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MARCH 2025

Russian Strela-10 SHORAD Shot Down Tactical Ukrainian Drone (Video)

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Russian Strela-10 SHORAD Shot Down Tactical Ukrainian Drone (Video)

Screen grab from the video released by the Russian Ministry of Defense, via Zenger News.

On June 9, the Russian Ministry of Defense released footage showing a 9K35 Strela-10 short-range air-defense system intercepting a Ukrainian A1-SM Fury tactical drone.

The fairly small drone was detected by an 1L122 Harmonium short-range air surveillance and target acquisition radar. The L-Band radar, which was developed by Russia’s Almaz-Antey, has a range of up to 40 kilometers.

The drone was then quickly shot down with a single missile by a Strela-10. The system, which was developed back in the Soviet Union by KB Tochmash, is typically armed with the 9M333 missile. The latest version of the missile has range of five kilometers, a flight altitude of 3,5 kilometers and a five kilogram high-explosive fragmentation warhead with a contact and laser proximity fuzes. The missile is equipped with a dual-mode passive infrared homing seeker that utilizing reticle-based photocontrast.

Made in Ukraine by Athlon Avia, the A1-SM Fury has an operational range of 50 kilometers and a reduce of up to three hours.

The drone has a very small radar cross-section due to its small size, stealth design and the use of composite material in its frame. The drone is also propelled by an electric engine which gives it a very small infrared signature. Despite this, the 1L122 radar was able to detect the drone and the Strela-10 was able to intercept it with a single missile.

Kiev forces rely mainly on tactical drones like the A1-SM Fury to monitor Russian forces. Hundreds of such drones have been shot down since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine .


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ukcappies failing except in the nazi sayer phantasies—when prophet sodomized he is pregnant w stupidity

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

The Jew cunt queer Zelensky was on TV a few minutes ago from the sewer bunker in Warsaw asking for “more heavy weapons” as the Ukie hohohassholes are losing badly and collapsing, next thing the dumb bastard will be asking for nukes from his NATO faggot masters lol…….SLAVA ROSSIYA!


‼️ 💥🇷🇺 A powerful blow to Slavyansk: the “Tornado” of the Russian”⭕️”destroys the artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine💥‼️

The battery of the Russian Federation artillery intelligence directorate of one of the brigades of the “O” group discovers AFU positions and flattens it.


Ashok Varma

Indian Generals on panel discussion; NATO is useless alliance of cowards and will never fight Russia. No Putin doesn’t -even western sources in US are saying now that Russian losses have reduced to a minimum. The western MSM media sofa cheerleaders for Ukrainian death need to wake up and stop their lies.

Idiots advocating full scale war with who? US and NATO are too tired, demotivated, and divided to fight now – they don’t even have ammunition anymore to go and fight. they will die in Ukraine like rats , like the Ukrainian soldiers now are dying (but def not at as horrible a rate). Zelensky must be neutralized so that negotiations with Russia can begin. JAI RUS!


A single aircraft just flew over 6 NATO countries with its transponder turned off from Estonia to Bulgaria and much like the ukrop drone rocket a few months ago, No one could stop it. crew landed and ran away. Sure hope NATO has better luck with Nukes


Ukraine is running out of ammunition as prospects dim on the battlefield as experienced troops being wiped out by Russia. The western media hyoed euphoria that accompanied Ukraine’s faked and staged “resistance” against initial Russian troops is fading as Moscow adapts its tactics, recovers its stride and asserts its overwhelming firepower against heavily outgunned Ukrainian forces. According to a NATO analyst, the Russians are fighting with the determination of a bear that has smelled food.

Newly promised Western weapons systems are arriving, but too slowly and in insufficient quantities to prevent incremental but inexorable Russian gains in the eastern Donbas region of Ukraine, which is now the focus of the fight. Zelensky is also sounding more desperate to goad a weary NATO into a suicidal direct clash with Russia, which is unlikely as NATO itself is divided and most bigger members, including US occupied states like Germany and Italy are urging caution.


