they started sending better soldiers and equipment and they are now pinning them to the battlefield for months. It looks like a giant live fire training session. I am seriously thinking that they want the soldiers to gain experience for the future confrontation with the yankees.


76th Guards Air Assault Division. The ‘worst’ 72 hours. Got it.

Lesco Brandon

Do you have any idea how stupid this statement sounds?! Sending off young men to die for no good is not going to win you any favors. It makes you looks incompetent and cold blooded.

I SUPPORT RUSSIA but at the same time I am flabbergasted at the poor tactics and overall battlefield management by Russian generals.

West Pointed Hat

Well, they could have blown up everything from the sky, not risk a single soldier and write off the civilians as terrorists or collaterals, like the US did in Yugo and pretty much everywhere else.


Looks like they need a lot MORE TRAINING


To fight what sodomised compromised low iq lgbts + trannys and airheads on roids? Dont insult higher intellects gimp! this is not just usa but nato as well,you poofs cant fight for shit (period) I saw the drills nato is an utterly pathedic compromised mixture of low class beings! Ukraine would wipe the floor off nato (minus turkey) especially with rockets usa only dream of! Too bad the bandeira fagglet wannabe twunt has no respect for ukraine,complete utter loser!

Burning Russian soldier

Talks about intelligence, and can’t even write a coherent sentence. Typical Kremlin sex dungeon whore.

West Pointed Hat speak with Forked Tongue

Well, I can write in perfect English and I share his sentiments.

So there goes your theory out the window, along with the rest of your bullshit.

Peppe il Sicario

The son of an inbred goat and donkey gets to speak once in a while too, I guess. Now, you’ve had your say and it’s time to crawl back up that elephant’s ass you call your mate and count your shekels.


WWIII with the US UK EU NATO, Aus NZ Canada, all taking place in Ukraine. Loads of male teenagers and young men have fast reactions and good eyesight. They can use suicide drones in Ukraine whilst in their own bedrooms, in their homes and in local offices. Watching the satellite images of the borders and sending in surveillance drones is necessary too. Get the gamers involved in real warfare. The gamers can launch the drones from Belarussia and Crimea and from Russia. They can help the brave, well loved Chechens with surveillance drones. And there are millions of Chinese. The ports, airports and borders of neighboring nations and the borders of Ukraine must be watched. It can be done in short 2hr shifts AND in groups. Photographic footage of the drones and satellites can be used too. This is how to beat your enemies as safely as can be. Also watch the flights into the US from neighboring nations. Check the airports that are being used. Watch for activity by the bases of the Americans and their security forces bases, all over the US, the UK and wherever they are. Also check the NATO bases for activity in neighboring nations, in the UK, in Germany, in France. The UK is extremely belligerent towards Russia, check out our security companies. Can you intercept the chatter over the web?

Burning Russian soldier

They’re training on how to most efficiently die. Working out so far.

Brutal war coming

Yep. They used Syria to train pilots and naval forces especially, and to test out various new platforms. Ukraine is becomming a serious testing ground for the troops – they are getting vital combat experience and developing a hard mindest for the big war that is comming with NATO – especailly the UK and US who have spent the last 30 years rotating forces through Iraq, Afghanistan, and various other places, ensuring their forces and equipment are tested and ready and up to the job.

Russia will need to catch up and learn some of thier “dirty tricks” if they are to avoid loosing armour and support vehicles in the way they are currently. When the big war starts it will be brutal.

Burning Russian soldier

Losing 500 tanks is “vital combat experience”. Yeah, on how not to wage war :D

Saran-wrapped to the Kyiv Post

I heard it was 5,000. Or was it 50,000?


Yes they just use 15% from their forces, they are waiting ?! for or the USA atac Syrie or the NATO in the Oekraine, on the moment they are on the look out for the NATO tanks, they have to be destroid !

Tommy Jensen

Because they want to attack America after Ukraine when they have got enough training. First they were hiding under our beds, then they stole our election, and now THIS happens.

Miki Miric

Tražite gruzijce,tražite ih u pošaljite u pakao,nema zarobljenika,oni naše ubijaju i masakriraju,nemajte milosti.one koje pustite vratiće se još gori.Sjetite se vaših ubijenih drugova koje su Ukri i Gruzini zarobili,sjetite se njihove sudbine.

