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Russian State-Owned Company Orders Tracking Bracelets To Assist in COVID-19 Quarantine

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Russian State-Owned Company Orders Tracking Bracelets To Assist in COVID-19 Quarantine

A prototype of what the bracelet should look like. Click to see full-size image

A Russian state-owned company – Russian Advanced Electronics Technologies JSC ordered the urgent development and manufacture of an unnamed volume of a novel electronic wristband designed to control the movement of citizens under quarantine in view of the coronavirus pandemic, and other similar applications.

The developer is the Taiwanese company Himatek Computing Inc. (Xinbei).

This was reported by Taiwanese specialized semiconductor industry magazine “Mínguo Shíqí Bandaoti Wentí” (民國 時期 的 半導體 問題), published by the Taiwanese Science and Technology Association Yushan, in early March 2020.

As per the publication, the company acts on behalf of the Russian government, is financially capable and is only interested in the contract being fulfilled with the utmost haste.

Contract funding has been described by Taiwanese sources as “exceptionally generous.”

At the same time, the customer’s requirement is the complete transfer of technology and software codes with the aim of organizing the production of these bracelets in Russia – presumably in Zelenograd.

Initially, it is planned to use Taiwan-made chips to accelerate production, the supplier of which will be Himatek, but in the future the Russian side is determined to completely localize production using Russian-made chips.

The main requirement of the customer was the cost of the bracelet in bulk deliveries of not more than 500 Taiwan dollars ($16.5).

The bracelet must be extremely light, compact, to have an aesthetic appearance, to have a long battery life, as well as to make the bracelet somewhat hard to remove by normal means.

The bracelet should be equipped with a combined device for determining the exact location, combining the GLONASS module with positioning according to the data of mobile operators, for which it is equipped with a kind of built-in programmable micro-SIM card.

Location data is continuously transmitted through conventional cellular networks.

Also, the bracelet must contain information on the person wearing it within the built-in micro-memory card, and this information can be transmitted remotely at a distance of several meters to the corresponding scanner devices – thus, the bracelet will act as a comprehensive electronic identifier, for example, for law enforcement agencies and government and social services, and may also serve as a means of contactless payment, and so on.

Any attempt to remove or damage the bracelet should give a special signal for communication. Charging the device should also be remote through the appropriate device.

Representatives of Advanced Electronic Technologies JSC made it clear to Taiwanese counterparts that in the long run we are talking about the production of “tens of millions” of such devices to equip the entire population of Russia with them.

Everybody would have to wear it and there would be no possibility to remove it.

According to the publication, this is an idea of ​​the complete mandatory “chipization” of the population, and this “chipization” will be permanent after the coronavirus pandemic, putting the entire population of Russia under “organized control” and will enable track the location of each citizen.

Not wearing the bracelet or its inoperability will be considered an offense. It is assumed that the population will pay for the cost of the bracelet and its constant work in cellular networks in the form of a kind of small “security tax”, and will also be required to maintain its performance.

“It will be like an electronic passport.”

This is an example of the COVID-19 pandemic potentially being used as a justification for the introduction of various means of tracking citizen movements, which could potentially remain even after the epidemic, just for safety.


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That seems really draconian to be honest. No government has the right to track all it’s citizens 24/7. It seems a lot of governments are just using this virus as an excuse to restrict people’s freedoms.

AM Hants

They are in quarentine and personally seems like a good idea. They are in quarentine for a reason. Would prefer official and open surveillance methods, such as those, than covert micro soft snooping.


Yeah but how long will they required to wear them? Will they just decide to make it permanent?

AM Hants

Well in the UK, without the tags they are getting excited at having us stuck in self exile/isolation, for at least 6 months. We are one of the world’s most surveyed upon nations. So if Westminster suggested it, I would assume it would be for life. Strangely, have more trust in Russia.


did you ever trust kremlin bagage???

AM Hants

Look at the way Russia is dealing with the crisis, to how the UK are handling it? And know which Government I have more faith with.

UK GP surgeries are locked. Only dealing with telephone appointments, with a month’s wait. All illnesses are being ignored, together with diagnostics, owing to Corona Virus shutdown.

NHS workers, expected to work without protective clothing, such as masks, gloves, aprons and have no access to testing kits, aimed at the staff.

4,000 bed, two ward hospital set up, with many more to follow. Arenas will be used as one ward hospitals, to cater for thousands. Where are staff, testing kits and protection clothing, coming from?

Arena size morgue are being set up, but why? If they are not testing the Corona Virus, how do they know the figures to cater for?

Why do death camps for Easter come to mind?

Remember, Easter is a good time for a Government raid on the banks?

Blue lagoons dyed Black, no thought to environmental impact or destruction of nature, courtesy police state actions.

Police drones, to find secluded dog walkers, in isolated areas, ripe for police summons.

Police raids on corner shops, selling Easter eggs. Now a police state crime.

NHS workers, dieing in self isolation, owing to lack of work provided, protective wear and testing kits.

The suicide/murder domestic violence, is just getting started.

Compare with videos of how the Russian teams in Italy are handling things, or the non hysteria and low rates, that are found in Russia.

Well done Russia.



all true but this article points to the fact that even the good guys may not be good

AM Hants

Darling, everybody has an agenda, one way or another. Who cares. Just prefer the side that does not really on genocide and ethnic cleansing, to get their way.

If I was in quarentine, with a tag, do believe I would find it preferable to mict soft version, done in a very covert way.

klove and light

ahh..here we go.. Russia commited to the agenda


Now it seems a good idea. Then they will tell you, hey did you know you can pay taxes, have health insurance, pay at supermarket and receive bonuses just wearing it? Hey you know we can do the same with sub-cutaneous microchips? They are lighter and invisible. Try it out!

The predictions and warnings in the Christian Book of Revelations are turning into reality

Harry Smith

Yeah. Another step to a bright new world where is no place to the nations others than those who’s languages are mentioned at Georgia guide stones. The sadness of the inevitable future is mixed with the pleasure of watching stupid puddles without USA citizenship pushing hard to their miserable doom. Their and their nations as well.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

The Danish Party allready uses mobiledevices to track everyone, they said that during a interview. Lets say that you is assumed sick, then they force quarantine you and you household, force treat/force vacinate you, and use your mobiledevices incl. social media, to track down everyone you have been in contact with the last 14 days, so they can give them the same treatment.

That disgusting bracelett is just another tracking and control device so the Party can get complete control over everything and everyone.

Check out ID2020.


Didn’t anyone notice the date of the story?

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