I produce eighty 5 dollars each hour for in operation an online job at .st25 I ne’er thought i’ll have it off but my relief makes 10 thousand greenbacks monthly operating this job and she or he Hav or he instructed coniferous tree State to be told further concerning it. The potential with this will be endless. For a lot of detail…… 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/

Last edited 2 years ago by Marjorie

Poland is run by the same people as Ukraine Uk must have invested massively in Ukraine the way they are supporting them militarily It is always about the benjamins

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

The puppet Zionist Pollack PM is a Khazar and the Zionists openly boast “Jews form a vital and powerful segment of the present Polish government” after the collapse of the Communist system. These Jew scum have a hard on for Russia since eternity. It is time for some fumigation. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Elohim Kosher Bar

Russia is fighting on the WRONG battlefield if they wish to win beyond this war. The “Porcupine” defense strategy doesn’t work against unelected globalist enemies if Russia wishes to help humanity. Strike at the heart Team Putin. Hypersonic missile the bankers (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, The Federal Reserve, The City Corporation of London, The Vatican Bank, The BIS, Blackrock, Vanguard, Fidelity, etc.).

Follow the example of Jesus and cane and chase out the jewish moneychangers Team Putin.




This is surely a Jew war on the Orthodox Slavs with a very insidious agenda. Russia needs to do in-house cleaning and major new pogram is needed in central Europe.


a Jew war on the Orthodox Slavs with a very insidious agenda. – HAVE YOU EVER STUMBLED ON ANY JEWISH AGENDA WHICH IS NOT INSIDIOUS?

Rick Jefferson

Yes. Many times. There is no such thing as a “Jewish agenda” just like there is no such thing as catholic or protestant agenda. The world is composed of individuals and everyone has their own agenda.

Elohim Kosher Bar

It was the jewish commissar leadership in the former USSR that caused so many Christian deaths. Global jewry believes in collective punishment. Therefore, round up ALL jews and treat them the same as the jews treat the Palestinians. Put them ALL under Palestinian management so they can share the love.

“The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish dissatisfaction. Our plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia is going to become REALITY for the whole world”. The American Hebrew Magazine, New York, Sep. 10, 1920.

The jewish Holocaust of 6 million jews is a “conspiracy theory” that has been well-used and abused. The “camps” were forced labor camps and NOT extermination camps. NOW, they can pay for it.

“Its a trick. We always use it. When from Europe, if someone is criticizing Israel, we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country (USSA), people are criticizing Israel then “they are anti-semitic”. And the organization is strong and has a lot of money and the ties between Israel and the American Jewish establishment are very strong and they are strong in this country”. Former Israeli Minister, Shulamit Aloni, Democracy Now (August 14, 2002).

Listen to the jew whore’s own words >>>>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZvkY7mIKtw

Rick Jefferson

Many people, including yourself, believe in collective punishment. You want to punish all Jews.


Give it time. Russia is not the one to escalate but is ready to take on every challenge put in their way.

Florian Geyer

I agree.

When the time is right the Khazar banking elite should be targeted wherever in the world they have mansions and other property, including underground bunkers and ships, etc. The banking ‘elite’ monetary assets should also be sequestrated and placed in sovereign wealth funds for the benefit of ‘we the people’.

Such measures would be welcomed all around the globe and there would be massive public pressure to expunge all the Friends of Khazar Bankers from positions of authority.

Cleansing all of the global parasites from the UN as well would also be a popular move, + all of the suspects Not for Profit quango scams.

Rick Jefferson

I gave you an upvote and I have a better idea. Abolish all taxes. The war mongers and their trillion dollar wars are all made possible by taxes.


Russia must keep the fire burning at least until november after the midterms in Khazar USA. No negotitations, no ceasefire and no agreements. Khazar mutant Biden and his LGBTQ pedo demo party will only try to use any peaceful development in ukraine to win the elections. The khazar homoglobos in USA are about to face a decisive defeat in november

Edgar Zetar

You crazy moron! How you can judge and condemn without having undisputable evidence of their guilt…. you are an old catholic inquisioner during the “hoyly inquisicion”…. that is why the world is a shitty place right now, because of people like you and their massive followers. You are poor, haves too much hate inside and dont have any skill and dont want to work to get out of your poverty (your only skill is brainwashing (mass mannipulation, coercion, persuation) other’s in order to your survival)… F. Nietzsche warn us about people like you!