Dick Von D'Astard

Britain must fail and be seen to have failed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard

Sudan must fail and been seen to have failed

Saran-wrapped to the Kyiv Post

Britain has failed ever since a Lucas ignition switch started an inferno in Windsor Castle.

Dick Von D'Astard

During the visit to Ukraine, the UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has revealed that the two countries signed an Intergovernmental Framework Agreement last week in London.

The agreement is said to continue progress on joint projects to develop the capabilities of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, agreed in June when the UK and Ukraine and industry signed a Memorandum of Implementation to collaborate on expanding Ukraine’s naval capabilities.

In their joint statement, Wallace and Ukraine Defence Minister Oleksii Yuriyovych Reznikov said that the UK and Ukraine are strategic partners in security and defence.

“Today’s meeting is the next stage in bilateral cooperation for enhancing Ukraine’s defence capabilities and increasing interoperability”, the statement said.

Furthermore, in their joint statement, Wallace and Reznkov emphasized that Ukraine’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity is indisputable.

“The United Kingdom stands shoulder to shoulder with the people of Ukraine and will continue its long-standing determination to support them. We are unwavering in that support and together we remain vigilant and united in the defence of our common values and freedoms”, the statement concludes.

Earlier this year, the Ukrainian government revealed its three-stage plans to build a new naval fleet in three phases by 2035. As informed back then, one of the stages includes the construction of the naval base in Berdyansk for which the country will seek support from the European Union, the UK and the United States. (November 17, 2021) https://www.navaltoday.com/2021/11/17/uk-signs-deal-to-back-ukrainian-navy/

M from Romania

what naval fleet? ukr will not have a sea exit anymore

Last edited 2 years ago by M from Romania

Indeed , what naval fleet !

Oh pardon, it was “… agreed in June when the UK and Ukraine…” It is a bit too late, n’est-ce pas ?

Fuck NAziTO

Maybe they’ll have that class of flying chinese vessels seen over HK

Saran-wrapped to the Kyiv Post

Best Air Force Ukraine’s ever had’s been its Flying Baloney.


Exactly my thoughts! lol, with those exact words

Saran-wrapped to the Kyiv Post

The prescient Jean Paul Sartre wrote a book about this war years ago: ‘No Exit’

Sort of funny, when you think it was also a Frenchman writing about Frenchmen trapped in Mariupol.

The Saint

Won’t be much good for a land-locked country.

Dick Von D'Astard

I agree, hilarious isn’t it? UK has failed and is seen to have failed.


Article is from Nov 2021, All British supplied arms etc for Ukros Navy are now in the Hands of the Russian Navy. Thanks, UK, smart move!


So much for the homosexual ngos boasting of uks covert bio weaponised gassed up rafts, the sic poof thought he was funny,but now lets see who gets far more earnt kills here on in:

Saran-wrapped to the Kyiv Post

So now they’ll know how never to make a weapon. A thank you note might be in order.


Bergyansk is in Doniesk and part of the Crimean approaches. They could run ships on the rivers..


No chance of that happening,wallace is just a low balling wanker,whom not only risks uks future,but also the whole commonwealth pollys respecting losers like fkn it,packa wankers the lot of them,sad but true

Last edited 2 years ago by ZELENSKY TRUE MI6 MIDGET

2022 will be remembered as the year Ukraine lost all its coasts to the sea. No fishing in the black sea for Ukrainians anymore.


https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1511672385753255940?t=QHEaZjFQJzSfs6aXnJkB5w&s=19 35 RU vehicles with one shot…


I read the comments. Very sad. Ukrotards created their own reality, but it’s collapsing all around them. It’s like the whole country got ergot poisoning.

Burning Russian soldier


Oh my, the list gets longer every time I look. Maybe we can add these too.

Saran-wrapped to the Kyiv Post

It’s them magic mushrooms Hunter introduced to the country.

hans raus

Damn , 40 russian armored vehicles destroyed during one strike by ukrainian army


russian child rapists will cry


Using what weapon? Stop being a child

hans raus

russian child rapist is in cope mode? :D facts denial


You are a liar and false flag sodomised poof,you dont have the class to be the real man,so you resort to accusations just like all your failed globohomo sodomised phaedophiles, on the other hand if any dumb fascist slut try to kill or poison me for doing the right, for sure id send the boys also affected fuck her up the ass,take photos n show her soft cock nazi gimp boyfriend what vile evil poison wanna sluts deserve,even though i would not devour my sovereign orthy dik on some fascist (soros)slag,if that were to be the case (period)

Last edited 2 years ago by ZELENSKY TRUE MI6 MIDGET

Even the Ukrotards admit that it was mostly trucks, and the figure quoted is 35 vehicles. Why can’t you fascist fuck-piles ever tell the truth?

hans raus

fasist? U sounds silly and like cry baby that call ,,fasist” everybody who dont agree with you. Grow fckking up kiddo

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
heidi klum

hey hans…yr a loser or a sauerkraut))?

jens holm

Hard to see thats the oint for his comment.

he is his own person. You seemes owed.


No hans the one owned by your sodomised globohomo masters,dont insult higher intellects,wake up try to grow a set or you too will fall down and certainly not because of any legitimate heterosexual russian or chinese,fools! You know mi6 mission is to destroy german economy or are you too simply too thick, use you head,not the others designer strapon attached to it,try,fleece the system!

Last edited 2 years ago by ZELENSKY TRUE MI6 MIDGET
Nazis kaput

grandpa was a dead kraut and now he’s sour.


By all means, don’t address the fact that the Ukrotard claim that 40 tanks were destroyed in a single strike is false. Never stop derping.


Get off the globohomo crap fool,it will be you they will destroy next not by russians!

Aunt Polly

Why do you get so irate? It’s not like you have anything to defend. heck- it seem you have cancelled half the letters already.

Raus, you fu.ing nazi wannabe

No room for you on Planet Earth

jens holm

A public elected parlament with 26 political parties and an elected President is not fascisme at all.

Some few migt be fascists. None are nazis.

Im no fascist as well.


The former speaker of the Rada, Parubiy, is an out and out Nazi, and he spent almost ten years in post-CIA coup government in the Ukraine. That’s just one example. The role of fascist violence in suppressing opposition to the Kiev regime is acknoweldged even in the Five Eyes Anglsophere press. Now that we’ve cleared that up, back to the relentless lying of the Ukrotard fascists and what that signifies.

Brown shirts at the White House

I’ve been meaning to read his autobiography, Mein ukrainischer Kampf. Anybody know where I can get a copy?

Aunt Polly

You’re right – it seem more like a mad-house. Witch proves the policy isn’t made there.

Nazis kaput

Ha ha, they shut down all the opposition parties and arrested or just plain shot their leaders, like the good nazis they are. Try again, holmo.


Not in the genes too cowardly inspired to owe up to any responsability,must be a swastika,demon or simply the globohomo immoral nature embedded in their pathedic evil midget brains!


More ARMA 3 footage? Lolz. P. S. IF YOU LOOK FOR CHILDRAPISTS:Azov…


No proof,pathedic nazi lieing phaedo rapeth all kids and mothers of you demonic hitlers incestive ancestry,fuckoff you false flag sodomised homosexual rant,you pathedic protesty homosexual shill!


Zelensky says we are butchering our civilians and POWS and they advised us not to do this. So Zelensky ordered UN to be dissolved. We don’t need that.

Brown shirts at the White House

Human Rights Watch stayed out of Ukraine for 8 years because they couldn’t find any humans.


Ramzan Kadyrov will win this war because he is a good commander in chief. President Putin listens to D Peskov but I think D Peskov should not be trusted because if Putin goes down then D Peskov will become president.

heidi klum

the only guys are going down here… is cia mupped selensky and the nutella brothers


peskovs a lame shill,more like,one of the gorby pro west excuse artist,he makes putin seem too weak! better off as ambassador to usa,live there with his strange russian wife, but russia needs stronger! Peskov may love his wife,however Kadyrov loves mother Russia far more his loves much stronger!

Last edited 2 years ago by ZELENSKY TRUE MI6 MIDGET

Send these evil Nazi’s to meet their maker, and explain their atrocities to him.

Timmy Temperance

Shuffling around confused. This is the elected President of the US and leader of the so-called free world: https://t.me/intelslava/24440


He can’t distinguish between first lady and vice President. He can’t distinguish between nuclear button and shirt button.


obummer denounced him as vice president,so obummer whip trumps sorry ass like that is it usa!

Lesco Brandon

Lol! Lesco Brandon!