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Rick Jefferson

Yes. And he accuses others of advocating collective punishment.


Iran should start testing its air defence and other technology in Russia soon. I feel like Russia and Iran are at point in their friendship where Russia will allow Iran eventually.

Retired Troll

Russia will not find a better ally than Iran and should be providing SU-35S joint manufacture for both countries as Iran is a safe manufacturing base for Russia as well. There are unconfirmed reports that Iranian Bavar 373 has been deployed in Southern Russia. There is no question that Iranian and Hezbollah “observers” are embedded with their Russian allies. Russia also needs to reevaluate its “friendly” policy towards the Zionist criminals, who are the sworn enemies of Slavs and the Orthodox. The Turk roaches and Zionists are working together against Russia and Iran, both in Syria and in Ukraine. The Zionists are planning on providing their stolen “Iron Dome” to the Jew Zelensky Kiev regime. Russia can not close its eyes to Zionist open hostility.

Last edited 2 years ago by Retired Troll

Turkey is under donmeh occupation since Attaturk.


Great news! Now make more drones to attack the Ukranians with to keep the people safe.


Russian military is proving very effective and that is why the Zionist Kiev regime is in panic mode as Four months on, ‘war fatigue’ erodes West’s interest to help Ukraine as western populations are battered by high cost of living and sky high fuel prices while our governments send billion to a corrupt Zelensky who is not even Ukrainian, but a Khazar Jew.

G2 man

This is long planned NATO and global Bilderberg Zionist war on Russia and they have been planning it for two decades. The “secret” Bilderberg Jews conference in Washington DC organized under CIA and MI6 aegis openly called for the destruction of Russia, total control over its immense natural resources and then destroy China before its takes over global economy. The Jews historically are evil and destructive bastards with zero regard for humanity, just greed, plunder and profit.

Ukraine has been armed to the tune of $130 billion in the most modern western weaponry as stated in the article. However, despite the war on Russia being micro-managed by the US embassy in Kiev the Ukrainian Zio-Nazi regime is faring very poorly. The most objective analysis is from Swiss Strategic intelligence. It concurs with my realistic updates that I have been objectively posting. Russia is the most underestimated superpower and will fight on until its objectives are achieved.


Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

Thank you for the article of whose URL you have kindly provided. It is a well written with necessary references provided.

Last edited 2 years ago by Caesar
Rick Jefferson

Yes. It is a Zionist war on Russia, not a Jewish war. It is also and mainly a neocon and neolib war on Russia. They want to destroy Putin and Russia in order to control their natural resources. They want to control the whole world’s natural resources and there is no limit to the number of people they will kill in order to reach that goal.


Drones are pretty effective in just about all but Russian air defense active mechanisms and or Irans.

G2 man

This is 5th generational warfare against the best of western NATO technology can offer its Ukrainian Zionist puppet regime and luckily Russia and its Iranian allies had time to study western drone technology and tactics in Syria and the Persian Gulf. The Iranians have been downing and capturing US drones, including the most sophisticated an American Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was captured intact by Iranian forces near the city of Kashmar in northeastern Iran.

Then On June 20, 2019, Iran’s integrated system of Air Defense Forces shot down a United States RQ-4A Global Hawk BAMS-D surveillance drone with a surface-to-air missile over the Strait of Hormuz. Iranian navy quickly retrieved the US drone, which has now been cloned.

The Russians and Iranians are cooperating very closely in drone and electronic warfare and seem to have developed very effective counter-measures. Even the puppet basement dweller Zelensky complained that the much touted Turkish Bayraktar TB2s have failed in Ukraine.

NATO analysis: Turkish drones are failing and won’t give Ukraine the edge it needs

Worth noting, the operational range of the Bayraktar drones is limited along with a very light payload. They are controlled by a ground station instead of satellite communications. This means they likely launch within range of Russian artillery and most certainly within reach of Russian cruise missiles. The U.S. flies Shadow drones from Poland, but these have not been offered to assist Ukraine because using them would constitute an American entry into the war — a line President Biden is not willing to cross. The U.S. is sending small Switchblade loitering UAVs to Ukraine, but these are likely to have a marginal impact as the Russians are adapting very quickly and developing strong counter-measures.

At present, Russia appears to be consolidating its gains in the east of Ukraine. As this happens, it will give Russia time to assess its positions, introduce additional drones it owns to the battlefield and bring in anti-aircraft systems to defend itself against drones, as we saw was successful in countering the Bayraktar in Libya. Their Iranian allies also very adept at drone warfare are coordinating very closely with Russian forces in evaluating and introducing successful counter-measures. The Iranians have been very successful in neutralizing US drones in Iraq and Persian Gulf region for over two decades and that experience is proving invaluable for Russian operations.

Edgar Zetar

You are not getting the higher USA strategy in Ukraine, EUBis sending all his weapon so Russia can destroy them all so easy. The next phase on USA is to offer all EU NATO weapons against the Russia Threat…. then USA Military Industrial Complex MIC would send masses of next gen weapons and USA military will train EU NATO forces…. Russia will beat badly Ukraine but USA añready haves a plan B plan C a plan D a plan E that are rolling out right now while Russia is beating UKI in the battlefield


This war proved again than drones are incredibly important in modern warfare, and not just a bit overhyped attack drones, but these small recon drones used to detect enemy forces (then artillery and other systems can engage and destroy them). Russians themselves could use more recon drones (not to mention attack drones). At least they should have bought bunch of Chinese drones before the war…


But the overall trajectory of the war has unmistakably shifted away from one of elation in the west to a dismal realization that the battlefield has permanently tilted in favor of Russia as the demonstrably stronger force with uncanny determination. The average Russian soldiers seems to have understood Putin’s military goals and and is fat more motivated in the defence of Russia as history has proved repeatedly.

Ukrainian and U.S. hopes that the new supplies of Western weaponry would enable Ukraine to regain the initiative and eventually retake the estimated 30% of Ukrainian territory captured by Russia since its Feb. 24 invasion are starting to look leak, said Oleksandr Danylyuk, an adviser to the Ukrainian government on defense and intelligence issues.

“The strategies and tactics of the Russians are completely different right now. They are being much more successful,” he said. “They have more resources than us, their soldiers are disciplined and they are not in a rush and we should be looking at negotiated settlement before the whole country is lost”. There are grumblings in military ranks about the future of Zelensky who seems to be working against Ukrainian long term interests.

Last edited 2 years ago by Claudio
jens holm

Nice to know things actually works.

jens mom

You imbecile, move out of my basement, I need it for my clients. Go to Rwanda and join your dad.

Edgar Zetar

Hahahaha! Lol!


Russia need to destroy the factory of those drones. If do this yesterday, is wery good. Tomorrow can be late, because drones can being improved.

jens mom

Russia needs to pound the useless Ukis, like the LGBT are pounding my wayward queer son Jens prolapsed ass.


Can it detect and take down HIMARS launched missiles?

Florian Geyer


The US ‘takes down’ NATO with expensive military junk and its most likely that US ammunition is not any better.


Real question, will HIMARS and crew survive 4 mins after first shot? It has not worked out for ukrainian Urgan crews so far whose life expectancy after firing is less than a bollywood actor in Karachi on a Friday night. Urgan is just Russian made HIMARS, it didnt change any games for dead crews.


The Russians are also doing a better job of combining their arms, using effective close air support and deploying dismounted infantry, said Rob Lee, a former U.S. Marine now with the Foreign Policy Research Institute. The most surprising outcome of the Russian operation is the professionalism and grit of their ground attack aviation, led by the ubiquitous low flying KA-52 Alligator and the flying tank SU-25 Frogfoot that is wreaking havoc on fleeing AFU demoralized rabble.

When the Russians manage to breach the river, they will start to make rapid advances, and envelope large AFU forces, he said.


Today-Interfax has quoted Russian official as saying -quote -“Russia will respond to the build-up of NATO forces in Poland”.

John Deer

From the ground it makes sense to launch an expensive missile on a UAV. From the air, using guns is far cheaper against such clumsy targets.

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