Brown shirts at the White House

Doddering old fool and commander in brief looking for someone to point him to the bathroom.


Russia, how are you going to take out all of the imports? How will you trace them all? Are satellites watching the roads and tracking large vehicles? Are they tracking the borders of the nations on your borders? Are you tracking the incoming flights in the nations next to Ukraine, like Poland? Are you tracking the Polish ports? Come on Russia, you need to watch all of this and get your missiles into these. Are you tracking the railways? This war supposedly with Ukraine is, in actual fact WWIII on Ukraine’s territory. It is not a tactical incursion into Ukraine but a war with the rest of Europe, with America, Canada, NZ and Australia. The Best that the skilled corrupt debased and very experienced warmongers can bring to Ukraine are there or commanding or training or helping from abroad. Western weapons are pouring into Ukraine. This is not a military operation in Ukraine but WWIII in Ukraine. Make loads of drones, suicide drones and shooting drones and get helpers, to surveil and to cause damage. Lots of people HATE the US and will be glad to help and even pay for their own drones.

Lesco Brandon

I hope Russia has a plan but so far they’ve been very disappointing. I’d be taking out all infrastructure related to war.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Ciatrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A Kh-59 a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Muhammad your Prophet

Pro Russian soldier with a neo nazi symbol is awarded a medal in Dombass. I thought the Putin cockroaches were fighting against neo nazis, not giving them medal. These Putin cockroaches get weirder and weirder by the moment. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/pro-russian-fighter-with-nazi-patches-gets-medal-for-killing-nazis/ar-AAVTaCT


What nazi patch? Did you even read that damn thing? This is just another pail of total BS from msn. BTW, who even watches/reads msn?

The valknut symbol is used today in many forms. It has mythical origins and is not connected in any way to nazis. Skull and crossed bones are also very commonly used, even as warning signs on chemicals. But msn somehow connects that to nazi.

Here, you dimwit, I debunked that nonsense for you.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum
Burning Russian soldier

Is this the way you kremlin whores justify things for yourself? Good lord, that cum really got all the way into your brain. You should stick to sucking dick instead, you’re much better at that.

Stephan Williams

What’s this tribal fascination of yours with “sucking dick”, creep? Are you all sexual deviants? …or just the worst of you?

Burning Russian soldier

It’s not a fantasy, it’s a statement of fact. Something you wouldn’t understand anyway.


Yes, yes … we understand, thanks for clearing it up. Now just read it again, maybe you get it then :-)


Ahh, cry my a river. Your stupidity is truly beyond imagination. When you dimwits are forced to deal with reality all you do is hide behind another pile of BS. You are an embarrassment to the human race. You morons can’t even make two steps without falling on you face. What a shame!

Brown shirts at the White House

For every old norse rune on a Russian soldier, there’s 10,000 swastikas on a Ukrainian.

Ever heard of the Varangians, dickwad? You know, those folks that Ukrainians think sailed through the Baltic and North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean and Black Sea and up the Dnieper River to found Kiev.

What a moron.

Last edited 2 years ago by Brown shirts at the White House
Timmy Temperance

Good for targeting the NATO weapons shipment coming from Poland.


If its helpful to LPR and DPR send it there. No need to destroy that stuff. Russia’s air-force is controlling the whole Ukraine anyway. They can do what suits them best. Ukrainian regime has no saying in this anymore.

Brown shirts at the White House

Knowing the Poles, they probably painted OTAN on the trucks’ roofs, thinking it would confuse the Russkies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Brown shirts at the White House

Weapons are loaded into vehicles on car carriers entering Ukraine. The drivers of the car carriers are professionals, probably Xe/Acadmi/Blackwater.

Brown shirts at the White House

I always thought Blackwater was the perfect name for that bunch, as it means sewage in plumber’s lingo.


soon ukropistan will resemble a parking lot in antartika—populated by a few nazi penguins and perverted amerikan lgbts retired military into cross species sex

Lesco Brandon

Russian precision munitions have been the only real success for the Russian military. Despite having very advanced SAM systems Ukraine has been unable to shoot down any cruise missiles.

Overall Russian tactics have been appalling to say the least. The staggering loss of Russian armor is incomprehensible.


I’ve decided the only way to deal with the trolls infesting the net is to completely ignore them. I ‘m not even gonna down click the assholes.

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